Republicans failed to discredit the Steele Dossier

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Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.

Moron, shit? Trump U?
Nice foul mouth lad.
I'm sure you know more than a 10 yr Moscow MI6 boy
Can you quote just a few?
Also where do you copy the doctored pics?
Some commie site?

What does MI 6 have to do with the Michael Maddow quote? BWK claims the dossier has been doctored. So far the only evidence he has produced is hysterical paranoid conspiracy propaganda.
I'm not sure you and critical thinking share any sort of relationship with one another. If you can't read and comprehend, why are you here? Rachel Maddow Sends Trump Reeling By Verifying More Of The Damning Russia Dossier | Media Hard
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
To leftists, opinion is fact if they agree with it.

It's magical thinking. They really do believe this.

Ever heard of "projection"
Guess not to a lad who has a baby as his moniker
Trump U grad?
You have yet to produce a single word of evidence that the dossier has been verified.
Tech Firm in Steele Dossier May Have Been Used by Russian Spies

It's always been peculiar as to why Republicans always worked so hard to discredit the Steele Dossier. Now we know why. Because the technical parts of the Dossier have born fruit from the truth tree, exposing the nefarious behaviors surrounding Trump and his campaign. People, this is what Republicans and their voting stooge population didn't want the public to see. Each time we see more of the Dossier, the more we see that there is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Republicans have also done everything they could to discredit Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr, under the direction of Doug Collins. You know, another water boy for Trump. Collins has been dripping out bits and pieces of transcripts trying to make these three look bad by including only those parts that appear to make them look bad, when in fact, they actually look good, once you read all the transcripts. They will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit this investigation into Russia, that it makes one want to vomit in disgust as to how far they will go to hide the truth. Too bad for these criminals and their complicit followers, it just isn't working. The truth just keeps eating your lunch you worthless traitors.

No, the dossier pretty much discredited itself. As did Steele.
In fact when pressed, Steele could neither confirm nor dent the veracity of the dossier.
It is amusing how these conspiracy theories pop up like early spring lawn weeds, and there are just enough people who are skeptical about the existence of such things as gravity and sunshine, will latch onto this nonsense.
Look Robbert Lueller and 16 Attorney cannot find a scintilla of evidence to support any of the "suspicions' which triggered the Mueller investigation.
So out of gas is the Mueller thing, the democrat controlled House has moved on.
Adam Schiff, the crown prince of hypocrisy has now decided on his own, that over 80 people "tied" to the POTUS come to Washington and offer up every piece of paper, every electronic communication and every used paper towel they've used since they left high school.
Its an outrageous abuse of office. And quite frankly, the Congress does not possess the legal authority to demand these records.
Note, how that story has been relegated to the third page of the B section below the fold.
NO ONE is going to comply because , number one this is a perjury trap. Number two, those contacted are under no legal obligation to comply.
Even if Schiff goes nuclear and orders the DOJ fire off a bunch of subpoenas, there is nothing Congress can do to compel these people to testify..
Tech Firm in Steele Dossier May Have Been Used by Russian Spies

It's always been peculiar as to why Republicans always worked so hard to discredit the Steele Dossier. Now we know why. Because the technical parts of the Dossier have born fruit from the truth tree, exposing the nefarious behaviors surrounding Trump and his campaign. People, this is what Republicans and their voting stooge population didn't want the public to see. Each time we see more of the Dossier, the more we see that there is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Republicans have also done everything they could to discredit Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr, under the direction of Doug Collins. You know, another water boy for Trump. Collins has been dripping out bits and pieces of transcripts trying to make these three look bad by including only those parts that appear to make them look bad, when in fact, they actually look good, once you read all the transcripts. They will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit this investigation into Russia, that it makes one want to vomit in disgust as to how far they will go to hide the truth. Too bad for these criminals and their complicit followers, it just isn't working. The truth just keeps eating your lunch you worthless traitors.

No, the dossier pretty much discredited itself. As did Steele.
In fact when pressed, Steele could neither confirm nor dent the veracity of the dossier.
It is amusing how these conspiracy theories pop up like early spring lawn weeds, and there are just enough people who are skeptical about the existence of such things as gravity and sunshine, will latch onto this nonsense.
Look Robbert Lueller and 16 Attorney cannot find a scintilla of evidence to support any of the "suspicions' which triggered the Mueller investigation.
So out of gas is the Mueller thing, the democrat controlled House has moved on.
Adam Schiff, the crown prince of hypocrisy has now decided on his own, that over 80 people "tied" to the POTUS come to Washington and offer up every piece of paper, every electronic communication and every used paper towel they've used since they left high school.
Its an outrageous abuse of office. And quite frankly, the Congress does not possess the legal authority to demand these records.
Note, how that story has been relegated to the third page of the B section below the fold.
NO ONE is going to comply because , number one this is a perjury trap. Number two, those contacted are under no legal obligation to comply.
Even if Schiff goes nuclear and orders the DOJ fire off a bunch of subpoenas, there is nothing Congress can do to compel these people to testify..

