Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers

I see you don't watch the news. Far right Orrin Hatch has also gone from the dark side to reality. Im sure there are a lot more and by this time tomorrow you'll see.
Everyone is starting to see Trump is a son of a bitch, horrendous human being, and a dolt.
MAGA! Trump is following the advice of his military leaders like he should.

View attachment 140763

Trump is not listening to his Generals Apparently no decision has been made on transgender policy.

Top U.S. general says no changes yet to transgender policy

Then that top U.S. general isn't following orders and needs to be replaced. It was a directive from the President, as as one of the President's subordinates, they'll have to do what he says by law.
Yeah he should fire everyone in the government so it's only him and Ivanka that's left..

You know, this isn't really a rebuttal of what I said. The general is going against orders. He needs to be replaced. End of story. Better luck next time.
This is already the most dysfunctional White House in history so let's just keep the dysfunction rolling.
MAGA! Trump is following the advice of his military leaders like he should.

View attachment 140763

Trump is not listening to his Generals Apparently no decision has been made on transgender policy.

Top U.S. general says no changes yet to transgender policy

Then that top U.S. general isn't following orders and needs to be replaced. It was a directive from the President, as as one of the President's subordinates, they'll have to do what he says by law.
Yeah he should fire everyone in the government so it's only him and Ivanka that's left..

You know, this isn't really a rebuttal of what I said. The general is going against orders. He needs to be replaced. End of story. Better luck next time.
This is already the most dysfunctional White House in history so let's just keep the dysfunction rolling.
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
Keep telling yourself that. You don't have to approve of their lifestyle to understand kicking them out of the military is just plain wrong when they've served as courageously as anyone.
This is going to snowball on your whiny little bitch.

It will do absolutely no such thing, but feel free to believe what ever helps you sleep at night.
It already is snowballing on him.
As soon as the words come out of your mouth they're immediately proven wrong. Lol
Trump is not listening to his Generals Apparently no decision has been made on transgender policy.

Top U.S. general says no changes yet to transgender policy

Then that top U.S. general isn't following orders and needs to be replaced. It was a directive from the President, as as one of the President's subordinates, they'll have to do what he says by law.
Yeah he should fire everyone in the government so it's only him and Ivanka that's left..

You know, this isn't really a rebuttal of what I said. The general is going against orders. He needs to be replaced. End of story. Better luck next time.
This is already the most dysfunctional White House in history so let's just keep the dysfunction rolling.
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..
Alll over the news today" White House infighting continues."
Then that top U.S. general isn't following orders and needs to be replaced. It was a directive from the President, as as one of the President's subordinates, they'll have to do what he says by law.
Yeah he should fire everyone in the government so it's only him and Ivanka that's left..

You know, this isn't really a rebuttal of what I said. The general is going against orders. He needs to be replaced. End of story. Better luck next time.
This is already the most dysfunctional White House in history so let's just keep the dysfunction rolling.
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..

So, once again not rebutting (just saying the White House is dysfunctional), then saying that conservatives are dishonest, is apparently an argument for you? That makes sense. When you're losing, you just distract from the point and scream the White House is failing or something, then you resort to personal attacks. Makes sense, as it's coming from a #Resist-er.
Yeah he should fire everyone in the government so it's only him and Ivanka that's left..

You know, this isn't really a rebuttal of what I said. The general is going against orders. He needs to be replaced. End of story. Better luck next time.
This is already the most dysfunctional White House in history so let's just keep the dysfunction rolling.
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..

So, once again not rebutting (just saying the White House is dysfunctional), then saying that conservatives are dishonest, is apparently an argument for you? That makes sense. When you're losing, you just distract from the point and scream the White House is failing or something, then you resort to personal attacks. Makes sense, as it's coming from a #Resist-er.
You got the wrong loser bro. The chaos in the White House makes losers of the American people..
You know, this isn't really a rebuttal of what I said. The general is going against orders. He needs to be replaced. End of story. Better luck next time.
This is already the most dysfunctional White House in history so let's just keep the dysfunction rolling.
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..

So, once again not rebutting (just saying the White House is dysfunctional), then saying that conservatives are dishonest, is apparently an argument for you? That makes sense. When you're losing, you just distract from the point and scream the White House is failing or something, then you resort to personal attacks. Makes sense, as it's coming from a #Resist-er.
You got the wrong loser bro. The chaos in the White House makes losers of the American people..
You know, this isn't really a rebuttal of what I said. The general is going against orders. He needs to be replaced. End of story. Better luck next time.
This is already the most dysfunctional White House in history so let's just keep the dysfunction rolling.
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..

So, once again not rebutting (just saying the White House is dysfunctional), then saying that conservatives are dishonest, is apparently an argument for you? That makes sense. When you're losing, you just distract from the point and scream the White House is failing or something, then you resort to personal attacks. Makes sense, as it's coming from a #Resist-er.
You got the wrong loser bro. The chaos in the White House makes losers of the American people..

