Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

I see I went well over the point that rises from atop your head.

:lol: posits the fool

insult women, buddy, they won't vote for you

As usual, you require a picture to be drawn.

USMB won't allow the photo, so you'll need to use what little imagination you have.

If Bill Clinton could jizz all over an intern's dress and remain popular among women, niether I nor anyone else is going to lose women's votes over an "insult."

Babble on, with false equivalencies. This is not about a president's popularity, but a party's intransigence about women voters and their needs and interests. Insult them, continue to lose them.
Let's just do some math 100%-11.5%=88.5% Black EMPLOYMENT rate. I'm willing to bet that those employed people and retired (from working) people are the majority of "ones" who voted for President Obama.

Maybe I'm wrong, but your post seems to illustrate that you may think that the Black Employment rate is 11.5% and the unemployment rate is 88.5%.

You are wrong about how you analyzed the situation. The unemployment rate doesn't count all people, it just counts those who are actively looking for work.

The current labor force participation rate for black men is 67.5%

Here's a report from a decade ago and matters have gotten worse since then:

A new study of black male employment trends has come up with the following extremely depressing finding: ''By 2002, one of every four black men in the U.S. was idle all year long. This idleness rate was twice as high as that of white and Hispanic males.''

It's possible the rate of idleness is even higher, said the lead author of the study, Andrew Sum, who is director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston.

''That was a conservative count,'' he said. The study did not consider homeless men or those in jail or prison. It is believed that up to 10 percent of the black male population under age 40 is incarcerated.

While some of the men not working undoubtedly were ill or disabled, the 25 percent figure is still staggeringly high. And for some segments of the black male population, the situation is even worse.

Among black male dropouts, for example, 44 percent were idle year-round, as were nearly 42 of every 100 black men aged 55 to 64.
Yes, matters have gotten worse since 2004.

Women, Hispanics, and other minorities are voting against the GOP in far greater numbers.
Let's just do some math 100%-11.5%=88.5% Black EMPLOYMENT rate. I'm willing to bet that those employed people and retired (from working) people are the majority of "ones" who voted for President Obama.

Maybe I'm wrong, but your post seems to illustrate that you may think that the Black Employment rate is 11.5% and the unemployment rate is 88.5%.

You are wrong about how you analyzed the situation. The unemployment rate doesn't count all people, it just counts those who are actively looking for work.

The current labor force participation rate for black men is 67.5%

Here's a report from a decade ago and matters have gotten worse since then:

A new study of black male employment trends has come up with the following extremely depressing finding: ''By 2002, one of every four black men in the U.S. was idle all year long. This idleness rate was twice as high as that of white and Hispanic males.''

It's possible the rate of idleness is even higher, said the lead author of the study, Andrew Sum, who is director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston.

''That was a conservative count,'' he said. The study did not consider homeless men or those in jail or prison. It is believed that up to 10 percent of the black male population under age 40 is incarcerated.

While some of the men not working undoubtedly were ill or disabled, the 25 percent figure is still staggeringly high. And for some segments of the black male population, the situation is even worse.

Among black male dropouts, for example, 44 percent were idle year-round, as were nearly 42 of every 100 black men aged 55 to 64.

I'm not wrong, I was answering the post regarding the unemployment rate. Even your participation rate shows that the majority of Blacks are still working and participating in the labor force.
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Marginalized whites are pissed off they have no real power because of their skin color.

Tough to be them.

No, the marginalized whites are pissed off because blacks and Hispanics are getting advantages due to their skin color. Look at the issue at the heart of the most recent AA case, Fisher vs. University of Texas. Here's the NYT:

The University of Texas argued that diversity within racial groups was also important, citing “the African-American or Hispanic child of successful professionals in Dallas.” Skeptically, Justice Alito asked the university’s lawyer, “They deserve a leg up against, let’s say, an Asian or a white applicant whose parents are absolutely average?”​

So that marginalized white kid who earns terrific grades and terrific SAT scores and comes from a poor family is going to be passed over so that UT can admit the mediocre student of a successful Black professional family.
Marginalized whites are pissed off they have no real power because of their skin color.

Tough to be them.

No, the marginalized whites are pissed off because blacks and Hispanics are getting advantages due to their skin color. Look at the issue at the heart of the most recent AA case, Fisher vs. University of Texas. Here's the NYT:

The University of Texas argued that diversity within racial groups was also important, citing “the African-American or Hispanic child of successful professionals in Dallas.” Skeptically, Justice Alito asked the university’s lawyer, “They deserve a leg up against, let’s say, an Asian or a white applicant whose parents are absolutely average?”​

So that marginalized white kid who earns terrific grades and terrific SAT scores and comes from a poor family is going to be passed over so that UT can admit the mediocre student of a successful Black professional family.

Let's just say this...if the plan of Democrats is to remove all the advantages whites have in this country...they are failing miserably.
Yes, matters have gotten worse since 2004.

Women, Hispanics, and other minorities are voting against the GOP in far greater numbers.

But still winning elections funny how that works,2010 seems to be forgotten,the state legislatures that are run by Republicans,not to mention the ass kicking dems got on the Governorships.Failed recalls,your point seems well pointless.
:lol: posits the fool

insult women, buddy, they won't vote for you

As usual, you require a picture to be drawn.

USMB won't allow the photo, so you'll need to use what little imagination you have.

If Bill Clinton could jizz all over an intern's dress and remain popular among women, niether I nor anyone else is going to lose women's votes over an "insult."

Babble on, with false equivalencies. This is not about a president's popularity, but a party's intransigence about women voters and their needs and interests. Insult them, continue to lose them.

The truth hurts, so let's avoid it.

Perhaps among your blitherings you may offer some evidence that an entire party has insulted women?

