Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

Obama, who as it stands now is the sole cause of the problems this country faces right now.

Really? These are the kind of statements that just show delusion. We've had many problems for a long time, a lot of them are global. Even domestically, in order for anything to happen Congress needs to agree on something, they don't agree on anything.
The situation on the Southern border suggest otherwise Republicans said many times the border needed to be secured first before there was immigration reform the President and Democrats told us just as many times it was secure we know that is not the case.Right now the Democrats will have a hard time selling we can do immigration reform because the border is secure to anyone no matter what their ethnic background is.

Securing the border was part of the Immigration Reform the Senate passed last year, it didn't have to be enacted until after Obama left office....the House Republicans still didn't pass it.
The situation on the Southern border suggest otherwise Republicans said many times the border needed to be secured first before there was immigration reform the President and Democrats told us just as many times it was secure we know that is not the case.Right now the Democrats will have a hard time selling we can do immigration reform because the border is secure to anyone no matter what their ethnic background is.

Securing the border was part of the Immigration Reform the Senate passed last year, it didn't have to be enacted until after Obama left office....the House Republicans still didn't pass it.

The problem is that no one trusts either the Democrats or the Republicans to live up to their promises to control the border in the future, so any legislation which promises to do so as part of a comprehensive bargain is DOA.

This means that border security must be done independently of any grand bargain. And for that matter conservatives are fools if they're bargaining border security for this is one of the PRINCIPAL rationales for government. The border can be secured and enforced today if Obama was willing to live up to the oath he took to enforce the laws.
Florida, Arizona, Texas......get ready to lose them forever

Quite likely but the countervailing trend will be to capture states which are not dominated by Hispanics.

These are dynamic issues, not static ones. When one factor changes all the other factors don't remain unchanged, they respond.

Look at Romney's performance in the last election - he handily won all key white demographics, men, women, youth.

The $1,000,000 question here is "What is the ceiling on proportion of white votes?" As Democrats increasingly award racial spoils in order to capture minority votes, how long can white Democrats stick with the party which is disadvantaging them and their children?

The white share of the vote going to Republicans has been increasing at the same time that the Hispanic share of the vote going to Democrats has been increasing. All the media focus is on the Hispanic vote but the white vote is more significant in that whites are a larger demographic group than Hispanics and whites are more actively engaged in politics than Hispanics, thus multiplying their influence.

My point is that there are two trends in play, not just one. The final tally will depend on the NET DIFFERENCE. Will Republicans capture more white votes than the Hispanic votes that the Democrats capture?

If Texas and Florida go blue, there are not enough electoral votes to make up for it.

The power of the Red States is declining. A key demographic for Republicans in 2016 will be the womens vote. Obama got 55%, what do you think Hillary will get?
Bush did a decent job getting the Hispanic vote which is why I feel it is always up for grabs in any election clearly that changed with McCain and Romney because they were simply weak candidates in my view. There is dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats from Hispanic voters which is why I feel the vote could swing back towards Republicans in November as with all things political it depends on how good the candidates are and how good their message is.

Bush supported immigration reform. His own party blocked it

Since then, Republicans have done everything possible to block every initiative regardless of how it is supported by the American public

Any possibility of getting the Hispanic vote in the foreseeable future is blown
The situation on the Southern border suggest otherwise Republicans said many times the border needed to be secured first before there was immigration reform the President and Democrats told us just as many times it was secure we know that is not the case.Right now the Democrats will have a hard time selling we can do immigration reform because the border is secure to anyone no matter what their ethnic background is.

It depends on what you mean by secured. If republicans claim that nothing will be done on immigration until every single illegal is blocked from entering, we will never see reform

We have 12 million illegals here right now. Continuing to ignore them is not an answer
it's very revealing that in America, a campaigns success depends on whether or not they have the minority vote, instead of on the quality of the candidate.

The minorities couldn't care less who the president is long as he isn't white.

There is no point reaching out to them because they don't care. They will vote for whatever furthers their own people's goals, ultimately working against the white race.
All that does is bring the USA closer to being a third world country.

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the next three phases this country will be going through.
Perhaps you have not noticed but the Hispanic community is not overly thrilled with the way Obama and the Democrats have responded to their needs. Its been my observation the Hispanic community does not always block vote for one party the way the black community does with the Democrats the Hispanic vote is always up for grabs. I do agree the Republicans will have to a better job of outreaching to Hispanics I would also caution Democrats not to just assume they own that vote.

So you think that over 70% of the vote is not "Bloc voting like the Blacks" do? :)

That's pretty much the same number for Asians and Jews. Why do some people seem to always focus their angst toward "the Blacks" and then wonder why not a few Blacks think they have have a racial chip on their shoulder?

I find it "funny" that the Black people many conservatives seem to highlight as the next "hope" , are the ones who make ignorant blanket generalizations about "the Blacks" in general. You know the fare; "The Blacks are on the Democrat Plantation", "The Blacks are brainwashed so they vote Democrat", "The blacks vote Democrat because they want handouts", as well as other "slavery" references. All courtesy of west, cain, and carson.

