Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

You must be a liberal because you seem to be using a static model for your voting predictions (always a tell-tale sign.)

You know how the media has played up the fact that Obama won the women and youth vote? Yeah, you read that all over the media, right? Well, did you also read that Romney won the white women's vote, the married women's vote and the white youth vote?

When Democrats decided that they would appeal to minority voters by implementing a racial spoils system they set the process of racial/political polarization into play. When Democrats favor minorities at the expense of whites then they drive away white voters. The canaries in the coal mine were white men, they were the first to abandon the Democrats - that's old news by now. Next came white women. Next came married people of all races, next were married women, and now it's white youths.

I thought Obama had a lot of appeal to youth voters, so why did Romney capture the majority of white youth voters? Simple. When Democrats favor minorities with their policies then the cost has to be borne by meritorious whites being discriminated against. Even white youths are seeing this plainly now but you, being liberal and all, are still blind to this.

So to answer your question - As the Democrats become a party dominated by minorities, whites who used to be independents and Democrats will slowly migrate over to the Republicans, because the Republicans are policy focused rather than being race-focused like the Democrats and so they don't discriminate like racist Democrats.

Thanks, Liberals, there's nothing more toxic in history than marrying up racial identity with political identity. Heck of a job there, Brownie.
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bh, ask your question more clearly, please

Why do liberals assume Hispanics will always vote Democrat clear enough?

The only people who should be voting Repub are the 1%.

For the majority of us, its a self-inflicted shot in the foot.

Not true, lower taxes and less regulations benefit all businesses and so the economy. Their stance to keep illegals out will also benefit the American workers to keep their jobs. The Republicans offer more to all Americans
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The GOP is toast after 2015. The only way they can even approach the party they once were is to change all blacks, Hispanics, and Women to Old White Men. Good Luck with That!:eusa_clap:
Why do you assume the minority and I'm guessing you mean Hispanic as blacks already vote majority Democrat will do the same.

You just have to ask a simple question....why should they vote Republucan?

What are Republicans offering that will make their lives better?

You must be a liberal because you seem to be using a static model for your voting predictions (always a tell-tale sign.)

You know how the media has played up the fact that Obama won the women and youth vote? Yeah, you read that all over the media, right? Well, did you also read that Romney won the white women's vote, the married women's vote and the white youth vote?

When Democrats decided that they would appeal to minority voters by implementing a racial spoils system they set the process of racial/political polarization into play. When Democrats favor minorities at the expense of whites then they drive away white voters. The canaries in the coal mine were white men, they were the first to abandon the Democrats - that's old news by now. Next came white women. Next came married people of all races, next were married women, and now it's white youths.

I thought Obama had a lot of appeal to youth voters, so why did Romney capture the majority of white youth voters? Simple. When Democrats favor minorities with their policies then the cost has to be borne by meritorious whites being discriminated against. Even white youths are seeing this plainly now but you, being liberal and all, are still blind to this.

So to answer your question - As the Democrats become a party dominated by minorities, whites who used to be independents and Democrats will slowly migrate over to the Republicans, because the Republicans are policy focused rather than being race-focused like the Democrats and so they don't discriminate like racist Democrats.

Thanks, Liberals, there's nothing more toxic in history than marrying up racial identity with political identity. Heck of a job there, Brownie.

Sadly, you're very right. The democrats need to run away from attacking males and whites. Playing the race card is going to cause divide at the cost of a little bit of power they may gain in the short term from the anger of "victim groups". It's a loser.

The democrats need to focus on treating everyone equally and going after the minimum wage. Maybe swing back to taxing the super rich some more....

After this they should focus on infrastructure, science and education. As far as I am concern, this is at the heart of a strong America. They need to relabel as the party of innovation and of sanity.
Why do you assume the minority and I'm guessing you mean Hispanic as blacks already vote majority Democrat will do the same.

You just have to ask a simple question....why should they vote Republucan?

What are Republicans offering that will make their lives better?

If they become billionaires they don't have to pay taxes. ;)
Why do liberals assume Hispanics will always vote Democrat clear enough?

The only people who should be voting Repub are the 1%.

For the majority of us, its a self-inflicted shot in the foot.

