Republicans have no health care plan

That was the point of the ACA, dope. Providing affordable plans to those who couldn't previously afford them.
That's not what Harry Reid claimed. He stated Obamacare was ALWAYS MEANT / DESIGNED TO FAIL. He admitted it was a 1st step in Socialist Democrats seizing control of health care, stripping more Americans of their personal choice in life-making decisions. The further evidence of this is the Democrats currently not just the idea of 'offering' their 'Medicare-For-All' but also MAKING IT ILLEGAL FOR ANY AMERICAN TO HAVE THEIR OWN PERSONAL / PRIVATE HEALTH COVERAGE THAT IS NOT THE DEMOCRATS' 'MEDICARE-FOR-ALL'!

Nothing like a Socialist take-over through FORCE.


(So what was that crap from snowflakes about the new Socialist Democrats NOT wanting to make America 'Venezuela'?)
The Washington Post is no more than the daily newsletter of the Democratic Party. It has no value as a source of news.

So I take it that you are saying that the Post is lying and the republicans actually DO have a plan. If so, they should present it to the American People and talk about it. Where is it?
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
We don't need a health care plan other than getting the government the hell out of it and doing away with the crooked insurance companies too. Let the free market regulate healthcare. At least we know that always works. KISS (keep it simple stupid)
The Washington Post is no more than the daily newsletter of the Democratic Party. It has no value as a source of news.

So I take it that you are saying that the Post is lying and the republicans actually DO have a plan. If so, they should present it to the American People and talk about it. Where is it?

No. The rest of the story is that it is really up to the majority party in Congress to pass a REAL plan that the Senate will approve and the President will sign. O'care is un freaking constitutional according to the judiciary, so they better hop to it. It isn't the GOP's responsibility to have a plan at all
Really, now you have to vote Trump in 2020 to know his plan and it will not be done bipartisan.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

Look for more cuts in Medicare and Medicaid if you vote this fool in again. He will deliver no plan. The republicans have no plan, only the Democrats with the brains have a plan and the ACA is and was amazing. If the GOP had thought of it, which they didn't, they would be praising it.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.

I think you are mistaken, the ACA is not free, and neither is Medicare. That is not a good enough plan, but I'm sure its his, meanwhile we are paying for his families healthcare.

You lost me...I see no relevance in your post.
So because the POTUS and his family is covered by taxpayers all people on U.S. soil should be covered by taxpayers?
ACA forced all to carry insurance to raise more cash to provide more beggars with more free shit. You didn’t know that?

Everyone should have health ins and pay what they can for it. Insure your body.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
We don't need a health care plan other than getting the government the hell out of it and doing away with the crooked insurance companies too. Let the free market regulate healthcare. At least we know that always works. KISS (keep it simple stupid)

it has never worked.
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.

I think you are mistaken, the ACA is not free, and neither is Medicare. That is not a good enough plan, but I'm sure its his, meanwhile we are paying for his families healthcare.

You lost me...I see no relevance in your post.
So because the POTUS and his family is covered by taxpayers all people on U.S. soil should be covered by taxpayers?
ACA forced all to carry insurance to raise more cash to provide more beggars with more free shit. You didn’t know that?

Everyone should have health ins and pay what they can for it. Insure your body.

That's really a decision for each individual. When I was a young man in my 20's, I didn't have health insurance- didn't need it , I didn't go to doctors ever. To mandate people buy something they have no use for is wrong. Just like we don't force blind people to buy cars- they aren't going to drive them, so why should they?
That was the point of the ACA, dope. Providing affordable plans to those who couldn't previously afford them.
That's not what Harry Reid claimed. He stated Obamacare was ALWAYS MEANT / DESIGNED TO FAIL. He admitted it was a 1st step in Socialist Democrats seizing control of health care, stripping more Americans of their personal choice in life-making decisions. The further evidence of this is the Democrats currently not just the idea of 'offering' their 'Medicare-For-All' but also MAKING IT ILLEGAL FOR ANY AMERICAN TO HAVE THEIR OWN PERSONAL / PRIVATE HEALTH COVERAGE THAT IS NOT THE DEMOCRATS' 'MEDICARE-FOR-ALL'!

Nothing like a Socialist take-over through FORCE.


(So what was that crap from snowflakes about the new Socialist Democrats NOT wanting to make America 'Venezuela'?)

There's no socialism in the ACA, retard.
That was the point of the ACA, dope. Providing affordable plans to those who couldn't previously afford them.
That's not what Harry Reid claimed. He stated Obamacare was ALWAYS MEANT / DESIGNED TO FAIL. He admitted it was a 1st step in Socialist Democrats seizing control of health care, stripping more Americans of their personal choice in life-making decisions. The further evidence of this is the Democrats currently not just the idea of 'offering' their 'Medicare-For-All' but also MAKING IT ILLEGAL FOR ANY AMERICAN TO HAVE THEIR OWN PERSONAL / PRIVATE HEALTH COVERAGE THAT IS NOT THE DEMOCRATS' 'MEDICARE-FOR-ALL'!

