"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

So you aren't even disputing that the Obama Administration misled the American people about the Affordable Care Act? That they felt obliged to tell them lies and write the bill in such a confusing manner that the American public WOULDN'T understand what it was that was being done to them?

Hold on a minute there sweetlips. When exactly was the public given the opportunity to vote on the healthcare bill? WE WEREN"T, because that's not the way it works. The bill was presented in the House and Senate for our representatives to vote on. Are you saying that your representatives was too stupid to have his staff read and understand the bill, and then explain it to him? Not my fault if you voted for an idiot.

I'm saying that the reason they wrote the bill the way they did was to deliberately make it as confusing as possible so NOBODY would understand it. It's why you had the Speaker of the House telling us that they needed to pass the bill before they could know what was in the bill!

Again, if you voted for a representative that was too stupid to at least get someone to explain it to him, that's your fault. Understanding and voting on bills is their job, not ours. As far as the out of context quote from Pelosi, that's been explained a million times, but I don't expect fox ever told you about that, or that teabaggers would ever understand what she really meant anyway.

So it's OK with you if our President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader all lie to the American people about what a bill that affects 1/6 of our total economy is going to do? If the ACA is so darned great, Bulldog...then why would you HAVE to lie about it?

As for what Pelosi said? How did I take it out of context? Would you like me to post the video where she made the statement? Trust me it doesn't get better when heard IN context! It was an idiotic statement made by a woman who to be blunt isn't very smart. How Nancy Pelosi ended up being Speaker of the House has always mystified me. Surely there must be someone on the Democratic side of the aisle who isn't the "ditz" that San Fran Nan is?
So you aren't even disputing that the Obama Administration misled the American people about the Affordable Care Act? That they felt obliged to tell them lies and write the bill in such a confusing manner that the American public WOULDN'T understand what it was that was being done to them?

Hold on a minute there sweetlips. When exactly was the public given the opportunity to vote on the healthcare bill? WE WEREN"T, because that's not the way it works. The bill was presented in the House and Senate for our representatives to vote on. Are you saying that your representatives was too stupid to have his staff read and understand the bill, and then explain it to him? Not my fault if you voted for an idiot.

I'm saying that the reason they wrote the bill the way they did was to deliberately make it as confusing as possible so NOBODY would understand it. It's why you had the Speaker of the House telling us that they needed to pass the bill before they could know what was in the bill!

Again, if you voted for a representative that was too stupid to at least get someone to explain it to him, that's your fault. Understanding and voting on bills is their job, not ours. As far as the out of context quote from Pelosi, that's been explained a million times, but I don't expect fox ever told you about that, or that teabaggers would ever understand what she really meant anyway.

So it's OK with you if our President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader all lie to the American people about what a bill that affects 1/6 of our total economy is going to do? If the ACA is so darned great, Bulldog...then why would you HAVE to lie about it?

As for what Pelosi said? How did I take it out of context? Would you like me to post the video where she made the statement? Trust me it doesn't get better when heard IN context! It was an idiotic statement made by a woman who to be blunt isn't very smart. How Nancy Pelosi ended up being Speaker of the House has always mystified me. Surely there must be someone on the Democratic side of the aisle who isn't the "ditz" that San Fran Nan is?
Well, at least you've moved on from whining about 'Benghazi.'
So you aren't even disputing that the Obama Administration misled the American people about the Affordable Care Act? That they felt obliged to tell them lies and write the bill in such a confusing manner that the American public WOULDN'T understand what it was that was being done to them?

Hold on a minute there sweetlips. When exactly was the public given the opportunity to vote on the healthcare bill? WE WEREN"T, because that's not the way it works. The bill was presented in the House and Senate for our representatives to vote on. Are you saying that your representatives was too stupid to have his staff read and understand the bill, and then explain it to him? Not my fault if you voted for an idiot.

I'm saying that the reason they wrote the bill the way they did was to deliberately make it as confusing as possible so NOBODY would understand it. It's why you had the Speaker of the House telling us that they needed to pass the bill before they could know what was in the bill!

