Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Nope. Not a single state has banned abortion, vermin.
Look at Alabama. Do you see what Republicans are doing? They are trying to slowly set the state to where one day the FEDERAL SUPREME COURT, Republican Senate, Republican controlled House an White House can pass a law making abortion illegal in all 50 states.

This extremist strategy of establishing fertilized eggs, embryos and fetuses as people with constitutional and statutory protections, as exposed by this decision, not only subverts the personhood of pregnant people and threatens to criminalize anyone with the capacity for pregnancy, it also poses deep threats to our democracy.

Fetal personhood laws, and their proponents, have been lying in wait for this moment. After the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, the focus was on the abortion bans that went into near-immediate effect, triggered by the resulting fall of Roe v. Wade. But fetal personhood laws also serve as trigger laws of their own.

It increases the ability of the state to police and criminalize pregnant people, their behavior and their pregnancy outcomes.
While pregnant women are begging state courts around the country to recognize their personhood and their right to life — to grant them the basic right to have a life- or health-saving abortion — states are granting such rights to frozen embryos without so much as a passing recognition of its cruel hypocrisy.

You piss off the Founders by your badmouthing religion to support killing babies

In his Farewell Address of September 1796, Washington called religion, as the source of morality, "a necessary spring of popular government," while Adams claimed that statesmen "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand."

They owned slaves. You think they cared about your fetus? Why because it is white?
they wanted to free slaves but those that would later form the democrat party wouldnt allow that to happen,,
Those Southern Democrats are today's Republicans. It's why you worship the Confederate Flag and Robert E Lee. It's why southern Republicans today hate blacks. And why all blacks (90%) vote Democratic today
that lie was debunk 5 minutes after it was first said,,
No that's just Republican lie. Insisting the Southern Strategy never happened. You're gaslighting me.

Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality.
No that's just Republican lie. Insisting the Southern Strategy never happened. You're gaslighting me.

Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality.
democrats changed tactics not their minds,,,
they still consider blacks as a lower life form and a tool,,
democrats changed tactics not their minds,,,
they still consider blacks as a lower life form and a tool,,

Listen fool. I'm a white man liberal democrat. I live among whites. Lots of Republican friends and co workers who don't know I'm a liberal democrat. Please, please, please don't lie to us here and tell me that it's us liberals who are the bigger racists. You know I know that's just not reality.

I'm here in Florida with more liberal minded Freshman in college. No racist jokes, none of that. But when I spend time with my older nephew who's a die hard Republican, he and his friends are racist AF. N*#$r this and N**$#r that. Crying about affirmative action. Meanwhile, he's already gotten acceptance letters for law school from like 6 schools. He's such a white privilege kid yet such a racist. Typical Republican.

I still love him but he's a racist Republican and so too are you but here you'll try to pretend because there are others listening.
Listen fool. I'm a white man liberal democrat. I live among whites. Lots of Republican friends and co workers who don't know I'm a liberal democrat. Please, please, please don't lie to us here and tell me that it's us liberals who are the bigger racists. You know I know that's just not reality.

I'm here in Florida with more liberal minded Freshman in college. No racist jokes, none of that. But when I spend time with my older nephew who's a die hard Republican, he and his friends are racist AF. N*#$r this and N**$#r that. Crying about affirmative action. Meanwhile, he's already gotten acceptance letters for law school from like 6 schools. He's such a white privilege kid yet such a racist. Typical Republican.

I still love him but he's a racist Republican and so too are you but here you'll try to pretend because there are others listening.
of course you can prove what you just said,,

wont change that what I said is 100% true and what you said is bullshit,,

dem still treat blacks as dumb lower life forms and use them for their vote,,
of course you can prove what you just said,,

wont change that what I said is 100% true and what you said is bullshit,,

dem still treat blacks as dumb lower life forms and use them for their vote,,
That's your right wing theory/spin on it. I'll give you an example. Today you say we are the racists because affirmative action is racist to whites. Such bullshit spin. So is your theory that we are just using blacks. In fact, I say to Republicans, we are all n**rs. We see today uneducated whites are doing worse than ever. Probably how come Trump's able to dupe them. Those dupes don't realize it's unions and Democrats making their lives better.

