Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

NO. What makes you think that? People relocate for any number of reasons. And most folks are apolitical. But you think it makes some right wing point. It doesn't!

One thing about you dumbass Libtards. When faced with reality you either lie or go into you denial mode.

No, Moon Bat, people are leaving what was once called the "Golden State" because Liberal polices have made it miserable for the middle class

If you are a fat cat Limousine Liberal in California you will stay there. If you are a Negro on welfare, homeless, Illegal or a queer then California is a paradise for you.

However if you are a middle class American then you are paying for that failed welfare state and you are oppressed by Liberal laws and regulations. So you move to Texas or elsewhere.

Here in Florida we see the flood of people from "up north" that flee the Democrat controlled Blue States all the time. They are not moving here because of the weather. In fact it is miserable hot here in Florida now. They are moving here to get away from high taxation, woke government and oppressive left wing policies. I see them all the time. They will be glad to tell you that.
Commies assholes????? You John Birchers are total idiots.
No, you’re a Nazi loving complete moron. The Dims have control of all 3 branches until November. Where’s their plan? They caused this, and now expect Republicans to fix their screwups. Again.
Well I think it's funny most republicans don't realize that labor shortages are one of the biggest drivers of inflation along with the china tariffs. 😂😂
Gas prices were stable until Biden was elected and he declared "war on energy" in November 2020.
They have been rising ever since.

View attachment 660364
In case you forgot in 2021, Biden's first year in office was the year Americans came out of their shells. Driving rose 11.3% and US airline passengers increased 82.5% creating a huge demand over 2020. Yet world oil production increased by only 1.7%. However the supply problem was not just production it was getting the oil to refineries and from refineries to the gasoline outlets. In 2022 when it looked like we might be solving some our supply problems, we lost millions of barrels of Russia oil a day causing prices to spike up.

The Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling permits in 2021 which was significantly higher than the Trump administration. However, those new wells will not start producing till about 2023. There is a lot of things the administration and congress can do to encourage increase production in 2023-2025 but that's not going help lower current prices today.
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Three weeks have passed since you started defending Biden from himself and his handler's decisions. Hopefully you have learned a little about how bad it is for states whose existence is subject to energy sources and problems of getting it out cheaply to their fellow citizens in the far corners of this land.

For your edification, and ours, here's the truth on gas prices inflicted by Biden's revenge against energy production states who've worked hard to get gas out to their fellow Americans, and were butted in the nose with the butt of Biden's presidency gun, but after wiping up the blood he spilled, there is a site where people can get information on the high prices Biden's ego-inflating revenge has cost every single one of us, Republican or Democrat: News - Gas Price Watch - Car and Truck Buying, Reviews, News and More. | Jalopnik.
It's a gas price watch, and hopefully it serves a purpose of getting merchants and transporters the information they need to survive the explosive gas prices we have today.
For those who don't have time to go see the website, here's the most current information it provides for today's gas prices:

June 9, 2022:
Gas Price Above $5 Per Gallon in Nearly Half the U.S.
The average price of a gallon of gas is $4.97 across the country, and 21 states and D.C. are already above that mark.
Andy Kalmowitz
6/09/22 10:01AM

Most recent contribution,

Gas Prices Across the Country are Stabilizing... For Now

The price of a gallon of gas remains consistent, and the average price of diesel just hit $7 in California.​

Andy Kalmowitz
Thursday 11:32AM
Gas Prices Across the Country are Stabilizing... For Now
You tell us how bad the gas prices are but fail to show Biden is responsible. Yes, he delayed drilling permits on federal land for about 2 months in his first year in office, 2021 yet the number issued exceeded what Trump issued in his first year. However this is totally irrelevant to rise in gas prices in 2021 or 2022. And no his jawboning about eliminating fossil fuels, is irrelevant.
In case you forgot in 2021, Biden's first year in office was the year Americans came out of their shells. Driving rose 11.3% and US airline passengers increased 82.5% creating a huge demand over 2020. Yet world oil production increased by only 1.7%. However the supply problem was not just production it was getting the oil to refineries and from refineries to the gasoline outlets. In 2022 when it looked like we might be solving some our supply problems, we lost millions of barrels of Russia oil a day causing prices to spike up.

The Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling permits in 2021 which was significantly higher than the Trump administration. However, those new wells will not start producing till about 2023. There is a lot of things the administration and congress can do to encourage increase production in 2023-2025 but that's not going help lower current prices today.
OK, riddle me this...
Why did Xiden kill the KeystoneXL pipeline, and an extra 500,000 bpd, and then go begging for all of our enemies, including Putin to pump more oil?
That makes no sense, unless Xiden is Putin's Whore, and likes the foreign cash contributions.
Shithole? Do you ever have any thoughts of your own that aren't just regurgitated Trump-speak? BTW I'll match my knowledge of any subject against your Trump U. education. Anyone who could fall for an obvious and in your face conman can't be very bright. Someday you'll come to understand that and if you have the balls you'll admit it to yourself. Then think about what was said here and try to explain away your naivete.
ooookay Francis. I bet you're also a big toe!!!!! hahahahahahahahha. you lost on the post. See, when one has to resort to TDSing his opponent, that is the tell tale that they have absolutely nothing. But thanks for the laugh.
OK, riddle me this...
Why did Xiden kill the KeystoneXL pipeline, and an extra 500,000 bpd, and then go begging for all of our enemies, including Putin to pump more oil?
That makes no sense, unless Xiden is Putin's Whore, and likes the foreign cash contributions.
Let's be clear exactly what we are discussing.

The Keystone XL pipeline extension, was initially designed to transport the planet’s dirtiest fossil fuel, tar sands oil, to market. It is an expansion of the company’s existing Keystone Pipeline System, which has been operating since 2010. The XL extension was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Once at these refineries, the tar sands oil would be processed to create a light crude which can be refined to produce gasoline. However, that gasoline would not end up at US gas pumps because the oil would be shipped overseas to oil refineries, mostly in Europe who would be willing to pay the higher price for this oil. Since refining tar sands oil yields over 50% by-products, the impact on the world oil supply and gasoline prices is negligible.

In short, the amount oil produced from the XL that could be used to produce gasoline, only about .4% of the world production is not worth the environmental damage and health risks of processing which is considerable. It would make no difference at all in what we are paying at the pump.
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Let's be clear exactly what we are discussing.

The Keystone XL pipeline extension, was initially designed to transport the planet’s dirtiest fossil fuel, tar sands oil, to market. It is an expansion of the company’s existing Keystone Pipeline System, which has been operating since 2010. The XL extension was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Once at these refineries, the tar sands oil would be processed to create a light crude which can be refined to produce gasoline. However, that gasoline would not end up at US gas pumps because the oil would be shipped overseas to oil refineries, mostly in Europe who would be willing to pay the higher price for this oil. Since refining tar sands oil yields over 50% by-products, the impact on the world oil supply and gasoline prices is negligible.

In short, the amount oil produced from the XL that could be used to produce gasoline, only about .4% of the world production is not worth the environmental damage and health risks of processing which is considerable. It would make no difference at all in what we are paying at the pump.
well factually speaking, we only use 7% of Russian oil. Doesn't explain the price increase. Please explain it to us. It's apparent you have all the answers. Why are the oil corporations blaming Xiden?
YOUR party is the one that formed the KKK, gave us Jim Crow laws, and filibustered the Civil Rights Act.

You and your party are the racists.
The GOP was the liberal party back then as evidenced by the Emancipation Proclamation. Times change. Redneck racists are now Republicans. That should be obvious even to nitwit Trump sheep. More evidence is the bills passed under FDR. But you can use that bullshit to fool your fellow sheep.
The GOP was the liberal party back then as evidenced by the Emancipation Proclamation. Times change. Redneck racists are now Republicans. That should be obvious even to nitwit Trump sheep. More evidence is the bills passed under FDR. But you can use that bullshit to fool your fellow sheep.
show us a link that backs that nonsense son.
Let's be clear exactly what we are discussing.

The Keystone XL pipeline extension, was initially designed to transport the planet’s dirtiest fossil fuel, tar sands oil, to market. It is an expansion of the company’s existing Keystone Pipeline System, which has been operating since 2010. The XL extension was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Once at these refineries, the tar sands oil would be processed to create a light crude which can be refined to produce gasoline. However, that gasoline would not end up at US gas pumps because the oil would be shipped overseas to oil refineries, mostly in Europe who would be willing to pay the higher price for this oil. Since refining tar sands oil yields over 50% by-products, the impact on the world oil supply and gasoline prices is negligible.

In short, the amount oil produced from the XL that could be used to produce gasoline, only about .4% of the world production is not worth the environmental damage and health risks of processing which is considerable. It would make no difference at all in what we are paying at the pump.
Thank you for the clarity. But don't expect it to matter to the right. They see it as just another talking point they can use to attack Biden.

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