Republicans have no health care plan

These idiots DESERVE to be lied to by Trump and the GOP.

Do you actually have anything to offer to this discussion because all I see are about a dozen posts over the last hour from you insulting everybody who you seem to perceive as not being as intellectually astute as you and you think way too highly of yourself. Offer something up and stop trolling the thread or I'm going to remove you from it altogether
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I agree with the sentiment that "replacing" ACA is dumb. There's no need to offer an alternative to something that is a net negative.

But that's not the same thing as saying there is no problem. The debate is, as it has always been, over what the problem is. I see the problem as one of skewed markets - health care prices are inflated beyond all reason. And that's what I'd like to see the Republicans address. But others don't think that's a plan at all. To them, the problem is the fact that people have to pay for health care at all. They think everyone should be guaranteed basic (by someone's definition of 'basic') health by the government. This implies an entirely different solution than address market imbalances.

Exactly, but the American people are too ignorant to understand this and none of the Republicans have the balls to go out there and try and explain it to them.
Trump is attempting, once again, to hold the American public hostage, by declaring that there will be no GOP health care plan UNLESS HE IS REELECTED. This is about as low as he can possibly get. Why 100% of the voting public is not totally disgusted with this man is beyond me.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

It's true. The Republicans have no plan, because the only good plan would be to simply repeal the entire system, and go back to free-market system. While that would result in the best possible care for the most possible people, without corporate welfare across the economy.... it would also result in the Republicans being voted out of office.

Republicans are politicians first, and protectors of the country second.... which is only different than Democrats in that Democrats don't care at all about the country, as long as they have power.

So they are not going to come up with a health care plan.

The Dems already came up with and enacted healthcare. The Repubs, if they were smart, would build on what is already existing rather than trying to destroy it. Like it or not, a lot of people use it, like it, depend on it.

Yeah, we know they did. That's why everyone is worse off today. I have no health insurance right now, specifically because of the Democrats.

If they were smart, they wouldn't have harmed everyone to begin with.
Under single payer, you would have insurance right now.

Yeah, just like the people in Greece, and the people in Venezuela, and the people in Canada who come to the US to get care.

You want to know what else I would have? A 50% tax rate like most of Europe, where the middle class live like the poor in the US.
Trump is attempting, once again, to hold the American public hostage, by declaring that there will be no GOP health care plan UNLESS HE IS REELECTED. This is about as low as he can possibly get. Why 100% of the voting public is not totally disgusted with this man is beyond me.

he doesnt have a plan - Republicans had 8 years to come up with a plan - they dont have a plan either .
The fact is that most Republicans couldn’t care less about millions of Americans who can’t afford health insurance, or who otherwise don’t have access to affordable health care.

Really? Because republicans donate more to charity care, than left-wingers ever do.

If anyone doesn't care, it's the left-wing.

Where are the caring left-wingers in Venezuela. I see right-wingers over there providing free care. Where are the left-wingers? Oh that's right, they are in the government, and doing fine. It's the poor people with free-gov-care, that are left to day.

What about those people on waiting lists in Canada? Where are the left-wingers there? Oh that's right, they are on a flight to the US to get care.

You people talk about caring, but you are the least caring people in this world.

While we are at it, charitable deductions should not be a deduction. What waiting list in Canada?

Canada has massive waiting lists.

In fact, there are companies in Canada, that help Canadians escape their horrible system.

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

Timely Medical in Canada, was started by a doctor who was sick and tired of seeing his patients suffer for years on end, waiting for health care.

Now he has a business helping people find care, primarily in the US, to avoid the years-long wait in Canada that is routine.

Think about that... if health care is free.... why are so many thousands on thousands, willing to pay a company, to escape their 'free' system? The company has been in business 14 years, thanks to the suffering caused by socialized gov-care in Canada.

