Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers

So now you've learned Trump lied to you and is stocking the swamp with exactly who he said he wouldn't... you're ok with it.
How funny is that!
You're an official member of the Whores R Us club.
I don't see a lie there snowflake. Let me point a lie out so you know the difference..."You can keep your doctor and your healthcare plan" Get it snowflake?
Oh so you're Kreskin now and think you know people's deepest thoughts and motivations?
Some things are obvious snowflake. You don't have to be Kreskin to see the truth. You just need to be wise alert. Don't be so gullible and such a push over's your tax dollars too, oh wait you are probably on Obama's 5 year unemployment plan.
Transgender isn't a real gender. Nothing is preventing the transgenders from joining in as long as they aren't taking hormones/demanding access to women's quarters
If they want to change genders either do not join the military or wait until you are out. If you are going to mutilate your body do it on your dime not the US tax payers.
Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost

Hey moron, people do not have a right to join the military. You have to qualify for it, and even then still get through basic training, then abide by their own guidelines, regulations, and laws.

The military can and will deny you entry if you have tattoos all over your face. The military can certainly deny you entry if you are a delusional mental patient that thinks he is a woman. No reason at all the military should want to deal with that kind of mental illness and drama.
FUnny a Trump supporter talking about mental illness. You're on the wrong side of history again like most issues.
There will be a groundswell of support for the transgender people who have served admirably to this point.
This is turning out to be another clusterfuck decision for this clusterfuck presidency.

Anyone who thinks they are something that they are not has mental issues.
Trump has only exposed he's a pathological liar, can't hold one thought in his head for more than a minute and that he's not even concerned with learning the issues.
Trump is kicking ass and taking names...the economy is roaring the stock market is too. Jobs are everywhere and Isis is on the verge of defeat in Mosul. The deep state and Clinton crimes are being exposed, the DNC may be in big ass trouble....prison type trouble. You are watching too much fake news snowflake.
Obama and the Democrats overreached when they tried to push the 'GLBT' agenda too far and too fast on the American people, who are not ready to accept it all. The majority of Americans do not support the liberal agenda.

The military is also not a social experiment. It is also not about 'Equality', 'Political Correctness', and liberal 'Sensitivity'. General Mattis was right when he stated the other day that soldiers today spend too much time in Sensitivity / GLBT / etc training and not enough training on the obstacle courses, gun ranges, etc.

It is also not about 'Nation Building'.

The military is about 'Killing people (your enemy) and breaking their sh!t - until they / their govt have lost the will to fight any longer. Period.
Moron still doesn't know Trump has stocked the swamp like never before.
At least you admit there is a swamp, now take a dip and see who is in it snowflake. Learn something for a change instead of stupidly flapping your gums.
Uh oh. This time Trump has gone too far even for the cowardly republicans.

As Trump tries to appeal to the GOP’s conservative base, there is bipartisan support for transgender people serving in the military.

Republicans Break With Trump On Banning Transgender Soldiers | HuffPost
I think Trump was feeling sorry for himself yesterday, what with all the chaos he has created, and felt it necessary to throw a biscuit to his core supporters so he could wallow in their cheers for a little while. The bashing of Mexicans and Muslims is getting tired, so he went after transgenders.

He didn't really think it through.
Trump is transgendered.

He's the world's biggest pussy, but he's also a huge dick.
I think Trump was feeling sorry for himself yesterday, what with all the chaos he has created, and felt it necessary to throw a biscuit to his core supporters so he could wallow in their cheers for a little while.

He didn't really think it through.
You said Trump committed treason, I'm still waiting for you to tell us why you think that or are you just flappin your gums? Truth is you have no answer, you are a demigod. and a big fairy snowflake.
he military is also not a social experiment. It is also not about 'Equality', 'Political Correctness', and liberal 'Sensitivity'.

