Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Killing an innocent child in cold blood is simply wrong, and not something that ought to be allowed in any civilized society.

What more rational argument than that do you need?

What other rational argument can we offer, if we cannot even get you to agree that it is wrong and unacceptable to murder an innocent child?

A zygote is not a child. Killing a woman should not be allowed in a civilized society either but it's now happening every single day in the USA because women can't get timely medical treatment for the complications of pregnancy.

What does it say about a nation which has the ability to save women's lives but sends them home to die?

Thank you for confirming that the United States of America is no longer a civilized society.
I have never heard of any of these outfits lunatic anti-abortion organizations and have no interest in learning about any of them.

The anti-abortion movement is grounded in misogyny and hatred of women:

So take your woman hating anti-abortionist groups and shove them right up your ass.

No, it is you that think women are too stupid to understand where babies come from.
No, it is you that think women are too stupid to understand where babies come from.

Dumbest comment from you yet. A man, telling a mother of three, that I don't know where babies come from.

I'm reminded that when Nancy Pelosi was a young Congressswoman she stood up in the House and criticized the policy of the Catholic church on abortion and birth control The Pelosi's have 5 children. The Republican Speaker of the House responded to her criticism with "Mrs. Pelosi thinks she knows more about having babies than the Pope".
Bob Blaylock said: What more rational argument than that do you need bbblylck.23.09.06 #220
I do not need a rational explanation and argument why society and it’s elected government that is supposed to represent all the people equally, must force full term gestation on all women just because they end up in a minority status when they find themselves in an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.

I am a man and father of three daughters all of which have given birth to a total of five times. Two of which are granddaughters; one is seventeen and one is five months. I also have one great granddaughter.

I have never contemplated aborting my progeny because I don’t think it’s high up on the scale of human decency to have sex without being prepared for an unplanned outcome, but that’s my opinion, not a universal truth I need to force onto my fellow law abiding citizens.

All the’ of age’ women in my life would like you to explain why you support a political party that demands the government seize control of pregnant women’s bodies to force them into the risk of full term gestation against their will.

Can you explain it? When my daughters were pregnant, they don’t consider it a “baby” until they know everything is going fine within the range of a natural miscarriage. So you don’t have the right to call their fetus a “baby” in your rational argument.

nf.23.11.23 #224 to • ¥ ¥ • bbblylck.23.09.06 #220
Last edited:
When you go straight to NAZI insults, you're admitting you have NOTHING and you've lost.

What more appropriate response can there be, to an evil, soulless creature that denies the very humanity of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, in order to excuse the cold-blooded murder of thousands of them every day? Knowingly repeating such a hateful, murderous lie over and over and over again is exactly what Göbbels was infamous for advocating.
Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. It is why Republicans are suffering politically since they won a states rights argument with the Dobbs decision.

But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

One of Saint Ding’s failed arguments goes something like this:

ding said: It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life. dvng. #4,716

An argument based upon what Saint Ding thinks I am thinking being evil, is not an argument at all.

Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

Saint Heynorm does the same thing by accusing me of thinking ZEFs are worthless clump of cells,

HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

I don’t think that at all. My response is here:
nf.23.11.21 #11,948 to hynrm.23.11.19 #772

nf.23.11.21 #1
Do you support full-term abortion, yes or no?
MarathonMike said: Do you support full-term abortion, yes or not? mrthnmk.23.11.23 #230

Yes. I support exactly what 24% of white Evangelical Christian and many Republicans in Ohio supported earlier this month.

nf.23.11.23 #231 to mrthnmk.23.11.23 #230
who is dehumanizing who?

Bob Blaylock said: Killing an innocent child in cold blood is simply wrong, and not something that ought to be allowed in any civilized society. • ¥ • bbblylck.23.09.06 #220

All Saint Bobblaylock can do is to pontificate about something he has no reasonable entitlement to control.

He has no rational logic based argument for why he wants to force Jewish women to subject their bodies into forced full term gestation to the backward Confederate state of Mississippi because Mississippi is somehow more civilized than Ohio.

Saint Bobblaylock has attached his mind to the Republican Party’s obsession with the Catholic world view that life begins at conception and conformity to that belief is the only way that human beings can be behaved enough to live in a civilized society like the United Christian Nation States of America is supposed to be.

