"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

He's willfully willing to believe what the administration put out. Four dead men mean absoulutely nothing to Paintmyass.

He'd rather believe that anyone who wants the truth about Benghazi is an idiot. Its just the way his ass rolls.

Paintmyass isn't interested in the truth and neither are any of the other Barry supporters.

To bad none of their relatives were killed at Benghazi. If they had been these morons would be singing a vastly different tune.

You've had 8 investigations into Benghazi, and they've all concluded that there really wasn't much that could have prevented what happened.


Well that's nonsense.

Honesty could have prevented 'what happened'.

Assuming that you're discussing the lies advanced by the administration which followed the attack upon the US Mission in Benghazi.

Responsible governance could have prevented 'what happened'.

Assuming that you're discussing the failure by Hillary Clinton to provide even reasonable precautions, in terms of security' for consulates in severely hostile locations.

Adherence to American Principle could have prevented 'what happened'.

Assuming you're discussing the overt efforts by the US Executive Branch intentional promotion of an otherwise obscure video on International Servers marketed under the name: Youtube. Wherein the respective video was critical of Islam, as thousands of other videos on those servers ARE... as being critical of Islam and making a video AS AN EXPRESSION OF ONE'S RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT, is the right of EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH... was advertised by the US State Department around the Middle East as 'a disgusting and irresponsible attack upon Islam'. A video which the US Government subsequently used as a means to conceal the 'disgusting and irresponsible attack' upon the US Consulate at Benghazi..., despite knowing that the video had NOTHING to DO with that attack... .

Of course, one can't be responsible and honorable and BE a Leftists... just as one can't be a Leftist and BE an American.

Which leads to the fact that 'An American Government' would have prevented 'what happened'.
... 4 Americans die in Libya during a riot, and GOSH DARN, IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!

There was no riot in Libya and resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans. There was however a conspiracy by members of the US Executive branch to conceal their efforts which created what we know today as "ISIS", that resulted in the murder of 4 Americans and the serious injury of dozens of other Americans.
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Well that's nonsense.

Honesty could have prevented 'what happened'.

Assuming that you're discussing the lies advanced by the administration which followed the attack upon the US Mission in Benghazi.

I think you are a little confused here. Even if Obama came out the day after Benghazi and said, "Man, we totally fucked that up, and it had nothing to do with that video people are rioting over in 30 other countries." (which I'm guessing is what you define as "Honesty") those four guys would still be dead.
There was no riot in Libya and resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans. There was however a conspiracy by members of the US Executive branch to conceal their efforts which created what we know today as "ISIS", that resulted in the murder of 4 Americans and the serious injury of dozens of other Americans.

Yeah, there was no riot in Libya. There were riots over that film everywhere else in the world, but man, not in Libya.

And now you've managed to loop back around and work ISIS into it. Man, you are getting into Space Alien levels of conspiracy whackiness now.
Guys...I hate to break this to you but that "report" doesn't make Clinton's mishandling of security for our diplomats disappear nor does it make the lies that the Obama White House told the American people disappear. It is what it is.

When your best explanation for fiascos like Benghazi...Fast & Furious...the ACA roll out...and the IRS targeting conservatives...is "shit happens"...then perhaps you should let someone else run things for awhile because it's obvious that progressives aren't up to the task.

The conspiracy theory bandwagon is strong with this one.

It's not a "conspiracy theory"...it's simply an honest assessment of what took place. The safety of our diplomatic staff in Libya was fatally compromised because of a really naive belief by the Hillary Clinton led State Department that we could rely on local militias to protect our consulate.

Nor is it a "conspiracy theory" to point out that the Obama White House decided to go with a narrative that it wasn't Al Queda that was behind the attacks that killed those four Americans but that the attacks took place because of a YouTube video.

I'm still waiting for one of you to explain why Ben Rhodes' emails would have been reclassified as Top Secret by the Obama White House if there wasn't an effort made to hide what took place in the week following the attacks.

You wouldn't an honest assessment if it kicked you in the balls.
Assuming you're discussing the overt efforts by the US Executive Branch intentional promotion of an otherwise obscure video on International Servers marketed under the name: Youtube. Wherein the respective video was critical of Islam, as thousands of other videos on those servers ARE... as being critical of Islam and making a video AS AN EXPRESSION OF ONE'S RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT, is the right of EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH... was advertised by the US State Department around the Middle East as 'a disgusting and irresponsible attack upon Islam'. A video which the US Government subsequently used as a means to conceal the 'disgusting and irresponsible attack' upon the US Consulate at Benghazi..., despite knowing that the video had NOTHING to DO with that attack... .

