Republicans can’t have it both ways

The issue is not a 50/50 Democrat/Republican split, as the plurality of Americans consistently take the “pro-choice” position over the “pro-life” one. And the public, unlike political elites, is not completely divided along party lines on this issue. There is a large bloc of Republicans who support abortion rights. There is a smaller, but still sizable, group of Democrats who oppose abortion rights.

A third of Republicans are pro-choice
Share of poll respondents by views on abortion, June 2017

Republican 34% 65%
Independent 60 38
Democrat 75 22
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal? The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix. Don't push it off on liberals to make sense out of your lack of planning for the obvious.

NO one making abortion illegal you fucking morons

thier was an abortion activist who was arrested the other day and she was crying how people could not get abortions in north carolina

a quick google search plenty of places where morons like you can murder your babys ...whats youre problem ya fucking ****** rat

ALABAMA passing a heartbeat laws ?

go to NY where you can murder a 9 month old fresh out of the womb

YOURE SO progressive

youre dumbed down childish hysterical morons
SIT down and shut up the country is sick of you ****** rat mother fuckers
youre laughing stocks

Many poor people cannot afford to travel and miss work for an abortion. So, who is going to take care of all these new kids? When I mean 'take care; I don't mean trash our welfare program after you forced them to give birth either.

Cross your legs and say no?

People who support their children get a job.
If you can screw, you can work...

How can they get a job?

According to the left the minority's are to fucking stupid to get an ID to even apply for a job ..

that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal? The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix. Don't push it off on liberals to make sense out of your lack of planning for the obvious.

Why is it the govts problem?

Because the government stuck it's nose in where it didn't belong and made it illegal and impossible for a woman to have an abortion. Because the government in the form of the Supreme Court made it legal for birth control to not be covered by insurance for some employers. Because the government has done all it can to shut down clinics that provide affordable and reliable birth control.

If you're going to remove reliable and affordable birth control from women and force women to give birth against their will then it's your problem what happens to the result of your very bad policy.

I know you republicans don't believe in personal responsibility for yourselves but reality is that if you cause a problem you're obligated to solve it.
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
leftists have no facts, it's tough to debate with no facts.

Therefore, they must shout out things like orangemanbad all day and everyday, facts don't support them.
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal? The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix. Don't push it off on liberals to make sense out of your lack of planning for the obvious.

Why is it the govts problem?

Because the government stuck it's nose in where it didn't belong and made it illegal and impossible for a woman to have an abortion. Because the government in the form of the Supreme Court made it legal for birth control to not be covered by insurance for some employers. Because the government has done all it can to shut down clinics that provide affordable and reliable birth control.

If you're going to remove reliable and affordable birth control from women and force women to give birth against their will then it's your problem what happens to the result of your very bad policy.

I know you republicans don't believe in personal responsibility for yourselves but reality is that if you cause a problem you're obligated to solve it.

The govt should have never involved itself in roe v wade. Its an abomination.
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
If abortion were illegal, you would have a point.

It's not, and the "wealthy" (aka the middle class) are still being asked to support the children of the irresponsible and worthless.

So, take your pick. Abortion or welfare. Which will it be?

The most recent culprit in the category of anti-abortion double-think is Tim Murphy, a Pennsylvania Republican who on Thursday announced he would resign from his House seat this month. Two days before, Mr. Murphy had voted for a bill that would ban abortion after 20 weeks on the medically dubious grounds that, at that age, a fetus can experience pain.

“I was proud both to sponsor and vote for this important bill to clearly stand for the dignity and value of all human life, both the born and the unborn,” Mr. Murphy wrote in a statement posted on his office’s Facebook page after the bill passed in the House.

Then The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published texts revealing that when Mr. Murphy’s mistress thought she was pregnant, he urged her to consider an abortion.

Chattanooga Times Free Press reported that he supported his ex-wife’s decision to have two abortions (no word on how far along she was) and encouraged a patient with whom he was having an affair to terminate her pregnancy as well. Like Mr. Murphy, he is a co-sponsorof the abortion bill that passed on Tuesday.
Because the government stuck it's nose in where it didn't belong and made it illegal and impossible for a woman to have an abortion. Because the government in the form of the Supreme Court made it legal for birth control to not be covered by insurance for some employers. Because the government has done all it can to shut down clinics that provide affordable and reliable birth control.

If you're going to remove reliable and affordable birth control from women and force women to give birth against their will then it's your problem what happens to the result of your very bad policy.

I know you republicans don't believe in personal responsibility for yourselves but reality is that if you cause a problem you're obligated to solve it.
And you want GOVERNMENT to fix the very problem it created?

To Government---The cause of...and solution to....all of life's problems.

that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
Amazing that you used so many words and failed to make a whisper of a counter argument. You think liberals are idiots and should die. Is that really all you have to contribute to this conversation?
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.

Nice butthurt thread...

The solution is simple - a reduction in single motherhood. We can see how well the growth of this democrat voting block has been working out in the black community. They better look into adoption options if they were too stupid.

Unfortunately for you Billy, my body, my wallet. I don't want to support these idiots or their abortions. Maybe it's time for you to learn some responsibility and not just footing the bill with other people's bodies and wallets?
Liberals don’t really want to help the poor. If they did they wouldn’t pass the buck to everyone else ...they would step up and put their money where their mouth is.

Of course not. They want to have a poor horde of dependent voters that they can rally up on demand. Throwing some crumbs at them keeps the lefties in power.
Do you think banning abortions is going to increase or decrease the amount of poor single parent households? Will it increase or decrease poverty, will it increase or decrease this voting block that you despise? Give an honest answer
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
You do know republicans are not banning abortions. You can still get your jollies off by killing your own child up to eight weeks, dumbass.
Many are making a move on Roe vs Wade. Are they not?
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.

Name the time where republicans cut one single penny from the social safety futon.

You can't because they never have.

Straw man fail...Find something else to snivel and wring your hands about.
People who support their children get a job.
If you can screw, you can work...

Thank you. This is the greatest fear of the American Left . . . the fear that people will refuse to be victims and will take full responsibility for their own actions. Without a majority class of victims to exploit for political gain like fleeced sheep, every last ideological platform of the modern Democratic Party crumbles away into dust.
You think the Left fear people taking responsibility and working?! Are you high? Perhaps they just haven’t seen the Magic fairy dust that makes all these people go do that. In the mean time while youre looking for your magic there are real problems with poverty and homelessness and crime that need to be dealt with.
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do
Not only does the radical left talk in cliches, they think in cliches. Which candidate received about a quarter of a million dollars each for a series of mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers? Hint: it wasn't Trump.

The video on abortion from the same comedienne Prog shill whose insults and nasty spouts got Trump elected! And of course the shill comedienne being the respected journalist to you. But to me he is a sell out traitor most likely trained like so many others as cell members for the globalists. Trump learned from the best as he gives it back.
Because the government stuck it's nose in where it didn't belong and made it illegal and impossible for a woman to have an abortion. Because the government in the form of the Supreme Court made it legal for birth control to not be covered by insurance for some employers. Because the government has done all it can to shut down clinics that provide affordable and reliable birth control.

If you're going to remove reliable and affordable birth control from women and force women to give birth against their will then it's your problem what happens to the result of your very bad policy.

I know you republicans don't believe in personal responsibility for yourselves but reality is that if you cause a problem you're obligated to solve it.
Birth control is totally affordable...You leftist cranks are just cheapskates.

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