Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

Rikurzhen is thinking like a child, seeing through a glass darkly, instead of truly examining the data.

The millennials don't care about color and race, bub, as you will see in the elections to come.
Rikurzhen is thinking like a child, seeing through a glass darkly, instead of truly examining the data.

The millennials don't care about color and race, bub, as you will see in the elections to come.

Educate me. Why did the majority of white youth voters vote for Romney instead of Obama? What happened there?
The far right here are dumb ass central, for sure.

If we don't change how we reach out to minority and women in the elections, the GOP will continue to lose nationally.

The far right here are dumb ass central, for sure.

If we don't change how we reach out to minority and women in the elections, the GOP will continue to lose nationally.


But Romney won the white women's vote and this happened in a toxic environment where the Democrats were hammering on how the Republicans were waging a "War on Women." How did Romney manage to capture the majority of white women's votes?
If we don't change how we reach out to minority and women in the elections, the GOP will continue to lose nationally.

How do Republicans reach out to minority voters without simply becoming junior Democrats? Republicans policies are ENTIRELY race neutral. Democrats have shown that the way to win minority votes it to favor race-based policies.

Republicans can never out-Democrat the Democrats when it comes to offering a racial spoils system and if they did they'd cast overboard their white support.

This outcome is inevitable and thanks to the liberal multicultural agenda over the last half-century what was entirely predictable is now coming to pass - our political system is slowly cleaving into racial blocs - Democrats as the party of color and Republicans as the party of whites.
The far right here are dumb ass central, for sure.

If we don't change how we reach out to minority and women in the elections, the GOP will continue to lose nationally.


But Romney won the white women's vote and this happened in a toxic environment where the Democrats were hammering on how the Republicans were waging a "War on Women." How did Romney manage to capture the majority of white women's votes?

The devil is in the details:

According to CNN:

Vote by Gender and Marital Status Close

Married men:29%
38% Obama
60% Romney
2% Other
Married women:31%
46% Obama
53% Romney
1% Other

Unmarried men:18%
56% Obama
40% Romney
4% Other
Unmarried women:23%
67% Obama
31% Romney
2% Other

Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from
If you give the standard 3% margin of error, Married women were basically a dead heat with a 7% swing.

Unmarried women were a whopping 36% in favor of Obama. These women tend to be young wage earners; not home-makers. You mentioned the sustained GOP war on women; usually the home-makers are somewhat insulated from the wage desparity, attack on healthcare decisions, attack on upward professional mobility,etc....
What the bozos on the far right are believing is that somehow the 66% of single women, the 55% of all women, the 95% of blacks, the 80% of Hispanics are going to change their votes when our GOP has not changed a damn thing to meet their needs.

And we have not even started on how millennials of all ages, races, sexes, etc., despise the far right from the get go.
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The devil is in the details:

According to CNN:

Vote by Gender and Marital Status Close

Married men:29%
38% Obama
60% Romney
2% Other
Married women:31%
46% Obama
53% Romney
1% Other

Unmarried men:18%
56% Obama
40% Romney
4% Other
Unmarried women:23%
67% Obama
31% Romney
2% Other

Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

Yes indeed, the Devil is in the Details. What you've offered us here isn't details but broad strokes. The Huffington Post charts I posted upthread delve into the details because they parse the data even finer by including race into the mix.

What was it that Romney did which so appealed to White women that they broke ranks with women of color? Same with white youth?

Unmarried women were a whopping 36% in favor of Obama.

Yeah, no kidding. Everyone who looks at these political factions understands that these "independent" women, who don't need a man have instead chosen to marry the government and rely on government to support them and so they vote overwhelmingly for Obama and the Democrats.

If Democratic propaganda is effective and their "War on Women" schtick is internalized by American women, then how come so many married women utterly reject the lie and see it as a lie and consequently vote for Republicans? You see, they're married to men instead of married to the government and realize that their own families are harmed by Democratic policies which aim to take resources from them and redistribute them to the women who choose to marry the government so that they could proclaim their independence.

You mentioned the sustained GOP war on women.

Sharpen up your reading comprehension skills. I didn't mention the GOP war on women, I mentioned the Democratic propaganda campaign which accuses the GOP of waging a war on women. There is a vast difference between these two descriptions. To clarify the issue, there is no Republican "War on Women" rather there is a Democratic propaganda operation which alleges there is a Republican "War on Women."

usually the home-makers are somewhat insulated from the wage desparity, attack on healthcare decisions, attack on upward professional mobility,etc....