Tim Scott, gets a mention, but no "Presidential prospect" talk that cain, west, and carson get. J.C. watts, you hardly hear about him unless you are looking, Colin Powell, all you hear from most of these "conservative republicans" are insults, Michael Steele, not much traction.

Bush did a decent job getting the Hispanic vote which is why I feel it is always up for grabs in any election clearly that changed with McCain and Romney because they were simply weak candidates in my view. There is dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats from Hispanic voters which is why I feel the vote could swing back towards Republicans in November as with all things political it depends on how good the candidates are and how good their message is.

blackhawk's denial of reality that he fails to recognizes the massive wave of Hispanic voting has shifted to the Dems.

He has given us nothing except "I don't believe it" and "It can change over night."

Whether he believes it or not does not change the fact that it will not change over night.
So you think that over 70% of the vote is not "Bloc voting like the Blacks" do? :)

That's pretty much the same number for Asians and Jews. Why do some people seem to always focus their angst toward "the Blacks" and then wonder why not a few Blacks think they have have a racial chip on their shoulder?

I find it "funny" that the Black people many conservatives seem to highlight as the next "hope" , are the ones who make ignorant blanket generalizations about "the Blacks" in general. You know the fare; "The Blacks are on the Democrat Plantation", "The Blacks are brainwashed so they vote Democrat", "The blacks vote Democrat because they want handouts", as well as other "slavery" references. All courtesy of west, cain, and carson.

Tim Scott, gets a mention, but no "Presidential prospect" talk that cain, west, and carson get. J.C. watts, you hardly hear about him unless you are looking, Colin Powell, all you hear from most of these "conservative republicans" are insults, Michael Steele, not much traction.

Bush did a decent job getting the Hispanic vote which is why I feel it is always up for grabs in any election clearly that changed with McCain and Romney because they were simply weak candidates in my view. There is dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats from Hispanic voters which is why I feel the vote could swing back towards Republicans in November as with all things political it depends on how good the candidates are and how good their message is.

blackhawk's denial of reality that he fails to recognizes the massive wave of Hispanic voting has shifted to the Dems.

He has given us nothing except "I don't believe it" and "It can change over night."

Whether he believes it or not does not change the fact that it will not change over night.
What you continue to deny is Hispanics dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats you assume that despite that they will continue to vote Democrat. I have never said voting patterns will change over night but I do believe they can change for the reasons I have already stated I don't just assume things will always stay the same as some here do.
Bush did a decent job getting the Hispanic vote which is why I feel it is always up for grabs in any election clearly that changed with McCain and Romney because they were simply weak candidates in my view. There is dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats from Hispanic voters which is why I feel the vote could swing back towards Republicans in November as with all things political it depends on how good the candidates are and how good their message is.

blackhawk's denial of reality that he fails to recognizes the massive wave of Hispanic voting has shifted to the Dems.

He has given us nothing except "I don't believe it" and "It can change over night."

Whether he believes it or not does not change the fact that it will not change over night.
What you continue to deny is Hispanics dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats you assume that despite that they will continue to vote Democrat. I have never said voting patterns will change over night but I do believe they can change for the reasons I have already stated I don't just assume things will always stay the same as some here do.

Have you noticed the Hispanic dissatisfaction with Republicans?

Noted the fact that Republicans have only made it worse?
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blackhawk's denial of reality that he fails to recognizes the massive wave of Hispanic voting has shifted to the Dems.

He has given us nothing except "I don't believe it" and "It can change over night."

Whether he believes it or not does not change the fact that it will not change over night.
What you continue to deny is Hispanics dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats you assume that despite that they will continue to vote Democrat. I have never said voting patterns will change over night but I do believe they can change for the reasons I have already stated I don't just assume things will always stay the same as some here do.

Have you noticed the Hispanic disatisfaction with Republicans?

Noted the fact that Republicans have only made it worse?

Facts do not matter to the far right reactionary agenda.

They believe the Hispanics will shortly vote in sufficient numbers for them: therefore, . . .
Republicans might not win national elections with the nation tribalized into competing minority interests. But, then, neither will democrats.
Republicans might not win national elections with the nation tribalized into competing minority interests. But, then, neither will democrats.

It goes beyond "tribes"

It goes to major demographics like women and young people
Latino Voters Will Blame Republicans If Immigration Reform Fails, Poll Says

Latino voters will blame Republicans if immigration reform fails to pass, according to a poll released Tuesday.

A survey of 800 registered Hispanic voters by pollster Latino Decisions on behalf of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a progressive think tank, found that 49 percent of respondents would place the blame for failing to pass immigration reform on the GOP, while 16 percent would hold Democrats responsible. The Republican Party could boost its standing among Latino voters by getting behind reform efforts, the poll indicated.
The problem about yours and [MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION] posts are that this is pretty much what you said in 2012. In 2008, Obama got 353 electoral votes. In 2012, he received 332.

