Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

The problem is, this isn't about Trump. It has never been about Trump. All he did was open the door to what was already there. Now, it has metastasized far beyond him.

He could disappear tomorrow, and this paranoid, mal-informed, conspiratorial madness would continue, at least for a while.

Oh but it is. The Trump supporters, for the last 4 years have been bashing, attacking and calling everyone childish names, who doesn't worship at the alter of Trump. Kari Lake, every other word out of her mouth was either stolen election, Maga or Trump.
A lot of right leaning people would just as soon move on from Trump. He had his 4 years. He has way too much drama and baggage. And now the voters are not leaning towards candidates who worship him either.
Oh but it is. The Trump supporters, for the last 4 years have been bashing, attacking and calling everyone childish names, who doesn't worship at the alter of Trump. Kari Lake, every other word out of her mouth was either stolen election, Maga or Trump.
A lot of right leaning people would just as soon move on from Trump. He had his 4 years. He has way too much drama and baggage. And now the voters are not leaning towards candidates who worship him either.

Could have fooled me by the attendance at every one of his rallies. Or are you just expressing wishful thinking?
Hardly likely. Trump cares about this country too much. He worked four years on a job he didn't accept pay for, and lost a billion dollars of net worth to do it.

He didn't need the money. And I doubt he actually lost a real dime. Maybe on paper.

I would say if anything, look for retaliation by Tulsi. If she starts a third party, that would be the end of the Democrat party.

Tulsi doesn't have the support to start a third party. I don't think she has the support to even come close to winning. I like her because she stood against the DNC and Hillary. And she's speaking a lot of facts now a days. She's probably make a very good president.
But the American people don't want honesty or many of the qualities she has.
They either want people who's going to give them stuff. Or someone who a drama queen.
Could have fooled me by the attendance at every one of his rallies. Or are you just expressing wishful thinking?
NFBW: Trump’s most important rally on Jan6 Purported to be the last chance for MAGA patriotic morons like Ashli Babbitt, to save America from total destruction by stopping Biden from being inaugurated. Ashli tweeted tgere were three million there, Trump thought it was a Million at least - it was about 20,000. Why didn’t you go?

Trump rallies have been flops ever since but by the attendance of the goofiest of his goofy goons.

You will get more Black and Hispanics, because there are more of them that don't support lgbt issues than you may think.

So if the GOP gets rid of Trump and Democrats they can then beat Democrats?

Sounds like a fair trade...

You ain't black if you don't like that idea, right Joe?!


What you fail to understand is Donald Trump is more than just a man, Donald Trump is a movement. If God forbid Donald Trump passed away this morning, the movement will continue.
Sure, there will still be plenty of idiots, but without someone to tell them what to do, they'll probably just go fishing.
What you fail to understand is Donald Trump is more than just a man, Donald Trump is a movement. If God forbid Donald Trump passed away this morning, the movement will continue.
Not likely.

It is understood that News Corp and Fox News chairman Mr Murdoch has, in the past few days, made it clear to Mr Trump that the poor showing from the Republican candidates he backed during the US midterm elections last week has put an end to his political career.

One senior News Corp source told i: “We have been clear with Donald. There have been conversations between them during which Rupert made it clear to Donald that we cannot back another run for the White House.”

It is also understood that Mr Murdoch’s son Lachlan, who is co-chairman of News Corp and chief executive of Fox News’ parent company Fox Corporation, has informed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis that the family’s media clout would get behind him should he run for the White House, even if Mr Trump stands against him and whether Joe Biden is the Democrat candidate or not.
NFBW: Trump’s most important rally on Jan6 Purported to be the last chance for MAGA patriotic morons like Ashli Babbitt, to save America from total destruction by stopping Biden from being inaugurated. Ashli tweeted tgere were three million there, Trump thought it was a Million at least - it was about 20,000. Why didn’t you go?

Trump rallies have been flops ever since but by the attendance of the goofiest of his goofy goons.


NFBW 2030: If Trump didn't rile up those people on 1/ 6 ten years ago, none of this would be happening today!

Funny how America first nationalists who happen to be white, suddenly turn into white nationalists.
White People Built America. America Is for Whites Only

Nothing wrong with that. You're playing into the race traitors' hands by being ashamed of White superiority. That's different from White Supremacy, because all hostile races will be deported from the Red State Union (Great America) into the foolishly welcoming hands of the Blue State Union.

Whiteys Hating Whitey believe they have evolved into a separate and superior race. In fact, their role models in Europe's hereditary ruling class are embarrassed by what their despised Unfortunate Sons emigrants have accomplished here, which proved that unearned birth privileges were what prevented us from accomplishing anything Over There. Also embarrassing is the fact that we saved their ungrateful pampered asses in two World Wars and a Cold War.
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He didn't need the money. And I doubt he actually lost a real dime. Maybe on paper.

Reported on by NBC news.........

Tulsi doesn't have the support to start a third party. I don't think she has the support to even come close to winning. I like her because she stood against the DNC and Hillary. And she's speaking a lot of facts now a days. She's probably make a very good president.
But the American people don't want honesty or many of the qualities she has.
They either want people who's going to give them stuff. Or someone who a drama queen.

Tulsi does have the support of a lot of people, and I didn't say she would win. What I said is that she would really screw the Democrat party something awful. This is especially dangerous for the Democrat party given half their voters know next to nothing about politics, and vote on looks and personality. For the older voters, they remember how great of a party it was with JFK.
Reported on by NBC news.........

Tulsi does have the support of a lot of people, and I didn't say she would win. What I said is that she would really screw the Democrat party something awful. This is especially dangerous for the Democrat party given half their voters know next to nothing about politics, and vote on looks and personality. For the older voters, they remember how great of a party it was with JFK.

Didn't you listen to what JFK said? Tulsi is very light on foreign policy. I was surprised by that a few years ago.
It is also understood that Mr Murdoch’s son Lachlan, who is co-chairman of News Corp and chief executive of Fox News’ parent company Fox Corporation.
Born on Third Base and Gets Caught Stealing Home

HeirHead guillotine-fodder have no right to inherit high positions in Daddy's company. It doesn't matter if Daddy owns it; thousands of employees and millions of viewers suffer from this ancient tyranny.

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