Republicans can’t have it both ways

Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
You do know republicans are not banning abortions. You can still get your jollies off by killing your own child up to eight weeks, dumbass.
Many are making a move on Roe vs Wade. Are they not?
They are not outlawing abortions. Just can't get one after the heart stops beating. A woman has eight weeks to get an abortion.
You completely dodged my question. Want to try again?
So what if they are.
You’re making an argument that republicans aren’t banning abortions. So I’m bringing up the effort that they are making by this legislation to overturn Roe vs Wade which is the precedent that stands in their way of banning abortions. Are you not connecting the dots?
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
Lol I love how you complain about this “talking point” without actually having a solution to it.
so you agree it's a talking point. glad you can admit it. that's a step to recovery. christian charities have been taking care of poor children forever. FOREVER. your entire talking point is in error. We just called you out on it. that's all.
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.

If the two people who made the baby can't or won't then you have now brought a helpless innocent life into this world all because abortion was outlawed.

Thanks for the answer, a classic case of caring about the fetus but not giving a shit about the life of the child.

When did I say I supported banning abortions, tard?
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.

You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.

Dear Billy000
1. given the belief that abortion is murder, just because you don't agree with murdering people for "lack of social support"
doesn't mean you agree to pay for their welfare THROUGH GOVT.

I don't believe you can just kill your full grown offspring, but that doesn't mean GOVT should pay for their care.
There are ADOPTION programs that work to place children with families by personal choice, instead of relying
on Govt to adopt them as wards of the state or welfare recipients.

This isn't either or

2. However I would agree with you that if you are going to let people ban abortions through the state
this opens the door to people banning executions, and yes I would agree that those people who
don't believe in paying for execution should have the option to pay for life imprisonment instead.
And those who don't want to pay for that can pay for executions if they want to (although the
cost per capital case can run $1 million or more in added costs just for the prosecution costs alone, so this tends to be prohibitive)

3. Billy000 what REALLY opened the door for Right to Life to have it "both ways"
is the Democrats did it first --
(a) not only by mandating "right to health care" and FORCING people
to pay for govt regulated insurance that contradicts "freedom of choice".
So basically they want to have "free choice" of abortion and contraception
but they want to FORCE OTHERS to pay for this, which isn't free choice.
You can't force health care through govt and then protest when other taxpayers
reject the terms of reproductive contraception. If you want "free choice"
you have to keep all this OUT OF GOVT so it isn't interfered with by other
taxpayers who don't have the same beliefs and can't be forced to fund them!
(b) imposing LGBT beliefs on schools and businesses, while still demanding
"separation of church and state" when it comes to CHRISTIAN BELIEFS and
practices in public schools and institutions. Again, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.

But that's exactly what LIBERALS AND DEMOCRATS were doing!

The last straw was pushing the LGBT agenda and beliefs through govt and public institutions.

This is what has opened the door for the Christian and Prolife to push THEIR beliefs
through as well!

Otherwise, it would be DISCRIMINATION BY CREED for Govt to ONLY ENDORSE these beliefs:
* right to health care for all
* LGBT beliefs, expression and practices
* right to life for all
* Christian beliefs, expression and practices

Democrats should learn this lesson: if you open the door for govt to include
faith based beliefs such as LGBT for ALL CITIZENS to be REQUIRED TO FOLLOW AND FUND
then you've just opened the door for
ALL FAITH BASED BELIEFS including right to life and Christian prayer as well.
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.

You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.
explain how you get to that statement loser? call you mr. hypothetical failure.

When will you be joining the real world where none of what you state happens?
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.

If the two people who made the baby can't or won't then you have now brought a helpless innocent life into this world all because abortion was outlawed.

Thanks for the answer, a classic case of caring about the fetus but not giving a shit about the life of the child.

When did I say I supported banning abortions, tard?

I guess more importantly, when did I say you supported banning abortions, moron.
Abortion is legal.

Why is welfare still necessary?

Are you advocating for forced abortions for welfare recipients?

Are you advocating for a denial of welfare for welfare recipients who refuse to abort?

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.

You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.
explain how you get to that statement loser? call you mr. hypothetical failure.

When will you be joining the real world where none of what you state happens?

I told you it was a hypothetical question before you answered it. You chose to make up excuses to not decide which is worth more a baby or 1000 embryos. Sorry you can't answer the question without being either a hypocrite or an asshole.
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.

Dear Billy000
1. given the belief that abortion is murder, just because you don't agree with murdering people for "lack of social support"
doesn't mean you agree to pay for their welfare THROUGH GOVT.

I don't believe you can just kill your full grown offspring, but that doesn't mean GOVT should pay for their care.
There are ADOPTION programs that work to place children with families by personal choice, instead of relying
on Govt to adopt them as wards of the state or welfare recipients.

