Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

Mussolini was a communist, you fucking idiot. The only reason Hitler wasn't one is because he thought he could out-commie the commies
Talk about brain dead wing nuts LOL

Words have meanings moron and "fascism" does not mean "communism"
Given the current situation abortion should be constitutionally protected as a right for women. We went through this once before the states created egregious abortion laws which caused more problems than they solved. That's why the federal government stepped in in the first place. We're back at square one, the problems are occurring all over again. Abortion has to be designated as a simple medical issue to be decided by the woman and her doctor. The government and the courts need to be kicked out of the decision making process it just complicates things and makes things worse.

If you want abortion constitutionally protected then you need to petition your representatives to create a constitutional amendment and see if they can get it passed. Until that time it is not protected by the document, was never discussed among the authors, and never should have been ruled on that way in the first place.
Oh look, another brain dead Kool aid swilling commie licking leftard LIAR.

YOU keep coming to the table with this same bullshit lie, you've been lectured and ridiculed and made a fool of a dozen times already, and you still insist on spreading this bullshit.

Why is that, Surada the Liar?

Is it because you're a LEFTARD and you can't stand looking in the mirror?

Mussolini was a communist, you fucking idiot. The only reason Hitler wasn't one is because he thought he could out-commie the commies

Fucking O'Biden's disinformation people should shut you down, you lie so fucking much.
Mussolini and Hitler were fascists. Please wake up you using incorrect terms. I know you think you're smart but it's actually very stupid to do things like this.
If you want abortion constitutionally protected then you need to petition your representatives to create a constitutional amendment and see if they can get it passed. Until that time it is not protected by the document, was never discussed among the authors, and never should have been ruled on that way in the first place.
It's already in the progress in most of the states and if it can pass in Kansas it will pass in most of the states. I cannot believe Kentucky go to the opposite direction. Very much like they're inbred relatives. I believe the intelligence level is almost as low as Mississippi's in that state.
You've just pretty much described DJ Trump's entire life.
Like FDR, Trump Is a Traitor to That Nation-Destroying Class

So what? The shallow thinking taught in the colleges shy away from the common sense of "The Exception Proves the Rule." In fact, possibly the reason the hereditary oligarchy let Trump get elected was to make his base respect hereditary head-starts, which is totally unAmerican.

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up his spoiled-putrid classmates.
The problem is, this isn't about Trump. It has never been about Trump. All he did was open the door to what was already there. Now, it has metastasized far beyond him.

He could disappear tomorrow, and this paranoid, mal-informed, conspiratorial madness would continue, at least for a while.
Maybe even promise to throw more money around , eliminate credit debt, guaranteed minimal income, and more irresponsible stuff like that huh? That’ll get em some votes.
In the same sentence you say the majority of voters have a right to a “say-so” whether or not a pregnant woman would be able to have a safe medical procedure in the privacy of a licensed medical facility, knowing that the right to such a “say so” is not defined in the Constitution either.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

In a Self-Determination Country, All Important Issues Must Be Decided Through Referendums

Wrong. The Tenth Amendment gives those unenumerated rights to the states, or, best of all, to the people through referendums. In a free country, legislators would be nothing more important than law clerks.
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You will get more Black and Hispanics, because there are more of them that don't support lgbt issues than you may think.
There are no White Nationalists in the GOP. That is a false narrative made up by The Democrats who still use the KKK to make mischief in the African American communities and at political rallies.
IMO opinion Trump is making a big mistake by attacking DeSantis. It could very well take him out of the race. It breaks Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: thou shalt not speak negatively about a fellow Republican.

The only thing that keeps us from getting decent candidates is the MSM. Who would want to drag themselves and their family through what the MSM does to people? You have to be thick skinned and arrogant to throw your hat in the ring today.

As far as Trump goes, you can vote on meanie Tweets, and I'll vote for somebody that did great things for our country. The biggest problem today are voters that use the same criteria to elect a representative that they used to select their favorite American Idol contestant. That's how we ended up with Biden.
NO that is not how we ended up with Biden.
My has the world changed. RINO republicans claim the party needs to denounce white people and especially white people who love their Country in order to beat democrats. Maybe there is a grain of truth in the claim;
NO that is not how we ended up with Biden.

Of course it is. Explain to me how somebody sat in their basement most of the campaign, and when he did go out, couldn't draw a dozen people, to a guy who packed professional sports arenas around the country with standing room only outside, and his worthless opponent got the most votes in history.

It was all personality. Trump did a fantastic job for this country while Dementia spent a lifetime in federal politics and didn't accomplish shit. At the time his son was being investigated for dealings Joe too was involved in.

The problem in our country is politically ignorant voters.

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