Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

Aside from reading from the list provided by the Federalist Society which makes appointing a conservative judge not a skill too difficult for an ignorant man like Trump, the most conservative president would be Bill Clinton just by comparing the impact those two president’s had on the deficit. Clinton produced a balanced budget for Bush to fuck up. And Trump blew up the debt in four years like no other. What a mess Trump was on debt reduction.
Clinton got blowjobs in the oval office and rubber stamped what the House and Senate passed.
BTW, I'm a white nationalist. But I'm not a Trump supporter. Trump is way to progressive for me. But I do think the government needs to focus more on this country than Israel, Ukraine or any other country. We have festering problems right here that need to be addressed. And we don't need to be the worlds police.

The lefty loons have made "supporting your country" (nationalism) out to be a bad thing. It's not a bad thing at all. Neither is patriotism.
Let's go back to government 101. The President doesn't make appropriation bills, the House does which was taken over by Republicans for the first time in 48 years under Speaker Newt Gingrich. It's the House that balanced the budget (even though not actually balanced) and not Clinton.

The president has equal authority over the budget and appropriations bills. It takes his signature for new spending bills and budgets to become law. (or a veto override)

And the Republicans have had the house majority a few times in the last 2 decades. The last one was when Trump was elected in 2016.

On the top of Newt's agenda was the Welfare Reform law. It was a bill that Clinton vetoed twice, so the Republicans put the bill in a drawer. Just before Clinton's reelection, Newt brought the bill back out, put it on Clinton's desk and said "veto it now MFr. Clinton had no choice but to sign it.

So no, Clinton was not the last person to serve conservatively before Trump. Many of the things he did that were close to conservative were suggestions or policies by the House.

This is one reason why having a democrat president and a GOP house majority is better than a GOP house majority and a GOP president. Republicans only act conservatively when there's a democrat president. As we seen when Reagan and W Bush where presidents and the GOP had the house. Spending went through the roof.
This is one reason why having a democrat president and a GOP house majority is better than a GOP house majority and a GOP president. Republicans only act conservatively when there's a democrat president. As we seen when Reagan and W Bush where presidents and the GOP had the house. Spending went through the roof.

Newt would have presented the same bill (perhaps even better) with a Republican President. It was part of his Contract With America.
Newt would have presented the same bill (perhaps even better) with a Republican President. It was part of his Contract With America.

Maybe. Maybe not. We'll never know now. But we do that know for a fact that Republicans only care about spending and the constitution when a democrat is in the white house.
I agree.
If it wasn't for how racist the Republicans and their supporters are they would get Latino, black, Jewish, Muslim and many minorities votes.
They aren't racist you fucking douchebag.
What you fail to understand is Donald Trump is more than just a man, Donald Trump is a movement. If God forbid Donald Trump passed away this morning, the movement will continue.
yeah the OP hates America.The establishment GOP hates him for not being part of the corrupt two party system sense both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was why they took out kennedy for that reason,trump is the first POTUS sense him to not be part of the corrupt two party system that is why both the house and senate have tried impeaching him and desperately have tried to keep him fromn running again to no avail.
Now is not the time for "whataboutism." That's the "lesser of two evils" voting propaganda that keeps America from supporting decent candidates.
We all know Biden sucks. Even the democrats know he sucks. Regardless if they'll admit it or not.

The question is who's going to replace Biden? Trump? That's another 4 years of drama, childishness, divisions, spending like a drunken democrat.

With this division that's growing between DeSantis & Trump, things are going to get dirty. But it's mostly nothing more than election drama. But there are some really stupid folks who don't know the difference.
Biden is what you call a "decent candidate?"

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that.
If they get rid of Trump, and start supporting fiscal conservatives (who aren't drama queens) and I'll go back to voting for the GOP.
To be a republican today, I have to hate DeSantis, gay people, black people and anyone who's not worshipping at the alter of Trump.
F Trump.
Tax reductions with huge spending increases. Eliminating tax deductions that made his tax cuts revenue neutral. Increased the size and scope of government. Reauthorized spying on Americans without a warrant (FISA 702).

Those few things alone override any good thing he did.
You never voted GOP in your life, jackass.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Oh look, another brain dead Kool aid swilling commie licking leftard LIAR.

YOU keep coming to the table with this same bullshit lie, you've been lectured and ridiculed and made a fool of a dozen times already, and you still insist on spreading this bullshit.

Why is that, Surada the Liar?

Is it because you're a LEFTARD and you can't stand looking in the mirror?

Mussolini was a communist, you fucking idiot. The only reason Hitler wasn't one is because he thought he could out-commie the commies

Fucking O'Biden's disinformation people should shut you down, you lie so fucking much.

Mussolini quit the Socialists in the early 1920s . He was a Fascist. Don't you know the origins of the word fascist? Anyway, Italian conservatives embraced Mussolini and Fascism. Your education is pitiful.

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