Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

50 years from now, conservatives will be claiming that today's conservatives were the champions of gay rights at the beginning of the 21st century. :D

Harvey Milk and Sandra Fluke were Republicans just like MLK was.

They were not conservatives.

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The only people who should be voting Repub are the 1%. For the majority of us, its a self-inflicted shot in the foot.

Not true, lower taxes and less regulations benefit all businesses and so the economy. Their stance to keep illegals out will also benefit the American workers to keep their jobs. The Republicans offer more to all Americans

GOP business owners want illegal cheap labor, period.

So do Dem business owners.

They want it, but the GOP doesn't want to let them in, which is a good thing.
Not true, lower taxes and less regulations benefit all businesses and so the economy. Their stance to keep illegals out will also benefit the American workers to keep their jobs. The Republicans offer more to all Americans

GOP business owners want illegal cheap labor, period.

So do Dem business owners.

Keep throwing out blankets. I'm sure you'll hit everyone soon enough. Do you honestly think most business owners want illegal labor? So that if they get caught paying illegals they can get fined and/or face jail time? That sounds like a good motivation to you?

I tell the truth to the far delusional right of our GOP. Don't like it? :lol: Yes, business has knowingly hired millions of illegals as you will know. The fines are cheaper than paying fair wages. If you deny that business wants cheap labor, then you have nothing to offer this discussion.

The TPM allied with business screwed up the GOP. We lost the Senate in 2010 and 2012, when we should have easily captured it. The TPM was responsible for the President's second victory. But . . . as I said from the beginning here, the day would come when the GoP would break the TP's back politically.

And that has been fulfilled in trump.
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Republicans don't need to do anything to win. As children become adults they become more conservative. They also vote more regularly. After 8 years of Obama failure, the next generation of voters will all be conservatives.

This younger crop of voters has seen 8 years of failure under O and the dems. They'll vote against failure in the coming elections. Same happened in the late 60's and with carter.

The millennials don't see Obama as either the savior or the cause.

They understand that it was the GOP Congress from 1994 to 2006 with complacent presidents. They think the Dems, although hobbled by the far left, do care about the citizenry whereas the GOP cares only about business.

They are isolationist in international affairs. They are terrified of the political power of Big Business. They don't give a fuck about social con worries on abortion, LGBT, etc. They generally think the over forty crowd is stupid, particularly the far right crowd. This not a paradigm for GOP success.

They don't want your world, guys.

You are very, very foolish if you think you have any idea about what is important to the 34 and younger voters.

Very, very foolish.

Again, the voters coming of age see 8 years of failed O policies, no jobs, no hope and so on. They need jobs not condoms.
GOP business owners want illegal cheap labor, period.

So do Dem business owners.

Keep throwing out blankets. I'm sure you'll hit everyone soon enough. Do you honestly think most business owners want illegal labor? So that if they get caught paying illegals they can get fined and/or face jail time? That sounds like a good motivation to you?

I tell the truth to the far delusional right of our GOP. Don't like it? :lol: Yes, business has knowingly hired millions of illegals as you will know. The fines are cheaper than paying fair wages. If you deny that business wants cheap labor, then you have nothing to offer this discussion.

The TPM allied with business screwed up the GOP. We lost the Senate in 2010 and 2012, when we should have easily captured it. The TPM was responsible for the President's second victory. But . . . as I said from the beginning here, the day would come when the GoP would break the TP's back politically.

And that has been fulfilled in trump.

Back to "we" again I see. "They" earlier in the thread, but I guess that was a slip.:eusa_shhh:

I personally have yet to meet a hiring manager that would knowingly hire an illegal. The people pushing for higher profits are usually pretty far removed from the hiring process for positions that illegals would be getting. Why would a low-level manager stick his neck out there to hire illegals? So if the business gets called on it they can fire him and say, "We had no idea he was hiring illegals?"

I don't have any data, but I would be willing to bet more illegals are getting employment under false pretenses than are hired with the full knowledge of their employer.

Either way, I'm not going to make blanket statements without facts to back them up.
This younger crop of voters has seen 8 years of failure under O and the dems. They'll vote against failure in the coming elections. Same happened in the late 60's and with carter.

The millennials don't see Obama as either the savior or the cause.

They understand that it was the GOP Congress from 1994 to 2006 with complacent presidents. They think the Dems, although hobbled by the far left, do care about the citizenry whereas the GOP cares only about business.

They are isolationist in international affairs. They are terrified of the political power of Big Business. They don't give a fuck about social con worries on abortion, LGBT, etc. They generally think the over forty crowd is stupid, particularly the far right crowd. This not a paradigm for GOP success.

They don't want your world, guys.

You are very, very foolish if you think you have any idea about what is important to the 34 and younger voters.

Very, very foolish.

