Republicans failed to discredit the Steele Dossier

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It's not the responsibility of the GOP to disprove the Fake Dossier. The promoters of the Fake Dossier are responsible for proving its veracity.

In RealityLand, Steele has admitted he used website comments as sources. What a scam.
And the FBI already admitted its veracity. I already posted the link, so get a clue.

The FBI has admitted the dossier exists. They haven't proven any ROOOSIAN collusion or yellow showers.
You are deflecting like a coward. Stand up and be a man and debate what the OP is telling you. It's telling us that the parts that were investigated have been verified. Didn't say anything about Collusion.

Yes, there are actual words that having meaning in the dossier: the, and, a, this, that.

But the rest is just hiLIARy's oppo attack propaganda.

If you had even one stone you'd admit that.
I'm not admitting anything. The FBI concluded that the parts of the Dossier were checked and verified. You can take up your butt hurt with them, not me.
Once again, you lie. No official in the FBI has ever stated that any part of the so-called "dossier" has been verified.
Tech Firm in Steele Dossier May Have Been Used by Russian Spies

It's always been peculiar as to why Republicans always worked so hard to discredit the Steele Dossier. Now we know why. Because the technical parts of the Dossier have born fruit from the truth tree, exposing the nefarious behaviors surrounding Trump and his campaign. People, this is what Republicans and their voting stooge population didn't want the public to see. Each time we see more of the Dossier, the more we see that there is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Republicans have also done everything they could to discredit Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr, under the direction of Doug Collins. You know, another water boy for Trump. Collins has been dripping out bits and pieces of transcripts trying to make these three look bad by including only those parts that appear to make them look bad, when in fact, they actually look good, once you read all the transcripts. They will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit this investigation into Russia, that it makes one want to vomit in disgust as to how far they will go to hide the truth. Too bad for these criminals and their complicit followers, it just isn't working. The truth just keeps eating your lunch you worthless traitors.

I would have liked to have watched the video. I clicked on it but a message came up saying it wasn't available.

As far as I know, all of the parts of the dossier that have been investigated have resulted in the dossier being correct.

The only part that has any questions is that Michael Cohen was in Prague but he claims he wasn't but cell tower records show his phone was in the area of Pargue.

Maybe Cohen was in the area of Prague but not in the city itself so he can honestly say he wasn't in Prague.

Other than that one part nothing else in that dossier has ever been proven incorrect or questionable. At least that I know of.

Cohen did say he was there 16 years ago, and that maybe where the confusion comes from.
Tech Firm in Steele Dossier May Have Been Used by Russian Spies

It's always been peculiar as to why Republicans always worked so hard to discredit the Steele Dossier. Now we know why. Because the technical parts of the Dossier have born fruit from the truth tree, exposing the nefarious behaviors surrounding Trump and his campaign. People, this is what Republicans and their voting stooge population didn't want the public to see. Each time we see more of the Dossier, the more we see that there is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Republicans have also done everything they could to discredit Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr, under the direction of Doug Collins. You know, another water boy for Trump. Collins has been dripping out bits and pieces of transcripts trying to make these three look bad by including only those parts that appear to make them look bad, when in fact, they actually look good, once you read all the transcripts. They will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit this investigation into Russia, that it makes one want to vomit in disgust as to how far they will go to hide the truth. Too bad for these criminals and their complicit followers, it just isn't working. The truth just keeps eating your lunch you worthless traitors.

I would have liked to have watched the video. I clicked on it but a message came up saying it wasn't available.

As far as I know, all of the parts of the dossier that have been investigated have resulted in the dossier being correct.

The only part that has any questions is that Michael Cohen was in Prague but he claims he wasn't but cell tower records show his phone was in the area of Pargue.

Maybe Cohen was in the area of Prague but not in the city itself so he can honestly say he wasn't in Prague.

Other than that one part nothing else in that dossier has ever been proven incorrect or questionable. At least that I know of.

Cohen did say he was there 16 years ago, and that maybe where the confusion comes from.

This is what it feels like

Us: Guys, you nominated Lex Luther to be POTUS
Republicans: Don't be ridiculous

(daily corruption scandal and bad legislation and lies from Republicans)

Us: See we were right

Republicans: Don't be ridiculous.

