Republicans Blocked Funding For Pandemic Response

Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:

Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

^^^^abdication at its finest.

The left are trash

Trump abdicating his presidential responsibilities - you don't care.

you should probably read the constitution about the duties and responsibilities of the president,,,that way you dont look like an ignorant moron

As REAL leaders do. :rolleyes:
View attachment 337503

so youre not going to read it,,,your loss,,

BUT if you did read it you would know its the governors that are responsible for what happens inside their state not POTUS
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:

Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

^^^^abdication at its finest.

The left are trash

Trump abdicating his presidential responsibilities - you don't care.

you should probably read the constitution about the duties and responsibilities of the president,,,that way you dont look like an ignorant moron

As REAL leaders do. :rolleyes:
View attachment 337503

Just imagine if one of our resident Trolls (Synthaholic) faux outrage had President Trump stepped in and mandated what each governor must do in the opening of their economy.

When did the GOP ever refuse to fund security for Benghazi? The person that was in charge of security for Libya testified before Congressional investigators that funding was never an issue in Libya and that the Clinton led State Department felt they had adequate security there! Care to try again?
Playing dumb again?

Simple question, Synthaholic! You claim the GOP refused to fund security for Benghazi? Show where funding was EVER the issue with security in Libya!
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:

Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

^^^^abdication at its finest.

The left are trash

Trump abdicating his presidential responsibilities - you don't care.

you should probably read the constitution about the duties and responsibilities of the president,,,that way you dont look like an ignorant moron

As REAL leaders do. :rolleyes:
View attachment 337503

Just imagine if one of our resident Trolls (Synthaholic) faux outrage had President Trump stepped in and mandated what each governor must do in the opening of their economy.


A competent president with a comprehensive and consistent plan for the country would have been welcome. Viruses don’t respect state borders and you can’t designate a ‘No Peeing’ section of the swimming pool.
When did the GOP ever refuse to fund security for Benghazi? The person that was in charge of security for Libya testified before Congressional investigators that funding was never an issue in Libya and that the Clinton led State Department felt they had adequate security there! Care to try again?
Playing dumb again?

Simple question, Synthaholic! You claim the GOP refused to fund security for Benghazi? Show where funding was EVER the issue with security in Libya!

Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
If Barack Obama replenished America's stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers with the wealthy Democrat Party Congress's rubber stamp, where is the equipment they donated from their well-known wealth? How much did Vice President Biden, who strong-armed the Ukraine and China for $billion$ for this important "problem?"
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:

Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

^^^^abdication at its finest.

The left are trash

Trump abdicating his presidential responsibilities - you don't care.

you should probably read the constitution about the duties and responsibilities of the president,,,that way you dont look like an ignorant moron

As REAL leaders do. :rolleyes:
View attachment 337503

Just imagine if one of our resident Trolls (Synthaholic) faux outrage had President Trump stepped in and mandated what each governor must do in the opening of their economy.


A competent president with a comprehensive and consistent plan for the country would have been welcome. Viruses don’t respect state borders and you can’t designate a ‘No Peeing’ section of the swimming pool.

your ignorance is overwhelming,,,

al states had a different reaction to the virus and needed different actions,,,

so yes the virus respected state borders
When did the GOP ever refuse to fund security for Benghazi? The person that was in charge of security for Libya testified before Congressional investigators that funding was never an issue in Libya and that the Clinton led State Department felt they had adequate security there! Care to try again?
Playing dumb again?

Simple question, Synthaholic! You claim the GOP refused to fund security for Benghazi? Show where funding was EVER the issue with security in Libya!

God, you're an idiot! I know that the Democrats TRIED to blame budget cuts on the deaths of our four State Department personnel but that narrative was blown to smithereens when the woman in charge of security for Libya testified that funding was never an issue and that the Clinton State Department STILL thought security levels in Libya were sufficient! So what do YOU do? You go back and cite one of the attempts by a compliant media outlet (the Huffington Post) to sell that story?

"WASHINGTON State Department officials said Wednesday that security levels at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were adequate for the threat level on the anniversary of 9/11 but that the compound was overrun by an "unprecedented attack" by dozens of heavily armed extremists.

The officials testified before an election-season congressional hearing on accusations of security failures at the consulate that led or contributed to the deaths of the Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The officials said the number of U.S. and local security guards at the compound was consistent with what had been requested by the post.

"We had the correct number of assets in Benghazi at the time of 9/11," said Charlene Lamb, the deputy secretary of state for diplomatic security in charge of protecting American embassies and consulates around the world."
A competent president with a comprehensive and consistent plan for the country would have been welcome. Viruses don’t respect state borders and you can’t designate a ‘No Peeing’ section of the swimming pool.

