Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

You support Trump, so you are one of the American commie fascist MAGAts.
Saint Papageorgeo supports Trump by proxy through appreciation of Trickledown Reaganomics. see post #820

Trump’s only legislative accomplishment as president was to give himself and all the GOP wealthy elite donors a FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE tax cut to make Ronny Reagan proud. But his bigger more permanent accomplishment was to appoint three Catholic culture war judges on the Supreme Court to keep the working class religious right culture warriors locked and loaded in the voting booth in favor of being pushed upon by the filthy Republican rich.
a.1 How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic? 180204 {post•1145}. francoHFW inserted in Vhdwst:

Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers. Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:

1. WORKERS PRODUCE MORE BUT THE GAINS GO TO BUSINESS. Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year. .•¥•. But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980. frnchfw 180204 Vhdwst01145

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240527 {post•823}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: The above data was provided to USMB users in February 2018. Now We should give Biden the opportunity to have eight years to turn it around. Trump with his tax cuts was assuring that trend wouid continue.

nfbw 240527 Vrftma00823
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Joe says: “I don’t see red or blue states, I see the United States,” we need to be united in better addressing the real divide in this country: the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

Wealthy Americans who vote for Joe must be rejecting Reaganomics trickle down policies when they do.

Do you reject Reaganomics Saint Papageorgeo?

Trump tax policy is trickle down favorable to the wealthy - all wealthy including me because I am “wealthy enough” to leave my kids a 1000 times more wealth than I got got from the generation before me, but I do not vote for trickle down. Trickle down is the bane of the working class.

Will you take four minutes to read this Saint Papageorgeo?:

The wealthiest 10% of Americans own 84% of stocks. Nearly 100 of the Fortune 500 companies paid zero taxes in 2018. Whether it’s dressed up as Republican or Democrat, the increasing gap between rich and poor factors into virtually every political issue: perpetuating systemic racism, the rationale for health coverage, the basis of tax policy, the impetus for education reform, the list goes on and on.​

Trickle Down
political_economics Reaganomics wealth_gap

Let’s all remember al 2006, shall we? 240113 {post•360}. Papageorgio said: the rich, which is 99% of Congress is rich works for the rich, the power goes with the money. #360

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240126 {post•1]. wihosa said: Trump fancies himself a great leader and his cult followers agree, but where does he plan to lead them? They don't know...and neither does he. There is no GOP platform, they don't even have a couple planks! #1

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•90]. Papageorgio said: We haven’t had a leader in the WH for decades, Reagan and Kennedy were the last true leaders, not much else since. #90

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•901]. Dagosa said: Reagan spent his second term with dementia.#91

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•92]. Papageorgio said: And still a much better leader than anyone since then. #92

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•93]. Dagosa said: instituted trickle down. #93

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•94]. Papageorgio said: I’ll take him and Kennedy Over any of the last 5 presidents. #94

CNN — President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich to pay for their $3.5 trillion plan to expand the nation’s safety net, saying the wealthy should pay their fair share.​
The rich would be hit in a variety of ways under the proposal advanced by the House Ways & Means Committee.​

I noticed you cut my link proving the party of the rich are Democrats and then throw in a bunch of BS. Just admit you are wrong, St, Stupid.
The above data was

I noticed you cut my link proving the party of the rich are Democrats a

What do you mean by the phrase “party of the rich“?

Of course, many Democrats can be super rich which is the point I’m making on this thread to you. It is true that the Democrats, including rich Democrats advocate policies that are beneficial to the middle class and lower and detrimental to the rich themselves.

Republicans advocate for trickle down, piss on the poor economics, and I see you are in navigator for Ronnie Reagan, who got that deficit producing bullshit started in 1980

That’s the distinction you seem to miss and do not want to talk about.
What do you mean by the phrase “party of the rich“?

Of course, many Democrats can be super rich which is the point I’m making on this thread to you. It is true that the Democrats, including rich Democrats advocate policies that are beneficial to the middle class and lower and detrimental to the rich themselves.

Republicans advocate for trickle down, piss on the poor economics, and I see you are in navigator for Ronnie Reagan, who got that deficit producing bullshit started in 1980

That’s the distinction you seem to miss and do not want to talk about.
Now you are playing dumb. Wow!

How much extra has Warren Buffet who claims the tax laws are unfair, paid in taxes? The article, if you actually read the damn thing shows how Democrats, the party of the rich, are slowly changing their policies because their base has changed, money is going to tighten and where it goes will change but you believe what you need Saint Stupid.
How much extra has Warren Buffet who claims the tax laws are unfair, paid in taxes?
Why would you bring up Warren Buffet?

