Republicans failed to discredit the Steele Dossier

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Tech Firm in Steele Dossier May Have Been Used by Russian Spies

It's always been peculiar as to why Republicans always worked so hard to discredit the Steele Dossier. Now we know why. Because the technical parts of the Dossier have born fruit from the truth tree, exposing the nefarious behaviors surrounding Trump and his campaign. People, this is what Republicans and their voting stooge population didn't want the public to see. Each time we see more of the Dossier, the more we see that there is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Republicans have also done everything they could to discredit Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr, under the direction of Doug Collins. You know, another water boy for Trump. Collins has been dripping out bits and pieces of transcripts trying to make these three look bad by including only those parts that appear to make them look bad, when in fact, they actually look good, once you read all the transcripts. They will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit this investigation into Russia, that it makes one want to vomit in disgust as to how far they will go to hide the truth. Too bad for these criminals and their complicit followers, it just isn't working. The truth just keeps eating your lunch you worthless traitors.

LMAO!!!!!! Not even Christopher Steele would say under oath that this "dossier" paid for by Fusion GPS that was given funds by the Hildebeast DNC was legitimate and based on fact. I have to admit that the entire premise was based on enraging leftards that Trump would pay Russian prostitutes to urinate in a bed that Obamamonkey and his trans-gendered "wife" slept in......I mean, who stood to profit from such a ridiculous story? Trump and his admin never signed off on Uranium One and got suitcases full of money to "grease the skids" or put 145 million dollars into the slush fund of the Clintons that was cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation......but you "rock on" wid yo' bad self, homeboy........

Changing hearts and minds with one baiting, fact free post at a time, eh, BWK???????

Law enforcement already verified the technical parts to the Dossier. What the cowardly Uranium one off topic comments have to do with that, is anyone's guess? That's for the audience of the intellectually impaired cultists. Your whole paragraph told us absolutely nothing. What an idiot.

Kindly go fuck yourself, troll. I didn't vote for Trump or anyone else in what is a banana republic. I abandoned the left versus right paradigm seven plus years a go. Was I happy that Trump won? Damn straight I was because I know what the Clinton crime family is all about. We had a "Hail Mary" pass from the 50 yard line with two seconds on the clock. If Trump was really selected by the white hats to return us to being a republic, we have a fighting chance. I remain cautiously optimistic while being somewhat jaded. You are simply a partisan, butthurt shill and probably a closet marxist to boot. Make absolutely NO mistake on this very salient point.....there is no fucking way that I would EVER align myself with the likes of you and the democrat communist party......not in this or any other lifetime. Are we clear on that point????

Yep, you and your KKK white hat mentality are too far gone. Hate will take you to your last days. I feel sorry for you. Seriously!

The KKK loves Donald Trump. They said if you don’t vote for him you’re a traitor. They even had make America great again splashed all over the front page of their KKK newspaper. Which I’ve linked to many times.

Trump is already promoting the exercise of violence if he doesn't win. Trump is demonic and his cult are loving it.
Facts don’t matter to republicans. Just stick to the truth. Keep repeating the truth. They will continue to lie.
I know. But that is what is needed. Lies don't last forever, as we see how they are catching up to Trump and the rest of his goons who have been using the office to enrich themselves. All of his complicit cultists are going to get a wake up call because of the mountain of lies and criminal conduct.

The best part about all this for me, is the fact that Trump and his complicit cultists were drawn out into the open, revealing who and what they are. There are too many bad adjectives to describe them, but at least the country and the world know what frauds and traitors they always were to this country. And the irony to all this is, we have Trump to thank for bringing all these Gargoyles out of the ground. Thank you Mr. Dump!
You live in a fantasy world.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
I know. But that is what is needed. Lies don't last forever, as we see how they are catching up to Trump and the rest of his goons who have been using the office to enrich themselves. All of his complicit cultists are going to get a wake up call because of the mountain of lies and criminal conduct.

The best part about all this for me, is the fact that Trump and his complicit cultists were drawn out into the open, revealing who and what they are. There are too many bad adjectives to describe them, but at least the country and the world know what frauds and traitors they always were to this country. And the irony to all this is, we have Trump to thank for bringing all these Gargoyles out of the ground. Thank you Mr. Dump!
You live in a fantasy world.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
I know. But that is what is needed. Lies don't last forever, as we see how they are catching up to Trump and the rest of his goons who have been using the office to enrich themselves. All of his complicit cultists are going to get a wake up call because of the mountain of lies and criminal conduct.

