Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

As a group, Democrats have now become about as popular to Hispanics, as sharks are to swimmers.
read this

Dissecting Latino voters’ motivations in the midterm elections​

A national poll of Latino voters in battleground states reveals what drove them to the polls on Tuesday.​

By Marcela García Globe Columnist,Updated November 11, 2022, 3:55 p.m.
While Florida Republicans performed exceptionally well among Latino voters, Latino Democratic candidate Maxwell Alejandro Frost won Florida's 10th Congressional District. Frost, who identifies as Afro-Cuban, will be the first member of Generation Z to be elected to Congress.
While Florida Republicans performed exceptionally well among Latino voters, Latino Democratic candidate Maxwell Alejandro Frost won Florida's 10th Congressional District. Frost, who identifies as Afro-Cuban, will be the first member of Generation Z to be elected to Congress.STEPHEN M.

Latino voters in Florida are outliers compared to the Hispanic electorate in the rest of the country.

That is one crucial takeaway from a comprehensive exit poll of more than 5,000 Latino voters — including early voters, those who voted by mail, and Election Day voters — in 11 key states, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The large-scale poll, which also included a national sample, analyzed which issues influenced Hispanic voters’ choices for congressional, Senate, and gubernatorial races.

The poll’s results also dispel the narrative that Latinos are realigning toward the Republican Party. “That simply did not materialize in this election,” said Gabe

Sanchez, vice president of BSP Research, a Latino-owned polling firm based in Los Angeles, during a briefing with reporters about the results. The notion that Latinos are abandoning the Democratic Party is simply wrong, he said. “Nearly two-thirds of Latino voters supported Democratic candidates” nationwide, Sanchez added. That included South Texas, where a slate of Latina GOP candidates failed to create a red wave.
And all this to a cultural group > Hispanics, who generally have a picture of Jesus Christ hanging in their living rooms. I have many Mexican-American friends. Almost all wear 2 medals necklaces - a crucifix, and one of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

on November 10, 2022

Continuing Historical Trend, Nationally Two Thirds of Hispanics Supported Democrats and One Third Republicans
WASHINGTON, D.C.—An extensive national and state poll that included an oversample of 5,400 Hispanic voters has shed light on the motivations driving Latino voters’ choices during the 2022 midterm elections and the trends affecting those choices. With the economy and inflation leading the list of issues, other topics such as women’s reproductive and abortion rights, immigration, climate change, and political extremism also influenced the choices these voters made at the ballot box

Now is not the time for "whataboutism." That's the "lesser of two evils" voting propaganda that keeps America from supporting decent candidates.
We all know Biden sucks. Even the democrats know he sucks. Regardless if they'll admit it or not.

The question is who's going to replace Biden? Trump? That's another 4 years of drama, childishness, divisions, spending like a drunken democrat.

With this division that's growing between DeSantis & Trump, things are going to get dirty. But it's mostly nothing more than election drama. But there are some really stupid folks who don't know the difference.

IMO opinion Trump is making a big mistake by attacking DeSantis. It could very well take him out of the race. It breaks Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: thou shalt not speak negatively about a fellow Republican.

The only thing that keeps us from getting decent candidates is the MSM. Who would want to drag themselves and their family through what the MSM does to people? You have to be thick skinned and arrogant to throw your hat in the ring today.

As far as Trump goes, you can vote on meanie Tweets, and I'll vote for somebody that did great things for our country. The biggest problem today are voters that use the same criteria to elect a representative that they used to select their favorite American Idol contestant. That's how we ended up with Biden.
As a group, Democrats have now become about as popular to Hispanics, as sharks are to swimmers. They should change their name to Dumbocrats.

Maybe you'll have a better understanding of how things work if you leave your media bubble. Yes, it might be scary that the world isn't what you want to believe, but you'll have a better grasp of reality.

NFBW: Yes It will be Trumpism without Trump, and pretty much be the beginning of the end of the Republican Party if the normies and secular minded conservatives don’t bring the white Protestant and white Catholic old Trumpism codgers and church ladies into line by voting straight Dem in 2024. It’s the only way to get the Church at Maralago out of controlling the GOP primary process.