There is no sex wage discrimination, there is no attack on healthcare decisions and there is no attack on upward professional mobility. These are all phantoms that you're battling and that's why normal people laugh at liberals.
What the bozos on the far right are believing is that somehow the 66% of women, the 55% of all women, the 95% of blacks, the 80% of Hispanics are going to change their votes when our GOP has not changed a damn thing to meet their needs.

Let's drop the code words, shall we? "Meet their needs" really means adopt redistribution. Give stuff to blacks and Hispanics and single women and send the bill to whites and to married couples.
the US is becoming too urbanized for the GOP's rural dominated agenda. It's quite clear that the more urbanized a state becomes the more democratic it becomes.

Why did Virginia shift toward the democrats? The DC suburbs which are heavily urban.

What made Colorado trend democratic? The Denver Metro.

What red states have the largest urban areas? Georgia, Arizona, and Texas. Guess which three are trending blue and are targeted by democrats? Yep.

Urban areas don't have the same policy needs as the more rural parts of the country. Urban areas are also where literally all the country's growth is. I don't think the GOP will have any answer for this problem since they need to hold onto their rural base which is so far detached from the urban vote.
Why did Virginia shift toward the democrats? The DC suburbs which are heavily urban.

The growth of government has attracted apparatchiks to the DC area and they know that Big Government pays for their livelihood and so they vote accordingly.

What made Colorado trend democratic? The Denver Metro.

The exodus of liberal Californians. Like birds fowling their own nests and then fleeing the mess they've created they find a new home and then proceed to vote for the same policies which fowled their previous nests.

Notice how liberals flock to Red States because of higher quality of life and then they work to implement the Blue State policies from which they're fleeing.

What you don't see is Red State folks fleeing Red States en masse and turning Blue States into Red States.

We know that liberals aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer but you'd think that they'd understand that it is unwise to arrive in a Red State, attracted by its high quality of life, and then continue to vote the same way you did in a Blue State which turned the Blue State so toxic that you had to flee. I mean, is it really so hard to realize that your politics were wrong and to start afresh in your new state by adopting the politics of the locals which resulted in creating the quality of life that attracted you to the state? Well, for liberals this is all rocket science.
the US is becoming too urbanized for the GOP's rural dominated agenda. It's quite clear that the more urbanized a state becomes the more democratic it becomes.

Why did Virginia shift toward the democrats? The DC suburbs which are heavily urban.

What made Colorado trend democratic? The Denver Metro.

What red states have the largest urban areas? Georgia, Arizona, and Texas. Guess which three are trending blue and are targeted by democrats? Yep.

Urban areas don't have the same policy needs as the more rural parts of the country. Urban areas are also where literally all the country's growth is. I don't think the GOP will have any answer for this problem since they need to hold onto their rural base which is so far detached from the urban vote.

Urban areas ---> economic area's. They are all about science, tech, infrastructure and education! The tea party is all about toughing it out in the countryside.
Urban areas ---> economic area's. They are all about science, tech, infrastructure and education! The tea party is all about toughing it out in the countryside.

Except for the inconvenient truth that TEA Party members are more scientifically literate than liberals and that they are wealthier and better educated than the general public.

IOW, they know more about modern society and are more heavily invested in it than liberals. They're not out in the countryside sloppin' the hogs and cookin' up a new batch of moonshine while liberals lead us towards a glorious future.
The devil is in the details:

According to CNN:

Vote by Gender and Marital Status Close

Married men:29%
38% Obama
60% Romney
2% Other
Married women:31%
46% Obama
53% Romney
1% Other

Unmarried men:18%
56% Obama
40% Romney
4% Other
Unmarried women:23%
67% Obama
31% Romney
2% Other

Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

Yes indeed, the Devil is in the Details. What you've offered us here isn't details but broad strokes. The Huffington Post charts I posted upthread delve into the details because they parse the data even finer by including race into the mix.

What was it that Romney did which so appealed to White women that they broke ranks with women of color? Same with white youth?
As long as all of the votes are counted the same; individual differences between races is not very important; is it?

