Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

Talk about brain dead wing nuts LOL

Words have meanings moron and "fascism" does not mean "communism"
Uncle Festerman is a Moron and a Fascist and a Communist.

DemNazism blends Fascism, Nazism and Communism and sprinkles Victimhood and Race Baiting to complete their cult religion.
Add in some Earth Worship, Pedophilia, Grooming, and Transgenderism, and you have just about every Mental Illness in the spectrum that makes up The DemoFascist DemNazi Globalist 4th Reich Religious Party.
Not likely.

It is understood that News Corp and Fox News chairman Mr Murdoch has, in the past few days, made it clear to Mr Trump that the poor showing from the Republican candidates he backed during the US midterm elections last week has put an end to his political career.

One senior News Corp source told i: “We have been clear with Donald. There have been conversations between them during which Rupert made it clear to Donald that we cannot back another run for the White House.”

It is also understood that Mr Murdoch’s son Lachlan, who is co-chairman of News Corp and chief executive of Fox News’ parent company Fox Corporation, has informed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis that the family’s media clout would get behind him should he run for the White House, even if Mr Trump stands against him and whether Joe Biden is the Democrat candidate or not.
Nazism was hard right Fascism.. they opposed communists, socialists, Jews and Democrats.
They Do Not-See the Nazi Lurking in Their Ideology, Ready to Take Over Again

That gets you off Ignore. The retarded claim that Hitler was a Leftist is so ignorant, upside-down, and stubbornly held that it has to be from brainwashing by pushy and domineering Republican media gurus.
You will get more Black and Hispanics, because there are more of them that don't support lgbt issues than you may think.

Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.​

Who are the “white nationalists” you speak of?
Are you sure you didn’t allow the social media / media programming?
Mussolini and Hitler were fascists. Please wake up you using incorrect terms. I know you think you're smart but it's actually very stupid to do things like this.
"If We Can't Beat Them, We Must Pretend to Join Them and Then Take Over Their Leadership"

Mussolini was originally a Socialist, but his career advancement was blocked by the fact that his Daddy wasn't rich. From its very beginning, Socialism has been a scheme to take power by the same people who had inherited power for a thousand years.
You are still crying about Trump destroying Hillary, passing a huge tax cut and exposing Dems for the filth that they are.
How am I crying about something that happened 6 years ago when I haven’t even mentioned it?

You can try addressing what I said this time.
DemoNAZI's have been unable to destroy Trump so they beg us to abandon Trump. Have Dems ever feared an opponent this much?
Fear is something ignorant people do in reaction to real or imagined threats. Concern and caution should never be confused with fear. This means there is a real threat. And no one is denying that, at least no intelligent person does.
I warned everyone that the spineless GOP was at risk of snatching defeat from victory.
Elitism With a Human Face

No, the political system has been thoroughly discredited. Time to overthrow the ruling class by whatever means are necessary.

Trump was our Gorbachev, who had tried to change a terminal system into Communism With a Human Face. The American system is running on fumes. Time to drive it to the junkyard.
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