Wait times.
Wait times for joint replacements and cataract surgery growing in much of Canada

And it's a misnomer to say we don't have wait times in the US too. I'll be on Medicare in less than two years, and I'll still have my employer sponsored HC. I'm due for a cataract removal and colonoscopy. I'm only going to pay for one now because when I'm on Medicare I'll have no out of pocket expenses for Medicare even on out of hospital services

People play the medicare game all the time. And we also put off procedures until out medical savings accounts are fully funded.

Not that I'm a great admirer of single payer, but the Canadian horror stories are overplayed.

My brother in law, is a Iraq vet. He was put on a waiting list to get hand surgery. After years of waiting, he said screw it, and got a private doctor. His had was fixed up in under 2 weeks.

Yeah, we have wait times, because we have gov-care in the US already.

Lucky Dog: How Being a Veterinarian Saved My Life by Sarah Boston

Wait times are not over played. Not at all. They are the reality of Canada, and many parts of Europe.

Dogs get better care in Canada, than humans do, thanks to socialized medicine.
The fact is that most Republicans couldn’t care less about millions of Americans who can’t afford health insurance, or who otherwise don’t have access to affordable health care.

Really? Because republicans donate more to charity care, than left-wingers ever do.

If anyone doesn't care, it's the left-wing.

Where are the caring left-wingers in Venezuela. I see right-wingers over there providing free care. Where are the left-wingers? Oh that's right, they are in the government, and doing fine. It's the poor people with free-gov-care, that are left to day.

What about those people on waiting lists in Canada? Where are the left-wingers there? Oh that's right, they are on a flight to the US to get care.

You people talk about caring, but you are the least caring people in this world.

While we are at it, charitable deductions should not be a deduction. What waiting list in Canada?

Canada has massive waiting lists.

In fact, there are companies in Canada, that help Canadians escape their horrible system.

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

Timely Medical in Canada, was started by a doctor who was sick and tired of seeing his patients suffer for years on end, waiting for health care.

Now he has a business helping people find care, primarily in the US, to avoid the years-long wait in Canada that is routine.

Think about that... if health care is free.... why are so many thousands on thousands, willing to pay a company, to escape their 'free' system? The company has been in business 14 years, thanks to the suffering caused by socialized gov-care in Canada.
And yet Canada has better health outcpmes by every measure than the US does.

No, they actually don't. When you look at 5-year-survival rates, the US beats Canada in nearly all of them.

Not only that, but when you consider that thousands of Canadians come to the US for care every single year.... our system, makes their system, look better than it is.

They had two MPs of the Canadian government, come to the US for cancer care. Why is that? If their system is so good, wouldn't they themselves use it?

There was a point where they had a massive shortage of neonatal care. If those women had not come to the US for care, their babies would have died, no question about it. We saved them. That makes their infant mortality numbers look better than they actually are.

So, no, it isn't better than the US. Not even close.
The fact is that most Republicans couldn’t care less about millions of Americans who can’t afford health insurance, or who otherwise don’t have access to affordable health care.

Really? Because republicans donate more to charity care, than left-wingers ever do.

If anyone doesn't care, it's the left-wing.

Where are the caring left-wingers in Venezuela. I see right-wingers over there providing free care. Where are the left-wingers? Oh that's right, they are in the government, and doing fine. It's the poor people with free-gov-care, that are left to day.

What about those people on waiting lists in Canada? Where are the left-wingers there? Oh that's right, they are on a flight to the US to get care.

You people talk about caring, but you are the least caring people in this world.

While we are at it, charitable deductions should not be a deduction. What waiting list in Canada?

Canada has massive waiting lists.

In fact, there are companies in Canada, that help Canadians escape their horrible system.

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

Timely Medical in Canada, was started by a doctor who was sick and tired of seeing his patients suffer for years on end, waiting for health care.

Now he has a business helping people find care, primarily in the US, to avoid the years-long wait in Canada that is routine.

Think about that... if health care is free.... why are so many thousands on thousands, willing to pay a company, to escape their 'free' system? The company has been in business 14 years, thanks to the suffering caused by socialized gov-care in Canada.

