Republicans have no health care plan

Lots of people struggle to afford health care. Along with other necessary things that determine quality of life.
If you are really that poor it’s because you made bad decisions,, not my problem. This is America.. I think you are living in the wrong country,, our government should be very small and not involved in health care..
If you are a politician, that philosophy will keep you unemployed. Like it or not, the US is a welfare state and has been since the 1930's and will continue to be because the great majority of people want it to be even in the red states so as a practical matter, the goal has to be how the government should provide what the voters want, and they want overwhelmingly for everyone to have access to healthcare. As a matter of fact, all Americans had access to healthcare before Obamacare, but the poor and those with pre existing conditions had to go completely broke if they needed hospital care,
Nope. Let me help you out with that.

"Poor people have always had Emergency Rooms. I’m poor I pay for Nothing.
No, they had much more than that. HHS has been operating in partnership with the state governments thousands of clinics throughout all fifty states that provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale fee basis, so that if you are very poor, you pay nothing. The problem is that if you needed hospital care you had to go completely broke before you qualified for Medicaid. Obama's claim that the poor could only go to ER's was just a flat out lie.
You think Americans agree with socialism interesting I just asked 10 democrat voters if they knew the definition,, they did not, and in shock when I told them,,

A well educated community does not want socialism
If you were a well educated person, you would realize that socialism is quite distinct from a welfare state.
it controls all production,, I don’t want to be placed anywhere by government,, I want free markets. The strong survive and private charities take care of the rest. Like we started this journey
I don't know what planet you're on but i know of no private charity that helps to pay for anyone's health care, which is what we're talking about. That's the same bullshit claim that Dubya mentioned in his "faith based charity" remark. Do you actually think that the likes of Franklin Graham is going to help the sick who don't have insurance? Don't make me laugh.
How old are you?

How much do we give to charity? According to Giving USA Foundation, a wonderful resource on how we donate in the U.S., we gave a total of $291 billion away in 2010. This is about $930 per person given to charity for every adult and child in this country. Here is their breakdown:

Recipient Organization 2010 Contributions (billions)
Religion $100.63
Education $41.67
Foundations $33
Human Services $26.49
Public-society benefit $24.24
Health $22.83
International affairs $15.77
Arts, cultures, humanities $13.28
Environment, animals $6.66
Others $6.32
Medical donations support health care systems and disease ..
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
I do. Get the government TOTALLY out of "healthcare" and watch the market straighten it out.
Really? How would that happen? How much would the insura
Well, that's your belief, but can you support that belief with logical arguments and facts? I don't see how American families are being destroyed by the government provided help to some people.
Umm the fatherless rate in the black community went from 77% to 13% because of welfare, that culture is now spreading to others. America is being invaded for it, all I use is facts. You don’t have any. You think people want socialism lol
I doubt welfare is the whole cause of that problem, but the the original program under LBJ would not provide welfare to a family if the father was living there so some families became fatherless because of a flawed welfare law, but there were also many families and many children who benefited immensely from that extra food and other essentials the welfare provided. Your contention seems to be that hunger builds strong families and I can't accept that belief as a fact.
Never mentioned hunger sorry can’t put words in my mouth to prove your point.. kind of pathetic
I provided facts
The welfare you claimed destroyed black families provided food for the families and other essentials as well as healthcare so without it, the families would have been hungry and suffered other deprivations, but you claim they would have been better off, so while you didn't type the word, hunger, it is implicit in your contention that that families would be stronger if they were hungry. Btw, I've been discussing this with you in a respectful manner so if you you want to bicker instead of discussing the issue, we can stop now.
Any evidence someone would have been hungry?? Lol like what
Are you trying to sound stupid?
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
I do. Get the government TOTALLY out of "healthcare" and watch the market straighten it out.
Really? How would that happen? How much would the insura
Umm the fatherless rate in the black community went from 77% to 13% because of welfare, that culture is now spreading to others. America is being invaded for it, all I use is facts. You don’t have any. You think people want socialism lol
I doubt welfare is the whole cause of that problem, but the the original program under LBJ would not provide welfare to a family if the father was living there so some families became fatherless because of a flawed welfare law, but there were also many families and many children who benefited immensely from that extra food and other essentials the welfare provided. Your contention seems to be that hunger builds strong families and I can't accept that belief as a fact.
Never mentioned hunger sorry can’t put words in my mouth to prove your point.. kind of pathetic
I provided facts
The welfare you claimed destroyed black families provided food for the families and other essentials as well as healthcare so without it, the families would have been hungry and suffered other deprivations, but you claim they would have been better off, so while you didn't type the word, hunger, it is implicit in your contention that that families would be stronger if they were hungry. Btw, I've been discussing this with you in a respectful manner so if you you want to bicker instead of discussing the issue, we can stop now.
Any evidence someone would have been hungry?? Lol like what
Are you trying to sound stupid?
No did you hear someone’s stomach growl?? Lol hahah I mean is that your defense for destroying a nation,, I think someone was hungry lol
If you are really that poor it’s because you made bad decisions,, not my problem. This is America.. I think you are living in the wrong country,, our government should be very small and not involved in health care..
If you are a politician, that philosophy will keep you unemployed. Like it or not, the US is a welfare state and has been since the 1930's and will continue to be because the great majority of people want it to be even in the red states so as a practical matter, the goal has to be how the government should provide what the voters want, and they want overwhelmingly for everyone to have access to healthcare. As a matter of fact, all Americans had access to healthcare before Obamacare, but the poor and those with pre existing conditions had to go completely broke if they needed hospital care,
Nope. Let me help you out with that.

