Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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No, my question was: was Trump legitimately elected?

You really shouldn't call people retards with your writing
You are talking about 2016 and you wonder why I call you a retard? As for my writing skills... yeah, I am hurt that a retard doesn't appreciate my posts! LOL

But, sure, I will answer your question. Yes, I do believe Rump was legitimately elected. Hillary lost the election. How's that? Satisfied?

Now, your turn. Was Biden legitimately elected? Yes or No?
Massive mail-in is no different than a bank sending out massive mailings of credit card applications. Especially the unsolicited, saying you may be pre-approved.

It doesn't result in massive credit card fraud does it?
Well...actually, it did. Enough so that a Federal law was passed to stop it!

Democrats continue their assault on Democracy
And banks once DID send out pre-approved credit cards. Theft and fraud was so common that a federal law was passed to stop it!

I don't think that's correct because they send me solicitations every week, in fact several a week. During the beginning of Covid they totally stopped because of all the people working from home, but after we got back on track they started again.
I don't think that's correct because they send me solicitations every week, in fact several a week. During the beginning of Covid they totally stopped because of all the people working from home, but after we got back on track they started again.
Not offers, there used to be actual pre-approved CARDS sent out as, essentially, junk mail. Anyone who got them could use them.
Cherry picking voters is no solution

Every American over the age of 18 deserves to vote
The more Americans who vote, the better it is for the country

That is why 2020 was such a success
Also why Republicans are assaulting our Democracy

The only people assaulting or trying to assault our democracy are the Communists. All you have to do is read what's in their so-called voters rights bill which the name itself is a complete joke. They want to control every state in our national elections with most of the provisions that benefit Big Brother. They want to adopt two more states to rig the election and Congress. They want illegals to vote in local elections so they are part of the voting process making it easier to have them vote illegally in national elections. They are letting in invaders to wipe out the white race that will benefit them by not having any realistic competition, it's just that we don't have enough whites intelligent enough to see what they're up to.

Democrats could never compete against Republicans in any fair election.
Giving EVERY American the vote is what made us great

The guy living under a highway overpass has the same vote as the CEO who built the overpass

Each will vote in his own interest

The guy living under the overpass will vote for the guy who is most likely to get him out from under that overpass

The CEO who built the overpass will vote for the guy who will award him more contracts to build overpasses

No, the guy living under the overpass will vote for whoever will steal money from the guy that built the overpass to give to them so they don't have to get a job and support themselves.

"When people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of our Republic."
Benjamin Franklin

It's amazing how people way back then could see what's happening today.
Actually, the Arizona audit made no sense because the results were already official and the Electoral Votes had been awarded

The audit had no power to reverse anything
A tremendous waste of time and money

And if they found massive problems that gave Dementia the election you would still believe it was a waste of money?

The real problem with all this cheating stuff is nobody can prove cheating actually took place. That's why in person voting and ID's insure it won't happen. That's why the Communists are so against it.
Well...actually, it did. Enough so that a Federal law was passed to stop it!

Those weren't unsolicited credit cards. Those were regular credit cards the people requested, and felonious postal workers took out of the mail, instead of delivering them.

And banks are still sending out unsolicited credit card applications.
Republicans are in shock that once Republican stronghold Arizona now has two Democratic Senators and voted for Biden

Rather than address why Arizona voters have turned on them, they make it more difficult to vote and empower the partisan Republican Legislature to reject the election without cause.

An assault on Democracy
A Democrat Senator that your own side is now demonizing because she won’t just go alongside with your groupthink. It’s called Election Day for a reason, not election two weeks.
NO. you are saying the court orders audits and recounts ONLY if the legislature rejects.
If they accept, then the courts don't do anything except for election contests and protests.

No, I'm saying if they reject the ballots (or election if it makes you happy) an elector can file a motion for a new election. If the court doesn't grant a new election then the ballots are audited and recounted according to existing laws for contesting the election. Under those laws, if nothing amiss is found, then the election stands as voted on by the people.
Not offers, there used to be actual pre-approved CARDS sent out as, essentially, junk mail. Anyone who got them could use them.

I don't remember that and was never given any cards I didn't sign for in spite of my outstanding credit ratings. I get pre-approved credit card applications several times a week though.
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