Again, if you voted for a representative that was too stupid to at least get someone to explain it to him, that's your fault. Understanding and voting on bills is their job, not ours. As far as the out of context quote from Pelosi, that's been explained a million times, but I don't expect fox ever told you about that, or that teabaggers would ever understand what she really meant anyway.

So it's OK with you if our President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader all lie to the American people about what a bill that affects 1/6 of our total economy is going to do? If the ACA is so darned great, Bulldog...then why would you HAVE to lie about it?

As for what Pelosi said? How did I take it out of context? Would you like me to post the video where she made the statement? Trust me it doesn't get better when heard IN context! It was an idiotic statement made by a woman who to be blunt isn't very smart. How Nancy Pelosi ended up being Speaker of the House has always mystified me. Surely there must be someone on the Democratic side of the aisle who isn't the "ditz" that San Fran Nan is?
Well, at least you've moved on from whining about 'Benghazi.'
let us hope so.
Are you serious? When George W. Bush left office both Afghanistan and Iraq were LIGHT YEARS better off than they are now after six years of "President Leading From Behind!" You blame Bush for taking his eye off the ball from his ranch in Texas where he's been retired for the last six years chopping brush? Who's been sitting in the Oval Office running things for all those years? I can't blame Barry for taking his eye off the ball because I don't think our current President has even figured out where the ball IS!

No, guy, they weren't better off. In Afghanistan, the Taliban was in control of 80% of the countryside and have been flooding Europe with heroin.

In Iraq, the country collapsed into civil war.

Barry has figured out where the ball is. It's on a field Americans no longer want to play on. The Oil Companies and Zionists might be upset we've dumped Neo-Con policies, but most Americans are good with it.
Hold on a minute there sweetlips. When exactly was the public given the opportunity to vote on the healthcare bill? WE WEREN"T, because that's not the way it works. The bill was presented in the House and Senate for our representatives to vote on. Are you saying that your representatives was too stupid to have his staff read and understand the bill, and then explain it to him? Not my fault if you voted for an idiot.

I'm saying that the reason they wrote the bill the way they did was to deliberately make it as confusing as possible so NOBODY would understand it. It's why you had the Speaker of the House telling us that they needed to pass the bill before they could know what was in the bill!

Again, if you voted for a representative that was too stupid to at least get someone to explain it to him, that's your fault. Understanding and voting on bills is their job, not ours. As far as the out of context quote from Pelosi, that's been explained a million times, but I don't expect fox ever told you about that, or that teabaggers would ever understand what she really meant anyway.

So it's OK with you if our President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader all lie to the American people about what a bill that affects 1/6 of our total economy is going to do? If the ACA is so darned great, Bulldog...then why would you HAVE to lie about it?

As for what Pelosi said? How did I take it out of context? Would you like me to post the video where she made the statement? Trust me it doesn't get better when heard IN context! It was an idiotic statement made by a woman who to be blunt isn't very smart. How Nancy Pelosi ended up being Speaker of the House has always mystified me. Surely there must be someone on the Democratic side of the aisle who isn't the "ditz" that San Fran Nan is?
Well, at least you've moved on from whining about 'Benghazi.'
let us hope so.
You guys are back to the Hope and Change thing? I'm hoping for change as well!
So you aren't even disputing that the Obama Administration misled the American people about the Affordable Care Act? That they felt obliged to tell them lies and write the bill in such a confusing manner that the American public WOULDN'T understand what it was that was being done to them?

Hold on a minute there sweetlips. When exactly was the public given the opportunity to vote on the healthcare bill? WE WEREN"T, because that's not the way it works. The bill was presented in the House and Senate for our representatives to vote on. Are you saying that your representatives was too stupid to have his staff read and understand the bill, and then explain it to him? Not my fault if you voted for an idiot.

I'm saying that the reason they wrote the bill the way they did was to deliberately make it as confusing as possible so NOBODY would understand it. It's why you had the Speaker of the House telling us that they needed to pass the bill before they could know what was in the bill!