The best part about all this for me, is the fact that Trump and his complicit cultists were drawn out into the open, revealing who and what they are. There are too many bad adjectives to describe them, but at least the country and the world know what frauds and traitors they always were to this country. And the irony to all this is, we have Trump to thank for bringing all these Gargoyles out of the ground. Thank you Mr. Dump!
You live in a fantasy world.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
You live in a fantasy world.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies. Violence! This will be and has been Trump's campaign strategy; Trump lashes out on Twitter, going after Mueller, McCain After a little more than two years, we had a low key president and a good economy going on. Now we have a wanta be authoritarian dictator pedaling violence against its own citizens.
Last edited:
You live in a fantasy world.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.

Your reading comprehension skills are non-existent.
You are threatening people on this forum. That is what I read.Ha, we comprehend just fine. Your fake president does it almost daily; Trump lashes out on Twitter, going after Mueller, McCain
Can you link to the post where he threatens people?
You live in a fantasy world.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.
You're providing cover for a coup against a lawfully elected president. You're just as guilty as the main coup plotters. You all belong in prison.

There is nothing lawful about conducting espionage against the opposition party. Only a traitor would even consider such a thing.
You live in a fantasy world.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.

"Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier 'is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain,'"

The comments referred to a series of memos written in 2016 by retired British spy Christopher Steele. They alleged a widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. The most salacious and damning allegations in the dossier remain unverified to this day. But the claims that form the bulk of the memos have held up over time, or at least proved to be partially true.

McCain denied giving the dossier to BuzzFeed in a 2017 interview with the Daily Caller but did acknowledge providing it to the FBI. He provided a copy of the unconfirmed memos to then-FBI Director James Comey.

Trump also slammed McCain Saturday for his vote against a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor in July 2017.
"He had far worse 'stains' than this," Trump continued, "including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!"
Meghan McCain did not mince words in her response, accusing Trump of being fixated on her father's legacy.
"No one will ever love you the way they loved my father," she tweeted Saturday. "I wish I had been given more Saturday's with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?"

On Sunday, Trump tweeted about McCain and the Russia dossier again, this time referring to McCain as being "last in his class" at the US Naval Academy. McCain graduated from the Annapolis, Maryland, school in 1958 and was laid to rest there last year.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.

"Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier 'is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain,'"

The comments referred to a series of memos written in 2016 by retired British spy Christopher Steele. They alleged a widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. The most salacious and damning allegations in the dossier remain unverified to this day. But the claims that form the bulk of the memos have held up over time, or at least proved to be partially true.

McCain denied giving the dossier to BuzzFeed in a 2017 interview with the Daily Caller but did acknowledge providing it to the FBI. He provided a copy of the unconfirmed memos to then-FBI Director James Comey.

Trump also slammed McCain Saturday for his vote against a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor in July 2017.
"He had far worse 'stains' than this," Trump continued, "including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!"
Meghan McCain did not mince words in her response, accusing Trump of being fixated on her father's legacy.
"No one will ever love you the way they loved my father," she tweeted Saturday. "I wish I had been given more Saturday's with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?"

On Sunday, Trump tweeted about McCain and the Russia dossier again, this time referring to McCain as being "last in his class" at the US Naval Academy. McCain graduated from the Annapolis, Maryland, school in 1958 and was laid to rest there last year.
What's your point? Everything Trump said is true.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.
You're providing cover for a coup against a lawfully elected president. You're just as guilty as the main coup plotters. You all belong in prison.
We know you would love to arrest your opposition you fucking freaks.

Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him

Yes, Let’s Defeat or Impeach Donald Trump. But What If He Refuses to Leave the White House?

Enter, however, Donald Trump. The 45th president of the United States has made clear that he does not give a damn about political, legal, or constitutional norms; his only concern is with winning at all costs. When running for office in 2016, he refused to commit to accepting the result of the presidential election. After emerging victorious, he baselessly claimedto have “won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” In the wake of the 2018 midterms, he ridiculously suggested that Republican losses were a result of “potentially illegal votes” involving people changing their clothes to vote multiple times, and falsely accused Democrats of trying to “steal” the Senate and gubernatorial elections in Florida.

Trump has been laying the groundwork for 2020. Think about it: Why would a president who has violated a number of U.S. laws, traditions, and norms — from obstructing justice, to defying the emoluments clause, to threatening the free press, to inciting violence — show any deference to Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution?

