Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers

Plus of course Trump did what he does best : he lied..
When he said," I consulted with the generals" on this policy.
No he didn't..
Donald Trump transgender ban tweet blindsided US Joint Chiefs -

We can't have a president in office who is literally incapable of telling the truth..
Are you actually suggesting that CNN tells the Truth?
I was clear with what I said. DT is a pathological liar and he DID NOT consult with his generals and it was reported by many news sources if you keep up with the news which of course you don't. You believe the lying fucker which says a LOT about you.
I remember one Trumpie saying," Only Orrin Hatch."
I said give it time there will be more.
And of course there was..
Regardless of the typical breathless headline invented by Huff-Post it doesn't look as though republicans really "break with Trump" on this issue. A couple of lame statements from a couple of republicans about "meeting medical requirements" can be viewed as support for Trump since guys with tits and other altered body parts that might require constant medication and therapy doesn't seem to conform to "medical requirements".
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Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost
It's not up to Congress.
But the congress is speaking up for what is right. Trump never does.
There's nothing right about it. Transgenders are a danger to the military.
Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost
It's not up to Congress.
But the congress is speaking up for what is right. Trump never does.
There's nothing right about it. Transgenders are a danger to the military.
Link? You're full of shit as usual.
They've served admirably all you have is your bigotry and hatred.
Regardless of the typical breathless headline invented by Huff-Post it doesn't look as though republicans really "break with Trump" on this issue. A couple of lame statements from a couple of republicans about "meeting medical requirements" can be viewed as support for Trump since guys with tits and other altered body parts that might require constant medication and therapy doesn't seem to conform to "medical requirements".
Yet I just proved they have " broke with Trump"
It's now a bipartisan issue. Bigotry has no place in America except in Trumpland.
Regardless of the typical breathless headline invented by Huff-Post it doesn't look as though republicans really "break with Trump" on this issue. A couple of lame statements from a couple of republicans about "meeting medical requirements" can be viewed as support for Trump since guys with tits and other altered body parts that might require constant medication and therapy doesn't seem to conform to "medical requirements".
Once again your prejudice does not match the reality of the situation. Thousands of transgendered have served with distinction, honor and bravery.
Nobody gives a fuck about transgender people. Seriously. I mean, I'm all for people being who they are, but at the end of the day, nobody is going to win or lose an election based on their support or lack thereof of transgender people because in the minds of most Americans they are freaks.
I understand you're incapable of discerning right from wrong.

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with the policy. I'm telling you nobody fucking cares.
That's why so many are speaking out about it because no one cares. Anyone being discriminated is against American tradition no matter how large or small the group.
There aren't that many. The handful who are making a big deal about it have the press willing to tell only that side. Come to normal America, nobody thinks trannies should be in the military.
They have served admirably in the military which is why they should stay.
Facts are never considered in DEPLORABLES brains,
In my local paper this a.m. was a story about a transgender commander in the Coast Guard for 34 years. He did not ever "come out" about his belief that he was a female until after he retired. Then he made the change. He is still active in the military as a civilian contractor, I believe. The point being, what is this all about? Of course these people are as good soldiers as anyone else. Is the sticking point that we don't want to pay for their transition treatments? It sounds like most of them don't make the change until they're out of the service, anyway. Or even let on they are trans. So it seems that excuse may be just a way to object to something that is actually more about bias than practicality or our precious pennies.
Trump said he will not " accept or allow " the service of someone like Kristin Beck, a transgendered 20 year old veteran of the Navy SEALS who received the bronze star for valor and the Purple Heart for her wounds in combat.
Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised, given his disparagement of John McCain, or the Muslim Gold Parents. Back when Trump was trying to pit gay people against Muslims, he promised the LGBT community " I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs."
Trump , who sacrificed NOTHING for this country, who even refuses to ethically separate from his businesses, doesn't fight for anyone but himself.
Donald Trumpis the one who's unworthy to serve us, not the transgendered community.

Mr. " minor bone spurs" got out of fighting for his country.
Just another fraud chicken hawk.

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