Republicans, I have a feeling...

Fill in the blank, Libtards:

Voting in America should be the only privilege with minimum standards in our society which is excercisable without the modern standard of ID because ____________________________.

right, we do agree, its not a bad idea. However, for this election, why would you change the law right before the biggest election in years.

Are you suggesting you are fine with having American citizens not being able to vote because of a late law change, you really think that's a good idea? It seems a lot of people would be turned home and the next POTUS would not be elected by We the People.

What about the simple fact that a person should have enough of a civic responsibility to have proper identification in the first place? Do you know that in many, if not most states you can be arrested if you don't carry proper I.D.? This predates 9/11.

The only reason people are concerned is because the same frauds and dead people won't be able to vote for the Messiah. If it were Reagan or Bush running for reelection the Libs would be tripping over themselves in trying to prevent people from voting.

I recall being at a mall prior to Obama being elected. There were people going around signing up anyone and everybody who wanted to vote. How do we know their I.D. was valid? But I'm sure that you are less interested in the I.D. per se and more interested in doing anything to preserve the power of the regime...even if it's means letting ineligible people or animals vote.
I felt like firing a shot across the deck early on would one set people on the defensive. I wanted a good, rational discussion w/o name calling. I know that's asking a lot but worth a try.

I just hate to see any American turned away form the polls because of these new laws. All one should require is a voter card that we all have, thats it.

As I've repeatedly asked, and never gotten a satisfactory answer:

How do you know the person who registered is the person who's voting?

Because if the proper safeguards are put in place when issuing the I.D. then there is no problem. Motor Vehicle, at least in NJ has a point system that's difficult to beat. And if you don't 100% comply, you "ain't" getting your license and even if you have one, you won't get it renewed without meeting the criteria.

Now of course you will say what about forged liceneses to which I will say, show me the stats on how many sucessfully forged driver's licenses there are. Not enough, if any that will sway an election.

Most intelligent people would rather have the requiremnet than not.
States accept other forms of ID than drivers licences.
SO, who are the disenfranchised by requiring ID?

People who don't have ID's.

People who don't normally carry their ID's with them.

People who might have been in a hurry that morning and left their wallet at home.

Oh, Gaea's achin' pancreas. How about we set up a government bureau to call each citizen every morning to remind them to take their wallet?

You're just desperately grasping at straws.
As I've repeatedly asked, and never gotten a satisfactory answer:

How do you know the person who registered is the person who's voting?

Because if the proper safeguards are put in place when issuing the I.D. then there is no problem. Motor Vehicle, at least in NJ has a point system that's difficult to beat. And if you don't 100% comply, you "ain't" getting your license and even if you have one, you won't get it renewed without meeting the criteria.

Now of course you will say what about forged liceneses to which I will say, show me the stats on how many sucessfully forged driver's licenses there are. Not enough, if any that will sway an election.

Most intelligent people would rather have the requiremnet than not.
States accept other forms of ID than drivers licences.

BINGO! There is not one solid valid reason to be against Voter I.D. and there is MORE THAN ENOUGH time to get it before the election... more smoke and mirrors to protect corruption at the polls, however miniscule.
SO, who are the disenfranchised by requiring ID?

People who don't have ID's.

People who don't normally carry their ID's with them.

People who might have been in a hurry that morning and left their wallet at home.

Oh, Gaea's achin' pancreas. How about we set up a government bureau to call each citizen every morning to remind them to take their wallet?

You're just desperately grasping at straws.

The only desperate people I see are the ones trying to make it harder to vote because if everyone voted, their guy would lose.
most of you have good intentions when it comes to this voter fraud issue. I dont think many of you truly want to suppress any American voter.

However, In my eyes, I have to say this current push to require a voter ID is just silly.

First off, there are no massive accounts of voter fraud to speak of. In a system such as our, anomalies will occur from time to time. I just dont think this is the best way to deal with voter fraud. If voter fraud is even truly a issue hampering our elections.

I spend a lot of time over seas, mainly on Ascension Island, Antigua, Grand Bahama and many other islands. My time over seas is work related. My concern is for my friends who live at these USAF bases over seas and return home to vote. How can they have the time to get a ID say if there's is no longer valid. I just dont see how these laws help. god forbid if any of my friends return home and hove this issue. what a heart breaker.

Speaking from experience, a know about two dozen people who flew home just to vote in 2008, a day before the election and then flew back to work. Shame if any of these people get shafted by these new laws. I see that as extremely unAmerican.

None of you hyperemotional supporters of Democrat voter fraud have addressed this, choosing instead to bitterly cling to your lies.

Not at all surprising, really.
People who don't have ID's.

People who don't normally carry their ID's with them.

People who might have been in a hurry that morning and left their wallet at home.

Oh, Gaea's achin' pancreas. How about we set up a government bureau to call each citizen every morning to remind them to take their wallet?

You're just desperately grasping at straws.

The only desperate people I see are the ones trying to make it harder to vote because if everyone voted, their guy would lose.

Then why are you avoiding the link I just posted?
Because if the proper safeguards are put in place when issuing the I.D. then there is no problem. Motor Vehicle, at least in NJ has a point system that's difficult to beat. And if you don't 100% comply, you "ain't" getting your license and even if you have one, you won't get it renewed without meeting the criteria.