Just like Conservatives were on the wrong side of history 80 years ago when the military was desegregated, they're on the wrong side of history today.
Just like Conservatives were on the wrong side of history 80 years ago when the military was desegregated, they're on the wrong side of history today.
You try to equate color with Transgender - apples and oranges, snowflake. There is more to it you choose to ignore, much more to this issue...monetary, unit cohesion, etc...and GLBT are not the only ones who have rights.

Sorta like liberals trying to force little girls to accept guys coming into the bathroom with them. Barry and the Democrats wanted to force this because the GLBT felt they had the right ... and desire ... to pick whatever bathrooms they wanted. What about the rights and choice of the women who did not want to share bathrooms with them, the people whose rights liberals did not give a damn about.

Again, the military is not the place for liberal social experiments.
Keep telling yourself that. You don't have to approve of their lifestyle to understand kicking them out of the military is just plain wrong when they've served as courageously as anyone.
This is going to snowball on your whiny little bitch.

It will do absolutely no such thing, but feel free to believe what ever helps you sleep at night.
You try to equate color with Transgender - apples and oranges, snowflake. There is more to it you choose to ignore, much more to this issue...monetary, unit cohesion, etc...and GLBT are not the only ones who have rights.

Again, you're making the same failed arguments you clowns made 80 years ago when it came to race. Same failed arguments you made 30 years ago with homosexuality. You've been on the wrong side of history twice on this issue. Why would you magically be on the right side now?

Sorta like liberals trying to force little girls to accept guys coming into the bathroom with them.

Guys aren't doing that. At least non-Republican guys aren't. Can't speak for you freaks.

Barry and the Democrats wanted to force this because the GLBT felt they had the right ... and desire ... to pick whatever bathrooms theyanted. What about the rights and choice of the women who did not want to share bathrooms with them, the people whose rights liberals did not give a damn about.

What do you care what bathroom someone uses? What are you afraid of?

Again, the military is not the place for liberal social experiments.

It actually is and it routinely does.
What's going to happen to those already serving...or those who are veterans?

Trump took Mattis by surprise with this. So much for "consulting with his generals".
You try to equate color with Transgender - apples and oranges, snowflake. There is more to it you choose to ignore, much more to this issue...monetary, unit cohesion, etc...and GLBT are not the only ones who have rights.

Again, you're making the same failed arguments you clowns made 80 years ago when it came to race. Same failed arguments you made 30 years ago with homosexuality. You've been on the wrong side of history twice on this issue. Why would you magically be on the right side now?

Sorta like liberals trying to force little girls to accept guys coming into the bathroom with them.

Guys aren't doing that. At least non-Republican guys aren't. Can't speak for you freaks.

Barry and the Democrats wanted to force this because the GLBT felt they had the right ... and desire ... to pick whatever bathrooms theyanted. What about the rights and choice of the women who did not want to share bathrooms with them, the people whose rights liberals did not give a damn about.

What do you care what bathroom someone uses? What are you afraid of?

Again, the military is not the place for liberal social experiments.

It actually is and it routinely does.

^^ Some people actually believe this garbage. The people of the same party who voted for slavery, mind you.

Wrong as usual.
^^ Some people actually believe this garbage. The people of the same party who voted for slavery, mind you. Wrong as usual.

After the Civil Rights Act, the parties switched bases. That's why the morons in the South vote Republican today.
Yeah, those are 3 known liberal-leaning Republicans. Of course they're going to disagree with him. It'd be a shocker if it was someone like Ted Cruz saying this. Or Mike Lee. Better luck next time.
I see you don't watch the news. Far right Orrin Hatch has also gone from the dark side to reality. Im sure there are a lot more and by this time tomorrow you'll see.
Everyone is starting to see Trump is a son of a bitch, horrendous human being, and a dolt.
MAGA! Trump is following the advice of his military leaders like he should.

View attachment 140763

Trump is not listening to his Generals Apparently no decision has been made on transgender policy.

Top U.S. general says no changes yet to transgender policy

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