Wait times.
Wait times for joint replacements and cataract surgery growing in much of Canada

And it's a misnomer to say we don't have wait times in the US too. I'll be on Medicare in less than two years, and I'll still have my employer sponsored HC. I'm due for a cataract removal and colonoscopy. I'm only going to pay for one now because when I'm on Medicare I'll have no out of pocket expenses for Medicare even on out of hospital services

People play the medicare game all the time. And we also put off procedures until out medical savings accounts are fully funded.

Not that I'm a great admirer of single payer, but the Canadian horror stories are overplayed.

My brother in law, is a Iraq vet. He was put on a waiting list to get hand surgery. After years of waiting, he said screw it, and got a private doctor. His had was fixed up in under 2 weeks.

Yeah, we have wait times, because we have gov-care in the US already.

Lucky Dog: How Being a Veterinarian Saved My Life by Sarah Boston

Wait times are not over played. Not at all. They are the reality of Canada, and many parts of Europe.

Dogs get better care in Canada, than humans do, thanks to socialized medicine.
So now you're on the VA?

I hope your brother is OK.

I'm not a big fan of Canadian care because all I know is what I read. I know I'm no fan of US based care where you pay a basically flat fee and consume all you can.
If I were the Democrats, I'd be lighting a candle in a church somewhere to thank God for Trump's and the GOP's hoaxing.

I'd be smiling down on the Rube Herd so willfully going along with the hoax.

They just make it that much easier to achieve single payer.

It's almost as if Trump were hoaxing the pseudocon rubes to help the Democrats achieve their long term goals...
I'm already hearing about plans for Medicare X...essentially putting a properly priced Medicare plan on the Exchanges for anyone to buy,

If the court case strikes down the ACA...that's where we are going.

and medicare has been, and is the brunt of RW rage - now they get to be socialists by their own design !

oooooooooooooh the irony -

Yeah, because it drives up health care costs. You people keep complaining about how much health care costs, and then pointing to the very cause of the problem, and saying you want more of it.

You are not thinking logically. We're pointing to the facts.
Really? Because republicans donate more to charity care, than left-wingers ever do.

If anyone doesn't care, it's the left-wing.

Where are the caring left-wingers in Venezuela. I see right-wingers over there providing free care. Where are the left-wingers? Oh that's right, they are in the government, and doing fine. It's the poor people with free-gov-care, that are left to day.

What about those people on waiting lists in Canada? Where are the left-wingers there? Oh that's right, they are on a flight to the US to get care.

You people talk about caring, but you are the least caring people in this world.

While we are at it, charitable deductions should not be a deduction. What waiting list in Canada?

Canada has massive waiting lists.

In fact, there are companies in Canada, that help Canadians escape their horrible system.

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

Timely Medical in Canada, was started by a doctor who was sick and tired of seeing his patients suffer for years on end, waiting for health care.

Now he has a business helping people find care, primarily in the US, to avoid the years-long wait in Canada that is routine.

Think about that... if health care is free.... why are so many thousands on thousands, willing to pay a company, to escape their 'free' system? The company has been in business 14 years, thanks to the suffering caused by socialized gov-care in Canada.

Wait times.
Wait times for joint replacements and cataract surgery growing in much of Canada

And it's a misnomer to say we don't have wait times in the US too. I'll be on Medicare in less than two years, and I'll still have my employer sponsored HC. I'm due for a cataract removal and colonoscopy. I'm only going to pay for one now because when I'm on Medicare I'll have no out of pocket expenses for Medicare even on out of hospital services

People play the medicare game all the time. And we also put off procedures until out medical savings accounts are fully funded.

Not that I'm a great admirer of single payer, but the Canadian horror stories are overplayed.

My brother in law, is a Iraq vet. He was put on a waiting list to get hand surgery. After years of waiting, he said screw it, and got a private doctor. His had was fixed up in under 2 weeks.

Yeah, we have wait times, because we have gov-care in the US already.

