Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers

Nobody gives a fuck about transgender people. Seriously. I mean, I'm all for people being who they are, but at the end of the day, nobody is going to win or lose an election based on their support or lack thereof of transgender people because in the minds of most Americans they are freaks.
I understand you're incapable of discerning right from wrong.

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with the policy. I'm telling you nobody fucking cares.
That's why so many are speaking out about it because no one cares. Anyone being discriminated is against American tradition no matter how large or small the group.

There aren't "so many speaking out." It's a small minority whaling at the top of their lungs and politicians trying to kiss people's asses. Do you really think the average American in Hooterville gives an ounce of monkey shit about Corporal Klinger being allowed to wear a dress while serving in the military?
He's just trying to be #1 on the leaderboard with b/s posts...
Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost

Another miscalculation by Trump.

Times Square Flooded With People Protesting Donald Trump's 'Disgraceful' Transgender Military Service Ban

Oh my, one protest in New York. Yea, that really represents America. I wonder how many of them actually ever served.
Yeah, those are 3 known liberal-leaning Republicans. Of course they're going to disagree with him. It'd be a shocker if it was someone like Ted Cruz saying this. Or Mike Lee. Better luck next time.

What is significant is that 2 of the dissenters have served in the military. McCain and Ernst. Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Trump have not. Guess who Americans are going to side with.
We allowed transgendered to serve openly. It didn't work out. The military commanders recommended a return to the previous position. The only disgrace was forcing this change on the military for no good reason in the first place.

So you say. I don't believe that the military had anything to do with it. I think Trump did this all on his own. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was clueless when the press questioned her on it. It was apparent that there has been no though given to the details. There is no way the military would have done this without fully fleshing out the implementation.
Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost

Hey moron, people do not have a right to join the military. You have to qualify for it, and even then still get through basic training, then abide by their own guidelines, regulations, and laws.

The military can and will deny you entry if you have tattoos all over your face. The military can certainly deny you entry if you are a delusional mental patient that thinks he is a woman. No reason at all the military should want to deal with that kind of mental illness and drama.
FUnny a Trump supporter talking about mental illness. You're on the wrong side of history again like most issues.
There will be a groundswell of support for the transgender people who have served admirably to this point.
This is turning out to be another clusterfuck decision for this clusterfuck presidency.
When in history has it ever been normal to be a tranny? How can you be on the wrong side of a scientific impossibly.
I have to laugh at how little you know. It seems you were dropped from 1957.
When in history has chopping your dick off ever been considered normal? And when did science decide if you do that it makes you a woman?
Nobody gives a fuck about transgender people. Seriously. I mean, I'm all for people being who they are, but at the end of the day, nobody is going to win or lose an election based on their support or lack thereof of transgender people because in the minds of most Americans they are freaks.
I understand you're incapable of discerning right from wrong.

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with the policy. I'm telling you nobody fucking cares.
That's why so many are speaking out about it because no one cares. Anyone being discriminated is against American tradition no matter how large or small the group.
There aren't that many. The handful who are making a big deal about it have the press willing to tell only that side. Come to normal America, nobody thinks trannies should be in the military.
They have served admirably in the military which is why they should stay.
Facts are never considered in DEPLORABLES brains,
No they haven't. Just like everywhere else they are laughed at and pretty much ignored beyond being the butt of the jokes.
View attachment 140730
Yeah, those are 3 known liberal-leaning Republicans. Of course they're going to disagree with him. It'd be a shocker if it was someone like Ted Cruz saying this. Or Mike Lee. Better luck next time.
I see you don't watch the news. Far right Orrin Hatch has also gone from the dark side to reality. Im sure there are a lot more and by this time tomorrow you'll see.

You also told us this was the best thing that ever happened to Kathy Griffin - all the notoriety....

And you thought The Hag& Co. would win - so your credibility suxs bro.
Liar. You pulled that out of your fat ass about Griffin. Lying comes so naturally to you.
Care to put up a link to where Kathy Griffin is scheduled to appear as a comic next?
She said herself that her 'career' is now ruined you asshole!
Does anyone have accurate stats on which sex is changing to the opposite sex?
Mostly males to females or mostly females to males? About even?
Yeah, those are 3 known liberal-leaning Republicans. Of course they're going to disagree with him. It'd be a shocker if it was someone like Ted Cruz saying this. Or Mike Lee. Better luck next time.
I see you don't watch the news. Far right Orrin Hatch has also gone from the dark side to reality. Im sure there are a lot more and by this time tomorrow you'll see.
Everyone is starting to see Trump is a son of a bitch, horrendous human being, and a dolt.
MAGA! Trump is following the advice of his military leaders like he should.

cry baby 3.jpg
Nobody gives a fuck about transgender people. Seriously. I mean, I'm all for people being who they are, but at the end of the day, nobody is going to win or lose an election based on their support or lack thereof of transgender people because in the minds of most Americans they are freaks.

And yet this policy appears to be politically motivated. Crooked Donnie Small Hands thinks people will care enough in "rust belt" states.

Analysis | ‘It will be fun to watch [Democrats] have to defend this’: Why Trump’s transgender military ban should frighten GOP
We allowed transgendered to serve openly. It didn't work out. The military commanders recommended a return to the previous position. The only disgrace was forcing this change on the military for no good reason in the first place.
Trannies have NEVER EVER been put on front line combat patrols. NEVER!!!!!
They are put in the 'service' departments like kitchen detail/housekeeping/supply units etc. Anywhere where they do not come in regular contact with combat missions.
Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost

Those politicians likely won't have a job in 2018 so no one really cares what 19 out of 52 senators say. Proof you ask? Donald J Trump, Bernie Sanders not Hillary Rodham Cilinton.
Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost

Hey moron, people do not have a right to join the military. You have to qualify for it, and even then still get through basic training, then abide by their own guidelines, regulations, and laws.