Thank a union.
That's your right wing theory/spin on it. I'll give you an example. Today you say we are the racists because affirmative action is racist to whites. Such bullshit spin. So is your theory that we are just using blacks. In fact, I say to Republicans, we are all n**rs. We see today uneducated whites are doing worse than ever. Probably how come Trump's able to dupe them. Those dupes don't realize it's unions and Democrats making their lives better.

Thank a union.
huffington post???

gonna have to do better than that,,

I use you and other dems as proof,, youre very open about how dumb you think blacks are and that they need your help to do just about everything,,
huffington post???

gonna have to do better than that,,

I use you and other dems as proof,, youre very open about how dumb you think blacks are and that they need your help to do just about everything,,
I go see what the libs are saying, sometimes go see what the cons are saying but usually I just see what the libs are saying and then I come here to find out what Rush and Fox are spoon feeding you.

Is the economy good or bad? Depends on which show on Fox you're watching. The more serious shows say the economy is great.
I go see what the libs are saying, sometimes go see what the cons are saying but usually I just see what the libs are saying and then I come here to find out what Rush and Fox are spoon feeding you.

Is the economy good or bad? Depends on which show on Fox you're watching. The more serious shows say the economy is great.
all we have to do is sit back and watch what you say and do about blacks and its proof positive you still think blacks and other POC are lower forms of life that you use for political gain,,

nothing you say will change that fact,,

have a nice day,,
they wanted to free slaves but those that would later form the democrat party wouldnt [sic] allow that to happen,,

Pretty much the same, now, with abortion.

Slavery was deeply embedded in parts of the culture and economy of parts of our nation, and there was a great deal of opposition to ending it. But slavery was always wrong, and ending it was always the right thing to do.

Same with abortion. Abortion has always been wrong, and ending it is the right thing to do; no matter who wants it to continue, and for what reasons.

Once again, Republicans stand on the right side of history, while Democraps are solidly stuck on the wrong side.
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Pretty much the same, now, with abortion.

Slavery was deeply embedded in parts of the culture and economy of parts of our nation, and there was a great deal of opposition to ending it. But slavery was always wrong, and ending it was always the rights thing to do.

Same with abortion. Abortion has always been wrong, and ending it is the right thing to do; no matter who wants it to continue, and for what reasons.

Once again, Republicans stand on the right side of history, while Democraps are solidly stuck on the wrong side.
As a nation we could help end it by encouraging young people to wait until their late 30s to even think about having kids or getting married. Stay single, save save save. Be financially secure and don't get married younger and have to face too much adversity. I think people are catching onto this as the concept is gaining popularity.
As a nation we could help end it by encouraging young people to wait until their late 30s to even think about having kids or getting married. Stay single, save save save. Be financially secure and don't get married younger and have to face too much adversity. I think people are catching onto this as the concept is gaining popularity.
late 30s??
thats towards the end of safe child birth,, and cheats you out of having a life with your own grandchildren,,

early twenties is when they should be settling down and having children,, and theres nothing wrong with late teens,,
Those Southern Democrats are today's Republicans. It's why you worship the Confederate Flag and Robert E Lee. It's why southern Republicans today hate blacks. And why all blacks (90%) vote Democratic today
Sure they are.
That why Democrats are today demanding segregation and hiring by skin color?
I go see what the libs are saying, sometimes go see what the cons are saying but usually I just see what the libs are saying and then I come here to find out what Rush and Fox are spoon feeding you.

Is the economy good or bad? Depends on which show on Fox you're watching. The more serious shows say the economy is great.
Where’s all those dead women I was promised?

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.​

democrats changed tactics not their minds,,,
they still consider blacks as a lower life form and a tool,, {post•507}

Again we see, such a failed argument that Saint Progressivehunter makes in POST Srftma00507 because it is refuted by the objective reality that nine out of 10 black Americans who vote Democratic Party one hundred percent of the time. They do not consider themselves lower life forms that I know of. I think P.H. hangs around too many white Christian nationalist, MAGA Republican friends like Stuart “Elmer” Rhodes the convicted white supremacy seditious conspirator and leader of one of Trump’s white supremacist armed militias that he summoned to DC on J6.

nfbw 240227 Vrftma00520 to prgrssvhntr 240227 Srftma00507
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