Consider this scenario: On the morning of November 3, 2020, it becomes clear that Trump has lost both the electoral college and the popular vote to the Democratic candidate, whoever they may be. The president, however, rather than calling his Democratic opponent to concede, holds a rally with his supporters at which he declares himself the winner, tells the crowd “what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,” slams the “fake news” media, and claims “millions and millions” of people voted illegally for the Democrats. He denounces a “deep state” coup and warns of “violence.”

Do you really think this isn’t possible? That this potential scenario shouldn’t make us all very afraid?

This is a man, after all, who point-blank refused to accept that he lost the popular vote when he won the presidency in 2016 — so why should we assume that he would accept the result of an election that he loses? On Tuesday, Kayleigh McEnany, the national press secretary for Trump’s re-election campaign, even tweeted out a statement that “desperate Democrats know they cannot beat President Trump in 2020… that they have zero chance of winning legitimately.”

REMEMBER, THERE ARE multiple reasons why Trump might cry foul and refuse to concede come 2020, and why he might also believe he could get away with it.

First, there is his personality. Trump is a malignant narcissist who values himself and his own advancement over everyone and everything else. Using and abusing his presidential powers to protect his prestige and position would be “very tempting” for him, to quote professor Bandy Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine and editor of the 2017 book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.”

“When you have extreme narcissism,” Lee told me on my podcast, “Deconstructed,” last month, “the danger of it is that one can quickly go to resorting to violence and resorting to extreme measures to move away from the possibility of humiliation and to project force.”

Second, there’s the possibility of prison. Right now, Trump is protected by Justice Department guidelines that say a sitting president cannot be indicted or prosecuted. Got that? A sitting president. Not a former president. As Trump supporter Chris Christie told CNN last week, prosecutors from the Southern District of New York are trying to build a case “against the president for when he leaves office.” So why agree to leave office?

Third, there are the president’s friends and allies, who will be loudly urging him to stay on and fight while whipping up grassroots fervor on his behalf. Asked about the prospect of impeachment, in September 2017, for example, Trump confidant Roger Stone responded, “You will have a spasm of violence in this country, an insurrection like you’ve never seen.”

In December 2017, Stone and fellow far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones — who Trump has praised as “amazing” — filmed themselves at a shooting range and posted the video to Jones’s YouTube channel with the title “Roger Stone Prepares For Civil War After Trump Is Removed From Office
How about Fox News? We know the far-right cable network exerts massive influence over this president — to quote from a recent Vox headline, “Fox News demanded a government shutdown — and got one.” Fox hosts have accused the “deep state” of plotting to “destroy the presidency of Donald Trump”; denounced a “coup” attempt against the president; and suggested Justice Department officials be “led out in cuffs.” Why wouldn’t they demand Trump hang on, and tell their viewers to back the (defeated) president?

Could we rely on congressional Republicans to rediscover their backbones and insist he stand down? Don’t. Be. Silly.

How about Republican voters? Well, three-quarters (75 percent) of them trust Trump over the media, while more than half (52 percent) support postponing the 2020 election.

Would the generals step in? Maybe. But how would the Secret Service react?

And what do the Democrats plan to do if Trump uses his presidential bully pulpit, in the weeks and months after the election, to incite riots and spread falsehoods about illegal immigrants and the “deep state”? Would leading media organizations, obsessed as they are with both sides-ism, have the courage to call out a GOP dictator-in-waiting?

These are some of the questions that at least need to be asked right now — even if there might not be any obvious answers. We have to listen to Cohen. This is not a drill, and there is no reason to believe Trump will go quietly if he is defeated. There is every reason, however, to believe he and his allies will incite hysteria and even violence. Those who assume otherwise haven’t been paying attention.
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.

Your reading comprehension skills are non-existent.
You are threatening people on this forum. That is what I read.Ha, we comprehend just fine. Your fake president does it almost daily; Trump lashes out on Twitter, going after Mueller, McCain
Can you link to the post where he threatens people?

Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him
I don’t know. Just like we didn’t expect so many idiots to show up and vote trump in 2016, you may be surprised at how many people are sorry they didn’t vote for hillary and they’re going to show up in 2020.

And remember the miracle it was that trump won MI,PA and WI.

Hillary didn’t campaign once in WI. The next democrat will.

And I seriously doubt you will win Michigan again.

So trump could b a one termer

Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pure garbage.

e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.

"Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier 'is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain,'"

The comments referred to a series of memos written in 2016 by retired British spy Christopher Steele. They alleged a widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. The most salacious and damning allegations in the dossier remain unverified to this day. But the claims that form the bulk of the memos have held up over time, or at least proved to be partially true.