Again, if you voted for a representative that was too stupid to at least get someone to explain it to him, that's your fault. Understanding and voting on bills is their job, not ours. As far as the out of context quote from Pelosi, that's been explained a million times, but I don't expect fox ever told you about that, or that teabaggers would ever understand what she really meant anyway.

So it's OK with you if our President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader all lie to the American people about what a bill that affects 1/6 of our total economy is going to do? If the ACA is so darned great, Bulldog...then why would you HAVE to lie about it?

As for what Pelosi said? How did I take it out of context? Would you like me to post the video where she made the statement? Trust me it doesn't get better when heard IN context! It was an idiotic statement made by a woman who to be blunt isn't very smart. How Nancy Pelosi ended up being Speaker of the House has always mystified me. Surely there must be someone on the Democratic side of the aisle who isn't the "ditz" that San Fran Nan is?

I'm sure you have had this discussion many times, and obviously, no amount of discussion or evaluation of the facts can reach your gut reaction opinion, so I'm not going to try. I suggest you just deal with it like you would any other disappointment. WE HAVE HEALTH CARE, and no amount of pouting or whining will change that. If it helps you to pout among other disappointed teabaggers, then by all means do that, but your troubled psyche will continue to be a problem for you until you come to terms with your loss. You did lose, and the country is better off because of that. Get over it.
Wrmk 10386228
ROFL! You're truly helpless.

You make stuff up / get caught / and call the one who caught you - helpless.?

No class developed during LostKey's rightwing upbringing.

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter ironies!

Now let's go down the lists of things which I made up:

Iraq, was long a proponent of international Islamic terrorism, having used such to attack the US, her interests and allies many times.

Post 9-11, Iraq was required to bring itself into compliance with its obligations to the United States and to a lessor degree, with what the US required of the UN, to claim as its interests.

Post 9-11, the US set upon 18 months of intense diplomatic efforts to help Iraq bring itself into compliance... until finally, having failed to rise to a reasonable risk by bringing itself into compliance, the President of Iraq was subject to the deadline of the President of the United States... to either remove himself from government or be removed.

As one might expect, President Hussein, chose poorly.

Those of you living in an alternative reality may find yourself in disagreement with the history of such, but that's only because you're delusional.
Post 9-11, the US set upon 18 months of intense diplomatic efforts to help Iraq bring itself into compliance

You could not utter a bigger pile of bs than that one.

In December 2002 Saddam offered Bush to bring the CIA, FBI and US Miliitary into Iraq to work alongside UN inspectors to verify that WMD was not there.

Bush declined the offer.

Diplomatic efforts accept that offer or at least test it.
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You could not utter a bigger pile of bs than that one.

In December 2002 Saddam offered Bush to bring the CIA, FBI and US Miliitary into Iraq to work alongside UN inspectors to verify that WMD was not there.

Bush declined the offer.

Saddam's offer is irrelevant. Saddam was not being asked... there were no suggestions for him, there were demands... of very specific nature. His was to comply, or die.

What he should have done is folded, left Iraq and lived a life in comfort as a disgraced former head of state. He apparently felt that his position was somewhat more permanent than it turned out to be.

But hey... Saddam was a socialist and as you've established here... 'thinking' is not something you people do well.

In greater nature, you people are what is otherwise known as "FOOD".
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the President of Iraq was subject to the deadline of the President of the United States... to either remove himself from government or be removed.

The entire world is aware of the fact and only fact that Saddam Hussein was obligated to comply with UNSC Resolution 1441 when it passed with geo Bush's approval,

For you to try to pass off your own stupor induced deadline that no one on earth knows about as valid should embarrass you to no end.

You are a joke.
the President of Iraq was subject to the deadline of the President of the United States... to either remove himself from government or be removed.

The entire world is aware of the fact and only fact that Saddam Hussein was obligated to comply with UNSC Resolution 1441 when it passed with geo Bush's approval,

For you to try to pass off your own stupor induced deadline that no one on earth knows about as valid should embarrass you to no end.