YOu don't know what YouTube is, do you?

People in 30 countries rioted over that video, which was specifically designed to offend Muslims.
Your ignorance continues to amuse, Joey.

Reality check...the Clinton State Department ignored repeated requests from Ambassador Stevens for a detail of security not to be removed from Libya. The State Department cut the size of the security detail in Libya protecting Stevens from 30 down to 5. That testimony was given by Deputy Chief of Mission for the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya, Gregory Hicks in response to accusations by Democrats that it was Stevens who declined security.

Yeah, well, it was too bad the Republicans slashed $100 million from embassy security, wasn't it?

This notion that "shit happens" and Benghazi was nobody's fault is ridiculous. Decisions were made by the Hillary Clinton led State Department to draw down security levels as part of (as State put it) a policy of "normalization" which essentially meant ignoring escalating violence on the ground in Libya while the State Department declared the situation to be improving. It was obvious to even the most casual observer that the security situation in Libya was NOT improving and was in fact becoming so dangerous for Western organizations of any kind that even the Red Cross had pulled it's people out.

Guy, you can spin it all day. BUt the thing was, the GOP was the one who slashed millions from the security budgets of the State Department. Maybe we need to talk to Paul Ryan, he's the one who wants a small Randian government. This is what Randian government looks like.

You ghouls have been trying to make political hay about Stevens' death for two years now, and you just look silly doing it.

Yeah... Budgets were cut... HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were taken out of the state department budget.


If it were ONLY TRUE... THAT would be SUCH a wonderful thing. But it's NOT true... what's more it is hysterically FALSE.

First, "Republicans" haven't been able to CUT anything from ANYWHERE in the US Budget... without the Democrats assent, since LONG before obama took power.

Second, IF the Budget were cut to the point that the safety of US Diplomats was compromised, that doesn't mean that THEY SHOULD SEND US DIPLOMATS INTO THE MOST HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS, for what THEY CLAIM WAS ROUTINE BUSINESS.

Ya see Scamp... Routine Business in extremely hostile locations, is what a TELEPHONE IS FOR.
Assuming you're discussing the overt efforts by the US Executive Branch intentional promotion of an otherwise obscure video on International Servers marketed under the name: Youtube. Wherein the respective video was critical of Islam, as thousands of other videos on those servers ARE... as being critical of Islam and making a video AS AN EXPRESSION OF ONE'S RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT, is the right of EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH... was advertised by the US State Department around the Middle East as 'a disgusting and irresponsible attack upon Islam'. A video which the US Government subsequently used as a means to conceal the 'disgusting and irresponsible attack' upon the US Consulate at Benghazi..., despite knowing that the video had NOTHING to DO with that attack... .

YOu don't know what YouTube is, do you?

People in 30 countries rioted over that video, which was specifically designed to offend Muslims.

ROFLMNAO! Sure they did... .

Because THAT video is the only Video on YOUTUBE that is 'critical of Islam'.

LOL! You people are helpless...

Here's the latest search on the subject:

"About 489,000 results (0.27 seconds)

Search Results
  1. ISLAM SUCKS, Veena - YouTube
    upload_2014-12-8_7-17-14.jpeg► 5:53► 5:53
    Sep 13, 2011 - Uploaded by Nikki Jones
    Veena Malik accused of being too provocative in her films and shaming her country. Her bold voice fell on deaf ...

  2. islam sucks (this only applies to extremists) - YouTube
    upload_2014-12-8_7-17-14.jpeg► 1:15► 1:15
    Nov 5, 2011 - Uploaded by classicrockforever66
    islam sucks (this only applies to extremists). <a href="/channel/ UCDvYdcQyy8pTlj8xehUkt6Q" class=" yt-uix ...

  3. Being a Muslim sucks? WATCH THIS! - YouTube
    upload_2014-12-8_7-17-14.jpeg► 4:01► 4:01
    Jun 13, 2008 - Uploaded by IslamoPhilic
    really guys you are all mean taht said muslim sucks people hate u and when u learn about muslim its really ...

  4. Andrew Klavan: Does Islam Suck? - YouTube
    upload_2014-12-8_7-17-14.jpeg► 4:20► 4:20
    Aug 26, 2010 - Uploaded by PJ Media
    A group would like to build a mosque near Ground Zero. Andrew has a few reasonable questions for our ...