So if a person of Jewish faith as an example has a worldview that protected personhood begins at birth, Saint Bobblaylock is contending in has arguments for years that American Jews are detrimental to civilization that must protect life from the moment of conception.

Saint Bobblaylock is dehumanizing Jews through participation in the Republican Party crusade to save Baby Fetus by issuing conception certificates instead of birth certificates as most civilized societies do.

Bob Blaylock said: “There are no persons, then, for example, on North Sentinel Island, where, as far as we know, no government exists of sufficient sophistication to create records or birth certificates? bbblylck.23.11.15 #610

nf.23.11.24 #232 to bbblylck.23.09.06 #220
• ¥ • bbblylck.23.09.06 #220
bbblylck.23.11.15 #610
nf.23.11.24 #232 to bbblylck.23.09.06 #220

Retarded, illiterate, malfunctioning AI 'bot says what?

Never mind. If it had anything to say that was worth reading, then it would write like a literate, sentient human being. As long as it insists on writing like a retard, that is how it shall be regarded and treated.
Irresponsible women? No woman ever got pregnant by herself. It’s a biological impossibility.

Why do leftards keep pretending they know something?

Before a woman can get pregnant, she hast to have sex with a man who isn’t using birth control. Who is the responsible one here?

Surely not the one who gets pregnant.

Maybe we should start having consequences for these irresponsible men who are impregnating women indiscriminately. We should arrest these fuck boys and hold them to accounts.

We already do.

The notion that a woman has all sorts of options other than abortion, when she finds herself pregnant is a fallacy. You can be fired for being pregnant in the USA, so poor women, end up homeless and unemployed and do.


Carrying the baby to term is not an option for low income women with one or more children already.


Every time I read one of the posts written by these misogynistic assholes who blame women for being pregnant, their posts are based on a deep and abiding hatred of women. This is why men should never be legislating women’s health matters.

Which is it, women's health, or you're going to hold men responsible?
Mikeoxenormous said: There is nothing in the Constitution that says women can murder their babies. mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948

There is nothing in the Constitution that says a woman must be forced to subject her body to full term gestation or to not spread her legs without the blessing of Jesus Christ Almighty or Speaker Mike Johnson.

nf.23.11.22 #101 to mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948
How many times will you be told that you are contradicting yourself

Democrats For Life of America
The Pro-Life Voice of the Democratic Party
info @

In representing pro-life Democrats within the true "big tent" party, DFLA works across a broad spectrum of life ethics. Work with us on the expansion of human rights in all stages of life.
Why do leftards keep pretending they know something?

Surely not the one who gets pregnant.

We already do.



Which is it, women's health, or you're going to hold men responsible?
DragonLady consistently disses marriage, family, the security financially of the traditional family.
Whatever she is, she is NOT pro-woman. She is pro-abortion.
For being the greatest nation we sure do a rotten job of providing women time off to have a child. That needs to change also. If it doesn't we shouldn't wonder why less women want kids.
For being the greatest nation we sure do a rotten job of providing women time off to have a child. That needs to change also. If it doesn't we shouldn't wonder why less women want kids.
And who fights agaisnt that : BIden , HIllary, Pelosi, Kamala

The pro-abortion folks work against the woman who wants that baby.
It was Feminsts for Life that did what HIllary used to say, "abortion should be rare"

Through the introduction of legislation promoting pro-woman solutions on campus:

FFL’s work inspired Michigan legislation, the Pregnant and Parenting Student Services Act, which offered an incentive to schools to provide pregnant and parenting students a single location on campus where they can acquire information about resources and support. The bill was overwhelmingly supported by Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate and was signed by the pro-choice Governor in 2004.

FFL worked to introduce the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Pregnant and Parenting Student Services Act (2005, 2007), which, if passed, would provide $10 million in grants to 200 colleges and universities for annual pregnancy and parenting resource forums and a central office to coordinate and promote ongoing resources and support on and off campus.