I just can't imagine how they get away with the hypocricy. Remember the GOP opened up an investigation to see if SOS Clinton was using her foundation in a pay for play situation. Nothing was found by the way. Today it is obvious Trump has people who are lobbying him staying at Trump Washington.

Who the fuck let the President own a hotel in Washington? He needs to sell this hotel asap.

An Associated Press report on Monday showed that despite President Trump’s pledge to donate all profits his hotels received from foreign governments, his business has not yet made a single payment to the U.S. Treasury.

In 2017, the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. hosted several events entertaining groups from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Kuwait, as well as another promoting business between the United States and Turkey. The initial deadline to make a donation of those profits was set for the end of last year, but the deadline came and went with no payout.

Donald Trump’s Suite of Power
You seem to be content with asking stupid questions. Have you seen the Mueller report yet idiot? I haven't. Or is that too hard for you to figure out as it relates to your question? Maybe these folks really are this dumb?

It's a nothing burger.
Why do you think dems stopped screeching about impeachment ya dumbfuck?
With a mountain of evidence, and more to come, Democrats want every drop of evidence before that is discussed, leaving Republicans zero leverage from which to defend Trump with.
Democrats have been discussing it since before Trump took office.

Say, what's your DU name?
The FBI is discussing it now.
Oh, you mean the FBI that worked to influence an election by discrediting Trump any way they could and by covering up Hillary's crimes? That FBI?

No rational person is going to take them seriously. Hence your implicit trust in them.

Could have fooled me.
Whose info did the Feds release again?
Strange how they released anti hill emails.
Not a peep re Don.
The Feds gave don the election.
And he's too dumb to see it!
You are deflecting like a coward. Stand up and be a man and debate what the OP is telling you. It's telling us that the parts that were investigated have been verified. Didn't say anything about Collusion.

Yes, there are actual words that having meaning in the dossier: the, and, a, this, that.

But the rest is just hiLIARy's oppo attack propaganda.

If you had even one stone you'd admit that.
I'm not admitting anything. The FBI concluded that the parts of the Dossier were checked and verified. You can take up your butt hurt with them, not me.

Spin spin spin little beta!
Enjoy your commie SS Medicare, VA benefits?

You're in the wrong thread, bub, This is about the Fake Dossier, not entitlement programs.

Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?
Yes, there are actual words that having meaning in the dossier: the, and, a, this, that.

But the rest is just hiLIARy's oppo attack propaganda.

If you had even one stone you'd admit that.
I'm not admitting anything. The FBI concluded that the parts of the Dossier were checked and verified. You can take up your butt hurt with them, not me.

Spin spin spin little beta!
Enjoy your commie SS Medicare, VA benefits?

You're in the wrong thread, bub, This is about the Fake Dossier, not entitlement programs.

Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?
The fact that you believe anyone has to prove a word of it to be wrong only shows that you're a dumbass incapable of committing logic.
I'm not admitting anything. The FBI concluded that the parts of the Dossier were checked and verified. You can take up your butt hurt with them, not me.

Spin spin spin little beta!
Enjoy your commie SS Medicare, VA benefits?

You're in the wrong thread, bub, This is about the Fake Dossier, not entitlement programs.

Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?

It must be such a great comfort to you to have such a feverish fantasy life as consolation for your lack of an actual life.

Tell my kids and model trust lady wife.
Nice to know you know everything about me.
I'm gazing at the ocean as we speak.
Back to reality.
On the dossier I guess knees news didn't tell you the Feds were looking into our vagina grabber before the dossier?
And while there are grey areas nothing has been disproved, except in Tucker's brain maybe?
Hope this helps.
Do you really think a 10 year Moscow MI 6 guy has less credence than don the con?
Can you list the incorrect parts?
I'm not admitting anything. The FBI concluded that the parts of the Dossier were checked and verified. You can take up your butt hurt with them, not me.

Spin spin spin little beta!
Enjoy your commie SS Medicare, VA benefits?

You're in the wrong thread, bub, This is about the Fake Dossier, not entitlement programs.

Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?

The fact that you believe anyone has to prove a word of it to be wrong only shows that you're a dumbass incapable of committing logic.

I'm still waiting for your link that disproves it.
Says a baby pic who can't creat his own pics.
Glad to see you know ,more than a MI6 guy.
Education again?
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Hope this helps.
I guess you don't believe this either?
Spin spin spin little beta!
Enjoy your commie SS Medicare, VA benefits?

You're in the wrong thread, bub, This is about the Fake Dossier, not entitlement programs.

Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?

It must be such a great comfort to you to have such a feverish fantasy life as consolation for your lack of an actual life.

Tell my kids and model trust lady wife.
Nice to know you know everything about me.
I'm gazing at the ocean as we speak.
Back to reality.
On the dossier I guess knees news didn't tell you the Feds were looking into our vagina grabber before the dossier?
And while there are grey areas nothing has been disproved, except in Tucker's brain maybe?
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Hope this helps.
Do you really think a 10 year Moscow MI 6 guy has less credence than don the con?
Can you list the incorrect parts?

I don't care enough about about your life to ask which model of blow up doll you have.

Steele is a political hack who worked with other political hacks to create fake oppo propaganda because they were afraid that Trump would disrupt their Status Quo gravy train.
Enjoy your commie SS Medicare, VA benefits?

You're in the wrong thread, bub, This is about the Fake Dossier, not entitlement programs.

Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?

It must be such a great comfort to you to have such a feverish fantasy life as consolation for your lack of an actual life.

Tell my kids and model trust lady wife.
Nice to know you know everything about me.
I'm gazing at the ocean as we speak.
Back to reality.
On the dossier I guess knees news didn't tell you the Feds were looking into our vagina grabber before the dossier?
And while there are grey areas nothing has been disproved, except in Tucker's brain maybe?
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Hope this helps.
Do you really think a 10 year Moscow MI 6 guy has less credence than don the con?
Can you list the incorrect parts?

I don't care enough about about your life to ask which model of blow up doll you have.

Steele is a political hack who worked with other political hacks to create fake oppo propaganda because they were afraid that Trump would disrupt their Status Quo gravy train.
And at the end of the day, the parts of the Dossier that were investigated, checked out. Lol! Which totally cancels out your claims. And sonny boy, that's a butt hurt reality for you. And nothing in this world is going to change that.

You can call Steele a "political hack" or claim "fake propaganda", and it won't be worth two shits in a bucket.
You're in the wrong thread, bub, This is about the Fake Dossier, not entitlement programs.

Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?

It must be such a great comfort to you to have such a feverish fantasy life as consolation for your lack of an actual life.

Tell my kids and model trust lady wife.
Nice to know you know everything about me.
I'm gazing at the ocean as we speak.
Back to reality.
On the dossier I guess knees news didn't tell you the Feds were looking into our vagina grabber before the dossier?
And while there are grey areas nothing has been disproved, except in Tucker's brain maybe?
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Hope this helps.
Do you really think a 10 year Moscow MI 6 guy has less credence than don the con?
Can you list the incorrect parts?

I don't care enough about about your life to ask which model of blow up doll you have.

Steele is a political hack who worked with other political hacks to create fake oppo propaganda because they were afraid that Trump would disrupt their Status Quo gravy train.
And at the end of the day, the parts of the Dossier that were investigated, checked out. Lol! Which totally cancels out your claims. And sonny boy, that's a butt hurt reality for you. And nothing in this world is going to change that.

You can call Steele a "political hack" or claim "fake propaganda", and it won't be worth two shits in a bucket.

A political hack by any other name is still a political hack.
Tech Firm in Steele Dossier May Have Been Used by Russian Spies

It's always been peculiar as to why Republicans always worked so hard to discredit the Steele Dossier. Now we know why. Because the technical parts of the Dossier have born fruit from the truth tree, exposing the nefarious behaviors surrounding Trump and his campaign. People, this is what Republicans and their voting stooge population didn't want the public to see. Each time we see more of the Dossier, the more we see that there is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Republicans have also done everything they could to discredit Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr, under the direction of Doug Collins. You know, another water boy for Trump. Collins has been dripping out bits and pieces of transcripts trying to make these three look bad by including only those parts that appear to make them look bad, when in fact, they actually look good, once you read all the transcripts. They will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit this investigation into Russia, that it makes one want to vomit in disgust as to how far they will go to hide the truth. Too bad for these criminals and their complicit followers, it just isn't working. The truth just keeps eating your lunch you worthless traitors.