You are a joke.

ROFL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

You actually 'feel' the UN is relevant... .

ROFLMNAO! Hysterical!
HEY! Young lady...

LOL! Just for fun, what do you suppose would have changed IF the UN had joined together in UNANIMOUS DISSENT and DEMANDED that the US leave Saddam in place?
That's correct... The US would have invaded Iraq and killed President Hussein. Meaning that HAD the UN stood up in direct defiance of the US... and had they stood in TOTAL SUPPORT of IRAQ... the US would have driven right over the UN to do what needed to be done.
Judging from that hack's obsessiveness over the 4 dead in Libya, one would think that Oldstyle picketed the WH during Dubya's disastrous foreign policy failures :eusa_think: :doubt:

You know what's amusing to me, Dottie? As bad of a President as all you liberals thought W was? The best thing any of you can say about Barack Obama after six years is that he's not any worse than Bush was.

So in reality his election slogan shouldn't have been "Hope & Change"...it should have been "No Worse Than Dubya!"?
So you aren't even disputing that the Obama Administration misled the American people about the Affordable Care Act? That they felt obliged to tell them lies and write the bill in such a confusing manner that the American public WOULDN'T understand what it was that was being done to them?

Hold on a minute there sweetlips. When exactly was the public given the opportunity to vote on the healthcare bill? WE WEREN"T, because that's not the way it works. The bill was presented in the House and Senate for our representatives to vote on. Are you saying that your representatives was too stupid to have his staff read and understand the bill, and then explain it to him? Not my fault if you voted for an idiot.

I'm saying that the reason they wrote the bill the way they did was to deliberately make it as confusing as possible so NOBODY would understand it. It's why you had the Speaker of the House telling us that they needed to pass the bill before they could know what was in the bill!

Again, if you voted for a representative that was too stupid to at least get someone to explain it to him, that's your fault. Understanding and voting on bills is their job, not ours. As far as the out of context quote from Pelosi, that's been explained a million times, but I don't expect fox ever told you about that, or that teabaggers would ever understand what she really meant anyway.

So it's OK with you if our President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader all lie to the American people about what a bill that affects 1/6 of our total economy is going to do? If the ACA is so darned great, Bulldog...then why would you HAVE to lie about it?

As for what Pelosi said? How did I take it out of context? Would you like me to post the video where she made the statement? Trust me it doesn't get better when heard IN context! It was an idiotic statement made by a woman who to be blunt isn't very smart. How Nancy Pelosi ended up being Speaker of the House has always mystified me. Surely there must be someone on the Democratic side of the aisle who isn't the "ditz" that San Fran Nan is?

I'm sure you have had this discussion many times, and obviously, no amount of discussion or evaluation of the facts can reach your gut reaction opinion, so I'm not going to try. I suggest you just deal with it like you would any other disappointment. WE HAVE HEALTH CARE, and no amount of pouting or whining will change that. If it helps you to pout among other disappointed teabaggers, then by all means do that, but your troubled psyche will continue to be a problem for you until you come to terms with your loss. You did lose, and the country is better off because of that. Get over it.

We had health care BEFORE the Affordable Care Act. We'll have health care AFTER the ACA. What you don't seem to quite grasp yet (it would seem that Professor Gruber had many of this board's liberals in mind when he spoke about Americans being too stupid to understand what ObamaCare really was!) is that the ACA was so badly written that it will have to be totally overhauled not to be a complete disaster. I didn't lose but the majority of Middle Class Americans are going to take it right in the ass from ObamaCare because somebody has to pay for this thing with higher healthcare costs and it's going to be the Middle Class.

You think the Middle Class doesn't like the ACA now? Wait until they figure out how much more their healthcare costs are going to be going forward!
Hold on a minute there sweetlips. When exactly was the public given the opportunity to vote on the healthcare bill? WE WEREN"T, because that's not the way it works. The bill was presented in the House and Senate for our representatives to vote on. Are you saying that your representatives was too stupid to have his staff read and understand the bill, and then explain it to him? Not my fault if you voted for an idiot.