FFL held the first-ever Capitol Hill briefing on the needs of 4.5 million parenting students as well as millions of students who become pregnant and need resources and support for marital and single parenting choices and various adoption options. (2006)

FFL’s Elizabeth Cady Stanton Pregnant and Parenting Student Services Act became, in 2010, the core of a new law that provides grants to states through the Pregnancy Assistance Fund. States awarded grants from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will — for the first time — distribute funds to eligible institutions of higher education, which will match a portion of the funds received, to conduct a needs-assessment on campus and within the local community and set goals for improving access to resources for parenting students. University and college grant recipients will set goals and annually assess their performance in meeting the needs of pregnant and parenting students regarding health care, housing, child care, and flexible scheduling (such as telecommuting programs) and finding sources of practical assistance such as maternity and baby clothing, food (including formula), furniture, and more. A similar fund component will benefit pregnant teens. Pregnant women subjected to domestic violence, sex assault, or stalking, may also be aided by programs receiving Pregnancy Assistance Funds.

VICTORY: On March 8, 2018, FFL released our Report on Resources and Support for PREGNANT AND PARENTING STUDENTS AT HIGHEST RISK OF DROPPING OUT Attending California State Colleges and Universities, which FFL President Serrin Foster and intern Kellan Monroe co-authored in response to SB-320, a bill that would have facilitated the distribution of RU-486 on state college campuses. FFL researched and reported available (often pricey) resources and support (or lack thereof) for pregnant women, parents, and birthmothers attending the UC colleges and universities. We urged them to redirect their efforts toward on-campus resources and support for pregnant women, especially for women of color, who leave school when they have their babies, often returning to poverty along with school debt. Instead of paying to train school staff to distribute the abortion pill, we also called for further exploration of Gov. Jerry Brown’s concept for an affordable online UC school system. Most important, we also offered our expertise to help administrators. To our delight, Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed SB-320! No, sadly he did not suddenly become pro-life. But he reasonably concluded that with abortion clinics five to seven miles away, California taxpayers should not facilitate what Planned Parenthood and for-profit clinics already do.
Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. It is why Republicans are suffering politically since they won a states rights argument with the Dobbs decision.

But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

One of Saint Ding’s failed arguments goes something like this:

ding said: It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life. dvng. #4,716

An argument based upon what Saint Ding thinks I am thinking being evil, is not an argument at all.

Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

Saint Heynorm does the same thing by accusing me of thinking ZEFs are worthless clump of cells,

HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

I don’t think that at all. My response is here:
nf.23.11.21 #11,948 to hynrm.23.11.19 #772

nf.23.11.21 #1

The baby growing in the mothers womb is actually a human being. Killing the baby without cause is murder.

Drops the mic.
See #610 Bob Blaylock said: “There are no persons, on North Sentinel Island, where, …….. no government exists ….. to create ……..birth certificates? Absurdity610

NotfooledbyW said: I am certain that both have a birth certificate which records the exact year month day hour and minute that the precise moment that the United States recognizes the baby and the old man are persons. nf.23.10.25 #609

Bob Blaylock said: So, personhood is dependent on government recognition, and on the issuance of a government paper that recognized that person as such? • ¥ • bbblylck.23.11.15 #610 to nf.23.10.25 #609

Bob Blaylock said: Retarded, illiterate, malfunctioning AI 'bot says what? bbblylck.23.11.24 #233

Saints Bobblaylock and Ding dehumanize me as an AI ‘Bot because he cannot suffer the humility of having his worldview that protected life begins at conception suffer the collapse that truth begets to their living such a malicious lie that forms the basis of their Sainthood.

I am arguing in POST nf.23.10.25 #609 based on the TRUTH that the United States recognizes the baby and the old man are both legally protected persons at childbirth and not at the instance of conception.

But in POST ck.23.11.15 #610 Saint Bobblaylock fraudulently revised my argument to be me saying that protected personhood is dependent on government recognition, and on the issuance of a government paper. Saint Bobblaylock Is a liar because I absolutely do not believe such an absurd statement as that could possibly be true.

I believe protected personhood occurs universally when the fetus has developed sufficient brain activity and neurological connections to its own muscular tissue and other life sustaining organs that it would reasonable to expect it!s survival following separation from it’s mother.,

So Absurdity610 is debunked because what I described above I am certain that is exactly how babies become persons on North Sentinal Island (NSI) as well.

nf.23.11.2 #240 to bbblylck.23.11.24 #233

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