Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

YES, but also with some prompting from Democrat agent provacateurs, and the Capitol Police who waved them in, and also stood by passively when they walked right in. Whole thing was set up by Democrats. It was ridiculous, and we shouldnt even bother to talk about it, except to release the political prisoners.

I seen the video's of the guards letting them in. But to say it was controlled by the democrats, that's not something even my conspiratorial minded self can believe. These people were die hard Trump supporters. The ones that got out of line, were F'n morons on a power trip.
I seen the video's of the guards letting them in. But to say it was controlled by the democrats, that's not something even my conspiratorial minded self can believe. These people were die hard Trump supporters. The ones that got out of line, were F'n morons on a power trip.

I agree with that, but lets face it, Trump did offer to have the Guard there for the entire day which they refused. Their claim was bad optics, but given the FBI warning about that possibly happening, was it really bad optics they were concerned about?
I seen the video's of the guards letting them in. But to say it was controlled by the democrats, that's not something even my conspiratorial minded self can believe. These people were die hard Trump supporters. The ones that got out of line, were F'n morons on a power trip.
The limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers were leftwing agent provacateurs, and Trump supporters egged on by leftwingers,

Egged on by bullhorn carrying leftists. Ex. Water Masterson, Peter Scattini, Crackhead Barney & friends.

BOMBSHELL: Leftists Infiltrated 1/6 Protests Disguised As Pro-Trump Reporters While Working With Democrat News Outlets - National File

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO) - Survive the News

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO) - Survive the News

It Wasn’t Just the FBI – The Capitol Police Also Had at Least 3 Operatives Planted Inside the Jan. 6 Trump Protests - Survive the News

It appears that some key players in the organization and execution of the January 6 terrorist “Insurrection” may have been Deep-State operatives working for the FBI or various other US intelligence agencies that day. Among these men were Stewart Rhodes, who founded the patriot group Oath Keepers, and Ray Epps, president of the Arizona chapter.

It became more and more evident, as the Revolver reporters began to dig deeper, that the “Insurrection” seemed to be a bought and paid-for FBI operation, contrived to frame Donald Trump and his supporters for the violence the FBI was orchestrating. All this while the FBI quietly left the linchpins of their J6 operation, Oath Keepers Epps and Rhodes, free and unindicted. The FBI even went so far as to remove Epps’s photograph from the FBI’s January 6th Most Wanted List after the Revolver News exposé was posted.

The FBI’s idea (its psyop) was to hijack the peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, and then to spark mayhem. Working with the corporate media, this would create the intentional misimpression that the protestors were all racist insurrectionists. The Feds’ primary goal is to demonize freedom-loving Americans nationwide; and their secondary goal is to instill fear in ordinary Americans that the same will happen to them if they speak or act, effectively silencing them. Cowed, they won’t act even as they witness leftists engage in the planned destruction of America and her institutions by those who have sworn to protect and serve it.
Mussolini quit the Socialists in the early 1920s . He was a Fascist. Don't you know the origins of the word fascist? Anyway, Italian conservatives embraced Mussolini and Fascism. Your education is pitiful.
And YOU are a straight up LIAR.

My education is vastly superior to yours. Vastly.

It's good enough to know when.leftsrd liars are blowing smoke.
It embarassing how stupid some of the things leftists have been saying lately.
Yeah. Like regurgitating 1950's Soviet propaganda.

Surada got brainwashed by Joe Stalin and she still doesn't know it.

Dumbass fucking leftards are ignorant as the day is long and twice as stupid

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