"Poor people have always had Emergency Rooms. I’m poor I pay for Nothing.
No, they had much more than that. HHS has been operating in partnership with the state governments thousands of clinics throughout all fifty states that provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale fee basis, so that if you are very poor, you pay nothing. The problem is that if you needed hospital care you had to go completely broke before you qualified for Medicaid. Obama's claim that the poor could only go to ER's was just a flat out lie.
You think Americans agree with socialism interesting I just asked 10 democrat voters if they knew the definition,, they did not, and in shock when I told them,,

A well educated community does not want socialism
If you were a well educated person, you would realize that socialism is quite distinct from a welfare state.
it controls all production,, I don’t want to be placed anywhere by government,, I want free markets. The strong survive and private charities take care of the rest. Like we started this journey
I don't know what planet you're on but i know of no private charity that helps to pay for anyone's health care, which is what we're talking about. That's the same bullshit claim that Dubya mentioned in his "faith based charity" remark. Do you actually think that the likes of Franklin Graham is going to help the sick who don't have insurance? Don't make me laugh.

Every time a homeless person or indigent illegal is treated in the emergency room, it's charity.
My "healthcare" is my business and the last fucking thing I want is "daddy gubermint" invloved in it. If I can't pay my own freight then it's my problem and not someone else's responsibility. Outside of being totally ignorant about the nature and cause of this current system of debt slavery is the fact that people want to be given a free ride on someone else's dime. There once was a time that people were so proud that taking " gubermint" handouts utterly repulsed them to the it's considered a right.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

The Democrat Party is in control of the House of Representative, its up to Speaker Pelosi to get a SERIOUS plan passed, one which is worthy of Senate consideration and our President's signature.

The facts are that O'care has been ruled as a violation of our Constitution. That's no longer an option going forward.

A new plan needs drawn up, but it has to be serious.

Expecting the minority party in Congress to come up with a plan is ridiculous.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

The Democrat Party is in control of the House of Representative, its up to Speaker Pelosi to get a SERIOUS plan passed, one which is worthy of Senate consideration and our President's signature.

The facts are that O'care has been ruled as a violation of our Constitution. That's no longer an option going forward.

A new plan needs drawn up, but it has to be serious.

Expecting the minority party in Congress to come up with a plan is ridiculous.
In fact, the President is talking to Republican Senators about crafting a healthcare plan.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
Correct. They have no plan. And the plan they wish to strike down was not only their own idea, but it was the best idea they could come up with for over 25 years. So yeah, they're fucked.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."
Correct. They have no plan. And the plan they wish to strike down was not only their own idea, but it was the best idea they could come up with for over 25 years. So yeah, they're fucked.
Why would they have a plan?? We have private health care.. buy it
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Republicans have this fantasy that if you end healthcare for millions, somehow, it will end only for Blacks and Hispanics and other minorities. That somehow, it will skip over white people.

Republicans have no clue the Big Blue Tsunami that is coming in the next election.

The GOP elite is so out of touch, they think they can lie to their base forever and the "little people" will continue to follow without question.

I can't wait until their wake up call.
Republicans have this fantasy that if you end healthcare for millions, somehow, it will end only for Blacks and Hispanics and other minorities. That somehow, it will skip over white people.

Republicans have no clue the Big Blue Tsunami that is coming in the next election.

The GOP elite is so out of touch, they think they can lie to their base forever and the "little people" will continue to follow without question.

I can't wait until their wake up call.

Lol we have a public HEALTH CARE! Buy it!

Pool your mobey together liberals .. help
The poor .. it’s none of my business!
Republicans have no clue the Big Blue Tsunami that is coming in the next election.

The GOP elite is so out of touch, they think they can lie to their base forever and the "little people" will continue to follow without question.

I can't wait until their wake up call.

President Trump isn't part of the Republican Elite at all, dean.

I don't know what will happen in November 2020, but I think that most people will be happy with the booming Trump economy and record low unemployment and reelect him easily.

The idea that America will sell its birthright to become the New Venezuela with the New Green Deal, I just don't see it. People will reject the Poverty that Ultraliberalism promises.

You could be right, America might be ready for collapse in 2021.

But I look at it different, I see a Return to Normalcy. Medical Freedom. Men being men, and the woman being glad of it.
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.
"Not only is there no such health-care overhaul in the works on Capitol Hill — there are no plans to make such a plan, and most Republicans hope the president will drop the idea of trying to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act."

The Democrat Party is in control of the House of Representative, its up to Speaker Pelosi to get a SERIOUS plan passed, one which is worthy of Senate consideration and our President's signature.