Again, the voters coming of age see 8 years of failed O policies, no jobs, no hope and so on. They need jobs not condoms.

The problem about yours and [MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION] posts are that this is pretty much what you said in 2012. In 2008, Obama got 353 electoral votes. In 2012, he received 332.

I know that every election cycle is different but can you at least show the math and demonstrate where the other 64 electoral votes come from--name the states. I mean do you really believe that Illinois will go red? Or Michigan? Or Pennsylvania which hasn't gone red since 1988 when I was in school?

I get that you really have to be optimistic but if you can't show at least some of the math, optimism looks an awfully lot like wishful thinking.
Keep throwing out blankets. I'm sure you'll hit everyone soon enough. Do you honestly think most business owners want illegal labor? So that if they get caught paying illegals they can get fined and/or face jail time? That sounds like a good motivation to you?

I tell the truth to the far delusional right of our GOP. Don't like it? :lol: Yes, business has knowingly hired millions of illegals as you will know. The fines are cheaper than paying fair wages. If you deny that business wants cheap labor, then you have nothing to offer this discussion.

The TPM allied with business screwed up the GOP. We lost the Senate in 2010 and 2012, when we should have easily captured it. The TPM was responsible for the President's second victory. But . . . as I said from the beginning here, the day would come when the GoP would break the TP's back politically.

And that has been fulfilled in trump.

Back to "we" again I see. "They" earlier in the thread, but I guess that was a slip.:eusa_shhh:

I personally have yet to meet a hiring manager that would knowingly hire an illegal. The people pushing for higher profits are usually pretty far removed from the hiring process for positions that illegals would be getting. Why would a low-level manager stick his neck out there to hire illegals? So if the business gets called on it they can fire him and say, "We had no idea he was hiring illegals?"

I don't have any data, but I would be willing to bet more illegals are getting employment under false pretenses than are hired with the full knowledge of their employer.

Either way, I'm not going to make blanket statements without facts to back them up.

You offered your personal anecdote. No one cares. I like this, "I don't have any data, but I would be willing to bet more illegals are getting employment under false pretenses than are hired with the full knowledge of their employer." But you did not finish it with "because it is cheaper to not know officially."

Both the Dems (for votes) and the Pubs (for cheap wages) want these immigrants, who eventually will become, or their children will become, citizens.
We have one year at the most to convince the women and minorities to give us those 64 votes, or we are going to end up with another Dem president.

The question is members of minority groups.
The question also smacks of extreme arrogance on your part.
How dare you assume that just because a person is a member of a minority group they will vote in lockstep for democrat candidates.
The politics of identity and the politics of groupism runs amok with liberals.

The question is members of minority groups.
The question also smacks of extreme arrogance on your part.
How dare you assume that just because a person is a member of a minority group they will vote in lockstep for democrat candidates.
The politics of identity and the politics of groupism runs amok with liberals.

As it does with social cons and neo-cons small cons.

Don't be sanctimonious. Doesn't help.
The GOP is toast after 2015. The only way they can even approach the party they once were is to change all blacks, Hispanics, and Women to Old White Men. Good Luck with That!:eusa_clap:

Better that than to change them into freeloading leeches like you.
Fucking racist prick
The only people who should be voting Repub are the 1%.

For the majority of us, its a self-inflicted shot in the foot.

Not true, lower taxes and less regulations benefit all businesses and so the economy. Their stance to keep illegals out will also benefit the American workers to keep their jobs. The Republicans offer more to all Americans

1. Lower taxes so we can allow our infrastructure to crash into the rivers and defund our science institutions. This isn't the path forward to sustain a super power. How low do you want the taxes to be on the super rich? Romney is already paying 13%! Most of our most productive period between 1940-1970 had 50-90% tax on these people.

2. Less regulations = lol. The recession was caused by bad loans and shit. What kind of less regulations are you talking about? I'll agree that are stupid and should be removed. Just that we do need regulations on wall street and our banking sector!

3. Not going to disagree with the illegals. Just that most of our business sector wants it. Maybe more legal ones???

High taxation is not the answer.
Reducing federal and state regulations to those necessary to insure consumers and businesses are protected from predatory and unscrupulous individuals and compaines, lowering business taxes stimulates the economy.
Business will view less intrusive government as an incentive to expand.
That creates jobs.
bh, ask your question more clearly, please

Why do liberals assume Hispanics will always vote Democrat clear enough?

I don't assume they will always vote democrat. I hope people from many different "racial" groups will join the Republican party as well as the Democratic Party and basically vote for the best person. Regarding "minorities", I want forward thinking, positive thinking, open minded, results oriented (willing to cross party lines for the good) , "minorities" to join the republican party en masse' and change their current "complexion" back to their original roots instead of today's perverted version of it.

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