McCain denied giving the dossier to BuzzFeed in a 2017 interview with the Daily Caller but did acknowledge providing it to the FBI. He provided a copy of the unconfirmed memos to then-FBI Director James Comey.

Trump also slammed McCain Saturday for his vote against a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor in July 2017.
"He had far worse 'stains' than this," Trump continued, "including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!"
Meghan McCain did not mince words in her response, accusing Trump of being fixated on her father's legacy.
"No one will ever love you the way they loved my father," she tweeted Saturday. "I wish I had been given more Saturday's with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?"

On Sunday, Trump tweeted about McCain and the Russia dossier again, this time referring to McCain as being "last in his class" at the US Naval Academy. McCain graduated from the Annapolis, Maryland, school in 1958 and was laid to rest there last year.
Fifty tweets in one weekend. The Russia evidence has gotten the best of him.
Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.

"Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier 'is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain,'"

The comments referred to a series of memos written in 2016 by retired British spy Christopher Steele. They alleged a widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. The most salacious and damning allegations in the dossier remain unverified to this day. But the claims that form the bulk of the memos have held up over time, or at least proved to be partially true.

McCain denied giving the dossier to BuzzFeed in a 2017 interview with the Daily Caller but did acknowledge providing it to the FBI. He provided a copy of the unconfirmed memos to then-FBI Director James Comey.

Trump also slammed McCain Saturday for his vote against a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor in July 2017.
"He had far worse 'stains' than this," Trump continued, "including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!"
Meghan McCain did not mince words in her response, accusing Trump of being fixated on her father's legacy.
"No one will ever love you the way they loved my father," she tweeted Saturday. "I wish I had been given more Saturday's with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?"

On Sunday, Trump tweeted about McCain and the Russia dossier again, this time referring to McCain as being "last in his class" at the US Naval Academy. McCain graduated from the Annapolis, Maryland, school in 1958 and was laid to rest there last year.
What's your point? Everything Trump said is true.
Everything I say is true. And you will defend Trump no matter what so no one cares what you think. Go fucking vote next year. We will.

I'm telling you I believe we are going to get this guy out of here. The question is will he go quietly?
Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.

Your reading comprehension skills are non-existent.
You are threatening people on this forum. That is what I read.Ha, we comprehend just fine. Your fake president does it almost daily; Trump lashes out on Twitter, going after Mueller, McCain
Can you link to the post where he threatens people?

Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him
Those are words from a dictator. We don't have a dictatorship. We have a Constitution that represents us. Democrats don't support him, and they never will.
Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.

"Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier 'is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain,'"

The comments referred to a series of memos written in 2016 by retired British spy Christopher Steele. They alleged a widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. The most salacious and damning allegations in the dossier remain unverified to this day. But the claims that form the bulk of the memos have held up over time, or at least proved to be partially true.

McCain denied giving the dossier to BuzzFeed in a 2017 interview with the Daily Caller but did acknowledge providing it to the FBI. He provided a copy of the unconfirmed memos to then-FBI Director James Comey.

Trump also slammed McCain Saturday for his vote against a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor in July 2017.
"He had far worse 'stains' than this," Trump continued, "including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!"
Meghan McCain did not mince words in her response, accusing Trump of being fixated on her father's legacy.
"No one will ever love you the way they loved my father," she tweeted Saturday. "I wish I had been given more Saturday's with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?"

On Sunday, Trump tweeted about McCain and the Russia dossier again, this time referring to McCain as being "last in his class" at the US Naval Academy. McCain graduated from the Annapolis, Maryland, school in 1958 and was laid to rest there last year.
Fifty tweets in one weekend. The Russia evidence has gotten the best of him.

And always keep in mind his tweets are meant to distract us from the real news.

He picks a fight with John McCain to distract us. From what who knows?

Tax breaks for wealthy paid for with deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.

"Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier 'is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain,'"

The comments referred to a series of memos written in 2016 by retired British spy Christopher Steele. They alleged a widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. The most salacious and damning allegations in the dossier remain unverified to this day. But the claims that form the bulk of the memos have held up over time, or at least proved to be partially true.

McCain denied giving the dossier to BuzzFeed in a 2017 interview with the Daily Caller but did acknowledge providing it to the FBI. He provided a copy of the unconfirmed memos to then-FBI Director James Comey.