The facts are that O'care has been ruled as a violation of our Constitution. That's no longer an option going forward.

A new plan needs drawn up, but it has to be serious.

Expecting the minority party in Congress to come up with a plan is ridiculous.
Yea, we can see how when the Repubes ran Washington how well there's & Trumps plan worked out, right Ace?
Republicans have no clue the Big Blue Tsunami that is coming in the next election.

The GOP elite is so out of touch, they think they can lie to their base forever and the "little people" will continue to follow without question.

I can't wait until their wake up call.

President Trump isn't part of the Republican Elite at all, dean.

I don't know what will happen in November 2020, but I think that most people will be happy with the booming Trump economy and record low unemployment and reelect him easily.

The idea that America will sell its birthright to become the New Venezuela with the New Green Deal, I just don't see it. People will reject the Poverty that Ultraliberalism promises.

You could be right, America might be ready for collapse in 2021.

But I look at it different, I see a Return to Normalcy. Medical Freedom. Men being men, and the woman being glad of it.
How's Trumps promise of a plan insuring everybody at lower cost workin' out for ya, pal?
Republicans have no clue the Big Blue Tsunami that is coming in the next election.

The GOP elite is so out of touch, they think they can lie to their base forever and the "little people" will continue to follow without question.

I can't wait until their wake up call.

President Trump isn't part of the Republican Elite at all, dean.

I don't know what will happen in November 2020, but I think that most people will be happy with the booming Trump economy and record low unemployment and reelect him easily.

The idea that America will sell its birthright to become the New Venezuela with the New Green Deal, I just don't see it. People will reject the Poverty that Ultraliberalism promises.

You could be right, America might be ready for collapse in 2021.

But I look at it different, I see a Return to Normalcy. Medical Freedom. Men being men, and the woman being glad of it.
How's Trumps promise of a plan insuring everybody at lower cost workin' out for ya, pal?

The late John McCain sabotaged President Trump's idea for tremendous health care in 2017.

But I think everyone is pleased that the Detested Individual Mandate is history.

Now, it turned out that Obamacare is actually unconstitutional, and that means we need a replacement. And it will be up to Pelosi to provide the votes to get behind her President and pass a great healthcare plan.
Republicans have no clue the Big Blue Tsunami that is coming in the next election.

The GOP elite is so out of touch, they think they can lie to their base forever and the "little people" will continue to follow without question.

I can't wait until their wake up call.

President Trump isn't part of the Republican Elite at all, dean.

I don't know what will happen in November 2020, but I think that most people will be happy with the booming Trump economy and record low unemployment and reelect him easily.

The idea that America will sell its birthright to become the New Venezuela with the New Green Deal, I just don't see it. People will reject the Poverty that Ultraliberalism promises.

You could be right, America might be ready for collapse in 2021.

But I look at it different, I see a Return to Normalcy. Medical Freedom. Men being men, and the woman being glad of it.
How's Trumps promise of a plan insuring everybody at lower cost workin' out for ya, pal?

The late John McCain sabotaged President Trump's idea for tremendous health care in 2017.

But I think everyone is pleased that the Detested Individual Mandate is history.

Now, it turned out that Obamacare is actually unconstitutional, and that means we need a replacement. And it will be up to Pelosi to provide the votes to get behind her President and pass a great healthcare plan.
And what's Dear Leader's input going to be? Not much I would think from a guy who has to be treated like an 8 year old at intel briefings because he's a moron.
Republicans have no clue the Big Blue Tsunami that is coming in the next election.

The GOP elite is so out of touch, they think they can lie to their base forever and the "little people" will continue to follow without question.

I can't wait until their wake up call.

President Trump isn't part of the Republican Elite at all, dean.

I don't know what will happen in November 2020, but I think that most people will be happy with the booming Trump economy and record low unemployment and reelect him easily.

The idea that America will sell its birthright to become the New Venezuela with the New Green Deal, I just don't see it. People will reject the Poverty that Ultraliberalism promises.

You could be right, America might be ready for collapse in 2021.

But I look at it different, I see a Return to Normalcy. Medical Freedom. Men being men, and the woman being glad of it.
How's Trumps promise of a plan insuring everybody at lower cost workin' out for ya, pal?

The late John McCain sabotaged President Trump's idea for tremendous health care in 2017.

But I think everyone is pleased that the Detested Individual Mandate is history.

Now, it turned out that Obamacare is actually unconstitutional, and that means we need a replacement. And it will be up to Pelosi to provide the votes to get behind her President and pass a great healthcare plan.
And what's Dear Leader's input going to be? Not much I would think from a guy who has to be treated like an 8 year old at intel briefings because he's a moron.

Actually, President Trump has been described as a "stable genius", not a moron at all. He's been playing the libs for 4 years now.

The fact is that Mr. Trump knows that the intelligence establishment is indeed, out to get him, from Comey to Brennan to Clapper, and Sen. Schumer has admitted that the "intelligence communities has 6 ways to Sunday" to get back at people, shows he's on top of it.
He isn't going to show respect for people that don't have respect for the millions who elected Trump to be our nation's leader

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