Not true, lower taxes and less regulations benefit all businesses and so the economy. Their stance to keep illegals out will also benefit the American workers to keep their jobs. The Republicans offer more to all Americans

1. Lower taxes so we can allow our infrastructure to crash into the rivers and defund our science institutions. This isn't the path forward to sustain a super power. How low do you want the taxes to be on the super rich? Romney is already paying 13%! Most of our most productive period between 1940-1970 had 50-90% tax on these people.

2. Less regulations = lol. The recession was caused by bad loans and shit. What kind of less regulations are you talking about? I'll agree that are stupid and should be removed. Just that we do need regulations on wall street and our banking sector!

3. Not going to disagree with the illegals. Just that most of our business sector wants it. Maybe more legal ones???
Why do liberals assume Hispanics will always vote Democrat clear enough?

The only people who should be voting Repub are the 1%. For the majority of us, its a self-inflicted shot in the foot.

Not true, lower taxes and less regulations benefit all businesses and so the economy. Their stance to keep illegals out will also benefit the American workers to keep their jobs. The Republicans offer more to all Americans

GOP business owners want illegal cheap labor, period.

So do Dem business owners.
Never mind minorities.

Their real problem is they have no candidate. There's not one Repub who can win.

We're gonna see a replay of the last general election - one by one, the Clown Car will unload and one by one, they'll crash and burn.

And then Hilary will win.


Be careful when you say that. Voting in our two party system limits your choices to generally one in four

-I am for X so I will vote for her/him
-I am for Y so I will vote for her/him
-I don't care for X so I will vote for Y
-I don't care for Y so I will vote for X

The fifth choice is to not vote at all.
Given that in the above scenario, you end up getting a vote "for" you in 50% of the methods, things can change quickly. Mitt Romney had all the charisma of Plaster of Paris and got 47% of the vote. I would estimate that perhaps a third was a group that thought Romney was the best of the GOP bunch. A second one-third of the that was the fact that he was the nominee of their party. The final third was a vote against Obama. Famously here, he was called a "shitty choice". I saw this bumper sticker and it sums up the feelings, I think:


So it's hard for me to see where you're looking at it (on one hand) as an impossibility of the GOP winning.

On the other hand, electoral math comes into play. The GOP needs 64 votes to swing to their side in 2016. Mathematically that requires 4 states (minimum). I can see big states swinging in Florida and perhaps Ohio. The other states??? It's very hard to see the swing taking place in PA, WI, MI, or VA with their thousands of government workers who the GOP candidate will have to pledge to euthanize on day one. No way the blue-blood states of NY, NJ, CA or MA switch. So math becomes a problem...


The GOP gets behind the notion (far past time in my view) of expanding the House to more seats. One representative supposedly represents something like 700,000 people today. Are we kidding ourselves into thinking that Ms. Jane Doe lawmaker can really meet 1% of her constituents? Apparently so.

Anyway; you expand the House and then you expand the electoral college which is likely to dis-proportionately favor the South and the West which are red states. Then you have a new ballgame.
Republicans don't need to do anything to win. As children become adults they become more conservative. They also vote more regularly. After 8 years of Obama failure, the next generation of voters will all be conservatives.

This younger crop of voters has seen 8 years of failure under O and the dems. They'll vote against failure in the coming elections. Same happened in the late 60's and with carter.
Republicans don't need to do anything to win. As children become adults they become more conservative. They also vote more regularly. After 8 years of Obama failure, the next generation of voters will all be conservatives.

This younger crop of voters has seen 8 years of failure under O and the dems. They'll vote against failure in the coming elections. Same happened in the late 60's and with carter.

The millennials don't see Obama as either the savior or the cause.

They understand that it was the GOP Congress from 1994 to 2006 with complacent presidents. They think the Dems, although hobbled by the far left, do care about the citizenry whereas the GOP cares only about business.

They are isolationist in international affairs. They are terrified of the political power of Big Business. They don't give a fuck about social con worries on abortion, LGBT, etc. They generally think the over forty crowd is stupid, particularly the far right crowd. This not a paradigm for GOP success.

They don't want your world, guys.

You are very, very foolish if you think you have any idea about what is important to the 34 and younger voters.