Nothing like a Socialist take-over through FORCE.


(So what was that crap from snowflakes about the new Socialist Democrats NOT wanting to make America 'Venezuela'?)

There's no socialism in the ACA, retard.

Sure there is. The ACA includes subsidies for insurance companies that lose money. That's socialism. If a big insurance company sells a policy and they lose money on it because the premium payer has too many claims, boo fucking hoo.

The taxpayers should not be subsidizing the billionaire owners of insurance concerns.
We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.

I think you are mistaken, the ACA is not free, and neither is Medicare. That is not a good enough plan, but I'm sure its his, meanwhile we are paying for his families healthcare.

You lost me...I see no relevance in your post.
So because the POTUS and his family is covered by taxpayers all people on U.S. soil should be covered by taxpayers?
ACA forced all to carry insurance to raise more cash to provide more beggars with more free shit. You didn’t know that?

Everyone should have health ins and pay what they can for it. Insure your body.

That's really a decision for each individual. When I was a young man in my 20's, I didn't have health insurance- didn't need it , I didn't go to doctors ever. To mandate people buy something they have no use for is wrong. Just like we don't force blind people to buy cars- they aren't going to drive them, so why should they?
Just like we don't force blind people to buy cars- they aren't going to drive them, so why should they?

No one is forcing you, or healthy 20 yr olds, to go to the hospital when your pelvis is crushed in a car accident either.
But you will go. Everyone goes.You should have coverage for such possibilities so the rest of us don't need to pay more to cover your bills.

Get it?
And if they do, we should reject that as well.

The ACA may have been "amazing" for your employers. Not so much for everyone else.

We are in a gig society so it needs to be in the federal government that administers healthcare. The republicans are too stupid to come up with their plan and , or they simply don't want to, TOO much work for those idiots.

“The plan” is simple, you beggars just can’t wrap your head around it.
“The plan” is this....Buy the best healthcare you can afford.

I think you are mistaken, the ACA is not free, and neither is Medicare. That is not a good enough plan, but I'm sure its his, meanwhile we are paying for his families healthcare.

You lost me...I see no relevance in your post.
So because the POTUS and his family is covered by taxpayers all people on U.S. soil should be covered by taxpayers?
ACA forced all to carry insurance to raise more cash to provide more beggars with more free shit. You didn’t know that?

Everyone should have health ins and pay what they can for it. Insure your body.
Insurance is a scam. There is no mathematical way for any insurance company to ever let you win or get ahead. Have you taken a look at any insurance company buildings lately? Do their execs travel in anything less than a biz jet? Insurance is a scam especially healthcare insurance. All they bring to the table are needless middlemen, waste, fraud and corruption while government has a perfect record of screwing up everything they have ever touched. KISS is the answer.
There's no socialism in the ACA, retard.

Yeah...ramming a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation down the throats of a majority of American citizens who did not want it, herding them towards Govt-controlled Socialist Agenda planned Single Payer by destroying the previous health care system and mandating all Americans comply with their 'edict' to buy their government-defined health care insurance or face a punitive monetary tax was / is DO 'Democratic' is the plan they are discussing now, which is to complete their socialist take-over of the US health care system by OUTLAWING personal health care plans (making it illegal for Americans to negotiate and purchase their own personal tailor-made health care plans) to force compliance.

Insurance is a scam. There is no mathematical way for any insurance company to ever let you win or get ahead. Have you taken a look at any insurance company buildings lately? Do their execs travel in anything less than a biz jet? Insurance is a scam especially healthcare insurance. All they bring to the table are needless middlemen, waste, fraud and corruption while government has a perfect record of screwing up everything they have ever touched. KISS is the answer.
The selling point for Health Insurance is that it is much like a condom when you are young and single - better to have it and not need it than need it and now have it. The cost of health care is so expensive these days that most Americans - even those who are insured - are about / almost one serious illness from being bankrupt.
Neither did liberals. "Shove unwanted plans down people's throats whether they want them or not" was not a real "plan" either.
You really have to wonder about the IQ of the left. They worry that ACA, which is nothing but poorly implemented Rommney care, will be taken away. But cry that the Republicans have no and do not want healthcare. To date they have been the only ones to put forward any healthcare plans that do not include trillions in added debt every year.
The ACA as written adds nothing to the debt. Trump is trying to make it run up the debt.

When will you quit lying?
There's no socialism in the ACA, retard.

Yeah...ramming a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation down the throats of a majority of American citizens who did not want it, herding them towards Govt-controlled Socialist Agenda planned Single Payer by destroying the previous health care system and mandating all Americans comply with their 'edict' to buy their government-defined health care insurance or face a punitive monetary tax was / is DO 'Democratic' is the plan they are discussing now, which is to complete their socialist take-over of the US health care system by OUTLAWING personal health care plans (making it illegal for Americans to negotiate and purchase their own personal tailor-made health care plans) to force compliance.

buying a policy from a private insurer to get care from a private doctor in a private institution.

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