Trump also slammed McCain Saturday for his vote against a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor in July 2017.
"He had far worse 'stains' than this," Trump continued, "including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!"
Meghan McCain did not mince words in her response, accusing Trump of being fixated on her father's legacy.
"No one will ever love you the way they loved my father," she tweeted Saturday. "I wish I had been given more Saturday's with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?"

On Sunday, Trump tweeted about McCain and the Russia dossier again, this time referring to McCain as being "last in his class" at the US Naval Academy. McCain graduated from the Annapolis, Maryland, school in 1958 and was laid to rest there last year.
What's your point? Everything Trump said is true.
Everything I say is true. And you will defend Trump no matter what so no one cares what you think. Go fucking vote next year. We will.

I'm telling you I believe we are going to get this guy out of here. The question is will he go quietly?

"Everything I say is true."

Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.

Your reading comprehension skills are non-existent.
You are threatening people on this forum. That is what I read.Ha, we comprehend just fine. Your fake president does it almost daily; Trump lashes out on Twitter, going after Mueller, McCain
Can you link to the post where he threatens people?

Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him
Those are words from a dictator. We don't have a dictatorship. We have a Constitution that represents us. Democrats don't support him, and they never will.
You ignore where he said "until a certain point." Which means until they start the violence. The left always starts the violence. You don't have to threaten violence. You have a history of violence. It sucks when your victims defend themselves, doesn't it?
Sealybutthurt SEZ??? "If'n you don't vote leftard, you're just an idiot!"

The world according to sealy. As I have stated on numerous occasions here that the chances of me slitting the throat of one of these commiecrats are exponentially higher than the chance of me supporting one. These commie fucks are pur
e garbage.
Arer you threatening forum members on here with murder,just because you can't mount a defense concerning the Steele Dossier? Boss, you really need to talk to someone about your serious condition.
The right has come unhinged. And that's weird because us liberals haven't done shit to them.

We haven't appointed any left wingers to the Supreme Court
We haven't passed any lefty laws. We can't because Republicans are in charge of the Senate and White House.

So why are right wingers mad now when they are in charge? Imagine how crazy they'll be in 2021 when they are not in charge anymore.
They are going insane because the law is working for us, and they know it. As a result, it is proving just how criminal Trump is. But what is worse, is that it is proving that folks like Dale Smith have resorted to threatening forum members because he himself, along with Trump's other cult members have been exposed for their complicit behavior in their support for criminals like Trump. This is what is eating their lunch. Mentally they cannot handle it, and violence is their outlet for their own insane tendencies.

"Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier 'is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain,'"

The comments referred to a series of memos written in 2016 by retired British spy Christopher Steele. They alleged a widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. The most salacious and damning allegations in the dossier remain unverified to this day. But the claims that form the bulk of the memos have held up over time, or at least proved to be partially true.

McCain denied giving the dossier to BuzzFeed in a 2017 interview with the Daily Caller but did acknowledge providing it to the FBI. He provided a copy of the unconfirmed memos to then-FBI Director James Comey.

Trump also slammed McCain Saturday for his vote against a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor in July 2017.
"He had far worse 'stains' than this," Trump continued, "including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!"
Meghan McCain did not mince words in her response, accusing Trump of being fixated on her father's legacy.
"No one will ever love you the way they loved my father," she tweeted Saturday. "I wish I had been given more Saturday's with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?"

On Sunday, Trump tweeted about McCain and the Russia dossier again, this time referring to McCain as being "last in his class" at the US Naval Academy. McCain graduated from the Annapolis, Maryland, school in 1958 and was laid to rest there last year.
Fifty tweets in one weekend. The Russia evidence has gotten the best of him.
There is no "Russia evidence," shit for brains
It's not the responsibility of the GOP to disprove the Fake Dossier. The promoters of the Fake Dossier are responsible for proving its veracity.

In RealityLand, Steele has admitted he used website comments as sources. What a scam.
It's not the responsibility of the GOP to disprove the Fake Dossier. The promoters of the Fake Dossier are responsible for proving its veracity.

In RealityLand, Steele has admitted he used website comments as sources. What a scam.
And the FBI already admitted its veracity. I already posted the link, so get a clue.
It's not the responsibility of the GOP to disprove the Fake Dossier. The promoters of the Fake Dossier are responsible for proving its veracity.

In RealityLand, Steele has admitted he used website comments as sources. What a scam.
And the FBI already admitted its veracity. I already posted the link, so get a clue.

The FBI has admitted the dossier exists. They haven't proven any ROOOSIAN collusion or yellow showers.
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