"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Wrmk 10384383
You're asking me why Bush decided to invade Iraq, after the 18 months he gave Iraq to bring itself into compliance with its treaty obligations... wherein

No I didn't ask you why Bush decided to invade Iraq. I set you straight that Iraq was not a national security threat due to the reasons aside from WMD that you put forth.

And you cannot counter the facts I've given you as I asked.

Now I'm asking for your information or legal document and the date that Bush gave Saddam Hussein 18 months to get into compliance over WMD obligations.

You are making that up. No such ultimatum exists. There would have been no UN Resolution 1441 which set no deadline date for Iraq's full compliance. It set a date to start complying but nothing else on a completion date. And Bush agreed to 1441.
The guy who lost his keys is stuck in quagmires of conspiracy theories. When you shoot down one of his idiotic ideas he just pops up with another one.
Where_r_my_Keys said:
Is there something about 'Deadlines' that confuses you? It's pretty simple stuff... .

What deadline? When was it set? Upon what legal framework was it established?
Are you serious? When George W. Bush left office both Afghanistan and Iraq were LIGHT YEARS better off than they are now after six years of "President Leading From Behind!" You blame Bush for taking his eye off the ball from his ranch in Texas where he's been retired for the last six years chopping brush? Who's been sitting in the Oval Office running things for all those years? I can't blame Barry for taking his eye off the ball because I don't think our current President has even figured out where the ball IS!

No, guy, they weren't better off. In Afghanistan, the Taliban was in control of 80% of the countryside and have been flooding Europe with heroin.

In Iraq, the country collapsed into civil war.

Barry has figured out where the ball is. It's on a field Americans no longer want to play on. The Oil Companies and Zionists might be upset we've dumped Neo-Con policies, but most Americans are good with it.
Wrmk 10384383
You're asking me why Bush decided to invade Iraq, after the 18 months he gave Iraq to bring itself into compliance with its treaty obligations... wherein

No I didn't ask you why Bush decided to invade Iraq. I set you straight that Iraq was not a national security threat due to the reasons aside from WMD that you put forth.

And you cannot counter the facts I've given you as I asked.

Now I'm asking for your information or legal document and the date that Bush gave Saddam Hussein 18 months to get into compliance over WMD obligations.

You are making that up. No such ultimatum exists. There would have been no UN Resolution 1441 which set no deadline date for Iraq's full compliance. It set a date to start complying but nothing else on a completion date. And Bush agreed to 1441.
The guy who lost his keys is stuck in quagmires of conspiracy theories. When you shoot down one of his idiotic ideas he just pops up with another one.

Just noticed that. When you point out to a conservative that stating things like Bush gave Saddam Hussein an 18 month deadline - there has to be some basis in fact to confirm that it actually happened in the course of human events and being important enough to be recorded in news and government records.

LostKeys has not learned where to quit when making things up
Barry has figured out where the ball is. It's on a field Americans no longer want to play on....

Barry? What Barry?

Not THIS ONE, I hope... (for your sake):

1,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne headed to Iraq

WASHINGTON — Approximately 1,000 paratroopers from the Army’s famed 82nd Airborne Division will deploy to Iraq early next year to help the Iraqi security forces take on the Islamic State, the Pentagon announced Friday.

The soldiers from the 82nd’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, based at Fort Bragg, N.C., will begin to deploy in late January to train, advise and assist the ISF, Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby told reporters.

Their mission is part of the coalition effort to build up the Iraqi army and Kurdish peshmerga so that they can recapture territory from Islamic State militants.

The paratroopers are preparing for a nine-month deployment, according to a spokeswoman for the 82nd Airborne.

1 000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne headed to Iraq - U.S. - Stripes

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Wrmk 10384383
You're asking me why Bush decided to invade Iraq, after the 18 months he gave Iraq to bring itself into compliance with its treaty obligations... wherein

No I didn't ask you why Bush decided to invade Iraq. I set you straight that Iraq was not a national security threat due to the reasons aside from WMD that you put forth.

And you cannot counter the facts I've given you as I asked.

Now I'm asking for your information or legal document and the date that Bush gave Saddam Hussein 18 months to get into compliance over WMD obligations.

You are making that up. No such ultimatum exists. There would have been no UN Resolution 1441 which set no deadline date for Iraq's full compliance. It set a date to start complying but nothing else on a completion date. And Bush agreed to 1441.
The guy who lost his keys is stuck in quagmires of conspiracy theories. When you shoot down one of his idiotic ideas he just pops up with another one.

Just noticed that. When you point out to a conservative that stating things like Bush gave Saddam Hussein an 18 month deadline - there has to be some basis in fact to confirm that it actually happened in the course of human events and being important enough to be recorded in news and government records.

LostKeys has not learned where to quit when making things up

Young lady, what are you diggin' for?

Just state the nature of your contest. Or concede through your failure to do so that you're here simply to see yourself write.
Wrmk 10384383
You're asking me why Bush decided to invade Iraq, after the 18 months he gave Iraq to bring itself into compliance with its treaty obligations... wherein

No I didn't ask you why Bush decided to invade Iraq. I set you straight that Iraq was not a national security threat due to the reasons aside from WMD that you put forth.

And you cannot counter the facts I've given you as I asked.