It requires speculation on my part since all women are different.... I think married women pretty much acquiesce to their mate's ideology and since most marriages are homogeneous as to race and whites outnumber any other single race in the nation... I surmise that it was more of a republican thing than a Romney thing. All of that nonsense about socialism, Obama taking guns away, the hysteria over Obamacare, etc... There are times when the male acquiesces to the woman's wishes as well.

Romney was a very weak candidate and if the GOP had run almost anyone would have been the same story. Huntsman would have performed much better on the issues.

Unmarried women were a whopping 36% in favor of Obama.

Yeah, no kidding. Everyone who looks at these political factions understands that these "independent" women, who don't need a man have instead chosen to marry the government and rely on government to support them and so they vote overwhelmingly for Obama and the Democrats.
Thanks for the laugh.

And you wonder what the war on women is all about? You just said that if a woman doesn't "need" a man relies on government support.

I couldn't have made a better case for women to point at the GOP and giggle than what you just stated.

I used to call such moronic statements unbelievable but I have come to accept that there is a segment of the population that is simply brain damaged and you are part of it.

If Democratic propaganda is effective and their "War on Women" schtick is internalized by American women, then how come so many married women utterly reject the lie and see it as a lie and consequently vote for Republicans? You see, they're married to men instead of married to the government and realize that their own families are harmed by Democratic policies which aim to take resources from them and redistribute them to the women who choose to marry the government so that they could proclaim their independence.
That is an interesting theory. It becomes an accurate theory when you include a laugh track.

The GOP war on women doesn't extend to married women as much and, as the stats prove, it was a statistical dead heat between Romney and Obama in 2012.

If what you contested was true, you'd see the 36 point swing you see with single women.

Why is it you do not? Hmmm?


You mentioned the sustained GOP war on women.

Sharpen up your reading comprehension skills. I didn't mention the GOP war on women, I mentioned the Democratic propaganda campaign which accuses the GOP of waging a war on women. There is a vast difference between these two descriptions. To clarify the issue, there is no Republican "War on Women" rather there is a Democratic propaganda operation which alleges there is a Republican "War on Women."
And as you typed that there are likely more GOP restrictions being placed on women choosing their healthcare options at the State level and some yutz somewhere is celebrating that the USSC has allowed an employer to act as your doctor and strip from your insurance plan an item that was prescribed

usually the home-makers are somewhat insulated from the wage desparity, attack on healthcare decisions, attack on upward professional mobility,etc....

There is no sex wage discrimination, there is no attack on healthcare decisions and there is no attack on upward professional mobility. These are all phantoms that you're battling and that's why normal people laugh at liberals.

Laughing all the way to the Oval Office.
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the US is becoming too urbanized for the GOP's rural dominated agenda. It's quite clear that the more urbanized a state becomes the more democratic it becomes.

Why did Virginia shift toward the democrats? The DC suburbs which are heavily urban.

What made Colorado trend democratic? The Denver Metro.

What red states have the largest urban areas? Georgia, Arizona, and Texas. Guess which three are trending blue and are targeted by democrats? Yep.

Urban areas don't have the same policy needs as the more rural parts of the country. Urban areas are also where literally all the country's growth is. I don't think the GOP will have any answer for this problem since they need to hold onto their rural base which is so far detached from the urban vote.

Urban areas ---> economic area's. They are all about science, tech, infrastructure and education! The tea party is all about toughing it out in the countryside.

Urbanization is also about high crime, unemployment, and the failure of liberal policies. Detroit is a prime example.
As long as all of the votes are counted the same; individual differences between races is not very important; is it?

That's a very odd thing to write. You seem to privilege sex and age as being important defining characteristics in the political arena but when I show you that there isn't a unitary female vote nor a unitary youth vote because race upsets what is supposed to bind ALL women together or ALL youth together, you declare race to be unimportant.

Look, I get that you prefer that it remain unmentioned but data is data, reality is reality. Obama didn't win the women's vote nor did he win the youth vote, he won the women of color vote and the youth of color vote.

Race explains what is going on better than sex or age.

It requires speculation on my part since all women are different.

As are all men, as are all youth, as are all seniors, etc.

And you wonder what the war on women is all about? You just said that if a woman doesn't "need" a man relies on government support.

You can't hide from this reality. The great appeal of Democrats for single women is that Democrats are prepared to take resources away from other people in order to direct those resources to single women. That speaks to a dependence that these "independent" women have on their hubby, government. Married women have hitched their wagons to that of a man - they have a partner that they can rely on. Independent women don't have a man, so they've hitched their wagons to government. Their independence is dependent on government extorting resources from strangers and sending those resources to independent women.