Never going to happen, asswipe. God you people are so totalitarian and evil that it's sickening.
IMO opinion Trump is making a big mistake by attacking DeSantis. It could very well take him out of the race. It breaks Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: thou shalt not speak negatively about a fellow Republican.

The only thing that keeps us from getting decent candidates is the MSM. Who would want to drag themselves and their family through what the MSM does to people? You have to be thick skinned and arrogant to throw your hat in the ring today.

As far as Trump goes, you can vote on meanie Tweets, and I'll vote for somebody that did great things for our country. The biggest problem today are voters that use the same criteria to elect a representative that they used to select their favorite American Idol contestant. That's how we ended up with Biden.

It's a great feeling being independent of party or political loyalty.

You're absolutely correct about the MSM. They help produce these bad politicians. They keep decent candidates from even thinking about running for office. Couple them with the radicals on social media, and you could end up with your life ruined over something that happened 20 years ago.

When you put Trumps actual record of actual accomplishments up against DeSantis's, DeSantis wins hands down. But you're not going to get the MSM or people on forums or social media to bring that up. It's going to be talking points. Trumpbots are going to make Trump out to be a victim and DeSantis out to be an establishment candidate.
This is going to do nothing but divide GOP votes.

Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.​


I get it.

All we need to do is go back to the days of Bob Dole and be the REAL, kinder, gentler GOP of old again, the way Mitch and the DNC want

And we will get an entirely different result. :smoke:
The Democrat narrative is that Whites and America first nationalists are bad and need to be destroyed. That means that to be a good, monkey see monkey do Democrat, you need to hate your country. I love the USA. MAGA.
The Democrat narrative is that Whites and America first nationalists are bad and need to be destroyed. That means that to be a good, monkey see monkey do Democrat, you need to hate your country. I love the USA. MAGA.
Funny how America first nationalists who happen to be white, suddenly turn into white nationalists.
Maybe you'll have a better understanding of how things work if you leave your media bubble. Yes, it might be scary that the world isn't what you want to believe, but you'll have a better grasp of reality.

I looked at the House numbers--CNN reports 203-211--and am now actively rooting for complete Democrat control of all three branches.

The young people who turned out for abortion and free stuff should find out EXACTLY what they asked for. Rather like the Israelites asked God for a king and He finally relented (if you know, you know).

Man, this is what should happen...with Biden as president who thinks he has a mandate. PLEASE Dems, pull this out
If they get rid of Trump, and start supporting fiscal conservatives (who aren't drama queens) and I'll go back to voting for the GOP.
To be a republican today, I have to hate DeSantis, gay people, black people and anyone who's not worshipping at the alter of Trump.
F Trump.
Tax reductions with huge spending increases. Eliminating tax deductions that made his tax cuts revenue neutral. Increased the size and scope of government. Reauthorized spying on Americans without a warrant (FISA 702).

Those few things alone override any good thing he did.
/------/ Commies like you who want to wipe the Earth of Republicans, are giving us advice on how to defeat democRATs?
You will get more Black and Hispanics, because there are more of them that don't support lgbt issues than you may think.
Except the Democrats have the anti-white and antisemitic types, and and they win. So I don’t get the logic. You seem to be implying that the racists and bigots are only on the R side.
LMAO.. I'm a fiscal conservative being called a commie by a Trump supporter. This is priceless.
/----/ Commies are fiscal conservatives too. Ever hear of Command (or Planned) Economy?
economics, politics An economic system in which government directly manages supply and demand for goods and services by controlling production, prices, and distribution in accordance with a long-term design and schedule of objectives.
/----/ Commies are fiscal conservatives too. Ever hear of Command (or Planned) Economy?
economics, politics An economic system in which government directly manages supply and demand for goods and services by controlling production, prices, and distribution in accordance with a long-term design and schedule of objectives.

LMAO... Typical uneducated Trumpbot.

Fiscal conservatism.
Cutting spending & taxes.
Increasing tax deduction.
Living within their means.
Allowing the free market to dictate the market and 90% of the economy.

That's fiscal conservatism, you Trumpbot. It's a polar opposite of communism.

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