Now I'm asking for your information or legal document and the date that Bush gave Saddam Hussein 18 months to get into compliance over WMD obligations.

You are making that up. No such ultimatum exists. There would have been no UN Resolution 1441 which set no deadline date for Iraq's full compliance. It set a date to start complying but nothing else on a completion date. And Bush agreed to 1441.
The guy who lost his keys is stuck in quagmires of conspiracy theories. When you shoot down one of his idiotic ideas he just pops up with another one.

Who said I lost my keys? Where in the hell are ya gettin' THAT?
Wrmk 10385288
1,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne headed to Iraq

What is your point in posting that?

These combat ready troops are coaches thay are not going out on the field to play in the actual game where they can be killed and injured which was Bush's way in Itaq.

Our fighter pilots are in the game that's played on the ground. But the opposing team has no players up there in the wild blue yonder.
Wrmk 10385288
1,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne headed to Iraq

What is your point in posting that?

My goodness, you do SUCK at this doncha sweety?

I posted that to as a response to a dumbass who had just assured another contributor that the Peasantpimp of the Union States, OKA: Barry... was determined that Iraq was not a field the US should be playing upon.

Here... this is what it looked like... study it so you don't get caught asking such foolish questions again.

Barry has figured out where the ball is. It's on a field Americans no longer want to play on....

Barry? What Barry?

Not THIS ONE, I hope... (for your sake):

1,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne headed to Iraq

WASHINGTON — Approximately 1,000 paratroopers from the Army’s famed 82nd Airborne Division will deploy to Iraq early next year to help the Iraqi security forces take on the Islamic State, the Pentagon announced Friday.

The soldiers from the 82nd’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, based at Fort Bragg, N.C., will begin to deploy in late January to train, advise and assist the ISF, Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby told reporters.

Their mission is part of the coalition effort to build up the Iraqi army and Kurdish peshmerga so that they can recapture territory from Islamic State militants.

The paratroopers are preparing for a nine-month deployment, according to a spokeswoman for the 82nd Airborne.

1 000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne headed to Iraq - U.S. - Stripes

Just state the nature of your contest.

One is to have you provide the source for your claim that Bush gave Saddam Hussein an 18 month deadline. Do you not have one?

A source?

LOL! Do tell...

I submit mathematics and the calendar as my source: How many months are there between September 2001 and March of 2003?

You people are truly helpless.
posted that to as a response to a dumbass who had just assured another contributor that the Peasantpimp of the Union States, OKA: Barry... was determined that Iraq was not a field the US should be playing upon.

My point to you was that those troops are not being deployed to play on the field where the killing and dying takes place. They are coaches, And our fighter pilots on not on the battlefield either.

My point to you was that your post as a response to that earlier post was quite stupid. And it still is.

posted that to as a response to a dumbass who had just assured another contributor that the Peasantpimp of the Union States, OKA: Barry... was determined that Iraq was not a field the US should be playing upon.

My point to you was that those troops are not being deployed to play on the field where the killing and dying takes place. They are coaches, And our fighter pilots on not on the battlefield either.

My point to you was that your post as a response to that earlier post was quite stupid. And it still is.



So your point is to demonstrate that you're an idiot?

Fair enough... and FWIW: you convinced me.

If it helps... those troops are being sent to Iraq, so as to allow ISIS to slaughter them. It's a means to provide Islam with some PAY on the Iraqi Battlefield where Islam was so frequently shamed.

It's just another demonstration of the treachery of the Peasantpimp of the Union States.
I submit mathematics and the calendar as my source: How many months are there between September 2001 and March of 2003?

So Bush never gave Iraq an 18 month ultimatum in September of 2001. You fabricated that part up and based it on your ability add up months.

Why should we think you have credibilty in the arguments you present if you believe you can make things up whenever you feel like it?
I submit mathematics and the calendar as my source: How many months are there between September 2001 and March of 2003?

So Bush never gave Iraq an 18 month ultimatum in September of 2001. You fabricated that part up and based it on your ability add up months.

Why should we think you have credibilty in the arguments you present if you believe you can make things up whenever you feel like it?

Yes indeedy... that is IDIOCY on PARADE!
If it helps... those troops are being sent to Iraq, so as to allow ISIS to slaughter them.

Is that the same ISIS that EconChick says captured Route Irish?

I understand how little you know about Iraq now?

Is that the ISIS that controls a small Iraqi oil field, which along with those they control in Syria provides them with oil Revenues of roughly $3 million a day, wholesaling it on the open market, which is partly responsible for the dumping of Oil Prices around the world?

The ISIS that took Iraq in less time than it took the US to take Iraq? The same ISIS that is beheading US and other foreign nationals throughout Iraq, along with Iraqi Women and Children... with Iraq's 250+ thousand man Army being helpless to do a dam' thing to stop 'em?

That's the ISIS I'm talkin' about.
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Wrmk 10385501
Is that the ISIS that controls most of Iraq's oil fields

... That's the ISIS I'm talkin' about

ISIS had gained control of Iraq oil fields that produced 25,000 bpd.

In August Iraq was producing 3,8 million bpd. That's 3,800,000 barrels per day,

I guess you are pretty rotten at math too if the number gets past 20.

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