Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers

^^ Some people actually believe this garbage. The people of the same party who voted for slavery, mind you. Wrong as usual.

After the Civil Rights Act, the parties switched bases. That's why the morons in the South vote Republican today.

Nah, your party has been always garbage, anti-white/racist, free stuff plantation party.

The military is for national defense, not for the diversity agenda. This must be too difficult to understand for some. They can still attend, provided they want to make themselves and the country stronger, not weaker with estrogen.
Yeah, those are 3 known liberal-leaning Republicans. Of course they're going to disagree with him. It'd be a shocker if it was someone like Ted Cruz saying this. Or Mike Lee. Better luck next time.
I see you don't watch the news. Far right Orrin Hatch has also gone from the dark side to reality. Im sure there are a lot more and by this time tomorrow you'll see.
Everyone is starting to see Trump is a son of a bitch, horrendous human being, and a dolt.
MAGA! Trump is following the advice of his military leaders like he should.

View attachment 140763

Trump is not listening to his Generals Apparently no decision has been made on transgender policy.

Top U.S. general says no changes yet to transgender policy
Funny how your link says "page not available".
And THAT is how the liberals have f*ed up the military! (It is easy - no pun intended - to see you have never served as you have no idea what the military is about.)

I don't believe you served either. I think you're just posturing for the sake of your argument. Claim to be a veteran that way your stupid ideas have validation. It's the oldest Conservative trick there is. Make up shit about yourself, that way your dumb ideas are validated since the facts don't.

And the military has been effed up since it was desegregated? How so?
^^ Some people actually believe this garbage. The people of the same party who voted for slavery, mind you. Wrong as usual.

After the Civil Rights Act, the parties switched bases. That's why the morons in the South vote Republican today.

Nah, your party has been always garbage, anti-white/racist, free stuff plantation party.

The military is for national defense, not for the diversity agenda. This must be too difficult to understand for some. They can still attend, provided they want to make themselves and the country stronger, not weaker with estrogen.

So we shouldn't have women in the military?

Look, we don't draft people . If capable people want to join up, have at it!
The military is for national defense, not for the diversity agenda. This must be too difficult to understand for some. They can still attend, provided they want to make themselves and the country stronger, not weaker with estrogen.

So not only are you a homophobe and transphobe, you're a misogynist too.

Thing is, I don't believe you'd last one day in the military.
This from the creature who claims transgenderism is normal and religion is insane.

At the very least, transgenderism is biological. Religion is pure fantasy. Talking to an invisible man in the clouds is crazy. It's lazy. It's boring. It's childish.
Time for you left-wing loons to get it through your thick skulls the military isn't a social experiment.

Someone should have told that to Harry Truman 70 years ago when he desegregated the military. At the time, you Conservatives were saying the same thing. You also said the same thing about 25 years ago when it came to gays serving in the military, then said it again during Obama when they got rid of DADT, and allowing women to serve in combat roles and as jet pilots. So you've been on the wrong side of history four fucking times on this issue. Why would you magically be on the right side this time?
Time for you left-wing loons to get it through your thick skulls the military isn't a social experiment.

Someone should have told that to Harry Truman 70 years ago when he desegregated the military. At the time, you Conservatives were saying the same thing. You also said the same thing about 25 years ago when it came to gays serving in the military, then said it again during Obama when they got rid of DADT, and allowing women to serve in combat roles and as jet pilots. So you've been on the wrong side of history four fucking times on this issue. Why would you magically be on the right side this time?

Apples and lug nuts. A man who thinks he is man but just happens to like men is far cry from some crazy person who thinks he is a woman.
Nobody gives a fuck about transgender people. Seriously. I mean, I'm all for people being who they are, but at the end of the day, nobody is going to win or lose an election based on their support or lack thereof of transgender people because in the minds of most Americans they are freaks.
I understand you're incapable of discerning right from wrong.
That's the trumpanzee signature behavior, or lack of behavior, right there.

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