Very, very foolish.
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Republicans don't need to do anything to win. As children become adults they become more conservative. They also vote more regularly. After 8 years of Obama failure, the next generation of voters will all be conservatives.

This younger crop of voters has seen 8 years of failure under O and the dems. They'll vote against failure in the coming elections. Same happened in the late 60's and with carter.

The millennials don't see Obama as either the savior or the cause.

They understand that it was the GOP Congress from 1994 to 2006 with complacent presidents. They think the Dems, although hobbled by the far left, do care about the citizenry whereas the GOP cares only about business.

They are isolationist in international affairs. They are terrified of the political power of Big Business. They don't give a fuck about social con worries on abortion, LGBT, etc. They generally think the over forty crowd is stupid, particularly the far right crowd. This not a paradigm for GOP success.

They don't want your world, guys.

You are very, very foolish if you think you have any idea about what is important to the 34 and younger voters.

Very, very foolish.

blah blah blah....shut the fuck up FakeJake. You're nothing but a dried out old fraud.....

The numbers no longer add up for Republicans

Ten years ago, they were barely able to reach 270 Electoral Votes. Now, their percentage in swing states has dropped and they are losing the black, hispanic and womens vote.

What have they done to win it back? How are they going to replace those voters?
The numbers no longer add up for Republicans

Ten years ago, they were barely able to reach 270 Electoral Votes. Now, their percentage in swing states has dropped and they are losing the black, hispanic and womens vote.

What have they done to win it back? How are they going to replace those voters?

We do not need to do anything. Obama's fecklessness has created a fresh new batch of young conservatives. The stench of Carter gave the GOP 12 years of uninterrupted Executive power. The fetid stink of Obama will do the same.
Gas ovens?

Cash incentives to move to Mexico/Africa?

Forced exodus?


Just some ideas I have heard batted around on Stormfront.
Stormfront? Seriously, you actually read that rag?

You would be amazed how much of the rhetoric you hear from faux right wingers today originates from the White Nationalist/Nazi community. Most of the parrots are probably not even aware of the role of useful idiots they are playing.

This is why as their rhetoric becomes more and more nazi-like, it becomes more important to them to believe Nazi are left wingers. "I can't be a Nazi because Nazis are left wing!"

Spend some time on Stormfront and see for yourself. And I don't mean for an hour. I mean weeks or months.

The Nazis would consider most of the faux right wingers here to be "cultural marxists", which is their way of telling conservatives they have not put it all the way in. ;)

Oh, please, g5000, I think you need to back off your visiting such sites, ss you are really reaching here. I guarantee you I could visit DSA's site and find much in align with the Dem's, as you put it, but I know that most are not socialists.. Lay off the wacko sites for awhile.
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November will tell us a lot about that I don't expect a major reversal for Republicans with the Hispanic vote but I do see the gap narrowing Obama and the Democrat promised them a lot delivered very little.

They delivered very little specifically because of Republicans. They know all too well who is against a path to citizenship.

Although honestly I don't see the growing hispanic population as the biggest threat to Republicans as much as it is the growing wealth inequality. The richer the rich get the less willing the people will be to support the party of the rich.

Probably the main reason Hispanics vote so heavily democrat is due to their low levels of wealth (they're poor). Absolutely nothing shows this changing anytime soon.

Very little on the way to immigration reform was delivered because Republicans wanted the border secured first and despite Obama and the Democrats telling the nation over and over the border was secure which we all know now and many us knew before was not the case. How does voting Democrat make one less poor? I have never really figured out how the rich making less makes the poor richer that's kind of like saying if a skinny person eats less a fat person will lose weight.

It's the dream that the government will take the money from the rich and give it to the poor. The reality is more like the government takes it from the rich and... it kinda evaporates.
The only people who should be voting Repub are the 1%. For the majority of us, its a self-inflicted shot in the foot.

Not true, lower taxes and less regulations benefit all businesses and so the economy. Their stance to keep illegals out will also benefit the American workers to keep their jobs. The Republicans offer more to all Americans

GOP business owners want illegal cheap labor, period.

So do Dem business owners.

Keep throwing out blankets. I'm sure you'll hit everyone soon enough. Do you honestly think most business owners want illegal labor? So that if they get caught paying illegals they can get fined and/or face jail time? That sounds like a good motivation to you?

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