For a minute I thought you were going to say something. You never did. The FBI already confirmed what you couldn't or disproved, while your post did neither one. Lol! I guess if you think you can ramble long enough, you'll think you've said something. That whole post, and you, said shit.
This is why I posted this thread. To reveal how Doug Collins tried to get out in front of the Dossier transcripts by trying to imply something nefarious. You're doing the same thing. The interviews by Ohr, Page, and Strzok show what? They show nothing, and they certainly do not show a deep state. If anything, when you read the testimony by Page, it's clear she was doing her job as 100% as she should be. Planting the deep state nonsense would be comical if it weren't so outrageous.

You helped validate my thread by confirming it with your links.

Doug Collins tried to use skewed semantics and tricky editing to try and paint something that wasn't there.

If you have something specific from the transcripts that you think paints a deep state, post it word for word. because the links aren't telling us any more than the simple fact that these folks were doing their jobs.
Ha retard, watch the OP.
What does that prove? What claim in the dossier does that support? Please quote the text of the relevant claim.
I'm not sure you and critical thinking share any sort of relationship with one another. If you can't read and comprehend, why are you here? Rachel Maddow Sends Trump Reeling By Verifying More Of The Damning Russia Dossier | Media Hard
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
That opinion piece by a former agent has been corroborated by the FBI. It is no longer a matter of opinion.
What does that prove? What claim in the dossier does that support? Please quote the text of the relevant claim.
I'm not sure you and critical thinking share any sort of relationship with one another. If you can't read and comprehend, why are you here? Rachel Maddow Sends Trump Reeling By Verifying More Of The Damning Russia Dossier | Media Hard
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
To leftists, opinion is fact if they agree with it.

It's magical thinking. They really do believe this.
"Magical" all the way to the FBI.
What does that prove? What claim in the dossier does that support? Please quote the text of the relevant claim.
I'm not sure you and critical thinking share any sort of relationship with one another. If you can't read and comprehend, why are you here? Rachel Maddow Sends Trump Reeling By Verifying More Of The Damning Russia Dossier | Media Hard
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
That opinion piece by a former agent has been corroborated by the FBI. It is no longer a matter of opinion.
It has? Can you link to a document that says that?
I'm not sure you and critical thinking share any sort of relationship with one another. If you can't read and comprehend, why are you here? Rachel Maddow Sends Trump Reeling By Verifying More Of The Damning Russia Dossier | Media Hard
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
To leftists, opinion is fact if they agree with it.

It's magical thinking. They really do believe this.
"Magical" all the way to the FBI.
If the FBI confirmed it, then why didn't you just quote the FBI?
Wow. How much Kool-Ade do you have to drink to still believe the ridiculous dossier is real?

Asking for a friend.
Evidence from law enforcement. Next?
Is this the law enforcement that's already exhibited an extreme anti-Trump bias?
If that "exhibit" exists, who would have ever known up beside all the criminal liability that has been proven?
Wow. How much Kool-Ade do you have to drink to still believe the ridiculous dossier is real?

Asking for a friend.
Evidence from law enforcement. Next?
Is this the law enforcement that's already exhibited an extreme anti-Trump bias?
If that "exhibit" exists, who would have ever known up beside all the criminal liability that has been proven?
The only criminal liability that's been proven has nothing to do with the asinine claim that Trump was colluding with Russians.

It has been proven, however, that Democrats were.
If that were true, there would be an investigation. It turns out that the FBI is investigating the real conspiracy between Trump and Russia.

The two Trump Tower meetings prove a conspiracy between team Trump and Russia.
This is why I posted this thread. To reveal how Doug Collins tried to get out in front of the Dossier transcripts by trying to imply something nefarious. You're doing the same thing. The interviews by Ohr, Page, and Strzok show what? They show nothing, and they certainly do not show a deep state. If anything, when you read the testimony by Page, it's clear she was doing her job as 100% as she should be. Planting the deep state nonsense would be comical if it weren't so outrageous.

You helped validate my thread by confirming it with your links.

Doug Collins tried to use skewed semantics and tricky editing to try and paint something that wasn't there.

If you have something specific from the transcripts that you think paints a deep state, post it word for word. because the links aren't telling us any more than the simple fact that these folks were doing their jobs.
What is clear is that Strozk, Page, Ohre, McCabe and Comey were colluding to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president.
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
To leftists, opinion is fact if they agree with it.

It's magical thinking. They really do believe this.
"Magical" all the way to the FBI.
If the FBI confirmed it, then why didn't you just quote the FBI?
OMG! You are so unbelievably stupid.
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
To leftists, opinion is fact if they agree with it.

