Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

Born on Third Base and Gets Caught Stealing Home

HeirHead guillotine-fodder have no right to inherit high positions in Daddy's company. It doesn't matter if Daddy owns it; thousands of employees and millions of viewers suffer from this ancient tyranny.

Correct, it was awful. Affordable fuel, border well controlled, erected a wall, kept inflation at normal US levels, Pressured the FDA to work harder to get the vaccines out, Lowered taxes for our job creators and middle-class workers like I was during that time, got rid of intrusive, authoritarian Commie Care fines. It was just terrible, or as a commie would say, deplorable. We certainly don't want to go back to that again.

Miss me yet.jpeg
I would bet that Tulsi is way more patriotic and knows way more about the Constitution than somebody that thinks taking less taxes away is giving money to the rich.

I didn't say she wasn't a patriot. I don't know whether she knows the constitution or not. Trump has never read it and she seems to have gone over to his vicious ignorance.
Adaptation of Yeats's "The Second Coming"

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold
Sheer anarchy is turned loose upon the world
The bloody tide is loosened and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned

The best lack all conviction, while THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE
Are full of passionate intensity

Surely some revelation is at hand
Surely the Second Coming is at hand...

(Hereafter Yeats wallows in his generation's decadent Gloom and Doom, which makes him so popular in Academentia)
If they get rid of Trump and the white nationalists...there goes their base
RFC221114-#85 Ray From Cleveland I'm sure you do, it's what Nazism is all about; finding the person and then look for the crime.

NFBW: is it possible that former one term loser President is not capable of violating a law and or committing a crime?

RFC221113-#5,592 It {right to have the medical procedure of abortion} should not be constitutionally protected because what that does is force the people of a state to not have a say-so on the matter.

NFBW: Do you realize what you are saying?

You are saying an individual law abiding woman does not have a right to a safe medical procedure because the procedure is not addressed in the Constitution.

In the same sentence you say the majority of voters have a right to a “say-so” whether or not a pregnant woman would be able to have a safe medical procedure in the privacy of a licensed medical facility, knowing that the right to such a “say so” is not defined in the Constitution either.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

RFC221113-#5,592 It {right to have the medical procedure of abortion} should not be constitutionally protected because what that does is force the people of a state to not have a say-so on the matter.

NFBW: Do you realize what you are saying?

You are saying an individual law abiding woman does not have a right to a safe medical procedure because the procedure is not addressed in the Constitution.

In the same sentence you say the majority of voters have a right to a “say-so” whether or not a pregnant woman would be able to have a safe medical procedure in the privacy of a licensed medical facility, knowing that the right to such a “say so” is not defined in the Constitution either.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

You're looking for logic with Ray from Cleveland?

RFC221113-#5,592 It {right to have the medical procedure of abortion} should not be constitutionally protected because what that does is force the people of a state to not have a say-so on the matter.

NFBW: Do you realize what you are saying?

You are saying an individual law abiding woman does not have a right to a safe medical procedure because the procedure is not addressed in the Constitution.

In the same sentence you say the majority of voters have a right to a “say-so” whether or not a pregnant woman would be able to have a safe medical procedure in the privacy of a licensed medical facility, knowing that the right to such a “say so” is not defined in the Constitution either.

Correct me if I’m wrong.


WTF said that? What I said is it's not constitutionally protected. Before the recent Roe decision states were forced to have abortion programs. Now they don't if they don't want to. it's a states right issue as it should be.
WTF said that? What I said is it's not constitutionally protected. Before the recent Roe decision states were forced to have abortion programs. Now they don't if they don't want to. it's a states right issue as it should be.
Given the current situation abortion should be constitutionally protected as a right for women. We went through this once before the states created egregious abortion laws which caused more problems than they solved. That's why the federal government stepped in in the first place. We're back at square one, the problems are occurring all over again. Abortion has to be designated as a simple medical issue to be decided by the woman and her doctor. The government and the courts need to be kicked out of the decision making process it just complicates things and makes things worse.
The Trump supporters, for the last 4 years have been bashing, attacking and calling everyone childish names, who doesn't worship at the alter of Trump. .


Choosing not to worship at the altar, is something very different from tearing it down.
Nazism was hard right Fascism..

Oh look, another brain dead Kool aid swilling commie licking leftard LIAR.

YOU keep coming to the table with this same bullshit lie, you've been lectured and ridiculed and made a fool of a dozen times already, and you still insist on spreading this bullshit.

Why is that, Surada the Liar?

Is it because you're a LEFTARD and you can't stand looking in the mirror?

hey opposed communists, socialists, Jews and Democrats.

Mussolini was a communist, you fucking idiot. The only reason Hitler wasn't one is because he thought he could out-commie the commies

Fucking O'Biden's disinformation people should shut you down, you lie so fucking much.

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