Republicans gain greatest control of government since 1928


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
So much focus is put on who wins the presidency, and then who controls congress. Well the republicans took both. But they also control more state houses and governorships. The most since 1928. Down to the local levels americans have expressed their frustrations with a failed government driven by democratic policies. The media has lost all credibility. leaked emails have exposed the party that claims to be the party of the people as anything but that. The veil has been lifted and the smoke is clearing. People are waking up to the reality.

Trump beat the system and put himself in the position to have his voice heard on a national level. in a very controlled game that limits who even has a chance to run, he came out on top. he did it his way, which was most often in the face of convention, was proclaimed dead in the water dozens of times, overcame a biased media, opposition from both parties and came out on top. by the time the republicans realized he was a threat to their base, he had already become bigger then them and now they needed him. he exposed the democratic system for what it was, a controlled sham, with a candidate selected by the ruling elite. he beat the candidate who most proclaimed unbeatable.

all we've been hearing about is the republican party is dead. they are infighting and in shambles. out of touch and in decline. trump will steer voters against them. They not only will lose the presidency, they will lose control of congress. Well just the opposite happened. and in addition they made significant gains at the state level. they have the opportunity to shape the supreme court for generations.

America has woken up to the sham of hope and change. to the sham of the democrats are for the people. an in the process they have delivered a clear message to government that we are not satisfied.
The bad news is that this now frees up the Fed to raise interest rates, print up trillions more in funny money, and the economically illiterate masses will blame Cheeto Jesus and the (R)s for it.

See: Herbert Hoover.
let's not forget harry reids nuclear option which now gives trump the ability to place his cabinet without a singe democratic vote. Thanks Harry.
Why yes, the GOP has as much control as it had in 1928. Then came 1929.

Well boys, I think you can do equally well by 2019. You certainly made a good stab at it in 2008.
Why yes, the GOP has as much control as it had in 1928. Then came 1929.

Well boys, I think you can do equally well by 2019. You certainly made a good stab at it in 2008.
let's not forget democrats controlled congress from 2006 - 2008 and managed to turn republican prosperity sour.
So much focus is put on who wins the presidency, and then who controls congress. Well the republicans took both. But they also control more state houses and governorships. The most since 1928. Down to the local levels americans have expressed their frustrations with a failed government driven by democratic policies. The media has lost all credibility. leaked emails have exposed the party that claims to be the party of the people as anything but that. The veil has been lifted and the smoke is clearing. People are waking up to the reality.

Trump beat the system and put himself in the position to have his voice heard on a national level. in a very controlled game that limits who even has a chance to run, he came out on top. he did it his way, which was most often in the face of convention, was proclaimed dead in the water dozens of times, overcame a biased media, opposition from both parties and came out on top. by the time the republicans realized he was a threat to their base, he had already become bigger then them and now they needed him. he exposed the democratic system for what it was, a controlled sham, with a candidate selected by the ruling elite. he beat the candidate who most proclaimed unbeatable.

all we've been hearing about is the republican party is dead. they are infighting and in shambles. out of touch and in decline. trump will steer voters against them. They not only will lose the presidency, they will lose control of congress. Well just the opposite happened. and in addition they made significant gains at the state level. they have the opportunity to shape the supreme court for generations.

America has woken up to the sham of hope and change. to the sham of the democrats are for the people. an in the process they have delivered a clear message to government that we are not satisfied.
And look at the damage the GOP did under Bush. To the economy, to American citizens, to the world. Trump is the GOP's chance to finish the job.
Why yes, the GOP has as much control as it had in 1928. Then came 1929.

Well boys, I think you can do equally well by 2019. You certainly made a good stab at it in 2008.
let's not forget democrats controlled congress from 2006 - 2008 and managed to turn republican prosperity sour.
With a Republican president with the power to veto.

Sorry, fail.
So much for the Republican Party being 'Dead.' Democrats lied again. Go figure? :)
So much for the Republican Party being 'Dead.' Democrats lied again. Go figure? :)

That is correct. For the last God knows how many years, Democrats have been telling me that Republicans are old white people and are dying off just like the party; that younger Americans are into progression; that religion and conservatism is a thing of the past--not the future.

And now this? Wait a minute...................I think somebody is trying to fool me. Is it just me, or does it seem (much like the last presidential election) that liberals and the MSM are trying to convince people instead of reporting the facts?
Isn't that something? Harry managed to be useful before he gets the final boot.
they were riding a high and never expected it to come back and haunt them. they burnt themselves

Oh no, they knew it would. But Democrat politicians only care about themselves in the present. The damage they do for the future is somebody else's problem. They made their money, they had the power, so why should they care what they left behind?
Isn't that something? Harry managed to be useful before he gets the final boot.
they were riding a high and never expected it to come back and haunt them. they burnt themselves

Oh no, they knew it would. But Democrat politicians only care about themselves in the present. The damage they do for the future is somebody else's problem. They made their money, they had the power, so why should they care what they left behind?
Democrats only concern was to steal our money these last 8 years so they hardly had to work and buy those beach estates all over new england, and their winter homes in Florida,,,right?

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