The military can and will deny you entry if you have tattoos all over your face. The military can certainly deny you entry if you are a delusional mental patient that thinks he is a woman. No reason at all the military should want to deal with that kind of mental illness and drama.

Agreed. It is never JUST gender issues.

These people are fucked up.
Nobody gives a fuck about transgender people. Seriously. I mean, I'm all for people being who they are, but at the end of the day, nobody is going to win or lose an election based on their support or lack thereof of transgender people because in the minds of most Americans they are freaks.

All it does is rile the progressive base, and those people's votes are already decided.
Nobody gives a fuck about transgender people. Seriously. I mean, I'm all for people being who they are, but at the end of the day, nobody is going to win or lose an election based on their support or lack thereof of transgender people because in the minds of most Americans they are freaks.
I understand you're incapable of discerning right from wrong.

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with the policy. I'm telling you nobody fucking cares.
That's why so many are speaking out about it because no one cares. Anyone being discriminated is against American tradition no matter how large or small the group.

Bake that fucking cake, you peasant.
Nobody gives a fuck about transgender people. Seriously. I mean, I'm all for people being who they are, but at the end of the day, nobody is going to win or lose an election based on their support or lack thereof of transgender people because in the minds of most Americans they are freaks.
I understand you're incapable of discerning right from wrong.

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with the policy. I'm telling you nobody fucking cares.
That's why so many are speaking out about it because no one cares. Anyone being discriminated is against American tradition no matter how large or small the group.

There aren't "so many speaking out." It's a small minority whaling at the top of their lungs and politicians trying to kiss people's asses. Do you really think the average American in Hooterville gives an ounce of monkey shit about Corporal Klinger being allowed to wear a dress while serving in the military?
Keep telling yourself that. You don't have to approve of their lifestyle to understand kicking them out of the military is just plain wrong when they've served as courageously as anyone.
This is going to snowball on your whiny little bitch. When one group is oppressed in America we all fight back. Well good people do anyway..

The directive is probably coming from Military leaders who see the whole issue as a distraction to the purpose of the Military, defend us and kill people who need killing.

True Gender Dysphoria is a serious mental health issue, and like most serious mental health issues should preclude you from military service.
Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost

Three? THREE??

One of them, McCain isn't really a republican. Your post proves nothing.

It does however, mention how hard it will be for many Democrats to try to justify opposing Trump on this.
I understand you're incapable of discerning right from wrong.

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with the policy. I'm telling you nobody fucking cares.
That's why so many are speaking out about it because no one cares. Anyone being discriminated is against American tradition no matter how large or small the group.

There aren't "so many speaking out." It's a small minority whaling at the top of their lungs and politicians trying to kiss people's asses. Do you really think the average American in Hooterville gives an ounce of monkey shit about Corporal Klinger being allowed to wear a dress while serving in the military?
Keep telling yourself that. You don't have to approve of their lifestyle to understand kicking them out of the military is just plain wrong when they've served as courageously as anyone.
This is going to snowball on your whiny little bitch. When one group is oppressed in America we all fight back. Well good people do anyway..

The directive is probably coming from Military leaders who see the whole issue as a distraction to the purpose of the Military, defend us and kill people who need killing.

True Gender Dysphoria is a serious mental health issue, and like most serious mental health issues should preclude you from military service.

I don't know why this is all of a sudden an issue.

If these folks keep this issue to themselves and don't have hormone treatments, I say, let them serve, it's no big deal. However, as soon as they come out of the closet and start getting hormone treatments, we all know how these treatments cause emotional instability, who would want them carrying a loaded weapon around them? It sounds like a recipe for disaster. These individuals have long been known to have mental and emotional issues. The DSM classifies them as such, and the military has long screened for mental illness.

I'm not even sure why the elites and oligarch's need to announce this as policy other than to get the plebes to go after each other's throats. This has always been policy, and has always been a concern. Clearly we can see with the whole Chelsea Manning debacle that the mental fortitude of those with this problem is a security and intelligence risk for the armed services.

House passes new mental health screening for recruits
House passes new mental health screening for recruits

Gender dysphoria
Gender dysphoria - Wikipedia
Adults with GID are at increased risk for stress, isolation, anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem and suicide.[12] Studies indicate that transgender people have an extremely high rate of suicide attempts; one study of 6,450 transgender people in the United States found 41% had attempted suicide, compared to a national average of 1.6%. It was also found that suicide attempts were less common among transgender people who said their family ties had remained strong after they came out, but even transgender people at comparatively low risk were still much more likely to have attempted suicide than the general population.[14][15] Transgender people are also at heightened risk for certain mental disorders[16] such as eating disorders.[17][18]

"If the draft ever returns under Trump, then I'm transgender as fuck."

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with the policy. I'm telling you nobody fucking cares.
That's why so many are speaking out about it because no one cares. Anyone being discriminated is against American tradition no matter how large or small the group.

There aren't "so many speaking out." It's a small minority whaling at the top of their lungs and politicians trying to kiss people's asses. Do you really think the average American in Hooterville gives an ounce of monkey shit about Corporal Klinger being allowed to wear a dress while serving in the military?
Keep telling yourself that. You don't have to approve of their lifestyle to understand kicking them out of the military is just plain wrong when they've served as courageously as anyone.
This is going to snowball on your whiny little bitch. When one group is oppressed in America we all fight back. Well good people do anyway..

Transgender isn't a real gender. Nothing is preventing the transgenders from joining in as long as they aren't taking hormones/demanding access to women's quarters.

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