Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

No, it was always a global problem and republicans have no answer. When all you read is right wing propaganda you post comments like you did in the quote.
The democrats don't have an answer either, yet you don't complain about them.
I'd bet the farm that the majority of the righties on here haven't watched 2 minutes of the Jan 6 hearings. They are scared stiff to hear the ugly truth about their Orange master. But they will critique it like the lazy stupid assholes that they are.
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Shithole? Do you ever have any thoughts of your own that aren't just regurgitated Trump-speak? BTW I'll match my knowledge of any subject against your Trump U. education. Anyone who could fall for an obvious and in your face conman can't be very bright. Someday you'll come to understand that and if you have the balls you'll admit it to yourself. Then think about what was said here and try to explain away your naivete.

If you think that increased taxation and Libtard stupidity of redistribution of income and wealth polices make a country more prosperous then you are dumber than a door knob. You could never pass a basic Economics course. I have an advanced degree in Engineering ,a MBA, a PE and have taught in a university. If you don't understand the failures of Liberalism then it is obvious you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground regardless of whatever you think you learned in school.

Here in the US people have a tendency to vote their welfare. California is a Libtard shithole now with the highest poverty, most debt, worst schools, most homelessness, most Illegals, highest rents, most Environmental Wacko policies, highest taxation, most wokeness and is trying everything it can to get the record of most crime.

About a thousand middle class people a day are leaving that Libtard shithole for a Red States. In fact it is happening all over this country. Americans are leaving the Democrat controlled Communist States and are moving to free states. Big indictment on Liberal failure, isn't it, Moon Bat?
The democrats are actually trying to do something while republicans sit on their hands obstructing with the hopes they can fool enough people to get the majority.
I think they are in for a rude awakening in the midterms. They think it's a sweep and a cake walk to majorities in both houses. But we all know how wrong they have been and will continue to be.
The democrats are actually trying to do something while republicans sit on their hands obstructing with the hopes they can fool enough people to get the majority.
What is the Dimwinger plan for inflation?
I'd bet the farm that the majority of the righties on here haven't watched 2 minutes of the Jan 6 hearings. They are scared stiff to hear the ugly truth about their Orange master. But they will critique it like the lazy stupid assholes that they are.
Exactly. I tell you what, the 1-6 committee is no joke. If trump is not bought before a jury to stand trial, then there is no such thing as law in America; Merrick Garland best get off his ass and do something.
If you think that increased taxation and Libtard Economic of redistribution of income and wealth polices make a country more prosperous then you are dumber than a door knob. You could never pass a basic Economics course. I have an advanced degree in Engineering ,a MBA, a PE and have taught in a university. If you don't understand the failures of Liberalism then it is obvious you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground regardless of whatever you think you learned in school.

Here in the US people have a tendency to vote their welfare. California is a Libtard shithole now with the highest poverty, most debt, worst schools, most homelessness, most Illegals, highest rents, most Environmental Wacko policies, highest taxation, most wokeness and is trying everything it can to get the record of most crime.

About a thousand middle class people a day are leaving that Libtard shithole every day for a Red States. In fact it happening all over this country. Americans are leaving the Democrat Communist States and are moving to free states. Big indictment on Liberal failure, isn't it, Moon Bat?
NO. What makes you think that? People relocate for any number of reasons. And most folks are apolitical. But you think it makes some right wing point. It doesn't!
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Exactly. I tell you what, the 1-6 committee is no joke. If trump is not bought before a jury to stand trial, then there is no such thing as law in America; Merrick Garland best get off his ass and do something.
I think America and our way of life hang in the balance along with our representative Democracy.
I think they are in for a rude awakening in the midterms. They think it's a sweep and a cake walk to majorities in both houses. But we all know how wrong they have been and will continue to be.
True. They have been giving themselves the majority since Biden was inaugurated. And if they are losing watch how everything gets challenged. The last 2 years of the Biden administration could be chaos and mayhem caused by republicans who lose that refuse to concede.
Exactly. I tell you what, the 1-6 committee is no joke. If trump is not bought before a jury to stand trial, then there is no such thing as law in America; Merrick Garland best get off his ass and do something.
Lil im.2 is an assclown. Unless we make shit up to “prosecute” the former President, then law in America doesn’t work! {{insert the wailing and gnashing of teeth.}}


Hint for our libtarded pal: as a matter of law and Justice, it’s considered polite, professional and proper to wait for a crime to be committed before accusations are made or trials are had.
I think America and our way of life hang in the balance along with our representative Democracy.
You are correct. There is no more republican party. There is the American White Nationalist Front Party and the Democratic Party. The AWNF is a fascist party.
You are correct. There is no more republican party. There is the American White Nationalist Front Party and the Democratic Party. The AWNF is a fascist party.
YOUR party is the one that formed the KKK, gave us Jim Crow laws, and filibustered the Civil Rights Act.

You and your party are the racists.
You are wrong. It's that simple. When Biden took office we were in the midst of an out of control pandemic, the nation was closed, people were waiting in lines for boxes of food and you right wing idiots want to pretend America was utopia with streets paved with gold. That's what Biden inherited. Just be glad trump isn't president.
Yet you can’t prove any of my post incorrect. You blue state morons caused those problems. Gas was under $3 a gallon, inflation was low, three vaccines and the grocery stores had full shelves. That’s what your massa Xiden inherited. Then proceeded to immediately fuck everything up. As usual.
Peaceful protest? I don't need to say a word. Indoctrination is self evident and so is stupidity. I think the light is getting ever dimmer in the old Lanternhead.
Poor baby. By YOUR SIDE’S DEFINITION that was a peaceful protest. You can’t say anything because you know you’ve been owned and made to look like an absolute know nothing idiot this entire thread moron.
That's true but it's also true that there are more important factors directly responsible for the inflation. One being high gas prices due to removal of most of the Russian oil exports from the world oil supply. As I recall, 2.7% of our inflation is caused by the increase in gas prices. Then there's the indirect cost of higher fuel prices on essential all goods that are shipped within the US and imported from overseas. The war in the Ukraine has directly and indirectly effected the cost of many products other than oil. Fertilizer costs rose 80% last year and 30% this year. This effects just about everything we grow in the US or import. A combination of higher tariffs by China, sharp reductions in shipments of sugar beats, grain, potatoes, petroleum byproducts, coal, and heavy machinery from the Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia has increased the cost of just about everything we import.

Inflation we are having in the US is not just a US problem as you can see from the following increasing inflation rates by country. US spending is certainly not driving up prices abroad.

United Kingdom97Apr/22
United States8.68.3May/22
Euro Area8.17.4May/22
South Africa5.95.9Apr/22
South Korea5.44.8May/22
No. False. Inflation is very easy to understand. It has to do with the MONEY SUPPLY, and how much it costs to borrow money.

Corporations only raise their prices when their costs go up.
The democrats are actually trying to do something while republicans sit on their hands obstructing with the hopes they can fool enough people to get the majority.
What is it they are trying to do? After November we can talk about Republicans because they will likely control Congress and it will be up to Quid Pro to work with them or not, but right now it's the democrats' responsibility to take care of things.
No, just repeated by Hillary.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
No, made up by Hillary. Proven by Durham. But you don’t want to see that. A tweet from 2013? Just pathetic.
Another proud QAnon member! Most of the scumbag pervs that have been exposed have come from the right. From Trump and his hookers and his relationship with Jeff and Ghislaine to Matt Gaetz and his underage girlfriends. And let's not forget Larry Craig and that redneck sheriff who molested a 14 yr old. Trump just loved him!
What an asshole. ^^^

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