Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

I vote Repub local. Dude is a good guy. Senate/Congress/Pres. lets get it together guys. Come up with a good economic policy and alternative (not just ending) to Obamacare because those are both very important issues to me that need to be addressed regardless.
Stephanie does not care about Americans or America.

She believes only her narrow, restricted little bit of society should rule America.

Look who's talking, Jakey.

Yep, I am talking about your ilk with the radical anti-American agendas, RV.

I believe in elections, I believe in our leges and courts, I believe in the Rule of Law.

You won't get another chance because the great majority know your type oppose it all.
Continue to insult women voters and wonder why they reject you at the polls.

The old male "beating the chest 'I am male'" has no value in today's society.

So, following your "logic," older men in authority positions should continue to seduce female interns with cigars in order to not be rejected at the polls by women voters.

No, Samson, that is the silly logic of a silly person.

Hint: don't insult women voters if you want t hem to vote you.

This is not hard, buddy.

I see I went well over the point that rises from atop your head.
So, following your "logic," older men in authority positions should continue to seduce female interns with cigars in order to not be rejected at the polls by women voters.

No, Samson, that is the silly logic of a silly person.

Hint: don't insult women voters if you want t hem to vote you.

This is not hard, buddy.

I see I went well over the point that rises from atop your head.

:lol: posits the fool

insult women, buddy, they won't vote for you
sigh. bripat, put down the bottle.

keep insulting women, and they will vote against the insulter.

of course, you, as an anarcho-commie, do not believe in elections

oh brother and you are an internet bully, nothing more
Obviously you think all minorities will vote like blacks into perpetuity. Wrong, therein the countries hope for a decent future.

Republicans need to convince minorities why they should vote for them. Why have they been unsuccessful?

Blacks voted for Barrack twice and increased their unemployment. why do they vote Democratic?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
It isnt that complicated. Minorities will vote increasingly differently than black. A very significant proportion will have experienced success and will have left the parasitic minority.
Continue to insult women voters and wonder why they reject you at the polls.

The old male "beating the chest 'I am male'" has no value in today's society.

I'm not insulting women, I'm shaming them for voting Democratic. Voting for a party which promises to tax other people so that it can spend money on you is immoral and deserving of being shamed.

Liberals try to shame racists into reforming their behavior. This is the same thing.
More Minorities....Bigger Urban Areas...less old white people....

Where is the GOP going to go???

That question is focused on seeing the trees and not the forest. The big picture question is where is the US heading based on your scenario and the answer is that it continually declines and heads towards Third World status. The people make the nation.
Republicans need to convince minorities why they should vote for them. Why have they been unsuccessful?

They've been unsuccessful because they favor race-neutral policies and they can't compete in the "bribing minority voters" game against the Democratic tactic of offering up a racial spoils system of race-targeted policies.

Pretty simple really. White people are attracted to race-neutral policies and these policies hold little appeal to minorities who want special privileges based on race.
No, Samson, that is the silly logic of a silly person.

Hint: don't insult women voters if you want t hem to vote you.

This is not hard, buddy.

I see I went well over the point that rises from atop your head.

:lol: posits the fool

insult women, buddy, they won't vote for you

As usual, you require a picture to be drawn.

USMB won't allow the photo, so you'll need to use what little imagination you have.

If Bill Clinton could jizz all over an intern's dress and remain popular among women, niether I nor anyone else is going to lose women's votes over an "insult."
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There just may be two sects of women. Those independent women who are not looking for handouts and can think for themselves. and those women who are leaning on others whether the government or another for their thought process. Those who are following the current events and politics are generally conservatives while those who lean on others to think for them are liberals.
Needless to say, I am not a Republican, of course, but I think the fact of the matter is that Conservatives really don't want to help minorities at all. At least I have not seen any progress made whatsoever. I think Conservatives think that they are relatively safe with the old, white males voting for them and that's it. But they don't realize that many are growing much too old now and are passing away so they may not have that many to count on for support in subsequent elections. But again, when all we see is the continuation of keeping Hispanics and Latinos as second-class citizens and throwing them under the bus rather than Making Them As their EQUALS, in every respect, they are NEVER going to win them over. Besides now that Latinos and Hispanics have well caught on that they are disliked by Conservatives they know better than to ever vote for them again. And they aren't going to as they have absolutely nothing to offer Latinos whatsoever to make their lives better. So, Conservatives better just write off the Hispanic/Latino vote as well as that of Blacks and Asians. They are no more interested in Voting Republican than a fish would be interested in living outside of water. End of story.
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Obviously you think all minorities will vote like blacks into perpetuity. Wrong, therein the countries hope for a decent future.

Republicans need to convince minorities why they should vote for them. Why have they been unsuccessful?

Blacks voted for Barrack twice and increased their unemployment. why do they vote Democratic?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

:) Too funny!

Let's just do some math 100%-11.5%=88.5% Black EMPLOYMENT rate. I'm willing to bet that those employed people and retired (from working) people are the majority of "ones" who voted for President Obama.

Maybe I'm wrong, but your post seems to illustrate that you may think that the Black Employment rate is 11.5% and the unemployment rate is 88.5%.

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