Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.​

Again we see, such a failed argument that Saint Progressivehunter makes in POST Srftma00507 because it is refuted by the objective reality that nine out of 10 black Americans who vote Democratic Party one hundred percent of the time. They do not consider themselves lower life forms that I know of. I think P.H. hangs around too many white Christian nationalist, MAGA Republican friends like Stuart “Elmer” Rhodes the convicted white supremacy seditious conspirator and leader of one of Trump’s white supremacist armed militias that he summoned to DC on J6.

to prgrssvhntr 240227 Srftma00507
Because they are paid to vote democrat,,

thats a proven historical fact,,
all we have to do is sit back and watch what you say and do about blacks and its proof positive you still think blacks and other POC are lower forms of life that you use for political gain,,

nothing you say will change that fact,,

have a nice day,,

We stay they are stuck in communities that lack the economic opportunities your white communities have.

Perfect example of how full of shit you are. In Michigan, Democrats proposed taking all the tax money that goes to schools and distribute it equally among every student. Republicans in richer white neighborhoods cried because that would be taking money away from their white privileged kids. Why should rich communities share with poor (black) communities.

Well the truth is, they already do. If a poor kid lives in their district, they share with that poor kid. The poor kids parents don't pay the same taxes that the rich kids parents pay but they go to the same school so the money is divided evenly. So you understand the concept. But when Republicans are asked to even the playing field with blacks in poor communities so they get the exact same education, Republicans say no.

So stop lying you Proud White Boy.
We stay they are stuck in communities that lack the economic opportunities your white communities have.

Perfect example of how full of shit you are. In Michigan, Democrats proposed taking all the tax money that goes to schools and distribute it equally among every student. Republicans in richer white neighborhoods cried because that would be taking money away from their white privileged kids. Why should rich communities share with poor (black) communities.

Well the truth is, they already do. If a poor kid lives in their district, they share with that poor kid. The poor kids parents don't pay the same taxes that the rich kids parents pay but they go to the same school so the money is divided evenly. So you understand the concept. But when Republicans are asked to even the playing field with blacks in poor communities so they get the exact same education, Republicans say no.

So stop lying you Proud White Boy.
thats funny cause I grew up and went to the same schools as black kids,, in fact whites were the minority in my schools,,

all youre doing is proving me right by telling us and black people how pathetic their lives are and cant get anywhere on life without other peoples help,,

so stop lying mr grand wizard,,

and I am not proud I am white,, in fact I am as much Cherokee as I am white,,
Look at Alabama. Do you see what Republicans are doing? They are trying to slowly set the state to where one day the FEDERAL SUPREME COURT, Republican Senate, Republican controlled House an White House can pass a law making abortion illegal in all 50 states.

This extremist strategy of establishing fertilized eggs, embryos and fetuses as people with constitutional and statutory protections, as exposed by this decision, not only subverts the personhood of pregnant people and threatens to criminalize anyone with the capacity for pregnancy, it also poses deep threats to our democracy.

Fetal personhood laws, and their proponents, have been lying in wait for this moment. After the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, the focus was on the abortion bans that went into near-immediate effect, triggered by the resulting fall of Roe v. Wade. But fetal personhood laws also serve as trigger laws of their own.

It increases the ability of the state to police and criminalize pregnant people, their behavior and their pregnancy outcomes.
While pregnant women are begging state courts around the country to recognize their personhood and their right to life — to grant them the basic right to have a life- or health-saving abortion — states are granting such rights to frozen embryos without so much as a passing recognition of its cruel hypocrisy.

Alabama gets it right yet again!
thats funny cause I grew up and went to the same schools as black kids,, in fact whites were the minority in my schools,,

all youre doing is proving me right by telling us and black people how pathetic their lives are and cant get anywhere on life without other peoples help,,

so stop lying mr grand wizard,,

and I am not proud I am white,, in fact I am as much Cherokee as I am white,,
What a crock of shit! I went to Detroit Public Schools. What school district did you go to?

Did you have two parents?

The black kids you went to school with don't have it nearly as bad as the black kids I'm talking about.

We moved when I was in 4th grade. The counselor at my new all white school told my mom aside from what she taught me, I learned nothing at that DPS.
What a crock of shit! I went to Detroit Public Schools. What school district did you go to?

Did you have two parents?

The black kids you went to school with don't have it nearly as bad as the black kids I'm talking about.

We moved when I was in 4th grade. The counselor at my new all white school told my mom aside from what she taught me, I learned nothing at that DPS.
so tell me more about how you think blacks are a lower form of life and cant get by unless you dems help them??

have you taught them where the DMV is so they can get an ID to conduct business in so many places??
What a crock of shit! I went to Detroit Public Schools. What school district did you go to?

Did you have two parents?

The black kids you went to school with don't have it nearly as bad as the black kids I'm talking about.

We moved when I was in 4th grade. The counselor at my new all white school told my mom aside from what she taught me, I learned nothing at that DPS.
its a little pathetic you criticize them for not having fathers in the home when it was you guys that paid the mothers to throw them out,,,

just sayin,,,

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.

The argument is simple

All innocent humans deserve to live

Unborn children are guilty of no capital crime
Cheeeeesus just wants more babies to love. He's having a hard time loving all them dirty old men that pray to him. And his sorry job is to love
Cheeeeesus just wants more babies to love. He's having a hard time loving all them dirty old men that pray to him. And his sorry job is to love
I wouldn't want that job. Having to love every asshole out there
This extremist strategy of establishing fertilized eggs, embryos and fetuses as people with constitutional and statutory protections, as exposed by this decision, not only subverts the personhood of pregnant people and threatens to criminalize anyone with the capacity for pregnancy, it also poses deep threats to our democracy.
So extreme you were born after spending time as a fetus in your own mom.
late 30s??
thats towards the end of safe child birth,, and cheats you out of having a life with your own grandchildren,,

early twenties is when they should be settling down and having children,, and theres nothing wrong with late teens,,
Early 20s? So have kids when you have little money? Late teens? That's even dumber. It's not financially feasible to have them that early. People aren't ready to settle down in their late 20s much less early 20s. That's the crux of the problem.
Cheeeeesus just wants more babies to love. He's having a hard time loving all them dirty old men that pray to him. And his sorry job is to love
Its unfortunate for the children of lib women who are not allowed to kill them in the womb

It wont be an easy life when their single mom is a drunken or drug addicted slut

But as long as they are alive they have a chance to save themselves

Its not much but better than nothing
Early 20s? So have kids when you have little money? Late teens? That's even dumber. It's not financially feasible to have them that early. People aren't ready to settle down in their late 20s much less early 20s. That's the crux of the problem.
So what Susan Smith did to her two children is approved by Democrats, and they admit it.

Early 20s? So have kids when you have little money? Late teens? That's even dumber. It's not financially feasible to have them that early. People aren't ready to settle down in their late 20s much less early 20s. That's the crux of the problem.
how much is enough money??

people have been having children that age and younger for all of human history,,

the crux is you will never be ready if youre waiting to be ready,,

I did it at 23 while making 22-25K a yr and did just fine,,

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