So you're (once again) peddling conspiracy theories that there's chaos in the White House. This is hilarious, because you're just peddling back to your original point even though I already disproved it.
The president is trying to govern by creating chaos in the WH ie. Infighting, backstabbing, etc. and the Trump whores defend even this.,
The president is trying to govern by creating chaos in the WH ie. Infighting, backstabbing, etc. and the Trump whores defend even this.,
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
This is already the most dysfunctional White House in history so let's just keep the dysfunction rolling.
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..

So, once again not rebutting (just saying the White House is dysfunctional), then saying that conservatives are dishonest, is apparently an argument for you? That makes sense. When you're losing, you just distract from the point and scream the White House is failing or something, then you resort to personal attacks. Makes sense, as it's coming from a #Resist-er.
You got the wrong loser bro. The chaos in the White House makes losers of the American people..

So you're (once again) peddling conspiracy theories that there's chaos in the White House. This is hilarious, because you're just peddling back to your original point even though I already disproved it.
Conspiracy theories? Lmao.
Mooch just outed Preibus as the WH leaker..
Chaos ensues.
You just made an ass out of yourself.
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..

So, once again not rebutting (just saying the White House is dysfunctional), then saying that conservatives are dishonest, is apparently an argument for you? That makes sense. When you're losing, you just distract from the point and scream the White House is failing or something, then you resort to personal attacks. Makes sense, as it's coming from a #Resist-er.
You got the wrong loser bro. The chaos in the White House makes losers of the American people..

So you're (once again) peddling conspiracy theories that there's chaos in the White House. This is hilarious, because you're just peddling back to your original point even though I already disproved it.
Conspiracy theories? Lmao.
Mooch just outed Preibus as the WH leaker..
Chaos ensues.
You just made an ass out of yourself.
Establishment Media Refuse To Cover House IT Scandal Rocking Democrats

On the crawl as we speak" Trump won't say if he has confidence in Chief of staff."
While he's brutalizing his AG.
No no chaos here.
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..

So, once again not rebutting (just saying the White House is dysfunctional), then saying that conservatives are dishonest, is apparently an argument for you? That makes sense. When you're losing, you just distract from the point and scream the White House is failing or something, then you resort to personal attacks. Makes sense, as it's coming from a #Resist-er.
You got the wrong loser bro. The chaos in the White House makes losers of the American people..

So you're (once again) peddling conspiracy theories that there's chaos in the White House. This is hilarious, because you're just peddling back to your original point even though I already disproved it.
Conspiracy theories? Lmao.
Mooch just outed Preibus as the WH leaker..
Chaos ensues.
You just made an ass out of yourself.
Establishment Media Refuse To Cover House IT Scandal Rocking Democrats

View attachment 140831
When the tough gets going pull out the far right media.
Not working bro.
WH: will " work out details of Transgender ban."
Typical trump, shoot off his mouth and then let others to pick up the pieces.
Dysfunction junction..
Not so. Lots of things are improving. MAGA baby!
In your dreams. It's not like you'd ever be honest enough to tell the truth about it..

So, once again not rebutting (just saying the White House is dysfunctional), then saying that conservatives are dishonest, is apparently an argument for you? That makes sense. When you're losing, you just distract from the point and scream the White House is failing or something, then you resort to personal attacks. Makes sense, as it's coming from a #Resist-er.
You got the wrong loser bro. The chaos in the White House makes losers of the American people..

So you're (once again) peddling conspiracy theories that there's chaos in the White House. This is hilarious, because you're just peddling back to your original point even though I already disproved it.
Conspiracy theories? Lmao.
Mooch just outed Preibus as the WH leaker..
Chaos ensues.
You just made an ass out of yourself.

One person leaking something is hardly chaos. Chaos would be every single person not following orders and doing whatever they want to do.
You don't see the lie when your liar in Chief said he'll drain the swamp and is doing the direct opposite? Lmao
So instead of addressing that.... it's back to Obama.
The swamp is being's a big swamp and it will take some time but it is being drained.
Who has done that? Name names.
Sally Nutsack..... Hey idiot!!!!! the important thing is that it does not happen...ever. I do not want to have my tax dollars go to mutilating some poor mixed up person. See I have a heart unlike today's liberals.
I made the prediction that more republicans would blast the president on his bigoted transgendered policy and I was right as usual.
Among the list that have strongly spoken out against the pussygrabber are:
John McCain-AZ
Joni Ernst IA
Richard Shelby Al Alabama! For Christ's sake
Dan Sullivan -Ak
ThomTilis -NC
Orrin Hatch -Ut
Lisa Murkowski- Ak

There were others too but I forget their names.
Good to be right..

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