Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

I guess you have no sense of humor. That must be part of your problem.

I fail to see the humor in your comment. Perhaps you can explain where that humor was exactly. Or is it because I pointed out the typical leftist hypocrisy, now you try to change it to "oh, I was just joking around!"
Talk about brain dead wing nuts LOL

Words have meanings moron and "fascism" does not mean "communism"
God damn you're ignorant.

Go crack a history book, dumbass fucktard.

Don't come back till you do.
The problem is, this isn't about Trump. It has never been about Trump. All he did was open the door to what was already there. Now, it has metastasized far beyond him
Wow, Mac actually said something intelligent. Although I suspect by accident.

Yes it’s not about Trump. It’s about the direction of this country, and the people who are destroying it. It’s about stopping that. Ending decades of failed “free trade” policy with communist China. Decades of endless wars for profit. Decades of failed immigration policy that is turning our country into a third world country.
No kidding, here I was under the impression the key to success was to hang out with unsavory types.

If you're too stupid to figure it out, I ain't gonna try to explain it.

Damn, we have a bunch of libtard rocket scientists here, don't we?

Because even yourself don't know what you was talking about. Note the reason you CAN'T explain it.

Only a Trump ball washing moron would think a fiscal conservative was a libtard.
westwall220904-#9 westwall “Most of them are the dead voters that you demofascists are famous for harvesting ballots from.”

NFBW: Is it impossible for a pro-choice Republican to accept the reality that women and Americans under 30 will vote legally 2 out of 3 for Democrats who support women’s reproductive rights which will cayse the Trumpiest of Republicans lose? END22162256
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If they get rid of Trump, and start supporting fiscal conservatives (who aren't drama queens) and I'll go back to voting for the GOP.
To be a republican today, I have to hate DeSantis, gay people, black people and anyone who's not worshipping at the alter of Trump.
F Trump.
Tax reductions with huge spending increases. Eliminating tax deductions that made his tax cuts revenue neutral. Increased the size and scope of government. Reauthorized spying on Americans without a warrant (FISA 702).

Those few things alone override any good thing he did.
Wrong, nothing can undo the good Trump did with courts. There is no such thing as a never Trump conservative, those fakes wanted to hand the courts to Hillary.
Wrong, nothing can undo the good Trump did with courts. There is no such thing as a never Trump conservative, those fakes wanted to hand the courts to Hillary.

Anyone who supports Trump isn't conservative, because Trump isn't a conservative. Not an actual one. He's a CINO. Conservative in name only.
Trump made some good picks when it comes to judges. I'll grant him that. But I'm not going to praise someone for doing what were supposed to do in the first place.
I don't support participation trophy's.
You will get more Black and Hispanics, because there are more of them that don't support lgbt issues than you may think.
Any WN groups are created by the FBI. Virtually all immigration to the USA since the 60's has been non white. I never heard 1 republican complain about it if it's legal. I know plenty of conservative guys that married hispanic and asian women.
Any WN groups are created by the FBI. Virtually all immigration to the USA since the 60's has been non white. I never heard 1 republican complain about it if it's legal. I know plenty of conservative guys that married hispanic and asian women.

I'd marry an Asian or a Mexican long before I'd marry an American woman. 3 time loser in the American wife race. Not wanting to lose a 4th.
Anyone who supports Trump isn't conservative, because Trump isn't a conservative. Not an actual one. He's a CINO. Conservative in name only.
Trump made some good picks when it comes to judges. I'll grant him that. But I'm not going to praise someone for doing what were supposed to do in the first place.
I don't support participation trophy's.

So name me the last President that governed more conservatively than Trump. He made all kinds of new policies to help keep illegals out, most vocal about his support of our police and military, spoke out about freedom of religion even though not a very religious man himself, cut taxes for business owners and workers alike, and as you mentioned, selected judges that ultimately led to the reversal of Roe vs Wade. I don't know how much more conservatively a President could lead to be honest. Has Trump ever referred to himself as a conservative? Not that I've ever heard, but actions speak louder than words.
Anyone who supports Trump isn't conservative, because Trump isn't a conservative. Not an actual one. He's a CINO. Conservative in name only.
Trump made some good picks when it comes to judges. I'll grant him that. But I'm not going to praise someone for doing what were supposed to do in the first place.
I don't support participation trophy's.

What belongs to the trophy?

The correct word is plural and should be "trophies". dumbass!
So name me the last President that governed more conservatively than Trump
Aside from reading from the list provided by the Federalist Society which makes appointing a conservative judge not a skill too difficult for an ignorant man like Trump, the most conservative president would be Bill Clinton just by comparing the impact those two president’s had on the deficit. Clinton produced a balanced budget for Bush to fuck up. And Trump blew up the debt in four years like no other. What a mess Trump was on debt reduction.
Aside from reading from the list provided by the Federalist Society which makes appointing a conservative judge not a skill too difficult for an ignorant man like Trump, the most conservative president would be Bill Clinton just by comparing the impact those two president’s had on the deficit. Clinton produced a balanced budget for Bush to fuck up. And Trump blew up the debt in four years like no other. What a mess Trump was on debt reduction.

Let's go back to government 101. The President doesn't make appropriation bills, the House does which was taken over by Republicans for the first time in 48 years under Speaker Newt Gingrich. It's the House that balanced the budget (even though not actually balanced) and not Clinton.

On the top of Newt's agenda was the Welfare Reform law. It was a bill that Clinton vetoed twice, so the Republicans put the bill in a drawer. Just before Clinton's reelection, Newt brought the bill back out, put it on Clinton's desk and said "veto it now MFr. Clinton had no choice but to sign it.

So no, Clinton was not the last person to serve conservatively before Trump. Many of the things he did that were close to conservative were suggestions or policies by the House.

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