  5. Islam Sucks - YouTube
    upload_2014-12-8_7-17-14.jpeg► 0:41► 0:41
    Sep 16, 2014 - Uploaded by Peter Beers
    Fuck Islam!!!!! Fuck Muslims.....Fuck ... Richard Dawkins owns a Muslim who says Islam is peaceful ... Islam ...

  6. Why Islam Sucks - YouTube

    ... Videos · Playlists · Channels · Discussion · About. ▻ Play all. Why Islam Sucks. by ZionistPlot; 4 videos; 75 views; 10 minutes. Play all. Share. Loading... Save ...
  7. Islam Sucks - YouTube

    Islam Sucks. ... Have you ever wondered, WHO IS ALLAH ? WHAT IS ISLAM ? WHO IS MUHAMMAD ? CHECK THIS OUT... IslamForBeginners. 8:25. Play next ...
  8. allahu gaybar fail allahu snack bar allahu akboom islam sucks
    upload_2014-12-8_7-17-14.jpeg► 0:58► 0:58
    Oct 15, 2014 - Uploaded by Allahloves Porkbbq
    allahhhh akboomAllahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar....BOOM! ISIS Terrorist Killed by Own Mortar Allahu Akbar ...

  9. ISLAM SUCKS - YouTube

    ISLAM SUCKS. by USSRStormtrooper; 9 videos; 1,245 views; 42 minutes. ISLAM SUCKS. Play all. Share. Loading... Save ...
  10. Islam Sucks - YouTube

    Crap about Islam. ... Islam Sucks. by Slickback83; 20 videos; 152 views; 1 hour, 28 minutes. Crap about Islam. Play all. Share. Loading... Save ...

    Searches related to Youtube: Islam SUCKS
    i hate islam

    stop islam"
Now THAT is page ONE... Yet... nowhere in the Middle East is ANYONE RIOTING over any of THOSE HALF A MILLION YOU TUBE VIDEOS.

I'd ask if you knew how stupid one would have to BE to BELIEVE THAT MUSLIMS WERE RIOTING OVER A VIDEO CRITICAL OF ISLAM... but sadly, for you to be smart enough to KNOW THAT, you couldn't BELIEVE IT and ya clearly DO.

So, well, you know...
Now THAT is page ONE... Yet... nowhere in the Middle East is ANYONE RIOTING over any of THOSE HALF A MILLION YOU TUBE VIDEOS.

I don't know, guy, why does anyone snap on any given day. Why did the folks in Ferguson decide to have a riot over Mike Brown instead of all the other black men who are routinely murdered by the cops.

Point was, this video came out, it got a lot of publicity, and people were pissed.

Well that's nonsense.

Honesty could have prevented 'what happened'.

Assuming that you're discussing the lies advanced by the administration which followed the attack upon the US Mission in Benghazi.

I think you are a little confused here. Even if Obama came out the day after Benghazi and said, "Man, we totally fucked that up, and it had nothing to do with that video people are rioting over in 30 other countries." (which I'm guessing is what you define as "Honesty") those four guys would still be dead.

The issue there, was: 'the lies told by the cult, to conceal their treason'. The Dead Americans, that's a whole-nother kettle of treasonous crap.
Now THAT is page ONE... Yet... nowhere in the Middle East is ANYONE RIOTING over any of THOSE HALF A MILLION YOU TUBE VIDEOS.

I don't know, guy, why does anyone snap on any given day. Why did the folks in Ferguson decide to have a riot over Mike Brown instead of all the other black men who are routinely murdered by the cops.

Point was, this video came out, it got a lot of publicity, and people were pissed.

Clearly... you do not know.

Riots are not just natural occurrences... they're the result of organized efforts, wherein mobs are formed and anger is stoked.

Those riots did not result because Muslims in 30 countries were surfing the web and simultaneously ran across a Youtube video which was critical of Islam and its sociopathic founder, causing them to run out into the street and start 'burning the burqa garbed bitch down'.

We know THAT because we just saw thousands of Youtube videos that are on youtube even as we speak and NO WHERE are Muslims rioting over even a single one of those youtube videos... . Neither had any Muslims RIOTED over a youtube video BEFORE that.

Only over THAT particular week did SUDDENLY... Muslims because hyper-sensitive of Youtube... .

