"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Please Note, Dog Style still hasn't explained why Japan can make Single Payer work, they spend 9% of their GDP compared to 18% in the US, Japan has an average life expectancy of 84 compared to 78 in the US, and they have an infant mortality rate of 2 per 100,000 compared to the US which as one of 6 per 100,000.

Hint- It's not because they are "Printing money".
Japan has extremely low amounts of violent crime, drug addiction and obesity...their costs are lower because they are healthier. They also pay their doctors a fraction of what a doctor here makes. Now you COULD simply ignore the poor health of so many Americans and assume that putting in a single payer system would result in the same 9% of GDP being spent but who would be THAT naive? Oh, that's right...Joey would!
What liberals like Joey don't want to address is that the majority of the new people being insured by ObamaCare have health issues that are going to be enormously expensive to treat. The poor have far more obesity...they are more apt to be addicted to drugs...they are more apt to smoke. Then there are the people with pre-existing conditions. Think that THEY are going to cost the same to treat as those who did not have pre-existing conditions?

When you enact policy with your head buried in the sand to avoid dealing with reality...you end up with legislation like the ACA.
Japan has extremely low amounts of violent crime, drug addiction and obesity...their costs are lower because they are healthier. They also pay their doctors a fraction of what a doctor here makes. Now you COULD simply ignore the poor health of so many Americans and assume that putting in a single payer system would result in the same 9% of GDP being spent but who would be THAT naive? Oh, that's right...Joey would!

Right. And everyone else who spends the same amounts with single payer, they are all healthier than we are, too.

Hey, dumbass, has it occurred to you the reason why we are so unhealthy as a nation is because we treat health care as a consumer commodity instead of a public service? Has this occurred to your tiny fucking little mind that if you are paying for every pill and doctor's visit, you aren't going to spend as much taking care of yourself?

Oh yeah, Japan's doctor pay vs. ours.

General Physician Average Salary Income - International Comparison

US- $ 8,189
Japan -$ 5,401

I guess 2/3rds is a fraction, but Japanese doctors aren't starving.
What liberals like Joey don't want to address is that the majority of the new people being insured by ObamaCare have health issues that are going to be enormously expensive to treat. The poor have far more obesity...they are more apt to be addicted to drugs...they are more apt to smoke. Then there are the people with pre-existing conditions. Think that THEY are going to cost the same to treat as those who did not have pre-existing conditions?


You know, Dog Style is one of those Republicans who watches "It's a Wonderful Life" and cheers for Mr. Potter.

Why don't those Poor people just die already instead of whining to us with their health problems.

Man, guy, do you realize just how fucked up you sound most of the time?
Japan has extremely low amounts of violent crime,

Hey, I want to visit this one again.

Japan has a very low rate of violent crime. Hmmmm. Now why is that? Could it because they don't let their citizens OWN GUNS!!!! What a crazy idea.
Japan has extremely low amounts of violent crime, drug addiction and obesity...their costs are lower because they are healthier. They also pay their doctors a fraction of what a doctor here makes. Now you COULD simply ignore the poor health of so many Americans and assume that putting in a single payer system would result in the same 9% of GDP being spent but who would be THAT naive? Oh, that's right...Joey would!

Right. And everyone else who spends the same amounts with single payer, they are all healthier than we are, too.

Hey, dumbass, has it occurred to you the reason why we are so unhealthy as a nation is because we treat health care as a consumer commodity instead of a public service? Has this occurred to your tiny fucking little mind that if you are paying for every pill and doctor's visit, you aren't going to spend as much taking care of yourself?

Oh yeah, Japan's doctor pay vs. ours.

General Physician Average Salary Income - International Comparison

US- $ 8,189
Japan -$ 5,401

I guess 2/3rds is a fraction, but Japanese doctors aren't starving.

Go down to your local Walmart and take a good look at the average American going through the checkout line, Joey See what's in their food cart. Check out what kind of shape they're in. Then tell me the the poor health of the country is because we have had a private healthcare system.
Japan is a very nonviolent society. We are not. If I lived in Japan I wouldn't need to carry a gun for self protection. I don't however. I live in America where people like Michael Brown roam the streets taking what they want because they're bigger than someone else.
What liberals like Joey don't want to address is that the majority of the new people being insured by ObamaCare have health issues that are going to be enormously expensive to treat. The poor have far more obesity...they are more apt to be addicted to drugs...they are more apt to smoke. Then there are the people with pre-existing conditions. Think that THEY are going to cost the same to treat as those who did not have pre-existing conditions?


You know, Dog Style is one of those Republicans who watches "It's a Wonderful Life" and cheers for Mr. Potter.

Why don't those Poor people just die already instead of whining to us with their health problems.

Man, guy, do you realize just how fucked up you sound most of the time?