No, I thought not.
Yes, matters have gotten worse since 2004.

Women, Hispanics, and other minorities are voting against the GOP in far greater numbers.

But still winning elections funny how that works,2010 seems to be forgotten,the state legislatures that are run by Republicans,not to mention the ass kicking dems got on the Governorships.Failed recalls,your point seems well pointless.

Don't bring up the Truth, or as Jakey likes to call them,

"False equivalencies."


They don't fit into his imaginary universe.
Obviously you think all minorities will vote like blacks into perpetuity. Wrong, therein the countries hope for a decent future.

Republicans need to convince minorities why they should vote for them. Why have they been unsuccessful?

Blacks voted for Barrack twice and increased their unemployment. why do they vote Democratic?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

During that time Barrack raised their unemployment, what did Teapublicans offer up? Seems like a prime time to steal the black vote

How did you guys do?
Republicans need to convince minorities why they should vote for them. Why have they been unsuccessful?

They've been unsuccessful because they favor race-neutral policies and they can't compete in the "bribing minority voters" game against the Democratic tactic of offering up a racial spoils system of race-targeted policies.

Pretty simple really. White people are attracted to race-neutral policies and these policies hold little appeal to minorities who want special privileges based on race.

What exactly are those race neutral policies?

Policies that benefit wealthy white men?
Yes, matters have gotten worse since 2004.

Women, Hispanics, and other minorities are voting against the GOP in far greater numbers.

But still winning elections funny how that works,2010 seems to be forgotten,the state legislatures that are run by Republicans,not to mention the ass kicking dems got on the Governorships.Failed recalls,your point seems well pointless.

Don't bring up the Truth, or as Jakey likes to call them, "False equivalencies." :eusa_hand: They don't fit into his imaginary universe.

In 2010, when the far right had the power to change matters, they failed. For starters they let the wacks like Christine and Sharron leave the Senate in Dem hands.

In 2012, the far right wackadoodles gave a smashing victory to BHO, once again left the Senate as a Democratic stronghold. 66% of single women, 55% of all women, more than 80% of millennial women, 95% of blacks, 80% of Hispanics, etc. voted for BHO.

Since then the wackadoodles were crushed by Boehner and the mainstream in the GOP debt and budget votes last year with the promise they wackadoodles would be crushed in the primaries in 2014.

The mainstream GOP has come to the bridge and have realized the reality: so they have pushed the wackadoodles over the bridge, punctured the life buoys, and cut all the ropes, and sunk all the boats. Samson, look up metaphor.

We still have just under two and a half years to see if we can get our GOP act together.

There is simply no need now to reply to wackadoodle far right whining.

They have no further relevance in national and many state politics.

Republicans need to convince minorities why they should vote for them. Why have they been unsuccessful?

They've been unsuccessful because they favor race-neutral policies and they can't compete in the "bribing minority voters" game against the Democratic tactic of offering up a racial spoils system of race-targeted policies.

Pretty simple really. White people are attracted to race-neutral policies and these policies hold little appeal to minorities who want special privileges based on race.

What exactly are those race neutral policies?

Policies that benefit wealthy white men?

You know what is pretty sweet? Showing people that they're wrong.

Go ahead, find a Republican party policy which specifically targets people who are white.

I claim that Republicans favor race-neutral policies. You don't believe me. Show me to be wrong then.
They've been unsuccessful because they favor race-neutral policies and they can't compete in the "bribing minority voters" game against the Democratic tactic of offering up a racial spoils system of race-targeted policies.

Pretty simple really. White people are attracted to race-neutral policies and these policies hold little appeal to minorities who want special privileges based on race.

What exactly are those race neutral policies?

Policies that benefit wealthy white men?

You know what is pretty sweet? Showing people that they're wrong.

Go ahead, find a Republican party policy which specifically targets people who are white.

I claim that Republicans favor race-neutral policies. You don't believe me. Show me to be wrong then.

Shall we start with protecting tax cuts for billionaires?

How about we discuss the number of black Republicans elected to higher office n the last hundred years? Six.
Republicans have only found six blacks worthy of their support in the last hundred years
Shall we start with protecting tax cuts for billionaires?

How about we discuss the number of black Republicans elected to higher office n the last hundred years? Six.
Republicans have only found six blacks worthy of their support in the last hundred years

In other words, you've got nothing. Point to a Republican policy which is solely directed to white people.
What exactly are those race neutral policies?

Policies that benefit wealthy white men?

You know what is pretty sweet? Showing people that they're wrong.

Go ahead, find a Republican party policy which specifically targets people who are white.

I claim that Republicans favor race-neutral policies. You don't believe me. Show me to be wrong then.

Shall we start with protecting tax cuts for billionaires?

Can you name the bill that cut only the taxes of billionaires?

How about we discuss the number of black Republicans elected to higher office n the last hundred years? Six.

Republicans have only found six blacks worthy of their support in the last hundred years

Even if that were true, is that a Republican policy?
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Shall we start with protecting tax cuts for billionaires?

How about we discuss the number of black Republicans elected to higher office n the last hundred years? Six.
Republicans have only found six blacks worthy of their support in the last hundred years

In other words, you've got nothing. Point to a Republican policy which is solely directed to white people.

Now you are just being obtuse

No, Republicans don't have policies that benefit whites exclusively. Just 90%.....kind of like the makeup of the Republican Party
Shall we start with protecting tax cuts for billionaires?

How about we discuss the number of black Republicans elected to higher office n the last hundred years? Six.
Republicans have only found six blacks worthy of their support in the last hundred years

In other words, you've got nothing. Point to a Republican policy which is solely directed to white people.

Do you really believe it's remotely "possible" for such a policy to exist?

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