As one of our resident Trolls, it is patently obvious that you have never managed so much as a lemonade stand much less a large business. IF you had, you would know that with information, facts, and statistics changing daily, if not by the hour, it is not possible to have "a comprehensive and consistent plan" for anything. The plan has to be flexible. If this is not true, please explain to us all how you stick to the same plan when you are told that the virus is NOT communicable between humans and then a week or ten days later, it is extremely highly contagious.

Please explain what you mean by, "Viruses don’t respect state borders and you can’t designate a ‘No Peeing’ section of the swimming pool."
When did the GOP ever refuse to fund security for Benghazi? The person that was in charge of security for Libya testified before Congressional investigators that funding was never an issue in Libya and that the Clinton led State Department felt they had adequate security there! Care to try again?
Playing dumb again?

Simple question, Synthaholic! You claim the GOP refused to fund security for Benghazi? Show where funding was EVER the issue with security in Libya!

For one of our leading Trolls.

Here are the facts:

  • The Washington Post Fact Checker awarded Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) three Pinocchios for a similar claim in May 2013. “t is almost as if Boxer is living in a time warp, repeating talking points from six months ago that barely acknowledge the fact that extensive investigations have found little evidence of her claim that ‘there was not enough security because the budget was cut,’” wrote the Fact Checker. “State Department officials repeatedly told Congress that a lack of funds was not an issue. Instead, security was hampered because of bureaucratic issues and management failures. In other words, given the internal failures, no amount of money for the State Department likely would have made a difference in this tragedy.”

The funding or non-funding is a red herring thrown out by the far left with the intent to divert attention from the real issue. That issue is WHY upon learning of the full-scale attack on our embassy, the Obama administration did NOTHING. Then they LIED about the cause of the attack. Having just been advised of the attack, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama merely acknowledged the attack, went upstairs to the White House private residence, and went to bed.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did the same, NOTHING.


As even you know, rescue plans were already prepared and just waiting for the go-ahead from the sleeping president.
Republicans surrendered to Trump long ago and Trump has been defeated and surrendered to C-19, hence, COVID-19 beats America's ass with illness, deaths, and a depression economy until Trump and the Republican Senate are chased out of Washington, D.C.
Sad that the context is left out. It's always "show them what we want them to see, but not the entirety."
This thread is a bunch of nothing.
If you believe context is left out, then provide it and fill in the blanks. Anything else is just you talking out your ass again.
Well, yeah.....
Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan “super committee” to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.”

This wan't just a republican thing, it was both parties
One side said "we want to cut pandemic/CDC spending" It wasn't the Democrats.
They had constraints, it was a group effort from the bipartisan committee
In compromises, each side proposes what they wish to cut. Republicans chose pandemic readiness as the item they wanted to sacrifice. Maybe the Democrats sacrificed after-school lunches - I don’t know. But Republicans own this lack of readiness. They had complete control for the first 2 years and did nothing.

oh, btw - the wall ain’t built, either.
Oh was from both parties no matter how much you spin, Synth.
You mean the buck never stops at Trumps door?? Like he said""I'm not responsible""
Sad that the context is left out. It's always "show them what we want them to see, but not the entirety."
This thread is a bunch of nothing.
If you believe context is left out, then provide it and fill in the blanks. Anything else is just you talking out your ass again.
Well, yeah.....
Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan “super committee” to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.”

This wan't just a republican thing, it was both parties
One side said "we want to cut pandemic/CDC spending" It wasn't the Democrats.
They had constraints, it was a group effort from the bipartisan committee
In compromises, each side proposes what they wish to cut. Republicans chose pandemic readiness as the item they wanted to sacrifice. Maybe the Democrats sacrificed after-school lunches - I don’t know. But Republicans own this lack of readiness. They had complete control for the first 2 years and did nothing.

oh, btw - the wall ain’t built, either.
Oh was from both parties no matter how much you spin, Synth.
You mean the buck never stops at Trumps door?? Like he said""I'm not responsible""
POTUS cant be responsible for what he has no control over,,,
in fact no one can,,,
did he have control over making an earlier virus response? Or was he NOT responsible blaming everyone but himself?
did he have control over making an earlier virus response? Or was he NOT responsible blaming everyone but himself?

You are dodging the question. I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

Specifically, how is President Trump responsible for the COVID-19?
did he have control over making an earlier virus response? Or was he NOT responsible blaming everyone but himself?

You are dodging the question. I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

Specifically, how is President Trump responsible for the COVID-19?
NOWHERE did I say he was responsible for the virus Just the dimwits response to it which cost 1000's of lives

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