Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation


It was the American government who interfered with capitalism in the first place disrupting the Oil industry with multiple decisions that generated a decline in production and steeply increasing oil prices which impact spreads around the planet since economies runs of Oil a lot.
Yes Trump did negotiate oil reduction by major oil nations and US producers in 2020.. But they were negotiations, not govt. orders.

OPEC+ cut is Trump's 'biggest and most complex' deal ever​ › 2020/04/13 › opec-cut-is-trum...

Apr 13, 2020 — OPEC and allies' oil production cut is Trump's 'biggest and most complex' deal ever: Dan Yergin. Published Mon, Apr 13 20203:48 AM EDT ...

Oil Nations, Prodded by Trump, Reach Deal to Slash Production​ › ... › Energy & Environment

Apr 13, 2020 — The plan by OPEC, Russia and other allied producers in a group known as OPEC Plus will slash 9.7 million barrels a day in May and June, or close ...

But let's blame BIDEN!!!!
I really don't care at this point IF THEY DON"T. It would be a step in the right direction to get these denizens of destruction out of the white house and out of congress and OUT OF POWER. Everything they DO is aimed at destroying this nation and the people.
I really don't care at this point IF THEY DON"T. It would be a step in the right direction to get these denizens of destruction out of the white house and out of congress and OUT OF POWER. Everything they DO is aimed at destroying this nation and the people.
If that is their goal they are failing miserably.
Yes Trump did negotiate oil reduction by major oil nations and US producers in 2020.. But they were negotiations, not govt. orders.

OPEC+ cut is Trump's 'biggest and most complex' deal ever › 2020/04/13 › opec-cut-is-trum...

Apr 13, 2020 — OPEC and allies' oil production cut is Trump's 'biggest and most complex' deal ever: Dan Yergin. Published Mon, Apr 13 20203:48 AM EDT ...

Oil Nations, Prodded by Trump, Reach Deal to Slash Production › ... › Energy & Environment

Apr 13, 2020 — The plan by OPEC, Russia and other allied producers in a group known as OPEC Plus will slash 9.7 million barrels a day in May and June, or close ...

But let's blame BIDEN!!!!
Biden has taken responsibility for the rising prices when he was in Asia
I'm really not sure who you and IM2 are talking about. Imo Trump's fiscal and for policy was .. bad. The econ was propped up by deficit causing tax cuts that largely benefitted those with the most, and he wanted out of Aghan and Syria, accomplished neither, and got us in a Saudi/Iran proxy war killing thousands of children.

The dems last covid relief bill was a mistake (although my wife's job got disapperated and I appreciate the money in our savings, and I'd really appreciate it if he kept his pledge to wipe out 10K of my kid's college debt). But like I posted, I got no problem with his getting the vaccines and covid testing out, and we didn't have to pay for the tests or the covid treatment my wife got. I got no problem with getting out of Afghan, and 13 dead was not as bad as the Russians or Brits left with. And Imo, Biden was uniquely familiar with Russia and for affairs, and he predicted Putin's actions when other countries didn't see it coming.

Nixon screwed it up worse than anybody, and W not only took a stable for policy and set us up for perpetual war and deficits but also literally crashed an econ by creating a bubble market. But aside from those to clusterfks, the other potuses pretty much inherited the issues they faced

The never ending fed pump started under O, remember QE forever...........? Of course his only choice was to pump blood into a corpse. We were already heading to the cliff under w with his middle east adventures and the housing crisis, which was rooted under the previous admin, clinton. So, we started printing trillions in 2008, fattening up wall street and the banks. They never moved any of this money, hence no volatility which didn't cause inflation to rise. Fast forward to 2020, trump and biden start up the printers and grease the public with fiat falling from the skies, qe for all,........yah!!! 3 trillion straight to public, massive volatility then massive inflation. The signs were there. Nobody cared.
Biden has taken responsibility for the rising prices when he was in Asia
Well, then that settles it when Trump talked companies and nations into slowing production that helped oil prices rise and now you want to blame Biden but not Trump..
We read and hear all the disinformed talking crazy about Biden, but they have no plan to stop inflation. If they had one, they would have presented it to congress. Because if they had one and it worked, they would most certainly assure themselves the majority. Instead it's been about obstruction and the idiocy of Big Money Manchin and Corporate Slave Sinema.

I say they have no plan because spending by trump contributed to the inflation.

Facts First: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it's misleading to suggest that's the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic spending proposals misrepresents what's actually been passed, and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed last year supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also contributed to inflation.