LMAO!!!!!! Not even Christopher Steele would say under oath that this "dossier" paid for by Fusion GPS that was given funds by the Hildebeast DNC was legitimate and based on fact. I have to admit that the entire premise was based on enraging leftards that Trump would pay Russian prostitutes to urinate in a bed that Obamamonkey and his trans-gendered "wife" slept in......I mean, who stood to profit from such a ridiculous story? Trump and his admin never signed off on Uranium One and got suitcases full of money to "grease the skids" or put 145 million dollars into the slush fund of the Clintons that was cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation......but you "rock on" wid yo' bad self, homeboy........

Changing hearts and minds with one baiting, fact free post at a time, eh, BWK???????

A. Don’t forget trumps foundation has been criminally charged and shut down.

B. Trump has lobbyists and foreign diplomats seeking his favor staying at trump towers in Washington. It is outrageous he can have a hotel in Washington. He is a criminal enterprise and must go.

I make an extra $35 a week because of trumps tax plan. I can’t be bought that cheap.
I'd have to say, the Charitable Foundation to me, is particularly sinister and demonic. Stealing money from a charity slated for use in cancer research. That makes me want to puke. Trump and his family are bad. I mean really bad. If you'll steal from that, you'll do anything.
Last edited:
Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?

It must be such a great comfort to you to have such a feverish fantasy life as consolation for your lack of an actual life.

Tell my kids and model trust lady wife.
Nice to know you know everything about me.
I'm gazing at the ocean as we speak.
Back to reality.
On the dossier I guess knees news didn't tell you the Feds were looking into our vagina grabber before the dossier?
And while there are grey areas nothing has been disproved, except in Tucker's brain maybe?
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Hope this helps.
Do you really think a 10 year Moscow MI 6 guy has less credence than don the con?
Can you list the incorrect parts?

I don't care enough about about your life to ask which model of blow up doll you have.

Steele is a political hack who worked with other political hacks to create fake oppo propaganda because they were afraid that Trump would disrupt their Status Quo gravy train.
And at the end of the day, the parts of the Dossier that were investigated, checked out. Lol! Which totally cancels out your claims. And sonny boy, that's a butt hurt reality for you. And nothing in this world is going to change that.

You can call Steele a "political hack" or claim "fake propaganda", and it won't be worth two shits in a bucket.

A political hack by any other name is still a political hack.
Knock yourself out on that. It still doesn't change reality. The FBI are still verifying the Dossier.
We know you don't.

You're the one refusing to answer nimrod.
You seem to be content with asking stupid questions. Have you seen the Mueller report yet idiot? I haven't. Or is that too hard for you to figure out as it relates to your question? Maybe these folks really are this dumb?

It's a nothing burger.
Why do you think dems stopped screeching about impeachment ya dumbfuck?
With a mountain of evidence, and more to come, Democrats want every drop of evidence before that is discussed, leaving Republicans zero leverage from which to defend Trump with.
Democrats have been discussing it since before Trump took office.

Say, what's your DU name?
And? What about it? Trump's been discussing illegally paying off porn stars and not reporting the money before and after the election, and he's been caught.

On the other hand, Steele had been uncovering wrong doing before the election, and that's a bad thing?
Post one meaningful (criminal?) item from this document and proof. Is that possible 3 years into this witch hunt? I have never seen any line by line account? Why not? On USMB? Yahoo? Drudge? TV? Savage? Levin? Never.
The RICO/ conspiracy/obstruction/campaign finance crimes, totallying around seventeen investigations in all, are still ongoing.
It must be such a great comfort to you to have such a feverish fantasy life as consolation for your lack of an actual life.

