Republicans Decry Obama’s Decision to Try Al Qaeda Suspect in Civilian Court

Yep he gave a 22 page statement. that would make about 2 pages per year that we have been looking for his ass. But now that he's been told he has the right to remain silent do you think he'll be forthcoming with anything else he knows?

And then Rdeano thinks this is the same as Americans arrested on American soil.

Get a clue people. this clown should be facing military justice which by the way after KSM confessed and pleaded guilty, the trials were stopped by our not so illustrious administration.... Should have been all over for these guys years ago.....
You just can't admit you were wrong.

We were interrogating him for a month in Turkey with no lawyers until the HIG got everything they wanted out of him, and still you want to find fault with Obama. If the HIG felt he had more to give he would still be in Turkey, but you know more than anyone directly involved.

Admit it, you wouldn't be able to breath if you couldn't find fault with Obama!!!
Yep he gave a 22 page statement. that would make about 2 pages per year that we have been looking for his ass. But now that he's been told he has the right to remain silent do you think he'll be forthcoming with anything else he knows?

And then Rdeano thinks this is the same as Americans arrested on American soil.

Get a clue people. this clown should be facing military justice which by the way after KSM confessed and pleaded guilty, the trials were stopped by our not so illustrious administration.... Should have been all over for these guys years ago.....
You just can't admit you were wrong.

We were interrogating him for a month in Turkey with no lawyers until the HIG got everything they wanted out of him, and still you want to find fault with Obama. If the HIG felt he had more to give he would still be in Turkey, but you know more than anyone directly involved.

Admit it, you wouldn't be able to breath if you couldn't find fault with Obama!!!

Good reason for an acquittal in a civilian court, since now he has constitutional rights:eusa_eh:
well we all know Obamabots like rdean and his fellow cult members would never decry ANYTHING their Dear leader does, even if it could endanger their fellow Americans

very sad
And here I thought for sure i heard that Turkey deported him to Jordan and that was where we picked him up....
Or has the story changed?

He still belongs in Gitmo as an enemy combatant.

And if I ever find something worthy of praise for Mr Obama I would give him his due. For instance i agree with the use of drones in places where we cannot put boots down to grab someone who needs grabbing.....
Yep he gave a 22 page statement. that would make about 2 pages per year that we have been looking for his ass. But now that he's been told he has the right to remain silent do you think he'll be forthcoming with anything else he knows?

And then Rdeano thinks this is the same as Americans arrested on American soil.

Get a clue people. this clown should be facing military justice which by the way after KSM confessed and pleaded guilty, the trials were stopped by our not so illustrious administration.... Should have been all over for these guys years ago.....
You just can't admit you were wrong.

We were interrogating him for a month in Turkey with no lawyers until the HIG got everything they wanted out of him, and still you want to find fault with Obama. If the HIG felt he had more to give he would still be in Turkey, but you know more than anyone directly involved.

Admit it, you wouldn't be able to breath if you couldn't find fault with Obama!!!

When Bush let other countries torture people you were screaming about it, not that Obama is the one doing it you have no problem. Interesting.
And here I thought for sure i heard that Turkey deported him to Jordan and that was where we picked him up....
Or has the story changed?

He still belongs in Gitmo as an enemy combatant.

And if I ever find something worthy of praise for Mr Obama I would give him his due. For instance i agree with the use of drones in places where we cannot put boots down to grab someone who needs grabbing.....
Again we see how easily the Misinformation Voter can be deceived with a half truth. Turkey DID deport him to Jordan and we DID get him from Jordan because Turkey will not extradite a criminal to a country with the death penalty. That was only how we got him into this country, it has nothing to do with his interrogation which took place in Turkey BEFORE he was deported to Jordan.

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
- Seymour Essrog
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Yep he gave a 22 page statement. that would make about 2 pages per year that we have been looking for his ass. But now that he's been told he has the right to remain silent do you think he'll be forthcoming with anything else he knows?

And then Rdeano thinks this is the same as Americans arrested on American soil.

Get a clue people. this clown should be facing military justice which by the way after KSM confessed and pleaded guilty, the trials were stopped by our not so illustrious administration.... Should have been all over for these guys years ago.....
You just can't admit you were wrong.

We were interrogating him for a month in Turkey with no lawyers until the HIG got everything they wanted out of him, and still you want to find fault with Obama. If the HIG felt he had more to give he would still be in Turkey, but you know more than anyone directly involved.

Admit it, you wouldn't be able to breath if you couldn't find fault with Obama!!!

When Bush let other countries torture people you were screaming about it, not that Obama is the one doing it you have no problem. Interesting.
Prove that he was tortured!
Isn't it obvious? He wasn't whacked with a drone because he was captured by the Turkish. He didn't go to Gitmo because he would have been interrogated. Obama's policy is not to question terrorists and here he has a right to remain silent. At some point this terrorist will fire his attorneys and get classified information. Then he just has to figure out a way to get that information to his friends.

