Republicans financial fantasy land

Yes, his tax ideas are very similar to what is in the current house bill. Those are my ideas too. So according to you I can say its my tax plan.with each new post you confirm your partisan stupidity. Its morons like you that are allowing the party of Kennedy and Truman to destroy itself.

So now words don't mean what they mean.
Just because someone said, 'It is MY Tax Plan' does not make it so. It is 'the' campaign promise potentially kept.(Funny....snowflakes claim Trump always can't trust a thing he says...but you have to believe Trump when he says THIS. :p)

So it's not his tax plan, despite him saying it's his.

The troll is strong with this one.
Not good getting side tracked, is this a good bill or not??? they don't even know yet, think it will pass because a win is more important than a good bill, & for me that is sad. its party over people, talking about Obama or Bush serves no one. check out all info from both sides, watch Cspan to see what they are saying. lets not focus on old stuff right now a bad tax plan will hurt us all, they need to take the time to do it right.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.

You got a boatload of facts wrong, as others have correctly pointed out.

Obama cut taxes in 2012. Here is the link. You are welcome to read about it and learn something, if you care about the truth and have some demonstrate some initiative:
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 - Wikipedia

Obama DID
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
He didn't cut taxes, he just gave a one time tax rebate.

At the end of 2012, every single Conservative predicted that if Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts on the wealthy expire, the sky would fall.

You were wrong about all of it.

So since you were wrong then, why the fuck would you be right today?
Not good getting side tracked, is this a good bill or not??? they don't even know yet, think it will pass because a win is more important than a good bill, & for me that is sad. its party over people, talking about Obama or Bush serves no one. check out all info from both sides, watch Cspan to see what they are saying. lets not focus on old stuff right now a bad tax plan will hurt us all, they need to take the time to do it right.

They don't need to do it at all. There is no need for tax reform unless you want to raise taxes to reduce the deficit. This tax plan, like the one they did in Kansas and the one Bush the Dumber did in 2001, will not result in more growth...only more debt.
more than any other president in the history of the US

Before him, Bush the Dumber spent more than any other President in the history of the US. Conservative debt and deficit peacocks were no where to be seen. Before him, Clinton spent more than any other President in the history of the US. Conservative debt and deficit peacocks were everywhere. Before him (skipping Bush the Elder because he only served one term) Reagan spent more than any other President in the history of the US. Conservative debt and deficit peacocks were no where to be seen.

I'm sensing a pattern here.
Notice this all happened right after tyhe microwave. I think we as an electorate have changed. We have tunred into a bunch of children who never want to hear the price for what services we want and the polititions have given us exactly what we have asked for. You notice no one ever wants to here the cons for any situation, how ever limit theory states that for every thing you gain you also lose something. We do not want to here that. We are fucking microwave society who are not willing to pay for our own shit. Until that changes you can expect more heaping piles of legislative shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must be a child who never grew up, relying on the government to take care of you cradle to grave.. The only thing I want from the government is to be left alone and they protect this country from invading hordes who cross our borders illegally. But they cant do that, they must INTERFERE with my life because they THINK they are so much smarter than me, and now we get to watch them go down in flames because they fucked with women thinking they were better than me. Yep, liberals are worthless fucks, which is why they whine when they don't get their way...
I am a child? Why do you not grow the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know trhere is no free lunch, you obviously do not.. If you do not belive what I have to say, how do you explain the national debt rising to astronomical proprtions since reagon. We are not paying as we go. We have stuck our children and grand children with the bill. This is being an adult to you? I am glad I am not your child or grand child. As far as cradle to grave goes I take care of myself thank you, my house and my cars are paid for you dumb fuck. Casn you say the same. I currently have zero debt. I pay as I go, no bills left for my kids or grandchildren. I have never even financed a car. I do not borrow money on a depreciable assets only on appreciable assets. All of my rental properties are paid for. So why don't you tell me how I am supported from cradle to grave you piece of dung. What was this shit in your ditribe about liberals fucking women and so on and so forth. Pure fucking lunacy, go see a shrink about it!! I do not want to hear your para fucking noia.
the proof has been put out by every news outlet in this country. do you not have TV in dingleberry land?

No, it hasn't. And how would you even know since you don't watch mainstream media!!?!?!?!?

Uhh, yes it has. The NY times is MSM, the Wash post is MSM, CBS is MSM. They all carried stories about the bribes from Russia to the Clintons.

you live in a liberal fantasyland.
Not good getting side tracked, is this a good bill or not??? they don't even know yet, think it will pass because a win is more important than a good bill, & for me that is sad. its party over people, talking about Obama or Bush serves no one. check out all info from both sides, watch Cspan to see what they are saying. lets not focus on old stuff right now a bad tax plan will hurt us all, they need to take the time to do it right.

They don't need to do it at all. There is no need for tax reform unless you want to raise taxes to reduce the deficit. This tax plan, like the one they did in Kansas and the one Bush the Dumber did in 2001, will not result in more growth...only more debt.

what results in more debt is when the govt spends more than it collects. We don't have a taxing problem, we have spending problem. We have a spending problem because its the way congress buys their continued employment, with our money.
what results in more debt is when the govt spends more than it collects.

You're deliberately reducing the amount it collects in order to create a deficit that you then use as an excuse to cut the spending you're ideologically opposed to, but lack the courage and support to pass through conventional legislation.

So instead, you practice fiscal terrorism; you deliberately manufacture deficits and debt and then posture over those deficits and debts you created as an excuse to cut spending you have no prayer of cutting in any other situation or circumstance. That's fiscal terrorism. You are flying planes into the budget in order to push through an unpopular, ideological agenda designed to inflict economic harm on people.

You're a bunch of fuckin' traitors.

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