He is with Biden and the working class.

Billionaire Warren Buffet on Raising Taxes on the Rich: “I’m Fine with It”​

By: Sergei Klebnikov

Published: Feb 25, 2019 3 min read

Photo illustration by Sarina Finkelstein for Money; Getty Images (1); (1040 form) Courtesy of the IRS

Legendary investor Warren Buffett said on Monday that rich Americans, including himself, are not paying enough in taxes. “The wealthy are definitely undertaxed relative to the general population,” the Berkshire Hathaway Chairman told CNBC in an interview.

Indeed, Buffett has supported the idea for a while. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in The New York Times entitled ‘Stop Coddling the Super-Rich,’ where he called for higher rates on taxable income above $1 million, with an additional increase for those who make more than $10 million. To prove his point, Buffett has also pointed out that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary.

Over the last few decades, wealth inequality in the U.S. has gotten worse, with the gap between the rich and poor continuing to balloon out of control. The richest 1% of American households now own 40% of the country’s wealth – that’s more than at any time in the past 50 years, according to a 2018 study by economist Edward Wolff, who uses data from the federal Survey of Consumer Finances.

“I think the income tax credit is the best way to address that,” Buffett told CNBC. “That probably means more taxes for guys like me, and I’m fine with it,” he said Monday.
I noticed you cut my link proving the party of the rich are Democrats and then throw in a bunch of BS.

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: Both Party’s have rich politicians and donors. The truth is Saint Papageorgeo has not ever provided a link to some sort of “proof” that the party of the rich are Democrats. St.PapaG is a liar in the above quote from post #824. nfbw 240527 rftma00830

Republican voters are just painfully stupid. 240522 {post•1}. Papageorgio said: I don’t expect the rich to look out for the middle class. So expect nothing from politicians and so far they haven’t disappointed. ppgrg 240522 Srvajs00007

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240523 {post•642}.

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: I wonder how the middle class can get government to look out for their interest when government functions primarily on politicians being elected by middle class voters; but in Saint Papageorgeo’s world wealthy politicians apparently don’t ever champion policies that would benefit the middle class.

Is Saint Papageorgia stupid or just simply an old grumpy assed homeowner screaming at kids to get off his lawn. nfbw 240527 rftma00830
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Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. It is why Republicans are suffering politically since they won a states rights argument with the Dobbs decision.

But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

One of Saint Ding’s failed arguments goes something like this:

ding said: It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life. dvng. #4,716

An argument based upon what Saint Ding thinks I am thinking being evil, is not an argument at all.

Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

Saint Heynorm does the same thing by accusing me of thinking ZEFs are worthless clump of cells,

HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

I don’t think that at all. My response is here:
nf.23.11.21 #11,948 to hynrm.23.11.19 #772

nf.23.11.21 #1
/—-/ You want a rational argument not to murder babies in the womb. And Nazis wanted a rational argument not to gas the Jews.
You want a rational argument not to murder babies in the womb.

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240527 {post•832}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: No. It is very clear I want a rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.

Banning reasonable access to a safe legal abortion by a government is the deprivation of liberty of adult law abiding human beings.

You brought up Jews being deprived of their liberty being herded into cattle cars and taken to death camps, so I know you know Saint Cellblock2429 what being deprived of individual liberty means.

So why do you want government to deprive law abiding pregnant women of the liberty to stop gestating the fetus inside her body when she does not want to assume the risk of childbirth.

One argument here is that protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb. Post Partim : After separation from its birth mother.

Note to you before you get the urge again to bring the extermination of Jews into a rational argument about abortion politics you should know that the Jewish religion has a belief that the sanctity of life begins at childbirth when God breathes the soul into our mortal newly separated and newly born bodies,

The Nazis henceforth murdered human beings that definitively had souls. A fetus may or may not have a soul forcing on religion.

Think about it.

nfbw 240527 Vrftam00832 to cllblcknnnn 240527 Vrftma00831
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Why would you bring up Warren Buffet?

He is with Biden and the working class.

Billionaire Warren Buffet on Raising Taxes on the Rich: “I’m Fine with It”​

By: Sergei Klebnikov

Published: Feb 25, 2019 3 min read

Photo illustration by Sarina Finkelstein for Money; Getty Images (1); (1040 form) Courtesy of the IRS

Legendary investor Warren Buffett said on Monday that rich Americans, including himself, are not paying enough in taxes. “The wealthy are definitely undertaxed relative to the general population,” the Berkshire Hathaway Chairman told CNBC in an interview.