Meanwhile the court can be used as a theater to spread his propaganda.
Isn't it obvious? He wasn't whacked with a drone because he was captured by the Turkish. He didn't go to Gitmo because he would have been interrogated. Obama's policy is not to question terrorists and here he has a right to remain silent. At some point this terrorist will fire his attorneys and get classified information. Then he just has to figure out a way to get that information to his friends.

Meanwhile the court can be used as a theater to spread his propaganda.
Again we see an ignorant sap foaming at the mouth.
We went through all this before. When Obama and Holder wanted to bring them all to the states for trial.

It was BS then and it is BS now. We do not prosecute Enemy combatants in a civilian court. What kind of sense is that?

The tribunal was set up in accordance with direction from the congress and the supreme court but our idiot in chief and his headsman (I use the term very loosely) think they know better......
I don't understand why this isn't being screamed by every headline and news person, We went through this once already when Obossman wanted to bring them all up here and set them free on our streets....

Which is what will happen if they actually tried them in our sissy assed liberal courts.

There are already 355 terrorists in American prisons. - Slate Magazine

Maybe these people don't understand what life is like in these "supermax" prisons. Take ADX Florence, the supermax in Colorado—"the Alcatraz of the Rockies"—that serves as the home to Omar Abdel-Rahman, the "blind sheikh" who organized the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; Zacarias Moussaoui, one of the Sept. 11 plotters; Richard Reid, the shoe-bomber; Theodore Kaczynski, the "Unabomber"; and Terry Nichols, who helped plan the Oklahoma City bombing, to name a few.
These are all truly dangerous people, but it's not as if they run into one another in the lunch line or the yard. There is no lunch line; there is no yard. Most of the prisoners are kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. For one hour, they're taken to another concrete room, indoors, to exercise, by themselves. Their only windows face the sky, so they have no way of knowing even where they are within the prison. Phone calls to the outside world are banned. Finally, the prison is crammed with cameras and motion detectors. Compartments are separated by 1,400 remote-controlled steel doors; the place is surrounded by 12-foot-high razor-wire fences; the area between the wire and the walls is further secured by laser beams and attack dogs.


Took me all of 20 seconds to find that out. Took even less time to feel pity for you.

So easy for Republicans to completely ignore the other THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE.
You just can't admit you were wrong.

We were interrogating him for a month in Turkey with no lawyers until the HIG got everything they wanted out of him, and still you want to find fault with Obama. If the HIG felt he had more to give he would still be in Turkey, but you know more than anyone directly involved.

Admit it, you wouldn't be able to breath if you couldn't find fault with Obama!!!

When Bush let other countries torture people you were screaming about it, not that Obama is the one doing it you have no problem. Interesting.
Prove that he was tortured!

I think you are going to have to prove he wasn't given that, according to you, they had him for a month, and Turkey is pretty famous for using torture.

Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights
I don't understand why this isn't being screamed by every headline and news person, We went through this once already when Obossman wanted to bring them all up here and set them free on our streets....

Which is what will happen if they actually tried them in our sissy assed liberal courts.

There are already 355 terrorists in American prisons. - Slate Magazine

Maybe these people don't understand what life is like in these "supermax" prisons. Take ADX Florence, the supermax in Colorado—"the Alcatraz of the Rockies"—that serves as the home to Omar Abdel-Rahman, the "blind sheikh" who organized the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; Zacarias Moussaoui, one of the Sept. 11 plotters; Richard Reid, the shoe-bomber; Theodore Kaczynski, the "Unabomber"; and Terry Nichols, who helped plan the Oklahoma City bombing, to name a few.
These are all truly dangerous people, but it's not as if they run into one another in the lunch line or the yard. There is no lunch line; there is no yard. Most of the prisoners are kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. For one hour, they're taken to another concrete room, indoors, to exercise, by themselves. Their only windows face the sky, so they have no way of knowing even where they are within the prison. Phone calls to the outside world are banned. Finally, the prison is crammed with cameras and motion detectors. Compartments are separated by 1,400 remote-controlled steel doors; the place is surrounded by 12-foot-high razor-wire fences; the area between the wire and the walls is further secured by laser beams and attack dogs.


Took me all of 20 seconds to find that out. Took even less time to feel pity for you.

So easy for Republicans to completely ignore the other THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE.

Now go back to your 355 and cut out the ones who were picked up within the US. And any who were not enemy combatants. Can you see the difference? If we pick them up within our borders then we have to try them here. But if we pick them up elsewhere......
When Bush let other countries torture people you were screaming about it, not that Obama is the one doing it you have no problem. Interesting.
Prove that he was tortured!

I think you are going to have to prove he wasn't given that, according to you, they had him for a month, and Turkey is pretty famous for using torture.

Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights
No YOU have to prove he was tortured, YOU are the one who said he was. I have no idea if he was tortured or not, there has been no credible report one way or the other. The onus is on YOU to prove YOUR claim.
Americans generally do not give a crap about the guy being tried in NYC or tribunaled at Gitmo.

Just the way it is.

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