I know that every election cycle is different but can you at least show the math and demonstrate where the other 64 electoral votes come from--name the states. I mean do you really believe that Illinois will go red? Or Michigan? Or Pennsylvania which hasn't gone red since 1988 when I was in school?

I get that you really have to be optimistic but if you can't show at least some of the math, optimism looks an awfully lot like wishful thinking.

I don't have a crystal ball nor do I pretend to - but I can see Virginia (13) , Ohio (18), NM (5), Colo (9) and Florida (29) going GOP.

In my experience Partisan Politics is highly cyclical. What looks insurmountable one cycle, becomes easy the next. I believe the current electoral cycle strongly favors the GOP. We've all seen the data that indicates that younger voters that supported Obama in 08 and 12 are disengaged or disgusted with politics. The few that are still interested identify as Libertarian more than at any other time. That is good news for the Republicans. I expect the GOP to pick up 7-9 Senate Seats in 2014.

But again - it is WAY to early to seriously speculate....we don't even know who's running yet.


New Mexico isn't much of a swing state anymore, and Virginia isn't turning blue due to minorities, it's turning blue due to Urbanization.

Well, there are two things to remember about [MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION] and his analysis. He's anti-Obama or at least anti-Democrat so he's a bit more hopeful than the youth vote going republican than he would otherwise be. It doesn't make much sense from at least 3 standpoints.

First, there was Iraq and Afghanistan which are still seen as Bush's babies. A lot of the young lost classmates for no reason. And save the argument that there was ever anything to win there in was never going to the the 51st state and the oil would always stay in Iraqi control...Bush said as much.

Secondly, for the very young who are 18-21, when they go to get a job it's going to be minimum wage or only slightly better. For over a year now, the democrats have been championing raising that minimum wage. The GOP has flatly turned down even the whisper of it and many on their side of the aisle think it should be abolished all together.

Finally, as was famously said here...the "3 percent" (a reference to the amount of gay persons in the nation) are a group the GOP doesn't care about. While the youth may not be 100% gay, they are much more likely to know a homosexual, be sympathetic to the societal torment the GLBT community undergoes, and perhaps are even in a GLBT relationship themselves.

There is almost no fertile ground at to where one party or the other can legitimately talk about being hawkish when it comes to cutting spending or one party is better at "security" than the other...they all seem equally proficient at both spending money and protecting the nation. It's the issues that affect you 360 degrees that you look at or, in my opinion, should at least look at since there is no difference on fiscal or security matters.

I doubt the youth will give the GOP nominee much more than a glance. But Zander was is still way too early.
Latino Voters Will Blame Republicans If Immigration Reform Fails, Poll Says

Latino voters will blame Republicans if immigration reform fails to pass, according to a poll released Tuesday.

A survey of 800 registered Hispanic voters by pollster Latino Decisions on behalf of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a progressive think tank, found that 49 percent of respondents would place the blame for failing to pass immigration reform on the GOP, while 16 percent would hold Democrats responsible. The Republican Party could boost its standing among Latino voters by getting behind reform efforts, the poll indicated.

That is too bad, but the Republicans should never change their view on illegal immigration.
Latino Voters Will Blame Republicans If Immigration Reform Fails, Poll Says
Latino voters will blame Republicans if immigration reform fails to pass, according to a poll released Tuesday.
A survey of 800 registered Hispanic voters by pollster Latino Decisions on behalf of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a progressive think tank, found that 49 percent of respondents would place the blame for failing to pass immigration reform on the GOP, while 16 percent would hold Democrats responsible. The Republican Party could boost its standing among Latino voters by getting behind reform efforts, the poll indicated.
That is too bad, but the Republicans should never change their view on illegal immigration.
Then you agree that the GOP should be a minority party.
blackhawk's denial of reality that he fails to recognizes the massive wave of Hispanic voting has shifted to the Dems.

He has given us nothing except "I don't believe it" and "It can change over night."

Whether he believes it or not does not change the fact that it will not change over night.
What you continue to deny is Hispanics dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats you assume that despite that they will continue to vote Democrat. I have never said voting patterns will change over night but I do believe they can change for the reasons I have already stated I don't just assume things will always stay the same as some here do.

Have you noticed the Hispanic dissatisfaction with Republicans?

Noted the fact that Republicans have only made it worse?

Yes but currently Republicans are not the majority party and they are the one people tend to take their frustration out on.
We're gonna keep these blacks latinos and single women having recreational sex from voting.
What you continue to deny is Hispanics dissatisfaction with Obama and the Democrats you assume that despite that they will continue to vote Democrat. I have never said voting patterns will change over night but I do believe they can change for the reasons I have already stated I don't just assume things will always stay the same as some here do.

Have you noticed the Hispanic dissatisfaction with Republicans?

Noted the fact that Republicans have only made it worse?

Yes but currently Republicans are not the majority party and they are the one people tend to take their frustration out on.

Your thinking about Hispanics is delusional.

They will blame our GOP not the Dems.

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