Tell my kids and model trust lady wife.
Nice to know you know everything about me.
I'm gazing at the ocean as we speak.
Back to reality.
On the dossier I guess knees news didn't tell you the Feds were looking into our vagina grabber before the dossier?
And while there are grey areas nothing has been disproved, except in Tucker's brain maybe?
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Hope this helps.
Do you really think a 10 year Moscow MI 6 guy has less credence than don the con?
Can you list the incorrect parts?

I don't care enough about about your life to ask which model of blow up doll you have.

Steele is a political hack who worked with other political hacks to create fake oppo propaganda because they were afraid that Trump would disrupt their Status Quo gravy train.
And at the end of the day, the parts of the Dossier that were investigated, checked out. Lol! Which totally cancels out your claims. And sonny boy, that's a butt hurt reality for you. And nothing in this world is going to change that.

You can call Steele a "political hack" or claim "fake propaganda", and it won't be worth two shits in a bucket.

A political hack by any other name is still a political hack.
Knock yourself out on that. It still doesn't change reality. The FBI are still verifying the Dossier.

It's cute that you are keeping your hope alive that they'll be able to verify anything...futile, but cute.
Tell my kids and model trust lady wife.
Nice to know you know everything about me.
I'm gazing at the ocean as we speak.
Back to reality.
On the dossier I guess knees news didn't tell you the Feds were looking into our vagina grabber before the dossier?
And while there are grey areas nothing has been disproved, except in Tucker's brain maybe?
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Hope this helps.
Do you really think a 10 year Moscow MI 6 guy has less credence than don the con?
Can you list the incorrect parts?

I don't care enough about about your life to ask which model of blow up doll you have.

Steele is a political hack who worked with other political hacks to create fake oppo propaganda because they were afraid that Trump would disrupt their Status Quo gravy train.
And at the end of the day, the parts of the Dossier that were investigated, checked out. Lol! Which totally cancels out your claims. And sonny boy, that's a butt hurt reality for you. And nothing in this world is going to change that.

You can call Steele a "political hack" or claim "fake propaganda", and it won't be worth two shits in a bucket.

A political hack by any other name is still a political hack.
Knock yourself out on that. It still doesn't change reality. The FBI are still verifying the Dossier.

It's cute that you are keeping your hope alive that they'll be able to verify anything...futile, but cute.
Lol! They already have. You and your tin foil denials are cute.
Spin spin spin little beta!
Enjoy your commie SS Medicare, VA benefits?

You're in the wrong thread, bub, This is about the Fake Dossier, not entitlement programs.

Thanks, Anyway, sucking?
Let me look for Steele.
I thought nothing in his dossier had been proven wrong.
Golden shower still outstanding.
Fake ? Watching knees news?

The fact that you believe anyone has to prove a word of it to be wrong only shows that you're a dumbass incapable of committing logic.

I'm still waiting for your link that disproves it.
Says a baby pic who can't creat his own pics.
Glad to see you know ,more than a MI6 guy.
Education again?
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Hope this helps.
I guess you don't believe this either?
ROFL! Here a lesson logic, moron: I don't have to prove a negative. I don't have to prove Bigfoot doesn't exist, and I don't have to prove that pile of crap "dossier" is invalid. You have to prove that it's true.

I suggest you quit posting on this subject because all you're doing is confirming the fact that you're a moron who is unable to commit logic.
I don't care enough about about your life to ask which model of blow up doll you have.

Steele is a political hack who worked with other political hacks to create fake oppo propaganda because they were afraid that Trump would disrupt their Status Quo gravy train.
And at the end of the day, the parts of the Dossier that were investigated, checked out. Lol! Which totally cancels out your claims. And sonny boy, that's a butt hurt reality for you. And nothing in this world is going to change that.

You can call Steele a "political hack" or claim "fake propaganda", and it won't be worth two shits in a bucket.

A political hack by any other name is still a political hack.
Knock yourself out on that. It still doesn't change reality. The FBI are still verifying the Dossier.

It's cute that you are keeping your hope alive that they'll be able to verify anything...futile, but cute.
Lol! They already have. You and your tin foil denials are cute.

Really? What have they verified?
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