Last year, Congress passed two bills totaling around $3 trillion in Covid relief spending -- the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March 2020, and the $900 billion pandemic relief bill passed in December 2020. Both were signed by Trump and supported by Republicans.

And Rick Scotts tax increase for all is not the answer. So the Republican plan is to get the majority and start bogus investigations on Hunter Biden and attempt to impeach Biden, then Harris. If they appoint trump to speaker, understand that is the first move to the attempt to reinstall him as president. Sane Americans cannot continue falling for disinformation. Biden is not the reason that supply chains have been hampered, COVID is. And we were negatively affected by COVID due to the incompetence of a republican president. We cannot afford to have crazies running our government.
Of course Republicans have no plan.

And blaming President Biden is blind partisan idiocy.
Did you not read "And the gop knew this was coming as boomers retire." in my post that you responded to?

It wasn't the republicans who created this long developing problem in the first place.


Entitlement programs must provide benefits to everyone meeting the eligibility requirements. That is why the term entitlement is used to describe them. Social Security, Medicare, unemployment compensation, and food and nutrition assistance are among the many federal entitlement programs (see also Medicare). Some entitlement programs, most notably Medicaid, are co-funded by federal and state governments (see also Medicaid).

Spending on entitlement programs depends on the cost of delivering the service and the number of people who qualify.



Which party passed the following:

Social Security
Unemployment Compensation
Food and Nutrition Services......, and more

I know Sienna wouldn't agree, but I don't see how raising cap gains taxes would hurt the current supply problems. Raising revenue to pay for the boomers without crushing the econ SHOULD BE POLICY

I suspect the gop would reopen every drilling hindrance Biden imposed (and I wouldn't object) but they'd also give tax credits that aren't necessary given oil prices just to make donors happy. And of course, they'll have to cut taxes for the most wealthy because .... that's how they get elected. Aside from that, I don't see they'd do much different.

Imo Biden should not have continued our "shunning" MBS over murdering the reporter. Make it clear it wasn't and isn't ok. Killing reporters is not a way to convince us to send military aid, and killing AMERICAN reporters ensures you'll never visit the white house. But we can still find agreement on some issues. OF course Trump did give the Arabs something for the billions Jared got. They're doing just fine on their own.

The last stimulus was mostly unecessary, what with schools opening, but it's dollars under the bridge now.

Other than that, I think the gop would jsut sit on their thumbs and wait for the dollars to work through the econ and interest rates to have their effect.
Yes Trump did negotiate oil reduction by major oil nations and US producers in 2020.. But they were negotiations, not govt. orders.

OPEC+ cut is Trump's 'biggest and most complex' deal ever › 2020/04/13 › opec-cut-is-trum...

Apr 13, 2020 — OPEC and allies' oil production cut is Trump's 'biggest and most complex' deal ever: Dan Yergin. Published Mon, Apr 13 20203:48 AM EDT ...

Oil Nations, Prodded by Trump, Reach Deal to Slash Production › ... › Energy & Environment

Apr 13, 2020 — The plan by OPEC, Russia and other allied producers in a group known as OPEC Plus will slash 9.7 million barrels a day in May and June, or close ...

But let's blame BIDEN!!!!

Your first link states:

"Key Points

  • As the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies came to an agreement on a record cut in oil production, U.S. President Donald Trump may have struck his “biggest and most complex deal,” according to oil expert Dan Yergin.

  • Commenting on the deal that has been struck by OPEC+, Yergin said it has “bought time” and avoided a “disaster” for the oil industry."

"Yergin said there were two main factors driving the turnaround to the deal that just six weeks ago “would not have seemed possible.”

Firstly, he said, the price of oil was in danger of crashing without a deal as there was limited inventory space left. That would have had “severe repercussions” beyond the oil industry itself and other sectors such as finance.

The other driving factor was likely due to a dearth in oil demand, where the “producers found they couldn’t sell their oil.” Crude demand has taken a hit in recent weeks as measures taken by authorities to stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic have left major economies effectively frozen."

The agreed cut isn't that big:

"His comments came after OPEC+ finalized an agreement to cut production by 9.7 million barrels per day — the single largest output cut in history."

bolding mine


Your second link says similar and behind a paywall not going to waste money on a far left birdcage liner.

You should pay more attention to the CONTENT of links you post.

Meanwhile Biden and his incompetent minions cancelled many oil leases and other moves that depresses oil production in the last two years.

You must be living under a rock to miss that.


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