No... that 'anger' was contracted, orchestrated... some imam somewhere announced the video, and when that did get the attention that was needed, we saw a full court State Department Press release, ANNOUNCING the video... THE WEEK BEFORE THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9-11... THIS as a means to USE the video for the pending attack upon the US mission in Benghazi. And we're told that THAT was the result of some schmuck third stringer at the State Department who took it upon herself to fax the entire Muslim world... make a television commercial APOLOGIZING FOR AMERICA, FOR OUR YOUTUBE VIDEO that was critical of the Pedophile Prophet.

So... NO. 8 Committees did not do jack.

But not to worry, we've got a committee working on it, which WILL.
The issue there, was: 'the lies told by the cult, to conceal their treason'. The Dead Americans, that's a whole-nother kettle of treasonous crap.

No, not really.

The stupid thing that was done in Libya is we went along with the EU and their attempt to get rid of Khadafy and replace him with someone more pliable. That was the dumb thing.

That there was a riot and people died. meh, not so much
Clearly... you do not know.

Riots are not just natural occurrences... they're the result of organized efforts, wherein mobs are formed and anger is stoked.

Those riots did not result because Muslims in 30 countries were surfing the web and simultaneously ran across a Youtube video which was critical of Islam and its sociopathic founder, causing them to run out into the street and start 'burning the burqa garbed bitch down'.

Now you are just babbling like a crazy person.

This video got a lot of press in the Islamic Media, that's why it was a bigger deal.
The issue there, was: 'the lies told by the cult, to conceal their treason'. The Dead Americans, that's a whole-nother kettle of treasonous crap.

No, not really.

The stupid thing that was done in Libya is we went along with the EU and their attempt to get rid of Khadafy and replace him with someone more pliable. That was the dumb thing.

That there was a riot and people died. meh, not so much

There was no riot.

You know that... yet there you are claiming what is demonstrably false, as fact.

Demonstrating that you're using Deceit, in a FRAUDULENT attempt to influence the Ignorant.

Which provides all of the information one needs to recognize you as a Leftist.

Because we know that Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance are the fundamental elements of Left-think.
This video got a lot of press in the Islamic Media, ... .

And why is that?

'That is' because someone WANTED that video to get a lot of press? And WHO gave that video the MOST PRESS?

The United States State Department... .

And who runs the US State Department?

The US Executive Branch...

And who runs the US Executive Branch?

The Muslim in Chief... the Peasantpimp of The United States.

And who LIED ABOUT THERE BEING A RIOT over a Youtube Video?

The Peasantpimp of the United States and his ENTIRE CULT-Regime.
There was no riot.

You know that... yet there you are claiming what is demonstrably false, as fact.

Demonstrating that you're using Deceit, in a FRAUDULENT attempt to influence the Ignorant.

Which provides all of the information one needs to recognize you as a Leftist.

Because we know that Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance are the fundamental elements of Left-think.

Looked like a riot to me.

But I'm sure you'll find the Gray Aliens on the Grassy Knoll any minute now.
Clearly... you do not know.

Riots are not just natural occurrences... they're the result of organized efforts, wherein mobs are formed and anger is stoked.

Those riots did not result because Muslims in 30 countries were surfing the web and simultaneously ran across a Youtube video which was critical of Islam and its sociopathic founder, causing them to run out into the street and start 'burning the burqa garbed bitch down'.

Now you are just babbling like a crazy person.

This video got a lot of press in the Islamic Media, that's why it was a bigger deal.

And why is that?

'That is' because someone WANTED that video to get a lot of press? And WHO gave that video the MOST PRESS?

The United States State Department... .

And who runs the US State Department?

The US Executive Branch...

And who runs the US Executive Branch?

The Muslim in Chief... the Peasantpimp of The United States.

And who LIED ABOUT THERE BEING A RIOT over a Youtube Video?

The Peasantpimp of the United States and his ENTIRE CULT-Regime.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication?
There was no riot.

You know that... yet there you are claiming what is demonstrably false, as fact.

Demonstrating that you're using Deceit, in a FRAUDULENT attempt to influence the Ignorant.

Which provides all of the information one needs to recognize you as a Leftist.

Because we know that Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance are the fundamental elements of Left-think.

Looked like a riot to me.

But I'm sure you'll find the Gray Aliens on the Grassy Knoll any minute now.

Well, you're an imbecile. And that means that what something looks like to you, is irrelevant to people of sound mind.

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