Republicans for heavens sake get on your high horse.


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
There is blood in the water. Stop acting nice pubs, the dems have no respect for such behavior, they laugh at you. The perfect political storm is gathering. It is time to go postal.

Drop the hammer on Harry Reid and the constantly obstructing democrats. This man has blocked the political process for 6 years not allowing the constitutional process to go forward. He blocked any legislation while he was majority leader, broke the 200 year old rules of the senate. He would not let a budget come up for a vote. Now he and the dems, even though they are in the minority will not even allow debate about the homeland security bill come up. Let me say that again, dems will not even let DEBATE on the bill come up. They are not filibustering against a bill, they are filibustering against starting debate on the bill. This is all about not having democrats on record about supporting obamas illegal executive orders in the 2016 elections. ARE YOU LISTENING? Shout it from the rooftops, talk about nothing else but the epic unprecedented obstructionalism.

This is the time to challenge the news media relentlessly. Every time you have an interview ask why they are not reporting this story. Do they not want the senate to work? Do they not want the public to see a debate on the issue of executive orders. Are you not going to report at least on what is going on. Are you not going to hold Henry Reid accountable. Go into,pit bull mode on this one.

Obama is losing countries in the Middle East faster than the national debt is increasing. His closest advisor has said he lied about gay marriage. He has become a clown act between his selfies and interviews in a milk bath. His executive orders on immigration we now find out allow illegal immigrants to get earned income credits even if they didn't pay taxes. The middle class is under attack. The rich are getting obscenely richer. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Republicans get some passion! Get some damn backbone. Pass more bills. Lots of bills. Dazzle us with accomplishment. Say it loud and say it proud. Cause here's the deal. Two years from now when they ask what the republican congress has done and why we should vote for them again, what are you going to say. WE TRIED! That won't git it!
The Boehner Republicans saw the last election as affirmation that their strategy was right. Don't scare people, don't drive them away with shrill rhetoric, stay out of the way while Democrats screw things up and we look good by comparison. They saw the last election as a rejection of the Tea Party conservatives. They saw it as a mandate on their statist, quasi Leftist approach.
I asked my senators why they are not using reconciliation to pass this bill, it is after all, the DHS budget. That way it only takes a simple majority to move it forward.
Weeeeeeeee! I'll tell ya......I celebrate our differences. The fact that different people viewing the same event can describe it in such entirely different ways is the stuff that makes life interesting.

There exist people who have witnessed the way congress has worked for the last 6 years.......and think that the Democrats are entirely responsible for the lack of cooperation. Weeeeeeeee! There exist people who believe that income inequality is something that Republicans are concerned about. There exist people who think that there are nations in the Middle East which are owned by the US....and are ours to lose. There exist people who think its OK to tie a measure about immigration policy to a funding bill for the DHS and then whine when the people who oppose the first measure don't agree to fund DHS. There exist people who believe that the GOP is too nice and haven't sufficiently blamed the media for their failure to connect with the majority of Americans.
Lone I am not a fan of personal attacks but your unsubstantiated bile is polluting the debate. You never support your side of the arguments with facts only accusations and personal attack, usually accompanied by you are so extreme and you are so dumb. Let me try one more time. I will disprove every one of your claims once again.

I have never said the democrats were entirely responsible for a lack of cooperation but in the senate Harry Reid is responsible for any lack,of progress. He has blocked over 300 bills from the house from even coming on the floor. I have lost count of how many years he has not even passed a budget, which by the way the house has done. He is now leading the charge to not even bring up a bill for debate for no other reason than to protect the president.either people like you want the process to work or you only want it to work your way.

Hmmm income inequality! It has only gotten worse since dems have been running things and much worse lately. Middle class incomes are down and Obama donors, oh I am sorry, the ultra rich have gotten richer. These are facts not opinions.

We do not own any countries anywhere but we do have what are called allies. These are the countries Obama is either not supporting or turning his back on. Same in Eastern Europe same in Africa. His foreign policy failures are legion and even democrats in the senate are pushing back against his ineptitude. Facts.

Bulletin for Lone. The DHS bill is not about immigration but about illegal executive orders the president has made. It is about the separation of powers and the coequal branches of govt. Here is a list of democratic sen who were against the executive orders before this congress and before the election who are now for it. They lied.
These Seven Democrats Who Said They Opposed Obama s Lawless Amnesty Decrees Were Lying National Review Online

Connect with the American people. You mean like with the last election where the American people overwhelmingly voted against democratic candidates. So like with everything else you got nothing. Yes republicans who have manners, decorum, and class are not getting through to enough people because they won't fight back. You have to call people like the president who are liars, liars. You have to call the news media that will not report the truth about the liars enablers who will not follow the first amendment free speech mandate of reporting truth to power. You have to confront democratic sycophants, you have to shout as loud as they do and be just as pushy as they are. You have to push back.

So you see lone it is real simple. You either believe that those in high position and power, like Brian Williams or president Obama , should tell the truth or you don't. You either believe in the promise of America and the Constitution or you don't.

Which is it with you?
Lone I am not a fan of personal attacks but your unsubstantiated bile is polluting the debate. You never support your side of the arguments with facts only accusations and personal attack, usually accompanied by you are so extreme and you are so dumb. Let me try one more time. I will disprove every one of your claims once again.

I have never said the democrats were entirely responsible for a lack of cooperation but in the senate Harry Reid is responsible for any lack,of progress. He has blocked over 300 bills from the house from even coming on the floor. I have lost count of how many years he has not even passed a budget, which by the way the house has done. He is now leading the charge to not even bring up a bill for debate for no other reason than to protect the president.either people like you want the process to work or you only want it to work your way.

Hmmm income inequality! It has only gotten worse since dems have been running things and much worse lately. Middle class incomes are down and Obama donors, oh I am sorry, the ultra rich have gotten richer. These are facts not opinions.

We do not own any countries anywhere but we do have what are called allies. These are the countries Obama is either not supporting or turning his back on. Same in Eastern Europe same in Africa. His foreign policy failures are legion and even democrats in the senate are pushing back against his ineptitude. Facts.

Bulletin for Lone. The DHS bill is not about immigration but about illegal executive orders the president has made. It is about the separation of powers and the coequal branches of govt. Here is a list of democratic sen who were against the executive orders before this congress and before the election who are now for it. They lied.
These Seven Democrats Who Said They Opposed Obama s Lawless Amnesty Decrees Were Lying National Review Online

Connect with the American people. You mean like with the last election where the American people overwhelmingly voted against democratic candidates. So like with everything else you got nothing. Yes republicans who have manners, decorum, and class are not getting through to enough people because they won't fight back. You have to call people like the president who are liars, liars. You have to call the news media that will not report the truth about the liars enablers who will not follow the first amendment free speech mandate of reporting truth to power. You have to confront democratic sycophants, you have to shout as loud as they do and be just as pushy as they are. You have to push back.

So you see lone it is real simple. You either believe that those in high position and power, like Brian Williams or president Obama , should tell the truth or you don't. You either believe in the promise of America and the Constitution or you don't.

Which is it with you?

You seem upset. Why is it that wordy blowhards are often so sensitive?

Your OP isn't something that anyone will devote any time to "debating". You've invited mocking.....which you haven't gotten yet. I was being generous.

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