It's magical thinking. They really do believe this.
"Magical" all the way to the FBI.
If the FBI confirmed it, then why didn't you just quote the FBI?
OMG! You are so unbelievably stupid.
In other words, the FBI never confirmed it.
Tech Firm in Steele Dossier May Have Been Used by Russian Spies

It's always been peculiar as to why Republicans always worked so hard to discredit the Steele Dossier. Now we know why. Because the technical parts of the Dossier have born fruit from the truth tree, exposing the nefarious behaviors surrounding Trump and his campaign. People, this is what Republicans and their voting stooge population didn't want the public to see. Each time we see more of the Dossier, the more we see that there is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Republicans have also done everything they could to discredit Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr, under the direction of Doug Collins. You know, another water boy for Trump. Collins has been dripping out bits and pieces of transcripts trying to make these three look bad by including only those parts that appear to make them look bad, when in fact, they actually look good, once you read all the transcripts. They will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit this investigation into Russia, that it makes one want to vomit in disgust as to how far they will go to hide the truth. Too bad for these criminals and their complicit followers, it just isn't working. The truth just keeps eating your lunch you worthless traitors.

I don't think one fact in the dossier has been proved incorrect
Only the golden shower tape is outstanding


Byron York: Remember Prague? In Michael Cohen plea deal, Mueller says nothing about ...
Washington Examiner

Nov 30, 2018 · In the plea, Cohen admitted that those statements were false, and that in ... A quick reminder of what the Prague tale was: In the dossier, former

Prague has not been looked into by investigators. The OP points to all the factors from the Dossier, that have been checked into. Try and keep up there retard.

Of course it has and if anything could have been made from it they would have hung another charge on fucking lying loser!!....and NOTHING on Cohens passport!

Nice foul mouth.
Trump U?
PS you don't need a passport to go to Prague
And they need more charges for Cohen?
What a laugh

You don't need a passport to go to Prague?

You might want to tell that to the Czech Republic.

Passport Information for tourists visiting Prague

Passport requirements to enter the Czech Republic:

EU and UK (pre- and post-Brexit) citizens: a passport valid for the length of the visit is required (the passport must not expire before you leave the Czech Republic).

Other nationals: the passport must be valid for at least 90 days after your departure from the Czech Republic.
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.

Moron, shit? Trump U?
Nice foul mouth lad.
I'm sure you know more than a 10 yr Moscow MI6 boy
Can you quote just a few?
Also where do you copy the doctored pics?
Some commie site?

What does MI 6 have to do with the Michael Maddow quote? BWK claims the dossier has been doctored. So far the only evidence he has produced is hysterical paranoid conspiracy propaganda.
I'm not sure you and critical thinking share any sort of relationship with one another. If you can't read and comprehend, why are you here? Rachel Maddow Sends Trump Reeling By Verifying More Of The Damning Russia Dossier | Media Hard
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
To leftists, opinion is fact if they agree with it.

It's magical thinking. They really do believe this.

Ever heard of "projection"
Guess not to a lad who has a baby as his moniker
Trump U grad?
How reality works, Skippy, is reality doesn't give a shit what you want. It just goes on being what it is and your righteous butthurt has no effect on it.

I can tell this is a new concept for you. I'll give you a moment to come to grips with your irrelevancy.
I'm not sure you and critical thinking share any sort of relationship with one another. If you can't read and comprehend, why are you here? Rachel Maddow Sends Trump Reeling By Verifying More Of The Damning Russia Dossier | Media Hard
Rachel Maddow? I meant by someone credible, not a leftwing hack. Not even the FBI has deigned to verify any claim in the so-called "dossier."
See what I mean? You have no intelligent abilities to discuss the facts. Maddow and the Times reported it. She didn't produce the evidence, the FBI did. You are a loser boss. Get lost.

Are you referring to this?

What this technical report that we’ve now had unsealed out of that lawsuit, what it suggests is that at least in this part of the dossier, Christopher Steele was right. As “The New York Times” sums it up tonight, quote, a report by a former FBI cyber expert unsealed in a federal court in Miami finds evidence that suggests Russian agents used networks operated by the guy who sued Buzzfeed, Mr. Gubarev to start their hacking operation during the 2016 presidential campaign.
An opinion piece by a former agent is not a fact, moron. It's propaganda. I can find you dozens of opinion pieces that say the dossier is a great big pile of shit.
To leftists, opinion is fact if they agree with it.

It's magical thinking. They really do believe this.
"Magical" all the way to the FBI.
Tech Firm in Steele Dossier May Have Been Used by Russian Spies

It's always been peculiar as to why Republicans always worked so hard to discredit the Steele Dossier. Now we know why. Because the technical parts of the Dossier have born fruit from the truth tree, exposing the nefarious behaviors surrounding Trump and his campaign. People, this is what Republicans and their voting stooge population didn't want the public to see. Each time we see more of the Dossier, the more we see that there is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Republicans have also done everything they could to discredit Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr, under the direction of Doug Collins. You know, another water boy for Trump. Collins has been dripping out bits and pieces of transcripts trying to make these three look bad by including only those parts that appear to make them look bad, when in fact, they actually look good, once you read all the transcripts. They will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit this investigation into Russia, that it makes one want to vomit in disgust as to how far they will go to hide the truth. Too bad for these criminals and their complicit followers, it just isn't working. The truth just keeps eating your lunch you worthless traitors.

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