Now of course you will say what about forged liceneses to which I will say, show me the stats on how many sucessfully forged driver's licenses there are. Not enough, if any that will sway an election.

Most intelligent people would rather have the requiremnet than not.
States accept other forms of ID than drivers licences.

BINGO! There is not one solid valid reason to be against Voter I.D. and there is MORE THAN ENOUGH time to get it before the election... more smoke and mirrors to protect corruption at the polls, however miniscule.
They only care about voter fraud when it benefits non-Democrats.

Otherwise, they pretend it doesn't exist.
most of you have good intentions when it comes to this voter fraud issue. I dont think many of you truly want to suppress any American voter.

However, In my eyes, I have to say this current push to require a voter ID is just silly.

First off, there are no massive accounts of voter fraud to speak of. In a system such as our, anomalies will occur from time to time. I just dont think this is the best way to deal with voter fraud. If voter fraud is even truly a issue hampering our elections.

I spend a lot of time over seas, mainly on Ascension Island, Antigua, Grand Bahama and many other islands. My time over seas is work related. My concern is for my friends who live at these USAF bases over seas and return home to vote. How can they have the time to get a ID say if there's is no longer valid. I just dont see how these laws help. god forbid if any of my friends return home and hove this issue. what a heart breaker.

Speaking from experience, a know about two dozen people who flew home just to vote in 2008, a day before the election and then flew back to work. Shame if any of these people get shafted by these new laws. I see that as extremely unAmerican.

None of you hyperemotional supporters of Democrat voter fraud have addressed this, choosing instead to bitterly cling to your lies.

Not at all surprising, really.

Norm Coleman was a guy who got in dancing on coffin of Paul Wellstone... and the people of MN couldn't wait to get him out, even if it meant voting for a clown like Franken.

None of you hyperemotional supporters of Democrat voter fraud have addressed this, choosing instead to bitterly cling to your lies.

Not at all surprising, really.

Norm Coleman was a guy who got in dancing on coffin of Paul Wellstone... and the people of MN couldn't wait to get him out, even if it meant voting for a clown like Franken.

Bullshit. Voter fraud explains the clown's win. End of story.
most of you have good intentions when it comes to this voter fraud issue. I dont think many of you truly want to suppress any American voter.

I strongly disagree that "most" have good intentions! Some, maybe, but not "most"...

And "most" of them are too stupid to even know what they're talking about.

The OP is an idiot. The newGOPers know EXACTLY what they are doing.

True Story.

None of you hyperemotional supporters of Democrat voter fraud have addressed this, choosing instead to bitterly cling to your lies.

Not at all surprising, really.

Norm Coleman was a guy who got in dancing on coffin of Paul Wellstone... and the people of MN couldn't wait to get him out, even if it meant voting for a clown like Franken.
So that excuses all the people who voted illegally?

As long as the Democrat wins, that's all that matters.

Your contempt for democracy is noted.
None of you hyperemotional supporters of Democrat voter fraud have addressed this, choosing instead to bitterly cling to your lies.

Not at all surprising, really.

Norm Coleman was a guy who got in dancing on coffin of Paul Wellstone... and the people of MN couldn't wait to get him out, even if it meant voting for a clown like Franken.

Bullshit. Voter fraud explains the clown's win. End of story.

Not so fast shyster. That is a pretty serious claim. I would like to see your poof. I'm sure you would not come to the most rootin tootin MB on the internets and tell a fib...ssssssssssssssssooooooooooooo...... Share! or be L7.
most of you have good intentions when it comes to this voter fraud issue. I dont think many of you truly want to suppress any American voter.

However, In my eyes, I have to say this current push to require a voter ID is just silly.

First off, there are no massive accounts of voter fraud to speak of. In a system such as our, anomalies will occur from time to time. I just dont think this is the best way to deal with voter fraud. If voter fraud is even truly a issue hampering our elections.

I spend a lot of time over seas, mainly on Ascension Island, Antigua, Grand Bahama and many other islands. My time over seas is work related. My concern is for my friends who live at these USAF bases over seas and return home to vote. How can they have the time to get a ID say if there's is no longer valid. I just dont see how these laws help. god forbid if any of my friends return home and hove this issue. what a heart breaker.

Speaking from experience, a know about two dozen people who flew home just to vote in 2008, a day before the election and then flew back to work. Shame if any of these people get shafted by these new laws. I see that as extremely unAmerican.

How do they work on a USAF base without any id?
Norm Coleman was a guy who got in dancing on coffin of Paul Wellstone... and the people of MN couldn't wait to get him out, even if it meant voting for a clown like Franken.

Bullshit. Voter fraud explains the clown's win. End of story.

Not so fast shyster. That is a pretty serious claim. I would like to see your poof. I'm sure you would not come to the most rootin tootin MB on the internets and tell a fib...ssssssssssssssssooooooooooooo...... Share! or be L7.

Wait. Smugly, a felon, is suddenly worried about confirmation?

Smugz, you dip shit, go suck another bag of dicks.

There is no voter fraud, except when there is voter fraud | Questions and Observations

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