Lucky Dog: How Being a Veterinarian Saved My Life by Sarah Boston

Wait times are not over played. Not at all. They are the reality of Canada, and many parts of Europe.

Dogs get better care in Canada, than humans do, thanks to socialized medicine.
So now you're on the VA?

I hope your brother is OK.

I'm not a big fan of Canadian care because all I know is what I read. I know I'm no fan of US based care where you pay a basically flat fee and consume all you can.

The VA is in fact socialized care. It's terrible. Everyone knows this. Or should....

Yeah, of course he's ok. He got a private capitalist doctor, and fixed his hand up just fine.

The solution is of course, simply deregulate the system, and go back to a pay-for-service health care system.
Politicians, when asked about their healthcare plan, should answer "I have no healthcare plan, none whatsoever, and it's about time we stopped talking about it."

The best healthcare plan is to privatize all health insurance and healthcare. In other words, your political party should have no healthcare plan other than to get government out of it.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

It's true. The Republicans have no plan, because the only good plan would be to simply repeal the entire system, and go back to free-market system. While that would result in the best possible care for the most possible people, without corporate welfare across the economy.... it would also result in the Republicans being voted out of office.

Republicans are politicians first, and protectors of the country second.... which is only different than Democrats in that Democrats don't care at all about the country, as long as they have power.

So they are not going to come up with a health care plan.

The Dems already came up with and enacted healthcare. The Repubs, if they were smart, would build on what is already existing rather than trying to destroy it. Like it or not, a lot of people use it, like it, depend on it.

Yeah, we know they did. That's why everyone is worse off today. I have no health insurance right now, specifically because of the Democrats.

If they were smart, they wouldn't have harmed everyone to begin with.


You have no health insurance because of you.
If I were the Democrats, I'd be lighting a candle in a church somewhere to thank God for Trump's and the GOP's hoaxing.

I'd be smiling down on the Rube Herd so willfully going along with the hoax.

They just make it that much easier to achieve single payer.

It's almost as if Trump were hoaxing the pseudocon rubes to help the Democrats achieve their long term goals...
I'm already hearing about plans for Medicare X...essentially putting a properly priced Medicare plan on the Exchanges for anyone to buy,

If the court case strikes down the ACA...that's where we are going.

and medicare has been, and is the brunt of RW rage - now they get to be socialists by their own design !

oooooooooooooh the irony -

Yeah, because it drives up health care costs. You people keep complaining about how much health care costs, and then pointing to the very cause of the problem, and saying you want more of it.

You are not thinking logically. We're pointing to the facts.

Medicare is a cost controller, not a cost driver.
Politicians, when asked about their healthcare plan, should answer "I have no healthcare plan, none whatsoever, and it's about time we stopped talking about it."

The best healthcare plan is to privatize all health insurance and healthcare. In other words, your political party should have no healthcare plan other than to get government out of it.

But getting the government out of it will take some doing. Arguably, it will be harder that going in deeper. What we need is an intelligent, charismatic leader (ie not Trump) who can make this case to the American people.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

It's true. The Republicans have no plan, because the only good plan would be to simply repeal the entire system, and go back to free-market system. While that would result in the best possible care for the most possible people, without corporate welfare across the economy.... it would also result in the Republicans being voted out of office.

Republicans are politicians first, and protectors of the country second.... which is only different than Democrats in that Democrats don't care at all about the country, as long as they have power.

So they are not going to come up with a health care plan.

The Dems already came up with and enacted healthcare. The Repubs, if they were smart, would build on what is already existing rather than trying to destroy it. Like it or not, a lot of people use it, like it, depend on it.

Yeah, we know they did. That's why everyone is worse off today. I have no health insurance right now, specifically because of the Democrats.

If they were smart, they wouldn't have harmed everyone to begin with.


You have no health insurance because of you.

No, I have no health insurance, because in 2006, before Obama screwed it up, I could get a $67/month health insurance policy, that covered doctors visits, and prescriptions, and had a $2,000 deductible, with a million dollar cap.