This isn't either or

2. However I would agree with you that if you are going to let people ban abortions through the state
this opens the door to people banning executions, and yes I would agree that those people who
don't believe in paying for execution should have the option to pay for life imprisonment instead.
And those who don't want to pay for that can pay for executions if they want to (although the
cost per capital case can run $1 million or more in added costs just for the prosecution costs alone, so this tends to be prohibitive)

3. Billy000 what REALLY opened the door for Right to Life to have it "both ways"
is the Democrats did it first --
(a) not only by mandating "right to health care" and FORCING people
to pay for govt regulated insurance that contradicts "freedom of choice".
So basically they want to have "free choice" of abortion and contraception
but they want to FORCE OTHERS to pay for this, which isn't free choice.
You can't force health care through govt and then protest when other taxpayers
reject the terms of reproductive contraception. If you want "free choice"
you have to keep all this OUT OF GOVT so it isn't interfered with by other
taxpayers who don't have the same beliefs and can't be forced to fund them!
(b) imposing LGBT beliefs on schools and businesses, while still demanding
"separation of church and state" when it comes to CHRISTIAN BELIEFS and
practices in public schools and institutions. Again, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.

But that's exactly what LIBERALS AND DEMOCRATS were doing!

The last straw was pushing the LGBT agenda and beliefs through govt and public institutions.

This is what has opened the door for the Christian and Prolife to push THEIR beliefs
through as well!

Otherwise, it would be DISCRIMINATION BY CREED for Govt to ONLY ENDORSE these beliefs:
* right to health care for all
* LGBT beliefs, expression and practices
* right to life for all
* Christian beliefs, expression and practices

Democrats should learn this lesson: if you open the door for govt to include
faith based beliefs such as LGBT for ALL CITIZENS to be REQUIRED TO FOLLOW AND FUND
then you've just opened the door for
ALL FAITH BASED BELIEFS including right to life and Christian prayer as well.
well technically you're not correct. someone on death row is there because they deserved to be there by their actions and options. the unborn child had no options in its life. so your comparison is flawed. Not even in the same book.
Abortion is legal.

Why is welfare still necessary?

Are you advocating for forced abortions for welfare recipients?

Are you advocating for a denial of welfare for welfare recipients who refuse to abort?


Let's see. Nobody is advocating for forced abortions. Welfare is necessary because people lose their jobs, have illnesses or aren't paid enough.

Weird fucking questions, seriously.
How about the two people who made it?

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.

You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.
explain how you get to that statement loser? call you mr. hypothetical failure.

When will you be joining the real world where none of what you state happens?

I told you it was a hypothetical question before you answered it. You chose to make up excuses to not decide which is worth more a baby or 1000 embryos. Sorry you can't answer the question without being either a hypocrite or an asshole.
and it's flawed. so get a better hypothetical. a freezer is a container, correct? why else would a thousand embyo's be outside of their container?
I support birth control pills sent with welfare checks with some high tech chip such that the welfare checks cannot be deposited unless the birth control pills are consumed daily by the low IQ savages. Secondarily no creature in section 8 housing should be having unprotected sex. I mean like why the fuck can a dude get a boner looking at the female beasts they fuck. It is just so incomprehensively grotesque. And the taxpayer has to pay all the costs for birthing the offspring, the attempts at education, the cost of law enforcement, the bullet wounds they recieve from "their community," etc. Very troubling! Very sad! Millions of dollars is often the cost for each savage. To top it off when a cop stops one from terrorizing society, the city gets sued for millions and the liberal, qu33r judge gives the savage's relatives millions. This would not be happening back when America was great.
You are one sad little person.
You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.

Again, shouldn't you be directing that comment to the people making the child? The onus isn't on me or anyone else to determine what happens to the kid or how he gets supported. It's on the parents and their families. Yes, maybe the kid will have a hard childhood. Boo fucking hoo. As I said, life ain't fair. There are millions of children all over the world in far worse conditions than a kid being poor here in America.

And again, when did I say I supported banning abortion?
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.

You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.
explain how you get to that statement loser? call you mr. hypothetical failure.

When will you be joining the real world where none of what you state happens?

I told you it was a hypothetical question before you answered it. You chose to make up excuses to not decide which is worth more a baby or 1000 embryos. Sorry you can't answer the question without being either a hypocrite or an asshole.
and it's flawed. so get a better hypothetical. a freezer is a container, correct?


What would be the point of asking the question if the embryos are already safe?

Now that it has to be explained to you, what's your answer? Don't have one? Not surprised, hypocrite.
You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.

Again, shouldn't you be directing that comment to the people making the child? The onus isn't on me or anyone else to determine what happens to the kid or how he gets supported. It's on the parents and their families. Yes, maybe the kid will have a hard childhood. Boo fucking hoo. As I said, life ain't fair. There are millions of children all over the world in far worse conditions than a kid being poor here in America.

And again, when did I say I supported banning abortion?

Yes, they are bad parents, now what?
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
They have to stop complaining about the cost of social services to stop being hypocrites.
Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.

You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.
explain how you get to that statement loser? call you mr. hypothetical failure.

When will you be joining the real world where none of what you state happens?

I told you it was a hypothetical question before you answered it. You chose to make up excuses to not decide which is worth more a baby or 1000 embryos. Sorry you can't answer the question without being either a hypocrite or an asshole.
and it's flawed. so get a better hypothetical. a freezer is a container, correct?


What would be the point of asking the question if the embryos are already safe?

Now that it has to be explained to you, what's your answer? Don't have one? Not surprised, hypocrite.
it's why your hypothetical is flawed, you stated frozen container. I get to choose what that means. dude, it's your hypothetical, not mine. I would never be so stupid as to make up something like that.

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