Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

Well, uh, we thought Rick Perry would stop them at the border, we did! And that's exactly why Conservatives don't want Hispanics/Latinos in this country. They're so afraid they'll all give their votes to Democrats. And guess what? They Will!! :lol::D:lol::D
So, it's gerrymander city, it is.
Never mind minorities.

Their real problem is they have no candidate. There's not one Repub who can win.

We're gonna see a replay of the last general election - one by one, the Clown Car will unload and one by one, they'll crash and burn.

And then Hilary will win.

This country will start breaking apart in the next 50 years. There's no way it will come to any agreement between the fractions.

Seriously. The 1/3's can't stand the 1/2's. The 1/4's will never ever be able to coexist along the borders of the 3/8's. And those 7/16's? They're barbarians. They'll never spend enough on science, education, and infrastructure. It will never work. I'm super serial.
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Notice the implied white supremacy here:
Doesn't matter anymore

this country has been taken over...look at California what they were allowed to do there and they didn't even have to FIRE a shot...

enjoy your minority status in the country you were BORN in

and enjoy having it smeared in your face

Hmmm. Whites have never been known to oppress anybody...

What would be wrong with whites being a minority?

Be specific, please.

Somehow you think whites are the only color of human that has ever oppressed another color of human. Please think of how stupid you appear to people that understand real history!
This country will start breaking apart in the next 50 years. There's no way it will come to any agreement between the fractions.

Oh don't be silly.

We have weathered much worse than the Pootarians and the tee pottiers.

bh, ask your question more clearly, please

Why do liberals assume Hispanics will always vote Democrat clear enough?

Thank you. They will until the GOP reaches out sincerely to Hispanic needs.

Perhaps you have not noticed but the Hispanic community is not overly thrilled with the way Obama and the Democrats have responded to their needs. Its been my observation the Hispanic community does not always block vote for one party the way the black community does with the Democrats the Hispanic vote is always up for grabs. I do agree the Republicans will have to a better job of outreaching to Hispanics I would also caution Democrats not to just assume they own that vote.
As America grows younger, darker, more nuanced technologically, the bad old ways of the Teapers and the haters of age, sexual orientation, and race will be dropped in the ash bin of history.

Good thing, that.
Wise advice: " I do agree the Republicans will have to a better job of outreaching to Hispanics I would also caution Democrats not to just assume they own that vote."

However, until the GOP does do better, the Dems will and can coast.
Continue to educate people on their individual rights and duties as well as the Constitution of the United States and the importance of self government.
Wise advice: " I do agree the Republicans will have to a better job of outreaching to Hispanics I would also caution Democrats not to just assume they own that vote."

However, until the GOP does do better, the Dems will and can coast.

November will tell us a lot about that I don't expect a major reversal for Republicans with the Hispanic vote but I do see the gap narrowing Obama and the Democrat promised them a lot delivered very little.
Wise advice: " I do agree the Republicans will have to a better job of outreaching to Hispanics I would also caution Democrats not to just assume they own that vote."

However, until the GOP does do better, the Dems will and can coast.

November will tell us a lot about that I don't expect a major reversal for Republicans with the Hispanic vote but I do see the gap narrowing Obama and the Democrat promised them a lot delivered very little.

They delivered very little specifically because of Republicans. They know all too well who is against a path to citizenship.

Although honestly I don't see the growing hispanic population as the biggest threat to Republicans as much as it is the growing wealth inequality. The richer the rich get the less willing the people will be to support the party of the rich.

Probably the main reason Hispanics vote so heavily democrat is due to their low levels of wealth (they're poor). Absolutely nothing shows this changing anytime soon.
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They have no answer.

The can't suppress the vote anymore, and they are not strong enough to keep many of the Red States they have gerrymandered after 2015, and they do their best to insult women and minorities.

They? Don't you mean WE? You're a Republican, right Jake?

Wise advice: " I do agree the Republicans will have to a better job of outreaching to Hispanics I would also caution Democrats not to just assume they own that vote."

However, until the GOP does do better, the Dems will and can coast.

November will tell us a lot about that I don't expect a major reversal for Republicans with the Hispanic vote but I do see the gap narrowing Obama and the Democrat promised them a lot delivered very little.

They delivered very little specifically because of Republicans. They know all too well who is against a path to citizenship.

Although honestly I don't see the growing hispanic population as the biggest threat to Republicans as much as it is the growing wealth inequality. The richer the rich get the less willing the people will be to support the party of the rich.

Probably the main reason Hispanics vote so heavily democrat is due to their low levels of wealth (they're poor). Absolutely nothing shows this changing anytime soon.

Very little on the way to immigration reform was delivered because Republicans wanted the border secured first and despite Obama and the Democrats telling the nation over and over the border was secure which we all know now and many us knew before was not the case. How does voting Democrat make one less poor? I have never really figured out how the rich making less makes the poor richer that's kind of like saying if a skinny person eats less a fat person will lose weight.
They have no answer.

The can't suppress the vote anymore, and they are not strong enough to keep many of the Red States they have gerrymandered after 2015, and they do their best to insult women and minorities.

illegal minorities are not allowed to vote !

Your stupid remark proves my point.

Being offensive and inappropriate in ways that piss off legitimate voters is just stupid.

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