The independence, especially the fierce independence, of these single women is a sham. Most of them are utterly dependent on government being part-time provider and defender.

I couldn't have made a better case for women to point at the GOP and giggle than what you just stated.

It's a common human reaction to laugh at harsh and uncomfortable truths. It's like a defense mechanism.

I think what you're hinting at is that "laughing at = refutation of" and that's just not so. If you want to show me wrong then you need to demonstrate that the demographic of "single woman" is actually a net tax provider, that is, she pays more in taxes to support society than she consumes in benefits provided by society. Good luck with that. Until you do demonstrate this the operating presumption of large swathes of society is that single women vote for Democrats because Democrats tailor programs which shower money and benefits onto single women, especially single mothers.

I used to call such moronic statements unbelievable but I have come to accept that there is a segment of the population that is simply brain damaged and you are part of it.

You know what is good medicine for me - refutation of my positions. Show me why I'm wrong and why you're right and that will cure me. Talking with bravado, as you attempt to do here is just cute but ineffective.
Rikurzhen is an idiot, period. Women go to college more than men, women graduate from college more than men, women are making incredible strides forward educationally and economically.

The smart women will stay away from anyone like Rikurzhen politically and socially. And they identify his loser type as one who lives off of women. If they identify him as a Republican, they will vote Democratic.

The far right here must realize that since they can't change, their options are finished politically.

All they are doing is yelling now. It's all they can do.
As long as all of the votes are counted the same; individual differences between races is not very important; is it?

That's a very odd thing to write. You seem to privilege sex and age as being important defining characteristics in the political arena but when I show you that there isn't a unitary female vote nor a unitary youth vote because race upsets what is supposed to bind ALL women together or ALL youth together, you declare race to be unimportant.

Look, I get that you prefer that it remain unmentioned but data is data, reality is reality. Obama didn't win the women's vote nor did he win the youth vote, he won the women of color vote and the youth of color vote.

Race explains what is going on better than sex or age.

Gee, if it's that important to you, why not waste time analyzing the women of Utah vote versus the women in Vermont? It would probably tell the same stories and be just as irrelevant. All votes are counted the same.

You can't hide from this reality. The great appeal of Democrats for single women is that Democrats are prepared to take resources away from other people in order to direct those resources to single women.

That speaks to a dependence that these "independent" women have on their hubby, government. Married women have hitched their wagons to that of a man - they have a partner that they can rely on. you have any idea what % of marriages end in divorce? Not that I blame men for all divorce...women are just as much to blame. But they hitch their wagons to one another.

Reliance is a nice figment of your imagination...but it is light years away from the truth.

Independent women don't have a man, so they've hitched their wagons to government. Their independence is dependent on government extorting resources from strangers and sending those resources to independent women.

The independence, especially the fierce independence, of these single women is a sham. Most of them are utterly dependent on government being part-time provider and defender.

Link to the "most of them are utterly dependent on government"....please.

I couldn't have made a better case for women to point at the GOP and giggle than what you just stated.

It's a common human reaction to laugh at harsh and uncomfortable truths. It's like a defense mechanism.
No, it's a reflex when you read something written by a retarded individual such as yourself.

No man=dependent on government in your mind; right?

Nothing need be said additionally to illustrate how retarded you are.

I think what you're hinting at is that "laughing at = refutation of" and that's just not so. If you want to show me wrong then you need to demonstrate that the demographic of "single woman" is actually a net tax provider, that is, she pays more in taxes to support society than she consumes in benefits provided by society. Good luck with that. Until you do demonstrate this the operating presumption of large swathes of society is that single women vote for Democrats because Democrats tailor programs which shower money and benefits onto single women, especially single mothers.

According to governor Romney; 47% of the population pays zilch in taxes. Are you saying they are all single women?


I used to call such moronic statements unbelievable but I have come to accept that there is a segment of the population that is simply brain damaged and you are part of it.

You know what is good medicine for me - refutation of my positions. Show me why I'm wrong and why you're right and that will cure me. Talking with bravado, as you attempt to do here is just cute but ineffective.

It's incredibly effective in illustrating the reason Obama dominated the women's vote...idiots like you are the opposition

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