Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:
Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Yeah.....that's what we heard in 2012!!

[ame=]Karl Rove's election night melt-down over Ohio results on Fox News - YouTube[/ame]


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We could also land a man on Mars by 2016, but figure the odds...
I think the Republicans are going to regain the Senate, keep the House, and win the White House in 2016 because I'm thinking that in about another 18 months or so, everybody is going to be fed up with the shit the Democrats are pulling. Sooner or later, people are going to wise up and see the Democrats for what they really are: liars, cheats, con-artists and dumb asses pulling a big scam on the American public.
Anything's possible, but for the past 3 national elections, the gop is losing share with younger voters. The Reagan majority is simply dying. And the fastest growing group supports natl healthcare, bigger govt and gay rights.

The senate in 14 is a possibility, though I agree.
The public will get tired of the current group,throw them out,then do again,just as it has so many times before. 2016 is politically way to far in the future to make any substantial predictions,other than it will be light during the day and dark at night.
the country would rather move forward than backwards .... and who will be the Rs nominee ?
I think the Republicans are going to regain the Senate, keep the House, and win the White House in 2016 because I'm thinking that in about another 18 months or so, everybody is going to be fed up with the shit the Democrats are pulling.

Yeah.....that's what we heard in 2012!!


I think the Republicans are going to regain the Senate, keep the House, and win the White House in 2016 because I'm thinking that in about another 18 months or so, everybody is going to be fed up with the shit the Democrats are pulling. Sooner or later, people are going to wise up and see the Democrats for what they really are: liars, cheats, con-artists and dumb asses pulling a big scam on the American public.

Weren't you the guy that predicted President Elect Gingrich?

Just sayin'...
We could also land a man on Mars by 2016, but figure the odds...

I would put money on the mars mission....

Not that I do not relish the thought of the democrook party getting balled up and flushed down the electoral toilet, but just getting a republicrat in office means little.

They had the entire government in their grasp from 2002-2006 and Ted Kennedy still got everything he wanted. They had a chance to reduce the scope and power of the feds and they gave themselves yet more power, and spent even more money. The first time in history a country was at war and lowered taxes. Not that I opposed it, but they should have reduced spending on other useless shit like the cell phones and grants to "artists" who throw globs of paint at canvas or crosses in jars of piss.

Then they we (gasp) amazed that the moonbat messiah would gladly use these powers and expand them further, spend even more and raise taxes every chance he could.

If they do win the WH in 2016, it better be because we finally have someone who will roll back liberalism. Otherwise it won't matter.
Here is what 2016 looks like to optimistic Republicans...


Daydream? Or, the neighbor's mushrooms? You decide.
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