Republicans have no health care plan

The Washington Post is no more than the daily newsletter of the Democratic Party. It has no value as a source of news.
That's a riot coming from a FOX and Limpaw listener

I likely watch CNN and MSNBC more than even YOU do.

That is not something to brag about

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Conservitards take their victories where they can.
The fact is that most Republicans couldn’t care less about millions of Americans who can’t afford health insurance, or who otherwise don’t have access to affordable health care.
Even if at least half of them are republicans.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

They don't need a plan. Repeal ObamaCare once and for all. What we had before was better.

If you really want to fix the rising cost of health care you'll advocate less government involvement, not more.
The fact is that most Republicans couldn’t care less about millions of Americans who can’t afford health insurance, or who otherwise don’t have access to affordable health care.

That fails as a Straw Man fallacy
You really have to wonder about the IQ of the left. They worry that ACA, which is nothing but poorly implemented Rommney care, will be taken away. But cry that the Republicans have no and do not want healthcare. To date they have been the only ones to put forward any healthcare plans that do not include trillions in added debt every year.

So can you list the healthcare plans the republican's have put together from the federal register?
Why does anyone have to put up a plan to compete with total shit?

Going back to the way it was in '09 is a better situation than what exists now.

Odd yes I would say, I was responding to maxdeath who said they have put forth healthcare plans, I didn't say anyone had one or had to put one up.
You really have to wonder about the IQ of the left. They worry that ACA, which is nothing but poorly implemented Rommney care, will be taken away. But cry that the Republicans have no and do not want healthcare. To date they have been the only ones to put forward any healthcare plans that do not include trillions in added debt every year.
Everything republicans have suggested is an embarrassing variation on "Let them die".

Better than the democrat plan of we'll decide when you die, even if it's before birth, or even shortly after.
The Washington Post is no more than the daily newsletter of the Democratic Party. It has no value as a source of news.
Try addressing the fact that your boy & his goons have no plan on addressing heath care instead of whining over the WP, snowflake. We know you MAGA nitwits on the right hate facts, so leave your heads in your ass where they belong, fool.
You really have to wonder about the IQ of the left. They worry that ACA, which is nothing but poorly implemented Rommney care, will be taken away. But cry that the Republicans have no and do not want healthcare. To date they have been the only ones to put forward any healthcare plans that do not include trillions in added debt every year.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! They have? Let's see it. What is TrumpPutin's & his right wing goons plan on health care? Is it a secret?
They were lying for all those years, saying they had a plan.

Their plan currently is specifically to have no plan. Wild West health care. If you can't afford it, or if you don't qualify for it, tough shit, die.
You really have to wonder about the IQ of the left. They worry that ACA, which is nothing but poorly implemented Rommney care, will be taken away. But cry that the Republicans have no and do not want healthcare. To date they have been the only ones to put forward any healthcare plans that do not include trillions in added debt every year.
Everything republicans have suggested is an embarrassing variation on "Let them die".

Better than the democrat plan of we'll decide when you die, even if it's before birth, or even shortly after.
Gee, looks like Sara Palin, Trump & his right wing goons will get their Death Camps after all if they get their way. Stailn just had people killed by the millions. Trump will "thin the herd" by taling away people's health care.

The party of "family values".
They were lying for all those years, saying they had a plan.

Their plan currently is specifically to have no plan. Wild West health care. If you can't afford it, or if you don't qualify for it, tough shit, die.
But, but they're going to give people "choices"! In other words you're on your own. Fuck you! We have ours!
you must be a sickly 'cack suker' eh . Or an old feck looking to live forever eh Centrista ??
They were lying for all those years, saying they had a plan.

Their plan currently is specifically to have no plan. Wild West health care. If you can't afford it, or if you don't qualify for it, tough shit, die.

Nobody has a viable, sustainable plan for healthcare...never has. The Parties will continue to repackage and sell some new revolutionary bunch of bullshit that won’t make everybody happy....The reality is, your plan should be this....”Buy the best health insurance you can afford.”
No different than buying your next automobile.
You really have to wonder about the IQ of the left. They worry that ACA, which is nothing but poorly implemented Rommney care, will be taken away. But cry that the Republicans have no and do not want healthcare. To date they have been the only ones to put forward any healthcare plans that do not include trillions in added debt every year.
Everything republicans have suggested is an embarrassing variation on "Let them die".

Better than the democrat plan of we'll decide when you die, even if it's before birth, or even shortly after.
Stick to the issue at hand, remember "repeal and replace"? The grand plan republicans abandoned for lack of support? Seems they were incapable of improving on Obamacare which they call a failure. We have been laboring along with our dysfunctional system for decades protecting profit margins rather than people. Until republicans offer an option that is an improvement their repeal efforts just seem callous and entirely politically motivated.
you must be a sickly 'cack suker' eh . Or an old feck looking to live forever eh Centrista ??
Who's wiping Donnies booty for him today? Does he wet his pants at the rallies when he's laaaaaaaaunching into ooooooorbit acting like an 8 yr. old?
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
It's time the Republicans did come up with a sensible plan. Clearly the plan the Democrats came up with was not sustainable. This time, hopefully, they will address as single issue in every bill instead of creating an 11,000 page monstrosity that no one was able to read before voting for it. The main issues are insurance for people who are poor and people with pre existing conditions, so perhaps a solution can be found utilizing the thousands of clinics HHS runs across the country to provide primary care for them and new bankruptcy laws to protect people with preexisting conditions who will be admitted to Medicare on a temporary basis if they require hospital care. Other issues addressed in Obamacare can also be addressed separately. It was obviously foolish to try to address all health issues in a single bill. Let's hope the Republicans in Congress are up to the job and let's hope the Democrats will stop politicizing healthcare and try to help the American people.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
Is that so wonder why trump was talking about creating one

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