I'm saying that the reason they wrote the bill the way they did was to deliberately make it as confusing as possible so NOBODY would understand it. It's why you had the Speaker of the House telling us that they needed to pass the bill before they could know what was in the bill!

Again, if you voted for a representative that was too stupid to at least get someone to explain it to him, that's your fault. Understanding and voting on bills is their job, not ours. As far as the out of context quote from Pelosi, that's been explained a million times, but I don't expect fox ever told you about that, or that teabaggers would ever understand what she really meant anyway.

So it's OK with you if our President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader all lie to the American people about what a bill that affects 1/6 of our total economy is going to do? If the ACA is so darned great, Bulldog...then why would you HAVE to lie about it?

As for what Pelosi said? How did I take it out of context? Would you like me to post the video where she made the statement? Trust me it doesn't get better when heard IN context! It was an idiotic statement made by a woman who to be blunt isn't very smart. How Nancy Pelosi ended up being Speaker of the House has always mystified me. Surely there must be someone on the Democratic side of the aisle who isn't the "ditz" that San Fran Nan is?

I'm sure you have had this discussion many times, and obviously, no amount of discussion or evaluation of the facts can reach your gut reaction opinion, so I'm not going to try. I suggest you just deal with it like you would any other disappointment. WE HAVE HEALTH CARE, and no amount of pouting or whining will change that. If it helps you to pout among other disappointed teabaggers, then by all means do that, but your troubled psyche will continue to be a problem for you until you come to terms with your loss. You did lose, and the country is better off because of that. Get over it.

We had health care BEFORE the Affordable Care Act. We'll have health care AFTER the ACA. What you don't seem to quite grasp yet (it would seem that Professor Gruber had many of this board's liberals in mind when he spoke about Americans being too stupid to understand what ObamaCare really was!) is that the ACA was so badly written that it will have to be totally overhauled not to be a complete disaster. I didn't lose but the majority of Middle Class Americans are going to take it right in the ass from ObamaCare because somebody has to pay for this thing with higher healthcare costs and it's going to be the Middle Class.

You think the Middle Class doesn't like the ACA now? Wait until they figure out how much more their healthcare costs are going to be going forward!

Well, many of us didn't have healthcare before ACA. Millions who didn't have insurance now do. You will never be able to take that away from us, no matter how long you pout and hold your breath. Nobody ever said there wouldn't be changes or improvements to be made, and if your politicians ever come up with any reasonable ones, I'm sure they will be welcome. No need trying to convince you, but you really should try to get over it. I'm sure Obamacare can help you with some sort of therapy.

You're always talking about people taking it right in the ass or having things stuffed down their throats. You have every right to participate in what ever sex acts you want, but this is a political discussion. Other venues would be more appropriate for your sexual discussions.
ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter ironies!

Now let's go down the lists of things which I made up:

Iraq, was long a proponent of international Islamic terrorism, having used such to attack the US, her interests and allies many times.

Really? When? Other than supporting Palestinians, how many times was Iraq involved in plots against the US or her allies.

If you want to make a laundry list of Anti-Israel plots, then you have to include our buddies the Saudis who also fu nd the Palestinians.

Post 9-11, Iraq was required to bring itself into compliance with its obligations to the United States and to a lessor degree, with what the US required of the UN, to claim as its interests.

Post 9-11, the US set upon 18 months of intense diplomatic efforts to help Iraq bring itself into compliance... until finally, having failed to rise to a reasonable risk by bringing itself into compliance, the President of Iraq was subject to the deadline of the President of the United States... to either remove himself from government or be removed.

As one might expect, President Hussein, chose poorly.

Those of you living in an alternative reality may find yourself in disagreement with the history of such, but that's only because you're delusional.

Or maybe Saddam just thought after 12 years of inspections that destroyed most of his WMD capability, he was in compliance.

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