Indeed, Buffett has supported the idea for a while. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in The New York Times entitled ‘Stop Coddling the Super-Rich,’ where he called for higher rates on taxable income above $1 million, with an additional increase for those who make more than $10 million. To prove his point, Buffett has also pointed out that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary.

Over the last few decades, wealth inequality in the U.S. has gotten worse, with the gap between the rich and poor continuing to balloon out of control. The richest 1% of American households now own 40% of the country’s wealth – that’s more than at any time in the past 50 years, according to a 2018 study by economist Edward Wolff, who uses data from the federal Survey of Consumer Finances.

“I think the income tax credit is the best way to address that,” Buffett told CNBC. “That probably means more taxes for guys like me, and I’m fine with it,” he said Monday.
How much extra Buffet Contribute to the government? The answer is he only pays what he has to and not a penny more, so he is just a rabble rouser who doesn’t earn income, it is mostly passive, so Buffet paying a hire percentage of earned income won’t hurt him as much as it would hurt you, that is why he advocates for it.
NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: Both Party’s have rich politicians and donors. The truth is Saint Papageorgeo has not ever provided a link to some sort of “proof” that the party of the rich are Democrats. St.PapaG is a liar in the above quote from post #824. nfbw 240527 rftma00830

Republican voters are just painfully stupid. 240522 {post•1}. Papageorgio said: I don’t expect the rich to look out for the middle class. So expect nothing from politicians and so far they haven’t disappointed. ppgrg 240522 Srvajs00007

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240523 {post•642}.

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: I wonder how the middle class can get government to look out for their interest when government functions primarily on politicians being elected by middle class voters; but in Saint Papageorgeo’s world wealthy politicians apparently don’t ever champion policies that would benefit the middle class.

Is Saint Papageorgia stupid or just simply an old grumpy assed homeowner screaming at kids to get off his lawn. nfbw 240527 rftma00830
Again, just your silly opinions and trying to twist my words, I’m good with that Saint Stupid, as it makes you look even more stupider than ever. Thanks for the good work.
Buffet is saying tax laws are unfair to the working class. Are you confused about that little detail.
And he wants to raise taxes earned income, why? Because most of his money comes from passive income which is most of his earnings, you aren’t very bzright when it comes to taxes are you, Saint Stupid.
Surely you have an idea cample where I specifically twisted your words.
Just read the post, it is all over the post.
Not only are Republicans painfully stupid, so are Democrats. I said both, you twist, dishonest but I’m learning that with Saint Stupid, expect dishonesty.
Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240527 {post•832}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: No. It is very clear I want a rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.

Banning reasonable access to a safe legal abortion by a government is the deprivation of liberty of adult law abiding human beings.

You brought up Jews being deprived of their liberty being herded into cattle cars and taken to death camps, so I know you know Saint Cellblock2429 what being deprived of individual liberty means.

So why do you want government to deprive law abiding pregnant women of the liberty to stop gestating the fetus inside her body when she does not want to assume the risk of childbirth.

One argument here is that protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb. Post Partim : After separation from its birth mother.

Note to you before you get the urge again to bring the extermination of Jews into a rational argument about abortion politics you should know that the Jewish religion has a belief that the sanctity of life begins at childbirth when God breathes the soul into our mortal newly separated and newly born bodies,

The Nazis henceforth murdered human beings that definitively had souls. A fetus may or may not have a soul forcing on religion.

Think about it.

nfbw 240527 Vrftam00832 to cllblcknnnn 240527 Vrftma00831
We can’t have a rational national argument about why women can’t be forced to become a parent, when Men are always forced to become a parent at the woman whim.

I’ll watch you run again. You’re good at it.
Not only are Republicans painfully stupid, so are Democrats. I said both, you twist
Twisted what about that? That involves no facts or logic to twist. . Thats just you ragging on both major parties with no substance there either.

And he wants to raise taxes earned income, why?

Biden budget for 2025: Besides restoring the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6% from the current 37%, Biden wants the country’s wealthiest to pay the same tax rate on their investment income as middle-class families pay on their wages.

Are you for that Saint Papageorgeo?

We can’t have a rational national argument about why women can’t be forced to become a parent
Men don’t gestate fetuses - only women do.

Check the thread title :

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.

Republicans are not forcing women to become a parent - She can give the baby up for adoption. Republicans are forcing women to give birth to a child and a man cannot do that.

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