Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

Hispanics and other minorities increase by 2% of their voting share with every election since 1980. Most of these people like science, infrastructure, education and a safety net. This is what makes America so great.

Bush convinced me to vote for him as he wasn't insane, but the tea party has done away with that.
What so many haven't grasped yet is that it isn't how many people's how many people pay income tax.
Income must exceed expenditure or you're bankrupt.
Hispanics and other minorities increase by 2% of their voting share with every election since 1980. Most of these people like science, infrastructure, education and a safety net. This is what makes America so great.

Bush convinced me to vote for him as he wasn't insane, but the tea party has done away with that.

Bush wasn't a teaper...he was a compassionate conservative. One of the greatest Presidents ever. Too bad teapers have perverted the GOP!
Mike HUckabee, he will bring in the minority vote!
What so many haven't grasped yet is that it isn't how many people's how many people pay income tax.
Income must exceed expenditure or you're bankrupt.

This is why it is so important to tax the super rich. These people are taking more and more of the pie every single year. Why should they be paying 10% taxes?
Why do you assume the minority and I'm guessing you mean Hispanic as blacks already vote majority Democrat will do the same.

I guess you assume they'll remain a permanent lower-class and never break out from under Democrat oppression, and vote Republican.
What so many haven't grasped yet is that it isn't how many people's how many people pay income tax.
Income must exceed expenditure or you're bankrupt.

This is why it is so important to tax the super rich. These people are taking more and more of the pie every single year. Why should they be paying 10% taxes?

Flat loopholes. That is the only answer.
Hispanics and other minorities increase by 2% of their voting share with every election since 1980. Most of these people like science, infrastructure, education and a safety net. This is what makes America so great.

Bush convinced me to vote for him as he wasn't insane, but the tea party has done away with that.

That's why Latin America has such stellar technological innovations. They all like science and education. All they really want is the American hammock.
What so many haven't grasped yet is that it isn't how many people's how many people pay income tax.
Income must exceed expenditure or you're bankrupt.

This is why it is so important to tax the super rich. These people are taking more and more of the pie every single year. Why should they be paying 10% taxes?

Flat loopholes. That is the only answer.

So you want the Russian system?
Republican have just started a campaign to keep people from voting. Some states have already joined the campaign and if worst comes to worst amend the Constitution.
What so many haven't grasped yet is that it isn't how many people's how many people pay income tax.
Income must exceed expenditure or you're bankrupt.

This is why it is so important to tax the super rich. These people are taking more and more of the pie every single year. Why should they be paying 10% taxes?

I'd ask you to support that allegation because I sense envy, but it doesn't matter...

You don't like the way the tax structure is set up?

The u.s. tax code is 20 volumes. It consists of appx 4 million words.

Nothing that large and complex can be good for citizens, can it?

You know who writes the u.s. tax code?
You know why the tax code is that way? Politicians want it that way.

You know why we have troops in afghan? Politicians want us to have troops in afghan.

You know why the southern border is in chaos? Politicians want it to be in chaos.

Complain to the guy you elected.
This is why it is so important to tax the super rich. These people are taking more and more of the pie every single year. Why should they be paying 10% taxes?

Flat loopholes. That is the only answer.

So you want the Russian system?

How is that a Russian system? Besides, aren't you one of those who have been praising Putin? What do you suggest, a 1,000 page tax system that benefits the rich with loopholes and rewards the poor with massive returns.

What do you object to, a flat tax for all...x% of your income or do you object to loopholes that allow some Americans to pay less in taxes?
Why do you assume the minority and I'm guessing you mean Hispanic as blacks already vote majority Democrat will do the same.

I guess you assume they'll remain a permanent lower-class and never break out from under Democrat oppression, and vote Republican.

Yes that does seem to be the plan.

The best hope for Nannystate propponents is that voters never fill out a Form 1040.
It goes beyond "tribes"

It goes to major demographics like women and young people

You've got that backwards buddy. Sex and age don't trump race.

Obama didn't win the women's vote nor the youth vote, he won the women of color vote and the youth of color vote. Romney won the white women's vote and the white youth vote.

See here from your Bible, the Huffington Post.


It goes beyond "tribes"

It goes to major demographics like women and young people

You've got that backwards buddy. Sex and age don't trump race.

Obama didn't win the women's vote nor the youth vote, he won the women of color vote and the youth of color vote. Romney won the white women's vote and the white youth vote.

See here from your Bible, the Huffington Post.



Just goes to show, just how important the minority vote is becoming. Romney would be president right now if the republicans didn't piss them off.

Going to get worse with each election for you.

Only 40% of the white vote avged between males and females voted democrat! Yet Obama won by 3%+.
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Just goes to show, just how important the minority vote is becoming. Romney would be president right now if the republicans didn't piss them off.

Going to get worse with each election for you.

Only 40% of the white vote avged between males and females voted democrat! Yet Obama won by 3%+.

Don't think like a simpleton and focus on only one trend line, increasing minority vote. We don't live in a static world where the white Democratic vote remains constant and onto that is added the minority vote. The Republicans have been increasing their share of the white vote.

So the question becomes what is the ceiling on the white vote that the Republicans can capture?

As the Democrats become the party of brown people and have to keep amping up the blatant racial spoils systems, what the hell will white people find attractive about Democratic policies which ACTIVELY harm them and their children? Every year from now on white Democrats on the margin will slowly peel away as they come to the realization that Democrats are actively working to harm them.

For God's sakes, look at the youth vote. Youth are "supposed" to be the most anti-racist demographic in society and Obama was supposed to have very high appeal to the youth demographic because of the slick propaganda he wrapped himself in and yet there was a major cleavage between white youth and youth of color. Why the hell was that? Why did white youth favor Romney? What were they reacting to?

These trend lines are only going to increase. Democrats have nothing substantive to offer the nation other than to continue their gambit on furthering a racial spoils system. Well, when minorities get freebies from government because of the color of their skin, even deluded white liberals eventually come to realize that someone has to fund that Democratic racial spoils system and, like in a game of musical chairs, it's whites who are left standing and so they silently leave the Democratic coalition. The majority of white youth have already figured this out. The die-hard deadender white youths who are still voting Democratic will leave eventually. That's what happens in these scenarios, the margins move ever inwards.
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