By 2014, the cheapest policy was $300/month, with a $7,000 deductible, and today the policies are worse.

It is now better for me to not have insurance, and then just get insurance when I get sick, since the insurance companies can't deny me for pre-existing conditions.

Granted, this is why premiums have more than doubled, and deductibles have quadrupled, but that's the system the idiotic democraps setup.

If I were the Democrats, I'd be lighting a candle in a church somewhere to thank God for Trump's and the GOP's hoaxing.

I'd be smiling down on the Rube Herd so willfully going along with the hoax.

They just make it that much easier to achieve single payer.

It's almost as if Trump were hoaxing the pseudocon rubes to help the Democrats achieve their long term goals...
I'm already hearing about plans for Medicare X...essentially putting a properly priced Medicare plan on the Exchanges for anyone to buy,

If the court case strikes down the ACA...that's where we are going.

and medicare has been, and is the brunt of RW rage - now they get to be socialists by their own design !

oooooooooooooh the irony -

Yeah, because it drives up health care costs. You people keep complaining about how much health care costs, and then pointing to the very cause of the problem, and saying you want more of it.

You are not thinking logically. We're pointing to the facts.

Medicare is a cost controller, not a cost driver.

No, it is not. It is a cost-shifter.....

Medicare, and Medicaid both, pay less than the cost of care. This requires that health providers shift the cost of gov-patients, to private-patients. This is a well documented fact.


When you say medicare is a cost-controller, that shows a massive lack of fundamental economics. Costs are not just "controlled". What a ridiculous left-wing concept. You control costs by reducing something else. Either the quality of the care, through wait-lists, or by reducing the level of care you give, like France who doesn't have access to almost 1/4 of the medical drugs that we do.

In a private system, the method of 'controlling costs' is by shifting the cost of money-losing patients of the government, to money-making patients of insurance companies.

When you look at a medical bill, and whine about the cost.... you are looking at the cost of not only paying for your own treatment, but the treatment of the government-patients you had to pay for.

Medicare and Medicaid do not control costs. They are in fact, more expensive than any other system, it just show up on your bill as a private patient.
In a private system, the method of 'controlling costs' is by shifting the cost of money-losing patients of the government, to money-making patients of insurance companies.

I don't knowWHAT that word sald is supposed to mean.

You're claiming that Medicare is cheaper than private healthcare NOT because they have lower operating costs and no pprofut but because hospitals charge private insurers more to make up for lost profits?

That works if you can show that insurers lose money on Medicare.

Oddly they line up for it. Hmmm...
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

It's true. The Republicans have no plan, because the only good plan would be to simply repeal the entire system, and go back to free-market system. While that would result in the best possible care for the most possible people, without corporate welfare across the economy.... it would also result in the Republicans being voted out of office.

Republicans are politicians first, and protectors of the country second.... which is only different than Democrats in that Democrats don't care at all about the country, as long as they have power.

So they are not going to come up with a health care plan.

The Dems already came up with and enacted healthcare. The Repubs, if they were smart, would build on what is already existing rather than trying to destroy it. Like it or not, a lot of people use it, like it, depend on it.

Yeah, we know they did. That's why everyone is worse off today. I have no health insurance right now, specifically because of the Democrats.

If they were smart, they wouldn't have harmed everyone to begin with.


You have no health insurance because of you.

No, I have no health insurance, because in 2006, before Obama screwed it up, I could get a $67/month health insurance policy, that covered doctors visits, and prescriptions, and had a $2,000 deductible, with a million dollar cap.

By 2014, the cheapest policy was $300/month, with a $7,000 deductible, and today the policies are worse.

It is now better for me to not have insurance, and then just get insurance when I get sick, since the insurance companies can't deny me for pre-existing conditions.

Granted, this is why premiums have more than doubled, and deductibles have quadrupled, but that's the system the idiotic democraps setup.


Nonsense. You are responsible for your own inability to maintain coverage.

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