Typical liberal response when someone points out that their policies won't work in the real world.
Oldstyle is like a yapping little dog :eusa_doh:

Go down to your local Walmart and take a good look at the average American going through the checkout line, Joey See what's in their food cart. Check out what kind of shape they're in. Then tell me the the poor health of the country is because we have had a private healthcare system.

Oh, boo-hoo, you had to wait behind some lady with an EBT card at Wal-Mart. This obviously scared you for life...
Japan is a very nonviolent society. We are not. If I lived in Japan I wouldn't need to carry a gun for self protection. I don't however. I live in America where people like Michael Brown roam the streets taking what they want because they're bigger than someone else.

So why doesn't Tetsuo Ito do that? Hmmmm...

Naw, this is fucking rich. You need a gun to protect yourself from people we've been systematically keeping down for centuries becuase once in a while, one of them might lash out.

Not like you'd want to fix the problem by, oh, I don't know, actually providing kids like Brown hope for the future.
Go down to your local Walmart and take a good look at the average American going through the checkout line, Joey See what's in their food cart. Check out what kind of shape they're in. Then tell me the the poor health of the country is because we have had a private healthcare system.

Oh, boo-hoo, you had to wait behind some lady with an EBT card at Wal-Mart. This obviously scared you for life...

The lady I waited behind was about 5'2" and probably weighed 250 pounds. She didn't "scare" me or scar me...she simply reinforced my belief that we in the US are teetering on the edge of a healthcare catastrophe because of things like chronic obesity. If you're passing healthcare legislation without taking that into consideration then you're naive, Joey.
The lady I waited behind was about 5'2" and probably weighed 250 pounds. She didn't "scare" me or scar me...she simply reinforced my belief that we in the US are teetering on the edge of a healthcare catastrophe because of things like chronic obesity. If you're passing healthcare legislation without taking that into consideration then you're naive, Joey.

Wow, dude, you must have been seriously traumitized by the scary fat woman.

You could try to ask the big agribusinesses to stop putting hormones and shit into the food that causes obesity, but that might deny a rich person a profit or something.

Again, plenty of money out there to pay for single payer. We just need less greedy corporations and more compassion.

Like the Germans, Japanese, Brits, Canucks, etc.
The lady I waited behind was about 5'2" and probably weighed 250 pounds. She didn't "scare" me or scar me...she simply reinforced my belief that we in the US are teetering on the edge of a healthcare catastrophe because of things like chronic obesity. If you're passing healthcare legislation without taking that into consideration then you're naive, Joey.

Wow, dude, you must have been seriously traumitized by the scary fat woman.

You could try to ask the big agribusinesses to stop putting hormones and shit into the food that causes obesity, but that might deny a rich person a profit or something.

Again, plenty of money out there to pay for single payer. We just need less greedy corporations and more compassion.

Like the Germans, Japanese, Brits, Canucks, etc.

Plenty of money out there to pay for single payer...yet the Governor of Vermont couldn't swing it? His problem...and yours, Joey...is that once the Middle Class figures out what THEY are going to be expected to shell out of THEIR pockets to pay for it...they are going to be out in the streets with pitchforks and torches looking for liberals to run out of town.
Plenty of money out there to pay for single payer...
That's correct, if you redesign the system and spend it correctly, neither of which Americans, the I Got Mine People, are willing to do, and the powers that be don't have the balls to.
Plenty of money out there to pay for single payer...
That's correct, if you redesign the system and spend it correctly, neither of which Americans, the I Got Mine People, are willing to do, and the powers that be don't have the balls to.
It isn't what their largest contributors AKA- the Rick Scotts of the world want them to do because it will cut down their obscene profits that the shit stain- Oldstyle thinks republican jesus guarantees them.
Plenty of money out there to pay for single payer...yet the Governor of Vermont couldn't swing it? His problem...and yours, Joey...is that once the Middle Class figures out what THEY are going to be expected to shell out of THEIR pockets to pay for it...they are going to be out in the streets with pitchforks and torches looking for liberals to run out of town.

Yeah, guy, you've been spewing that shit for 6 years now. YOu know, here's the thing. Most Americans are not selfish cocksuckers like you are. I know this will come to a big shock to you. Most people don't want to see children die of treatable diseases because they are poor.

What the governor of Vermont found was that if you can't control costs at the state level, you can't swing it. Not when you already have employer and federal plans in place people are already paying for.

Which is why it needs to be done at the federal level.
It "needs" to be done at the Federal level, Joey because the Feds can simply add the cost of your single payer system to all the other entitlements that we already can't afford. The Governor of Vermont would LOVE to be able to do the same but unfortunately for him by law he has to have a balanced budget.

The truth that none of you board progressives will admit to is that your beloved single payer system will increase the healthcare costs of the average Middle Class taxpayer by a large amount. It has to. It's either that or it will increase the Federal Deficit by an even larger amount. The Vermont Governor realized that if he passed that cost on to the Middle Class in Vermont that they'd run him out of the State on a rail so he bailed on the attempt.

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