Republicans have no health care plan

The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.

That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.

That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.

The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.

That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.

The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all
I'll vote for "Not at all."

The federal government has no authority to force healthcare on the citizens.

Let Me amend that.

The federal government has no authority to force people to pay for OTHERS healthcare costs.
Back in the day, a lot of people never went to the hospital. HC Frick was stabbed 4 times and shot thrice in 1892. Stopped by at the hospital for the doc to pull out the slugs, but went home and slept in his own bed that very night.

In 1923, on his way back from his Alaska trip, President Harding fell ill and stopped the boat in San Francisco. He booked a suite at the Palace Hotel, and his doctors treated him there until he died there. Didn't go to the hospital at all.
Healthcare is too complex to be dealt with through "bumper sticker" slogans. But it is not so complex that the basic positions & objectives of the parties could not be summarized on a 3x5 card.

The Republicans need a "New Gingrich" who can quickly explain what is wrong with ACA and how a replacement program can improve things. Unfortunately, there is no Republican who is up to that task right now. Trump is not a "details" person, Mitch McConnell is not camera-friendly, and who even knows who the Republican leader in the House is?

Until someone steps up and makes the case, it ain't happening. The only thing on the horizon is the fact that with the repeal of the individual mandate, the whole ACA law is unconstitutional. When it finally gets to the Supreme Court, Congress will be forced to act.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.

That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.

The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all

Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan. Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
Freedom from idiotic and ineffective bureaucracy is a plan....Maybe not a plan that the looters and layabouts like, but a plan nonetheless.
What’s the plan?

Lie about it until the election and then drop it.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
It's time the Republicans did come up with a sensible plan. Clearly the plan the Democrats came up with was not sustainable. This time, hopefully, they will address as single issue in every bill instead of creating an 11,000 page monstrosity that no one was able to read before voting for it. The main issues are insurance for people who are poor and people with pre existing conditions, so perhaps a solution can be found utilizing the thousands of clinics HHS runs across the country to provide primary care for them and new bankruptcy laws to protect people with preexisting conditions who will be admitted to Medicare on a temporary basis if they require hospital care. Other issues addressed in Obamacare can also be addressed separately. It was obviously foolish to try to address all health issues in a single bill. Let's hope the Republicans in Congress are up to the job and let's hope the Democrats will stop politicizing healthcare and try to help the American people.
Clearly the plan the Democrats came up with was not sustainable.
Nearly ten years on, countless attacks picking it apart and it's still working.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.

That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.

The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all

Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.

That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.

The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all

Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

I had a great health care plan until the ACA ruined it.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.

That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.

The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all

Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.
That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.

The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all

Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.

I think you are mistaken, the ACA is not free, and neither is Medicare. That is not a good enough plan, but I'm sure its his, meanwhile we are paying for his families healthcare.
The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all

Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.

I think you are mistaken, the ACA is not free, and neither is Medicare. That is not a good enough plan, but I'm sure its his, meanwhile we are paying for his families healthcare.

You lost me...I see no relevance in your post.
So because the POTUS and his family is covered by taxpayers all people on U.S. soil should be covered by taxpayers?
ACA forced all to carry insurance to raise more cash to provide more beggars with more free shit. You didn’t know that?
That's a relief, if it's true. Every time I hear this horseshit that the Republicans are responsible for "replacing" ACA (presumably with some other bullshit, big-government "solution") it makes me cringe. If Republicans don't have the will to repeal ACA outright, the last thing I want them doing is replacing it.

The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all

Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.

That was the point of the ACA, dope.
Providing affordable plans to those who couldn't previously afford them.
The Republicans aren't going to replace O'care IMHO.

Obama's big mistake with the ACA was insisting on a single party, ultra partisan healthcare plan. A lot like Hitler's plan in the 1930's, which passed solely on National Socialist Party votes in the Reichstag.

The result was that the GOP and Independents had no actual ownership of the program, no reason to try and make it a success. All they really want to do is to get rid of it.

When Johnson instituted Medicare- he worked to get bipartisan support, and that gave the GOP a stake in trying to make sure it worked.

If President Trump get Tremendous Health Care to replace the ACA failure, it will be done on a bipartisan basis or not at all

Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.

That was the point of the ACA, dope.
Providing affordable plans to those who couldn't previously afford them.

Negative beggar.
ACA forced all to carry insurance to raise more cash to provide more beggars with more free shit. You didn’t know that?
'Republicans have no health care plan'

That's because Obama and the democrats destroyed the old system and replaced it with a plan designed to fail and herd Americans towards govt-run/controlled Single payer.

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